So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

Ok, so BULLDOG was wrong about that.

He became president because the media could not resist covering him, and because working class voters were tired of RINO's and voted for him in the primary and because Dems ran a person who was "owed" the nomination instead of a person who could beat Trump.

Keep obsessing and you'll obsess him right back into the WH.

None of this is true. He won because Republicans voters have been brainwashed by FOX News and right wing media that Democrats are out to destroy the country. And because he lied relentlessly to the American people. Republicans have been brainwashed by Republicans since Ronald Reagan's "welfare queens" lie which we STILL see posted daily in this forum.

Like trained seals, Republicans parrot that Democrats are "commies" and "NAZI's", hateful and demons. You say that the nation cannot prosper until you "get rid of" leftists. All while Republicans strip women of their right to choose, minorities of the right to vote, and now they're passing anti-gay and trans laws.

Trump isn't coming back. He has never really "won" any election, including the Republican nomination. He received 44% of the Republican primary votes, and his percentage was only that high because by the end there were so few candidates running, it boosted his average above the 15% of the votes he was winning with in the early going against 17 candidates. 85% of the voters wanted someone else, but Trump got all of the delegates.

He lost the popular vote in the 2016 General and was installed by the Electoral College. He lost 2018 Mid-Terms bigly, losing the House. And of course he lost the 2020 election, and to add insult to injury, he lost the Senate. In 4 short years, Donald Trump lost every election he entered and yet he still managed to win the Presidency, and destroy the country.

Donald Trump is a LOSER!!!
When you’re busy running a one sided clown show propaganda exercise, it wouldn’t make sense for the 1/6 committee charlatans to accept or tolerate free speech from their intended victim.
That is wrong and you know it.republicans were given the opportunity to participate but declined. They saw it as the kids ifvdesth from trump if they did.

Yes it is. They had their chance. Is the trashing of the capitol your idea of democracy?

That’s very immature and ignorant.
Totalitarianism doesn’t hold enquires. They just shoot them.

You should be careful making assumptions like that. It doesn’t paint you in a good light.

Take it further. Would you have been satisfied if trump did destroy democracy and install himself forever?
Is that your idea of democracy?
You're a lying piece of shit propaganda parrot. That committee is a joke. Trash like you are the problem. Go peddle your crap to some naive college kids.
If the committee or actually on the up and up, the answer would be immediately "of course we intend to televise it live! This is the former president finally answering questions about our accusations of leading an insurrection. We want everybody to hear what he has to say and to see him answer our questions."

The fact that they have not said that speaks volumes about them. Any Democrat have any explanation of why they would not immediately agree to have it televised live?
Your post indicates that you think Trump's participation is optional. Trump doesn't have a CHOICE as to whether to submit to Congress. He can be arrested, charged and jailed for refusing to testify. Just ask Steve Bannon about this. Trump isn't President any more and he can now be charged with any crime he commits.

Hillary Clinton submitted to 11 hours of questioning by the House over her emails and Benghazi. And she did so calmly, sanely, and without lying to Congress. Are you seriously suggesting that Trump isn't smart enough to do what Hillary Clinton did?
He can refuse to testify in front of the committee, as long as he is willing to take the consequences. Those would be minimal to say the least.

His lawyer could simply send a letter saying it would violate his Fifth Amendment rights to appear and it's all over. Democrats can then brag that he took the fifth after saying over and over that only criminals take the fifth. That's probably all they hope to get out of this anyway. The idea that they're going to slap cuffs on a former president is a masturbatory dream of Democrats not based in any reality.

If they could somehow compel him to appear before the committee in order to take the fifth, that would not go well for the democrats. You can't shut Trump up, that should be obvious by now.

Trump will make long speeches and then refuse to answer questions. Or he will answer questions with a long speech and say that any other answer would violate his Fifth Amendment rights. That's why the Democrats will never let him go live. They love for Alec Baldwin to be live from New York pretending to be president trump, but Trump himself they hope to keep off the air as much as possible. Their nightmare is Trump on the air with them sitting slack John unable to stop him from talking.

Actually, now that I think about it Trump will not take the fifth in front of them. Trump will simply give a long speech and answer to every question and then when they re-ask the question say I just answered that question. Democratic Witnesses have been doing that for the last year and a half in answer to Republican questions in congress.

I will wager and lay odds that the Democrats will never actually allow Trump to testify in Congress on live television. Any takers?
They know damn well he'll fry every single person on that panel if they let him on.

Trump isn't smart enough to fry any of them. The reason he won't be in the same room with Nancy Pelosi is because every time he is, she hands him his ass on a plate. He so scared of Pelosi, he doesn't even have a nickname for Pelosi, or as he calls her "Nancy". As soon as people start calling Trump on his bullshit, he backs down like the whiny beta snowflake that he is, and runs away.

Trump wants a national television platform to spout election lies, well that's not going to happen. He had his chances before the courts and he lost. His appearance before Congress is NOT any new lies Trump wants to tell Congress about the Democrats, it's about his role in the planning and execution of the Insurrection on January 6th. Nothing more, nothing less.

And this time, if Trump lies, he'll be subject to perjury charges and jail time.
Yet, you talk about him to the tune of about 20 hours a month to Biden's 7 minutes. Sure is a lot of obsession over someone long gone never to be seen again. :smoke:

You clowns are starting all of the threads here, and they're all based on the lies Donald Trump continues to spout. Lies about the Biden family. Lies about Democrats.

Trump is doing everything possible to keep himself in the news, including getting arrested and facing criminal charges. Anything so he can continue to claim he's a "victim". Some alpha male. Constantly claiming that he's victim. So he can raise money off gullible marks like you.

Trump will keep making these claims as long as you fools keep sending him money when he does.
Democrats try and shut everyone up who speaks the truth about them. Why do Democrats call parents "terrorists" when the parents speak the truth at school board meetings?

Why do you continually refer to the lies Republicans tell you as "the truth". You're like Jehovah's Witnesses. They call themselves "the Truth" too. All Cults will say that their beliefs are "the truth" the rest of the world refuses to hear or believe.

The parents at the school boards making false claims that CRT is being taught in schools, are radicalized terrorists. American schools are facing unprecedented problems in bringing students back to the classrooms safely, after two years of a global pandemic, and these loons are threatening the lives of board members over the CRT lie. Screaming "We know where you live and we're coming after you". This is terrorism by brainwashed cult members, as are the claims that teachers are "grooming" children.
Why do you continually refer to the lies Republicans tell you as "the truth". You're like Jehovah's Witnesses. They call themselves "the Truth" too. All Cults will say that their beliefs are "the truth" the rest of the world refuses to hear or believe.

The parents at the school boards making false claims that CRT is being taught in schools, are radicalized terrorists. American schools are facing unprecedented problems in bringing students back to the classrooms safely, after two years of a global pandemic, and these loons are threatening the lives of board members over the CRT lie. Screaming "We know where you live and we're coming after you". This is terrorism by brainwashed cult members, as are the claims that teachers are "grooming" children.
Have another drink. You're starting early today. Must be the weekend.
He simply gets to answer the questions asked, like everyone else interviewed, in a truthful manner. If he does not answer truthfully while under oath, then he commits a felony, perjury.
Trump does not follow restrictive rules designed to steer the narrative or silence the truth.

The Democrats can not contril him.

These are the same Democrats who have been caught manufacturing false evidence, comittibg perjury, and having opposed the confirmation of elections in the past...and they have given themselves the power in this kangaroo court / Kabuki Theater show trial to decide what is Truth and what is not.


Everyone knows this committee is a JOKE.

We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch.
So Gee, Hmm, what could they be?
There aren't any current Democrat Scandals going on right now? yes? :eek:

I don't think they are worried as much about what trump would reveal as they are worried about the world seeing how they are handling things.
The parents at the school boards making false claims that CRT is being taught in schools,

They're not false claims, you lying fucktard.

They've been thoroughly documented right here on this forum

You are a lying sack of shit.

are radicalized terrorists.

You are a COMPLETE fucking asshole.

You don't even know what a terrorist is. Bet you've never even seen one.

American schools are facing unprecedented problems in bringing students back to the classrooms safely, after two years of a global pandemic, and these loons are threatening the lives of board members over the CRT lie.

I told you, if I catch you "teaching" that crap you're toast. It's your last day of employment and you'll never work again in this town. I don't waste time with the school board, I go straight to the offender. I make it up close and personal, just like they do to my kid.

Screaming "We know where you live and we're coming after you".

Oh. You mean like they did to Kavanaugh

Hypocrite much?

This is terrorism by brainwashed cult members, as are the claims that teachers are "grooming" children.

Fuck you, leftard scum.

You haven't spoken a word of truth since I got here.

You're a lying shitbag.
You clowns are starting all of the threads here

HEY, if I want any FB from you, I'll ASK for it. Take your obsession with your love interest the Donald and go buy yourself a DJT bedroom squeeze pillow. Then F off.
Trial,committee or whatever dodging, fluid label you want to put on it, the accused or presenter gets to provide his side of the story.
. The witch hunters cant allow Americans to see and hear that. They have controlled the process for their witch hunt and they can’t afford to have the magic fakery be revealed.

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