So Why Is Israel Allowed To Possess Chemical And Nuclear Weapons?...

no----to a large extent it has kept Israel from being JUDENFREI which is the agenda of your fellow islamo Nazi dogs

Charming.........Like those "Islamo-Nazi dogs" as you call them...are really afraid of dying, right moron?
regarding the nukes-----the FACT is that Israel had nukes long before
the TREATY WAS INVENTED---------their right to not sign the treaty ----is
simple----no nation has a legal obligation to sign a treaty. Their right
to have nukes is GRANDFATHERED into the system just as it is for the

Does your attitude hold for the rest of the ME...

of course------all nations that had nuclear weapons before the NPT was elaborated
are now "grandfathered" in and can continue to hold them. If there existed a
GAZEBO in your backyard since 1892-------you need not have a permit for building
it in order for it to be legal in my town
Evidence, verification, corroboration, authentication, confirmation, certification, documentation, validation, attestation, substantiation.

Obviously you have no idea what those words mean. Oh well....... :dunno:

Well, real "proof" of nuclear weapons' possession is its use....So far, only the US has used such a weapon.
Israel (admitted by the Pentagon) has nuclear weapons and tested them at least twice.....(See the Vela incident and tests conducted in the Negev Desert)
I know about those unsubstantiated allegations and no, use is not the only method for verification. I asked for proof, it's simple, either it exists or not, no pro or anti bias, just a technical exercise and you anti-Israel idiots went off the deep end....... Now that's funny!!!!! :lmao:
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons
"The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone (MENWFZ) is a proposed agreement similar to othernuclear-weapon-free zones in other regions. Steps towards the establishment of such a zone began in the 1960s led to a joint declaration by Egypt and Iran in 1974 which resulted in a General Assembly resolution (broadened in 1990 to cover weapons of mass destruction).[citation needed]

"Such a zone would strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), would help to promote global nuclear disarmament and would also help the Middle East peace process as substantial confidence-building measures.[1]

"Israel is the only Mideast country believed to have a nuclear arsenal..."
Obviously, there is more money in war than in peace across the Middle East, and that fact probably won't change based on whether you vote Republican OR Democrat next November.

In all likely hood, Israel was created as a Jewish state to enhance war and oil profits in that part of the world.

Middle East nuclear weapon free zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting. Israel hasn't ratified that Treaty either.

Israel cannot ratify that Treaty since it already had a nuclear facility and weapons
BEFORE the treaty was introduced. Interesting that you dance on the babies whose brains have been blown out of their heads fpr the glory of allah because allah hates EASTER------bunny and all
Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

They signed the treaty and they violated the treaty.
That is more than Israel has done.

Syria didn't violate anything. That's all just in your Warmongering head. So why hasn't Israel ratified it? I mean, most of the world has? What's going on?

Syria didn't violate anything.

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is an arms control treaty which outlaws the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and their precursors.


You have no proof. You're just spewing more B.S. Warmonger propaganda like this...

You have no proof. You're just spewing more B.S. Warmonger propaganda like this...

Syria said they destroyed their chemical weapons stockpiles. Did they lie?
no----to a large extent it has kept Israel from being JUDENFREI which is the agenda of your fellow islamo Nazi dogs

Charming.........Like those "Islamo-Nazi dogs" as you call them...are really afraid of dying, right moron?

I have never commented on the fears---present or not----of islamo Nazi dogs. Your
post, as usual, makes no sense
Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

They signed the treaty and they violated the treaty.
That is more than Israel has done.

Syria didn't violate anything. That's all just in your Warmongering head. So why hasn't Israel ratified it? I mean, most of the world has? What's going on?

Syria didn't violate anything.

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is an arms control treaty which outlaws the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and their precursors.


You have no proof. You're just spewing more B.S. Warmonger propaganda like this...

You have no proof. You're just spewing more B.S. Warmonger propaganda like this...

Syria said they destroyed their chemical weapons stockpiles. Did they lie?

they lied about that-------they claimed they had chemical stockpiles<<< that part was not the lie--------the "destroy" part was the lie
Syria has----and no doubt still has----chemical weapons-----Baathists SHARE their
chemical weapons-----Nasser (Baathist pig of Egypt) gave Saddam nitrogen
mustard gas and Saddam was an AVID fan and supporter and funder of chemical
weapon production use in Iraq-----he murdered 100s of thousands of kurds and Shiites with the stuff and------when push came to shove----transported lots to his
good Baathist brother in Syria-------- ASSAD

Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

They signed the treaty and they violated the treaty.
That is more than Israel has done.

Syria didn't violate anything. That's all just in your Warmongering head. So why hasn't Israel ratified it? I mean, most of the world has? What's going on?

Syria didn't violate anything.

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is an arms control treaty which outlaws the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and their precursors.


That is not proven that Assad was behind that and also he was fighting rebels. Now you want chemical weapons, white phosphorus bombs that Israel used against Egyptians tanks and their bombs in in Gaza.

That is not proven that Assad was behind that

Syria had a chemical weapons stockpile that Assad wasn't behind? That's funny.
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons
"The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone (MENWFZ) is a proposed agreement similar to othernuclear-weapon-free zones in other regions. Steps towards the establishment of such a zone began in the 1960s led to a joint declaration by Egypt and Iran in 1974 which resulted in a General Assembly resolution (broadened in 1990 to cover weapons of mass destruction).[citation needed]

"Such a zone would strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), would help to promote global nuclear disarmament and would also help the Middle East peace process as substantial confidence-building measures.[1]

"Israel is the only Mideast country believed to have a nuclear arsenal..."
Obviously, there is more money in war than in peace across the Middle East, and that fact probably won't change based on whether you vote Republican OR Democrat next November.

In all likely hood, Israel was created as a Jewish state to enhance war and oil profits in that part of the world.

Middle East nuclear weapon free zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting. Israel hasn't ratified that Treaty either.
Israel has a long-standing policy of "ambiguity" when dealing with its nuclear stockpile; I suppose plausible deniability factors in somewhere? I've read account of primitive Jewish nuclear weapons on flat bed trucks rushing towards the Egyptian front in '67.
Among right wing morons on this thread alone, there are TWO camps:

One bunch of imbeciles DENIES that Israel has nuclear weapons...and

Another that "defends" Israel's possession of such weapons....

Between these two half brains, there is a lot of empty space.
Well, Syria has signed and ratified the treaty. That's more than Israel has done.

They signed the treaty and they violated the treaty.
That is more than Israel has done.

Syria didn't violate anything. That's all just in your Warmongering head. So why hasn't Israel ratified it? I mean, most of the world has? What's going on?

Syria didn't violate anything.

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is an arms control treaty which outlaws the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and their precursors.


That is not proven that Assad was behind that and also he was fighting rebels. Now you want chemical weapons, white phosphorus bombs that Israel used against Egyptians tanks and their bombs in in Gaza.

That is not proven that Assad was behind that

Syria had a chemical weapons stockpile that Assad wasn't behind? That's funny.

circumstantial evidence-------NATIONAL SOCIALIST FASCIST NAZIS------Adolf----Gave nitrogern mustard gas to NATIONAL SOCIALIST FASCIAT BAATHIST----
Gamel abdel Nasser. Gamel ABDEL NASSER gave nitrogen mustard gas to
NATIONAL SOCIALIST FASCIST Saddam Hussein and------saddam Hussein
dumped his stash with his fellow national socialist fascist pig-----ASSAD
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons
"The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone (MENWFZ) is a proposed agreement similar to othernuclear-weapon-free zones in other regions. Steps towards the establishment of such a zone began in the 1960s led to a joint declaration by Egypt and Iran in 1974 which resulted in a General Assembly resolution (broadened in 1990 to cover weapons of mass destruction).[citation needed]

"Such a zone would strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), would help to promote global nuclear disarmament and would also help the Middle East peace process as substantial confidence-building measures.[1]

"Israel is the only Mideast country believed to have a nuclear arsenal..."
Obviously, there is more money in war than in peace across the Middle East, and that fact probably won't change based on whether you vote Republican OR Democrat next November.

In all likely hood, Israel was created as a Jewish state to enhance war and oil profits in that part of the world.

Middle East nuclear weapon free zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting. Israel hasn't ratified that Treaty either.
Israel has a long-standing policy of "ambiguity" when dealing with its nuclear stockpile; I suppose plausible deniability factors in somewhere? I've read account of primitive Jewish nuclear weapons on flat bed trucks rushing towards the Egyptian front in '67.

I am intrigued-----tell me more about these "PRIMITIVE JEWISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON FLAT BED TRUCKS" ---------what happened? how did they work out?
Among right wing morons on this thread alone, there are TWO camps:

One bunch of imbeciles DENIES that Israel has nuclear weapons...and

Another that "defends" Israel's possession of such weapons....

Between these two half brains, there is a lot of empty space.

who denied? non admission is not DENIAL
Perhaps because they are the only sane country in the Middle East.

Paulitician, you may not think you are an anti-Semite for your anti-Semitic rhetorical questions, but the board anti-Semites are the ones liking your original post and calling you a winner for your original post. They are the ones that promote and believe in the mythical Palestinian people. A group mind you that did not receive anything from Egypt when they held the land and they certainly did not receive any sort of sympathy when Jordan killed 10s of thousands of them on EAST bank.

Not is neither here nor there and this is not about that. What it is about is a deterrent from annihilation from the surrounding throwbacks to the 7th century barbarians.

They all ought to thank the God of Israel for them not using them on those countries.

Meanwhile I will sit here shaking my head at your attempt at accusing Israel in another little poignant manner. As they are the only country in the region who allows everyone to worship freely, does not execute gays for being gay by throwing them off of rooftops, do not stone or whip their women for being raped and is the only true republic in the region.

I still refrain from cursing, but these lame anti-Semite posts make it really hard for me.

Get a clue paulitician. The people on your side are the losers. Think about it.

So anyone who questions Israel's behavior, is an 'Evil Antisemite?' Since when do American Citizens have to defend and approve of everything Israel does?

did someone say you should not "question" Israel's behavior? Is there a law
against MY opinion that you are an islamo Nazi dog?

Yes, some feel American Citizens should always be subserviant to Israel and never question its behavior. But sorry, i'm gonna call Israel out whenever i deem necessary. I'm an American Citizen, not an Israeli Citizen...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations - Entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson

I do not know what OTHER PEOPLE FEEL-------I am an American citizen and I will
refer to ISLAMO NAZI DOGS are that which they are--------as they dance on the dead bodies of women and children becaue their ALLAH does not like
easter-----including the easter bunny and jelly beans.
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons
"The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone (MENWFZ) is a proposed agreement similar to othernuclear-weapon-free zones in other regions. Steps towards the establishment of such a zone began in the 1960s led to a joint declaration by Egypt and Iran in 1974 which resulted in a General Assembly resolution (broadened in 1990 to cover weapons of mass destruction).[citation needed]

"Such a zone would strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), would help to promote global nuclear disarmament and would also help the Middle East peace process as substantial confidence-building measures.[1]

"Israel is the only Mideast country believed to have a nuclear arsenal..."
Obviously, there is more money in war than in peace across the Middle East, and that fact probably won't change based on whether you vote Republican OR Democrat next November.

In all likely hood, Israel was created as a Jewish state to enhance war and oil profits in that part of the world.

Middle East nuclear weapon free zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting. Israel hasn't ratified that Treaty either.
Israel has a long-standing policy of "ambiguity" when dealing with its nuclear stockpile; I suppose plausible deniability factors in somewhere? I've read account of primitive Jewish nuclear weapons on flat bed trucks rushing towards the Egyptian front in '67.

I am intrigued-----tell me more about these "PRIMITIVE JEWISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON FLAT BED TRUCKS" ---------what happened? how did they work out?
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons
"The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone (MENWFZ) is a proposed agreement similar to othernuclear-weapon-free zones in other regions. Steps towards the establishment of such a zone began in the 1960s led to a joint declaration by Egypt and Iran in 1974 which resulted in a General Assembly resolution (broadened in 1990 to cover weapons of mass destruction).[citation needed]

"Such a zone would strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), would help to promote global nuclear disarmament and would also help the Middle East peace process as substantial confidence-building measures.[1]

"Israel is the only Mideast country believed to have a nuclear arsenal..."
Obviously, there is more money in war than in peace across the Middle East, and that fact probably won't change based on whether you vote Republican OR Democrat next November.

In all likely hood, Israel was created as a Jewish state to enhance war and oil profits in that part of the world.

Middle East nuclear weapon free zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting. Israel hasn't ratified that Treaty either.
Israel has a long-standing policy of "ambiguity" when dealing with its nuclear stockpile; I suppose plausible deniability factors in somewhere? I've read account of primitive Jewish nuclear weapons on flat bed trucks rushing towards the Egyptian front in '67.

I am intrigued-----tell me more about these "PRIMITIVE JEWISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON FLAT BED TRUCKS" ---------what happened? how did they work out?

you are losing it again, georgie
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

In 1937 FDR REFUSED to recognize the Jewish State because to do so would force the US to PERMANENTLY defend and support the Jewish State.

But in 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey ; he needed all the support he could get . David Ben Gurion gave him 2M $ and a promise that American Likudnicks would vote for him.

Presto, 1.5 Million Palestinian were declared foreigners in their own land.

And now the zionuts control our domestic politics and foreign policy.

Self-defense. Israel consists of around 10 mil. People. They are surrounded by 100 mil. dirty Muslim bastards, many of whom feel it is their duty to murder Jews and encroach upon Israel.

It's really pretty clear.
So Why Is Israel Allowed To Possess Chemical And Nuclear Weapons?...

Because Israel, as everyone knows, is the 51st State and America gets to possess the world's largest nuclear arsenal while its social fabric and remaining morality unravels with alarming, unbridled escalation...and everyone is supposed to just sit tight and be chill with that and not arm themselves in defense..

Among right wing morons on this thread alone, there are TWO camps:

One bunch of imbeciles DENIES that Israel has nuclear weapons...and

Another that "defends" Israel's possession of such weapons....

Between these two half brains, there is a lot of empty space.

who denied? non admission is not DENIAL

nat is stumped so he decided my post is "FUNNY"

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