So Why Is Israel Allowed To Possess Chemical And Nuclear Weapons?...

Hogwash, Preemptive is the name of their game. If they do not have a reason to attack, they merely create one.

You're a terror cell leader's dream! After a couple hours of telling you the pali's plight and a cup of tea, you'd probably strap on a belt of C-4 and roofing nails and head into a Tel Aviv restaurant. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible and naive you lefties are. WAKEY WAKEY...Adolf murdered SIX MILLION of them...hello?
Heck, given some of your responses I bet some of you think Horton Hears a Who is a documentary...........
Well, some of the world anyway. Pretty convenient for them, no?

Seems to me, if we truy do want to prevent that mushroom cloud in the Middle East, we would monitor and restrict these weapons in all nations in the region, no?
So Why Is Israel Allowed To Possess Chemical And Nuclear Weapons?...

1. You / we don't really get to decide that.

2. They have been and are an ally.

3. They have never demonstrated or voiced any intent, desire, or goal to do this nation extreme harm.

There are quite a few answers, none of which will make some people happy and none of which everyone will agree on.
Why hasn't Israel signed and ratified weapons treaties like the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty? It's one of the very few nations on earth that hasn't signed on to some of these treaties.

Because Israel is only NINE miles wide at one point and surrounded by hostile neighbors who'd pounce in an instant if they thought they could win. A nuke strike in Tel Aviv would cripple them. It's simply a matter of mutually shared destruction....the one thing an arab understands is terror and they're terrified, and rightfully so, of the IDF's ability and inclination to retaliate ten-fold if need be.

Well, others in the Midle East would argue that if Israel has the right to posess Nuclear Weapons, why don't they have that same right?

If they signed the treaty-----then they may not have that right. Why do you support the muslim right to bomb the brains out of children in surprise attacks on playgrounds?

That would be Israel.

I am intrigued ----has one of your colleagues ALREADY claimed that the
attack on Christian children celebrating easter in Lahore, Pakistan was
****MOSSAD*****? I would not be surprised------Long long ago ---some
Pakistani politican----whose name I cannot recall -----went down in a plane
crash--------the WORD IN PAKISTAN and amongst USA Pakistanis I knew then WAS "MOSSAD DID IT" You have a link to that claim?
Seems to me, if we truy do want to prevent that mushroom cloud in the Middle East, we would monitor and restrict these weapons in all nations in the region, no?

you are very confused------the USA does not have the power to go around examining
in other countries -------who is "we"?
The anti-Semetics on the board might not be able to deal with it but Israel is a freaking ally of the United States. Pakistan has nuclear capability and Pakistan has shown to be a haven for terrorism but lefties seem to be concerned about Israel which is perhaps our only ally in the Mid-East. Does Cuba have secret nuclear weapons supplied by Russia? Who knows, but Obama, the tango king, seems to care more about kissing Raul Castro's ass than dealing with the corrupt socialist regime.
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East.

It's true, Muslims and nukes are a bad combination.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty.

Syria violated a treaty they signed. There is no proof that Israel violated a treaty they didn't sign.

So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel?

What double standard?
The anti-Semetics on the board might not be able to deal with it but Israel is a freaking ally of the United States. Pakistan has nuclear capability and Pakistan has shown to be a haven for terrorism but lefties seem to be concerned about Israel which is perhaps our only ally in the Mid-East. Does Cuba have secret nuclear weapons supplied by Russia? Who knows, but Obama, the tango king, seems to care more about kissing Raul Castro's ass than dealing with the corrupt socialist regime.

based on the ambitions of the Imperialist pig----PUTIN------I AM concerned about
Obana's love affair with Cuban officials------too friendly with Russia and too close
to the USA
Really, they almost hit the trigger on the Yom Kippur war. Then we have the Sampson Option, I do believe Israel is the most dangerous country on earth, why, they are above the laws of the globe. They truly do believe they are the chosen ones, even if secular, and they use it to the max.

In other words, they think they are God Almighty and the rest of us exist for their benefit.

Link? :eusa_whistle:

I'm sure she can find something on hamas' website
It's widely accepted Israel possesses both Chemical Weapons and Nukes.
Since when does "widely accepted" constitute proof? Kinda like it's "widely accepted" that aliens are preforming genetic experiments on us or that it's "widely accepted" that the government is beaming thoughts into our heads......... :lmao:

So you don't believe Israel possesses Chemical and Nuclear Weapons? Ok, cool.
I'm asking for proof, not personal conviction, try again.........
Paying a price for blowing the whistle on Israel’s nuclear weapons, 30 years on
Mordechai Vanunu is still prevented from leaving his country and subjected to extraordinary restrictions for blowing the whistle on Israel’s nuclear weapons in 1986.

Avraham Burg panned for breaking ‘nuclear ambiguity’
Right-wing group accuses former Knesset speaker of treason for admitting Israel possesses ‘nuclear and chemical weapons’

Arnon Milchan reveals past as Israeli spy
Arnon Milchan gave a lengthy interview to the Israeli documentary programme Uvda, broadcast on Monday on Channel 2, confirming claims made earlier in an unauthorised biography that he worked for an Israeli agency that negotiated arms deals and supported Israel's secret nuclear weapons project.

The truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal

Israel managed to assemble an entire underground nuclear arsenal – now estimated at 80 warheads, on a par with India and Pakistan – and even tested a bomb nearly half a century ago, with a minimum of international outcry or even much public awareness of what it was doing.

Book Details : Israel and the Bomb
Obviously you missed my two posts relating to 'proof' and what that word means..... *sigh*

Will Israel allow Nuclear/WMD Inspectors in?
Hogwash, Preemptive is the name of their game. If they do not have a reason to attack, they merely create one.

You're a terror cell leader's dream! After a couple hours of telling you the pali's plight and a cup of tea, you'd probably strap on a belt of C-4 and roofing nails and head into a Tel Aviv restaurant. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible and naive you lefties are. WAKEY WAKEY...Adolf murdered SIX MILLION of them...hello?

So don't hold them to the same international norm standards as the rest? Is anyone even asking Israel to allow Nuclear/WMD inspectors in?
Since when does "widely accepted" constitute proof? Kinda like it's "widely accepted" that aliens are preforming genetic experiments on us or that it's "widely accepted" that the government is beaming thoughts into our heads......... :lmao:

So you don't believe Israel possesses Chemical and Nuclear Weapons? Ok, cool.
I'm asking for proof, not personal conviction, try again.........
Paying a price for blowing the whistle on Israel’s nuclear weapons, 30 years on
Mordechai Vanunu is still prevented from leaving his country and subjected to extraordinary restrictions for blowing the whistle on Israel’s nuclear weapons in 1986.

Avraham Burg panned for breaking ‘nuclear ambiguity’
Right-wing group accuses former Knesset speaker of treason for admitting Israel possesses ‘nuclear and chemical weapons’

Arnon Milchan reveals past as Israeli spy
Arnon Milchan gave a lengthy interview to the Israeli documentary programme Uvda, broadcast on Monday on Channel 2, confirming claims made earlier in an unauthorised biography that he worked for an Israeli agency that negotiated arms deals and supported Israel's secret nuclear weapons project.

The truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal

Israel managed to assemble an entire underground nuclear arsenal – now estimated at 80 warheads, on a par with India and Pakistan – and even tested a bomb nearly half a century ago, with a minimum of international outcry or even much public awareness of what it was doing.

Book Details : Israel and the Bomb
Obviously you missed my two posts relating to 'proof' and what that word means..... *sigh*

Will Israel allow Nuclear/WMD Inspectors in?

I would predict that Israel will not allow inspectors because Israel has
no legal responsibility to do so. In the USA----a person who has security
clearance and has been signed up to confidentiality related to the workings
of a nuclear reactor-------would be jailed for life for what VANNUNU did----in
fact Vannunu's actions exceed those of Pollard in criminality
Hogwash, Preemptive is the name of their game. If they do not have a reason to attack, they merely create one.

You're a terror cell leader's dream! After a couple hours of telling you the pali's plight and a cup of tea, you'd probably strap on a belt of C-4 and roofing nails and head into a Tel Aviv restaurant. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible and naive you lefties are. WAKEY WAKEY...Adolf murdered SIX MILLION of them...hello?

So don't hold them to the same international norm standards as the rest? Is anyone even asking Israel to allow Nuclear/WMD inspectors in?

what "international norm standards" have you elaborated in your deluded mind?
Really, they almost hit the trigger on the Yom Kippur war. Then we have the Sampson Option, I do believe Israel is the most dangerous country on earth, why, they are above the laws of the globe. They truly do believe they are the chosen ones, even if secular, and they use it to the max.

In other words, they think they are God Almighty and the rest of us exist for their benefit.

Link? :eusa_whistle:

Read Kissinger. Then the US sent arms. Israel is full of unstable leaders, now and in the past.

Declassified: Israel nearly used nukes in Yom Kippur War

Thursday, October 03, 2013 | Israel Today Staff

On the second day of the war, as Syrian and Egyptian forces were overcoming the sparse and surprised Israeli defenders, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan suggested the use of nuclear weapons in a secretive meeting with Prime Minister Golda Meir.

Dayan did not necessarily intend to attack the Arabs with nuclear warheads, but rather wanted to put on a “display of power.” It is speculated that the intention was to influence either one or all of the following:

  • the Americans, who until that point had done nothing concrete to stop the Arab onslaught against Israel;

  • the Russians, who were backing the Arab offensive; or

  • the Arabs themselves, who believed they were about to finally fulfill the dream of “pushing the Jews into the sea.”

    After brief consideration, Meir rejected the proposal, and Israel went on the win the war by conventional means.
Seems to me, if we truy do want to prevent that mushroom cloud in the Middle East, we would monitor and restrict these weapons in all nations in the region, no?

you are very confused------the USA does not have the power to go around examining
in other countries -------who is "we"?

Well, international organizations like the UN do it all the time. Iran and others are subject to routine Nuclear/WMD inspections.
Prove they have chemical weapons and nukes. No one has proven it yet. :dunno:
(Oh just to make sure, unsubstantiated allegations and flights of fancy do not constitute proof).

It's widely accepted Israel possesses both Chemical Weapons and Nukes.
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

They should sign, just to show good faith..
Hogwash, Preemptive is the name of their game. If they do not have a reason to attack, they merely create one.

You're a terror cell leader's dream! After a couple hours of telling you the pali's plight and a cup of tea, you'd probably strap on a belt of C-4 and roofing nails and head into a Tel Aviv restaurant. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible and naive you lefties are. WAKEY WAKEY...Adolf murdered SIX MILLION of them...hello?

So don't hold them to the same international norm standards as the rest? Is anyone even asking Israel to allow Nuclear/WMD inspectors in?

what "international norm standards" have you elaborated in your deluded mind?

Israel seems to get a pass on all this stuff. My observation anyway.
Prove they have chemical weapons and nukes. No one has proven it yet. :dunno:
(Oh just to make sure, unsubstantiated allegations and flights of fancy do not constitute proof).

It's widely accepted Israel possesses both Chemical Weapons and Nukes.
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

They should sign, just to show good faith..

Yeah, it is pretty shocking they haven't ratified it. I mean, if it were almost any other nation, the U.S. would be seeking a confrontation over it.

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