So Why Is Israel Allowed To Possess Chemical And Nuclear Weapons?...

Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

In 1937 FDR REFUSED to recognize the Jewish State because to do so would force the US to PERMANENTLY defend and support the Jewish State.

But in 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey ; he needed all the support he could get . David Ben Gurion gave him 2M $ and a promise that American Likudnicks would vote for him.

Presto, 1.5 Million Palestinian were declared foreigners in their own land.

And now the zionuts control our domestic politics and foreign policy.


I am intrigued-----someone asked FDR to recognize Israel in 1937 ? and FDR refused on the grounds that recognition would obligate the US to "DEFEND"?
gotta link?

Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 Million? and mentioned AMERICAN LIKUDNIKS?
Ben Gurion, himself was not LIKUD-----in fact there was no "LIKUD" back then---
Ben Gurion was head of the Israeli LABOR PARTY--------kinda a socialist thing
gotta link?

1.5 million Palestinians were declared "foreigners" in Israel--------there were not
1.5 million Palestinians in all of Israel in 1948. In fact ---in 1948 arabs living in any
part of Palestine were not called "Palestinians" In 1948 the ONLY people called
PALESTINIANS-----were jews
Prove they have chemical weapons and nukes. No one has proven it yet. :dunno:
(Oh just to make sure, unsubstantiated allegations and flights of fancy do not constitute proof).

It's widely accepted Israel possesses both Chemical Weapons and Nukes.
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

They should sign, just to show good faith..

Yeah, it is pretty shocking they haven't ratified it. I mean, if it were almost any other nation, the U.S. would be seeking a confrontation over it.

pretty much.
Just a bit of history......

Since some Jewish leaders during WWI sided with the Brits to fight against the Turks, A request was made and granted to establish a Jewish homeland (the Balfour Declaration) in Palestine, right among the Palestinian Arabs' land holdings.

What is rather ironic, is that a Jewish population....based strictly on religious beliefs, requested and was granted a homeland, taking away lands from others........The sick bastards within ISIS, are basically requesting their own "homeland" called a Caliphate.
As most of our modern wars have been initiated by the need for OIL, the U.S. and Britain, fearing that a union between the Soviets and Arab states would deny the west of a key energy resource, the state of Israel was established to divert Arab unity in the region.
Just a bit of history......

Since some Jewish leaders during WWI sided with the Brits to fight against the Turks, A request was made and granted to establish a Jewish homeland (the Balfour Declaration) in Palestine, right among the Palestinian Arabs' land holdings.

What is rather ironic, is that a Jewish population....based strictly on religious beliefs, requested and was granted a homeland, taking away lands from others........The sick bastards within ISIS, are basically requesting their own "homeland" called a Caliphate.
Nice spin. I bet you stay perpetually dizzy....... Or have you gotten used to it by now?
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons
"The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone (MENWFZ) is a proposed agreement similar to othernuclear-weapon-free zones in other regions. Steps towards the establishment of such a zone began in the 1960s led to a joint declaration by Egypt and Iran in 1974 which resulted in a General Assembly resolution (broadened in 1990 to cover weapons of mass destruction).[citation needed]

"Such a zone would strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), would help to promote global nuclear disarmament and would also help the Middle East peace process as substantial confidence-building measures.[1]

"Israel is the only Mideast country believed to have a nuclear arsenal..."
Obviously, there is more money in war than in peace across the Middle East, and that fact probably won't change based on whether you vote Republican OR Democrat next November.

In all likely hood, Israel was created as a Jewish state to enhance war and oil profits in that part of the world.

Middle East nuclear weapon free zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting. Israel hasn't ratified that Treaty either.
Israel has a long-standing policy of "ambiguity" when dealing with its nuclear stockpile; I suppose plausible deniability factors in somewhere? I've read account of primitive Jewish nuclear weapons on flat bed trucks rushing towards the Egyptian front in '67.
I've read accounts of a certain Spanish gentleman tilting at windmills, hobbits running rampant with a ring of power and little ladies falling down rabbit holes also.........
Among right wing morons on this thread alone, there are TWO camps:

One bunch of imbeciles DENIES that Israel has nuclear weapons...and

Another that "defends" Israel's possession of such weapons....

Between these two half brains, there is a lot of empty space.
Funny how that works with left wing morons also....... :thup:
Prove they have chemical weapons and nukes. No one has proven it yet. :dunno:
(Oh just to make sure, unsubstantiated allegations and flights of fancy do not constitute proof).

It's widely accepted Israel possesses both Chemical Weapons and Nukes.
Since when does "widely accepted" constitute proof? Kinda like it's "widely accepted" that aliens are preforming genetic experiments on us or that it's "widely accepted" that the government is beaming thoughts into our heads......... :lmao:

Wait, they're not?
Just a bit of history......

Since some Jewish leaders during WWI sided with the Brits to fight against the Turks, A request was made and granted to establish a Jewish homeland (the Balfour Declaration) in Palestine, right among the Palestinian Arabs' land holdings.

What is rather ironic, is that a Jewish population....based strictly on religious beliefs, requested and was granted a homeland, taking away lands from others........The sick bastards within ISIS, are basically requesting their own "homeland" called a Caliphate.

you parrot islamo Nazi shit lies. LAND OWNED BY WHOM?. The people who OWNED the most land in the area that became Israel in 1948 were jews. Arabs owned virtually no land in that area. Your islamo Nazi propaganda is based on the
ISLAMIC BELIEF-----that ALLAH HAS GRANTED TO ISLAM AND MUSLIMS---any land upon which a muslim spits, shits, or farts ---or rapes or pillages or murders or
---to your delight ---blows the brains out of heads of children. The caliphate issue is based on the OWNERSHIP BY MUSLIMS of all of Iraq------Iraq was the site of
one of the very first caliphates------based on muslim genocide of the resident
Christians, jews and Zoroastrians which you, happily, endorse in retrospect
As most of our modern wars have been initiated by the need for OIL, the U.S. and Britain, fearing that a union between the Soviets and Arab states would deny the west of a key energy resource, the state of Israel was established to divert Arab unity in the region.

oh-----an interesting bit of sophist pig slop-----the Zionist project of the early 1800s was based on OIL-------who knew
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

In 1937 FDR REFUSED to recognize the Jewish State because to do so would force the US to PERMANENTLY defend and support the Jewish State.

But in 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey ; he needed all the support he could get . David Ben Gurion gave him 2M $ and a promise that American Likudnicks would vote for him.

Presto, 1.5 Million Palestinian were declared foreigners in their own land.

And now the zionuts control our domestic politics and foreign policy.


I am intrigued-----someone asked FDR to recognize Israel in 1937 ? and FDR refused on the grounds that recognition would obligate the US to "DEFEND"?
gotta link?

Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 Million? and mentioned AMERICAN LIKUDNIKS?
Ben Gurion, himself was not LIKUD-----in fact there was no "LIKUD" back then---
Ben Gurion was head of the Israeli LABOR PARTY--------kinda a socialist thing
gotta link?

1.5 million Palestinians were declared "foreigners" in Israel--------there were not
1.5 million Palestinians in all of Israel in 1948. In fact ---in 1948 arabs living in any
part of Palestine were not called "Palestinians" In 1948 the ONLY people called
PALESTINIANS-----were jews

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

"Most people who knew the Middle East at first hand opposed the partition plan, adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. Patently unfair, it awarded 56 percent of Palestine to its 650,000 Jewish inhabitants, and 44 percent to its 1,300,000 Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants."

Nor, apparently, does Clifford, who never once expresses any regret about the 750,000 Palestinians pushed out of their country during the 1947 to 1949 fighting, and never allowed by Israel to return to their homes

John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

But Truman folded on these impulses, Judis says, in part because he needed $100,000 from political donors Abe Feinberg and Ed Kaufmann – a huge sum in 1948–for a whistlestop campaign trip through the midwest when his campaign was broke and Thomas Dewey was threatening to make him a one-termer. Those Zionist donors got “unmatched access to the White House.” - See more at: John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

Franklin Roosevelt expressed a similar secular pragmatism. In 1944, he chided the two leading Zionist lobbyists, Rabbis Wise and Abba Silver, that they were pushing a course that could lead to war. Roosevelt reflected angrily: “”To think of it, two men, two holy men, coming here to ask me to let millions of people be killed in a jihad.” - See more at: John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

In 1937 FDR REFUSED to recognize the Jewish State because to do so would force the US to PERMANENTLY defend and support the Jewish State.

But in 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey ; he needed all the support he could get . David Ben Gurion gave him 2M $ and a promise that American Likudnicks would vote for him.

Presto, 1.5 Million Palestinian were declared foreigners in their own land.

And now the zionuts control our domestic politics and foreign policy.


I am intrigued-----someone asked FDR to recognize Israel in 1937 ? and FDR refused on the grounds that recognition would obligate the US to "DEFEND"?
gotta link?

Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 Million? and mentioned AMERICAN LIKUDNIKS?
Ben Gurion, himself was not LIKUD-----in fact there was no "LIKUD" back then---
Ben Gurion was head of the Israeli LABOR PARTY--------kinda a socialist thing
gotta link?

1.5 million Palestinians were declared "foreigners" in Israel--------there were not
1.5 million Palestinians in all of Israel in 1948. In fact ---in 1948 arabs living in any
part of Palestine were not called "Palestinians" In 1948 the ONLY people called
PALESTINIANS-----were jews

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

"Most people who knew the Middle East at first hand opposed the partition plan, adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. Patently unfair, it awarded 56 percent of Palestine to its 650,000 Jewish inhabitants, and 44 percent to its 1,300,000 Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants."

Nor, apparently, does Clifford, who never once expresses any regret about the 750,000 Palestinians pushed out of their country during the 1947 to 1949 fighting, and never allowed by Israel to return to their homes

John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

But Truman folded on these impulses, Judis says, in part because he needed $100,000 from political donors Abe Feinberg and Ed Kaufmann – a huge sum in 1948–for a whistlestop campaign trip through the midwest when his campaign was broke and Thomas Dewey was threatening to make him a one-termer. Those Zionist donors got “unmatched access to the White House.” - See more at: John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

Franklin Roosevelt expressed a similar secular pragmatism. In 1944, he chided the two leading Zionist lobbyists, Rabbis Wise and Abba Silver, that they were pushing a course that could lead to war. Roosevelt reflected angrily: “”To think of it, two men, two holy men, coming here to ask me to let millions of people be killed in a jihad.” - See more at: John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

not at all impressive-------the idiot statements do not consider the millions of
jews being slaughtered at that time TRYING TO ESCAPE islamo filth-------I do not
believe that either FDR or Truman were such simple minded idiots as to have made such short sighted and BARBARIC and inacurate comments. As for FDR----he should have been thanking Rabbi Wise for warning him about your hero ADOLF way back in the late thirties and apologizing for ignoring the TRUTH about the filth you still support. Who PUSHED 750,000 arabs and BY WHAT MEANS?
Death marches, train transports ? If they occurred, why it is that NOBODY
NOTICED? In fact I am very close to an EYE WITNESS to arabs leaving
Israel---------they left without an Israeli soldier in sight-------the witness was a seven
year old crippled child-------clearly, He did not force them
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

In 1937 FDR REFUSED to recognize the Jewish State because to do so would force the US to PERMANENTLY defend and support the Jewish State.

But in 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey ; he needed all the support he could get . David Ben Gurion gave him 2M $ and a promise that American Likudnicks would vote for him.

Presto, 1.5 Million Palestinian were declared foreigners in their own land.

And now the zionuts control our domestic politics and foreign policy.


I am intrigued-----someone asked FDR to recognize Israel in 1937 ? and FDR refused on the grounds that recognition would obligate the US to "DEFEND"?
gotta link?

Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 Million? and mentioned AMERICAN LIKUDNIKS?
Ben Gurion, himself was not LIKUD-----in fact there was no "LIKUD" back then---
Ben Gurion was head of the Israeli LABOR PARTY--------kinda a socialist thing
gotta link?

1.5 million Palestinians were declared "foreigners" in Israel--------there were not
1.5 million Palestinians in all of Israel in 1948. In fact ---in 1948 arabs living in any
part of Palestine were not called "Palestinians" In 1948 the ONLY people called
PALESTINIANS-----were jews

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

"Most people who knew the Middle East at first hand opposed the partition plan, adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. Patently unfair, it awarded 56 percent of Palestine to its 650,000 Jewish inhabitants, and 44 percent to its 1,300,000 Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants."

Nor, apparently, does Clifford, who never once expresses any regret about the 750,000 Palestinians pushed out of their country during the 1947 to 1949 fighting, and never allowed by Israel to return to their homes

John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

But Truman folded on these impulses, Judis says, in part because he needed $100,000 from political donors Abe Feinberg and Ed Kaufmann – a huge sum in 1948–for a whistlestop campaign trip through the midwest when his campaign was broke and Thomas Dewey was threatening to make him a one-termer. Those Zionist donors got “unmatched access to the White House.” - See more at: John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

Franklin Roosevelt expressed a similar secular pragmatism. In 1944, he chided the two leading Zionist lobbyists, Rabbis Wise and Abba Silver, that they were pushing a course that could lead to war. Roosevelt reflected angrily: “”To think of it, two men, two holy men, coming here to ask me to let millions of people be killed in a jihad.” - See more at: John Judis’s Truman book is a landmark in anti-Zionism

not at all impressive-------the idiot statements do not consider the millions of
jews being slaughtered at that time TRYING TO ESCAPE islamo filth-------I do not
believe that either FDR or Truman were such simple minded idiots as to have made such short sighted and BARBARIC and inacurate comments. As for FDR----he should have been thanking Rabbi Wise for warning him about your hero ADOLF way back in the late thirties and apologizing for ignoring the TRUTH about the filth you still support. Who PUSHED 750,000 arabs and BY WHAT MEANS?
Death marches, train transports ? If they occurred, why it is that NOBODY
NOTICED? In fact I am very close to an EYE WITNESS to arabs leaving
Israel---------they left without an Israeli soldier in sight-------the witness was a seven
year old crippled child-------clearly, He did not force them

On March 3rd, 1944 FDR told Col Hoskins that

"A Jewish State in Palestine could be installed and maintained only by force"

A Calculated Risk - The US Decision to Recognize Israel , Page 115, paragraph 1

Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.
Funny how the bigots never start a thread of why England, France, China, North Korea, Pakistan, India, China, Russia are allowed to maintain a nuclear arsenal. They even justify Iran obtaining nukes.
It's always the Jews.
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Prove they have chemical weapons and nukes. No one has proven it yet. :dunno:
(Oh just to make sure, unsubstantiated allegations and flights of fancy do not constitute proof).

Why hasn't Israel ratified weapons treaties like the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty? It's one of the very few nations on earth that hasn't signed on to some of these treaties.

Because they are honest enough to NOT sign a Treaty they have no intentions of following.

And as they have not signed these treaties they are not bound by them.

The mindset of holding people responsible for violating agreements they have not agreed to is fairly bizarre.

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