So Why Is Israel Allowed To Possess Chemical And Nuclear Weapons?...

Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East.

It's true, Muslims and nukes are a bad combination.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty.

Syria violated a treaty they signed. There is no proof that Israel violated a treaty they didn't sign.

So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel?

What double standard?

There is no proof Syria violated anything. That was all Warmongering Bullshite. Some idiots in the U.S. just wanted another war. But regardless, why hasn't Israel ratified it?

There is no proof Syria violated anything.

Syria chemical attack: What we know - BBC News

Syria's chemical weapons destroyed, monitoring group says -

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?
The exotic tale of the bomb hidden in the desert is a true story, though. It's just one that applies to another country. In an extraordinary feat of subterfuge, Israel managed to assemble an entire underground nuclear arsenal – now estimated at 80 warheads, on a par with India and Pakistan – and even tested a bomb nearly half a century ago, with a minimum of international outcry or even much public awareness of what it was doing.

Despite the fact that the Israel's nuclear programme has been an open secret since a disgruntled technician, Mordechai Vanunu, blew the whistle on it in 1986, the official Israeli position is still never to confirm or deny its existence.

When the former speaker of the Knesset, Avraham Burg, broke the taboo [in 2014], declaring Israeli possession of both nuclear and chemical weapons and describing the official non-disclosure policy as "outdated and childish" a right wing group formally called for a police investigation for treason.
The truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal
It might have something to do with the fact that Israel is surrounded by 5 muslim terrorist states that want to wipe them off the globe.

Yes and the Zionist chose that location. Why ?? (SA and Israel are really buddy buddy)

Because it is ZION. Zion has existed as Zion for more than 3000 years. Its 'in the koran (written about 1200 years ago) -----but, the known history at that time.
If "ZIONISTS" had not referred to ZION-------they would have to be called something other than "ZIONISTS"
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East.

It's true, Muslims and nukes are a bad combination.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty.

Syria violated a treaty they signed. There is no proof that Israel violated a treaty they didn't sign.

So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel?

What double standard?

There is no proof Syria violated anything. That was all Warmongering Bullshite. Some idiots in the U.S. just wanted another war. But regardless, why hasn't Israel ratified it?

There is no proof Syria violated anything.

Syria chemical attack: What we know - BBC News

Syria's chemical weapons destroyed, monitoring group says -

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD
Will Israel allow Nuclear/WMD Inspectors in?

I would predict that Israel will not allow inspectors because Israel has
no legal responsibility to do so. In the USA----a person who has security
clearance and has been signed up to confidentiality related to the workings
of a nuclear reactor-------would be jailed for life for what VANNUNU did----in
fact Vannunu's actions exceed those of Pollard in criminality

I think if I were living in Israel I'd want to let the IAEA in , but no I guess only other countries need to do that. Israel needs a wake up call, Israel will nuke the US is a heartbeat. The have no allegiance except to themselves.

Name one thing Israel has done for the US, one for each billion we send. You can't. I guess we should be happy that they have not attacked us YET.

Israel will nuke the US is a heartbeat.

You're seeing an entire team of doctors, aren't you?

No I see an entire team of neurotics in Israel. Perhaps their nuke plant will self destruct.

You're in Israel?

God no. I can read and I can see the writing on the wall. We can also see what happened in Russia, Poland, Germany and now the US from infiltration of Zionists and Jews.
We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East.

It's true, Muslims and nukes are a bad combination.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty.

Syria violated a treaty they signed. There is no proof that Israel violated a treaty they didn't sign.

So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel?

What double standard?

There is no proof Syria violated anything. That was all Warmongering Bullshite. Some idiots in the U.S. just wanted another war. But regardless, why hasn't Israel ratified it?

There is no proof Syria violated anything.

Syria chemical attack: What we know - BBC News

Syria's chemical weapons destroyed, monitoring group says -

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Assad if better than your pig , Bibi. and your defense minister and your zealot jews.
Maybe the same reason the Europeans chose the US and took it from the Indians? Not sure.

nope-----the Europeans CHOSE----the Americas-------chocolate, coffee, tobacco,
vanilla, corn, beans and tomatoes and HOT PEPPERS
I would predict that Israel will not allow inspectors because Israel has
no legal responsibility to do so. In the USA----a person who has security
clearance and has been signed up to confidentiality related to the workings
of a nuclear reactor-------would be jailed for life for what VANNUNU did----in
fact Vannunu's actions exceed those of Pollard in criminality

I think if I were living in Israel I'd want to let the IAEA in , but no I guess only other countries need to do that. Israel needs a wake up call, Israel will nuke the US is a heartbeat. The have no allegiance except to themselves.

Name one thing Israel has done for the US, one for each billion we send. You can't. I guess we should be happy that they have not attacked us YET.

Israel will nuke the US is a heartbeat.

You're seeing an entire team of doctors, aren't you?

No I see an entire team of neurotics in Israel. Perhaps their nuke plant will self destruct.

You're in Israel?

God no. I can read and I can see the writing on the wall. We can also see what happened in Russia, Poland, Germany and now the US from infiltration of Zionists and Jews.

you see "writing on the wall"--------is that your cell wall?
"Zionists" infiltrated RUSSIA, POLAND, GERMANY and the US?
So you don't believe Israel possesses Chemical and Nuclear Weapons? Ok, cool.
I'm asking for proof, not personal conviction, try again.........
Paying a price for blowing the whistle on Israel’s nuclear weapons, 30 years on
Mordechai Vanunu is still prevented from leaving his country and subjected to extraordinary restrictions for blowing the whistle on Israel’s nuclear weapons in 1986.

Avraham Burg panned for breaking ‘nuclear ambiguity’
Right-wing group accuses former Knesset speaker of treason for admitting Israel possesses ‘nuclear and chemical weapons’

Arnon Milchan reveals past as Israeli spy
Arnon Milchan gave a lengthy interview to the Israeli documentary programme Uvda, broadcast on Monday on Channel 2, confirming claims made earlier in an unauthorised biography that he worked for an Israeli agency that negotiated arms deals and supported Israel's secret nuclear weapons project.

The truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal

Israel managed to assemble an entire underground nuclear arsenal – now estimated at 80 warheads, on a par with India and Pakistan – and even tested a bomb nearly half a century ago, with a minimum of international outcry or even much public awareness of what it was doing.

Book Details : Israel and the Bomb
Obviously you missed my two posts relating to 'proof' and what that word means..... *sigh*

Will Israel allow Nuclear/WMD Inspectors in?
Why should they, there has to be 'proof' first to allow someone to inspect one's arsenal. Have you considered using the rational approach to thinking? Try it sometime.

Maybe it'stime for Israel to be held to the same international norm standards. It may resolve some of the serious problems. The U.S. double standard approach, truly angers most in the region.
There is no proof Syria violated anything. That was all Warmongering Bullshite. Some idiots in the U.S. just wanted another war. But regardless, why hasn't Israel ratified it?

There is no proof Syria violated anything.

Syria chemical attack: What we know - BBC News

Syria's chemical weapons destroyed, monitoring group says -

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Assad if better than your pig , Bibi. and your defense minister and your zealot jews.[/QUOTE

Saddam decided that it was better to store his poison gasses with ASSAD than
with Netanyahu? oh------ok ------how do you know?
I would predict that Israel will not allow inspectors because Israel has
no legal responsibility to do so. In the USA----a person who has security
clearance and has been signed up to confidentiality related to the workings
of a nuclear reactor-------would be jailed for life for what VANNUNU did----in
fact Vannunu's actions exceed those of Pollard in criminality

I think if I were living in Israel I'd want to let the IAEA in , but no I guess only other countries need to do that. Israel needs a wake up call, Israel will nuke the US is a heartbeat. The have no allegiance except to themselves.

Name one thing Israel has done for the US, one for each billion we send. You can't. I guess we should be happy that they have not attacked us YET.

Israel will nuke the US is a heartbeat.

You're seeing an entire team of doctors, aren't you?

No I see an entire team of neurotics in Israel. Perhaps their nuke plant will self destruct.

You're in Israel?

God no. I can read and I can see the writing on the wall. We can also see what happened in Russia, Poland, Germany and now the US from infiltration of Zionists and Jews.

I'm sorry....sorry that your meds have stopped working.
Have they considered upping your dose?
I'm asking for proof, not personal conviction, try again.........
Paying a price for blowing the whistle on Israel’s nuclear weapons, 30 years on
Mordechai Vanunu is still prevented from leaving his country and subjected to extraordinary restrictions for blowing the whistle on Israel’s nuclear weapons in 1986.

Avraham Burg panned for breaking ‘nuclear ambiguity’
Right-wing group accuses former Knesset speaker of treason for admitting Israel possesses ‘nuclear and chemical weapons’

Arnon Milchan reveals past as Israeli spy
Arnon Milchan gave a lengthy interview to the Israeli documentary programme Uvda, broadcast on Monday on Channel 2, confirming claims made earlier in an unauthorised biography that he worked for an Israeli agency that negotiated arms deals and supported Israel's secret nuclear weapons project.

The truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal

Israel managed to assemble an entire underground nuclear arsenal – now estimated at 80 warheads, on a par with India and Pakistan – and even tested a bomb nearly half a century ago, with a minimum of international outcry or even much public awareness of what it was doing.

Book Details : Israel and the Bomb
Obviously you missed my two posts relating to 'proof' and what that word means..... *sigh*

Will Israel allow Nuclear/WMD Inspectors in?
Why should they, there has to be 'proof' first to allow someone to inspect one's arsenal. Have you considered using the rational approach to thinking? Try it sometime.

Maybe it'stime for Israel to be held to the same international norm standards. It may resolve some of the serious problems. The U.S. double standard approach, truly angers most in the region.

to what "international norm standards" do you refer?
We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East.

It's true, Muslims and nukes are a bad combination.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty.

Syria violated a treaty they signed. There is no proof that Israel violated a treaty they didn't sign.

So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel?

What double standard?

There is no proof Syria violated anything. That was all Warmongering Bullshite. Some idiots in the U.S. just wanted another war. But regardless, why hasn't Israel ratified it?

There is no proof Syria violated anything.

Syria chemical attack: What we know - BBC News

Syria's chemical weapons destroyed, monitoring group says -

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.
There is no proof Syria violated anything. That was all Warmongering Bullshite. Some idiots in the U.S. just wanted another war. But regardless, why hasn't Israel ratified it?

There is no proof Syria violated anything.

Syria chemical attack: What we know - BBC News

Syria's chemical weapons destroyed, monitoring group says -

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

right-----Syria is doing a great job of meeting YOUR STANDARDS
There is no proof Syria violated anything. That was all Warmongering Bullshite. Some idiots in the U.S. just wanted another war. But regardless, why hasn't Israel ratified it?

There is no proof Syria violated anything.

Syria chemical attack: What we know - BBC News

Syria's chemical weapons destroyed, monitoring group says -

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

They signed the treaty and they violated the treaty.
That is more than Israel has done.

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

right-----Syria is doing a great job of meeting YOUR STANDARDS

On this issue, better than Israel.

Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

They signed the treaty and they violated the treaty.
That is more than Israel has done.

Syria didn't violate anything. That's all just in your Warmongering head. So why hasn't Israel ratified it? I mean, most of the world has? What's going on?
Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

They signed the treaty and they violated the treaty.
That is more than Israel has done.

Syria didn't violate anything. That's all just in your Warmongering head. So why hasn't Israel ratified it? I mean, most of the world has? What's going on?

Israel does not want to ratify the treaty and is not obligated to do so. What makes you imagine that "something is going on"?
Bullshite. In fact, there's more proof showing US./Western-backed 'Rebels' may have used them. It was all just more war propaganda from the usual suspect U.S. Warmongers. Just like these absurd lies...

Syria destroyed chemical weapons they didn't have?

Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

They signed the treaty and they violated the treaty.
That is more than Israel has done.

Syria didn't violate anything. That's all just in your Warmongering head. So why hasn't Israel ratified it? I mean, most of the world has? What's going on?

Syria didn't violate anything.

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is an arms control treaty which outlaws the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and their precursors.


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