So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

Democrats will be turning off his microphone and attempting to silence him constantly - if they think they can control him or silence him once he is given the opportunity to speak they are more insane than we thought.

They know they can't, which is why it won't be televised.

Were I Trump I would refuse to testify unless it was / is televised.
The trouble with that is (and I have watched parts of the testimony) questions are phrased in a biased manner. For example: "Do you remember what you saw during the riot?" or "what did you hear Trump say about the riot"etc. That kind of inquisition would have been challenged in an objective inquiry.
Really? How would you have phrased "Do you remember what you saw during the riot"? Is it the word "riot" that bothers you? Would you have preferred the phrase "attack on the capital" or "insurrection"? I would have considered those as biased.
No way they televise it. He is a wild card they can't control, they don't want anyone to see their disrespect, hate, and behavior, and they don't want anyone to hear him kick their asses with inconvenient truths / facts.
It isn't an anonymous poster that I linked is Maggie Haberman, a reporter who is known for all of her scoops and books on him. Trump always lets her interview him, because he desperately wants the New York Times to accept him, or like him, or write something favorable about him, but it never happens.... It's a weird kind of non sexual sadomasochistic relationship between the two....

Her interview with Jake Tapper is what the right wingers took and twisted in to Trump saying it...

But her reporting is that an aide of Trump's is saying he's contemplating it, and not actually Trump telling her.... She made that clear in the article....

but Trumpers made that in to Trump making an offer to actually testify under oath if public....
Of course Haberman is respected and credible. That is the only indication I have found where he even mentioned testifying on TV. Telling his advisors he mght is not the same as saying he will. Posters here are saying he made a firm offer to testify if it was on TV. That just didn't happen.
Democrats will be turning off his microphone and attempting to silence him constantly - if they think they can control him or silence him once he is given the opportunity to speak they are more insane than we thought.

They know they can't, which is why it won't be televised.

Were I Trump I would refuse to testify unless it was / is televised.
He simply gets to answer the questions asked, like everyone else interviewed, in a truthful manner. If he does not answer truthfully while under oath, then he commits a felony, perjury.
it will be quite entertaining to watch, if it is televised, he will have a field day with what democrats have done these last two years

that's what I am thinking. I hope he shows no mercy.

Jesus said Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy.

In another part of the Bible it says that God is merciful to those who fear (reverence) Him

so the implication IMO is that the unmerciful will not be shown mercy.. aka Hell
That's my point. We already knew he told some of his advisors that he might do it if it is televised. That is not the sams as him saying he will do it if his demands are met.
Congress has requested an official response

Trump provided a 14 page response attacking the Jan 6 Committee and repeating his stolen election lies

He did not say whether he would comply or not. It said nothing about testifying live

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Of course Haberman is respected and credible. That is the only indication I have found where he even mentioned testifying on TV. Telling his advisors he mght is not the same as saying he will. Posters here are saying he made a firm offer to testify if it was on TV. That just didn't happen.
Yep! Its all made up that Trump SAID he would.

Gosh almighty, why are Trumpers so dishonest, or willfully ignorant, or at best, naive?
We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch.
So Gee, Hmm, what could they be?
There aren't any current Democrat Scandals going on right now? yes? :eek:

You fucking moron. They would LOVE nothing more than for him to testify live on national television. One of two things would happen. Either he would plead the 5th, something he says is for the "Mob" and guilty people, or he would invariably let his ego get the better of him and melt down in front of the nation.

Either way... must watch television.
Well, shows what you know since this conservative has a high IQ

And you expect us to take your word for this? Your posts would indicate otherwise.

Anybody can claim anything on an Internet message board. Anyone. Anything.
You fucking moron. They would LOVE nothing more than for him to testify live on national television. One of two things would happen. Either he would plead the 5th, something he says is for the "Mob" and guilty people, or he would invariably let his ego get the better of him and melt down in front of the nation.

Either way... must watch television.
and you, TrumpJudger.. you have never, ever changed.. never stopped saying something you once said because you have learned more over the years?

Well, then you are a stagnant, never-learning dumbass
Trump said he'd testify only if it was televised and at his terms.
Trump did not say he would.

An aide is claiming he is contemplating it.

There has been no offer by Trump or his lawyers to the committee, that he would testify, under oath, publicly.
Ivanka testified before the Jan 6 Committee

What is Fat Donnie afraid of?

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