So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

He can refuse to testify in front of the committee, as long as he is willing to take the consequences. Those would be minimal to say the least.

His lawyer could simply send a letter saying it would violate his Fifth Amendment rights to appear and it's all over. Democrats can then brag that he took the fifth after saying over and over that only criminals take the fifth. That's probably all they hope to get out of this anyway. The idea that they're going to slap cuffs on a former president is a masturbatory dream of Democrats not based in any reality.

If they could somehow compel him to appear before the committee in order to take the fifth, that would not go well for the democrats. You can't shut Trump up, that should be obvious by now.

Trump will make long speeches and then refuse to answer questions. Or he will answer questions with a long speech and say that any other answer would violate his Fifth Amendment rights. That's why the Democrats will never let him go live. They love for Alec Baldwin to be live from New York pretending to be president trump, but Trump himself they hope to keep off the air as much as possible. Their nightmare is Trump on the air with them sitting slack John unable to stop him from talking.

Actually, now that I think about it Trump will not take the fifth in front of them. Trump will simply give a long speech and answer to every question and then when they re-ask the question say I just answered that question. Democratic Witnesses have been doing that for the last year and a half in answer to Republican questions in congress.

I will wager and lay odds that the Democrats will never actually allow Trump to testify in Congress on live television. Any takers?
The Live TV appearance is a sham. For his followers only. He could never ever sit and answer all the questions they are wanting to ask.

He cannot plead the fifth on live tv and get away with it, so he will never come on live tv to do it.

I private appearance, and probably after he has no choice on it as he is being subpoena, is another matter, just as it was with Bannon.
The Committee has no arrest power. The DOJ does.

Stay tuned.
The DOJ is not affiliated with the committees
Your TDS obsession needs Trump arrested and needs Trump prevented from appearing. You’ve even gone as far as declaring that you feel confident he will take the 5th and other “useless” declarations therefore you deny him his right to appear.
You are in fact Nazis.
It's not a trial....haven't you learned that yet?
Yeah and it’s not a vaccination and it’s not stopping the counting of votes and it’s not….and it’s not… and it’s not based upon your feeling of the moment.
The DOJ is not affiliated with the committees
Your TDS obsession needs Trump arrested and needs Trump prevented from appearing. You’ve even gone as far as declaring that you feel confident he will take the 5th and other “useless” declarations therefore you deny him his right to appear.
You are in fact Nazis.
The DOJ is the DOJ, capable of viewing the evidence and decide if one will be indicted or not.

He denies himself the right to tell the truth. Conjured the 5th 440 times at the NYC deposition.

He has nothing to hide. He likes the number 5. And not as in Chanel # 5.
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The DOJ is not affiliated with the committees
Your TDS obsession needs Trump arrested and needs Trump prevented from appearing. You’ve even gone as far as declaring that you feel confident he will take the 5th and other “useless” declarations therefore you deny him his right to appear.
You are in fact Nazis.
Beware of calling people names. You do not know anyone here. Stop with the N and C comparisons.

You wish to continue to say nonsense, just say it. You are doing very well at it without the N or C garbage.
Trump will never testify under oath
I honestly don't blame him. If this goes to criminal trial, I wouldn't want to be exposed to a one sided panel of people asking specific questions, intentionally misleading questions, without the ability for cross examination from your own lawyers to rebutt and refute the panels questions.

Given that all those people on that panel are only interested in a guilty verdict from a trial, I'd probably refuse to testify at the committee as well. If it goes to trial, he can answer all the questions there, and have the ability to cross examine, and issue subpoenas of their own, and have his lawyer present to also ask questions and introduce evidence.
It's not a trial....haven't you learned that yet?
It's propaganda. Waste of money and time. Nothing productive that will benefit the American people. This is exactly the type of crap the American people are fed up with. Why do you think Liz Cheney got her ass kicked?
I honestly don't blame him. If this goes to criminal trial, I wouldn't want to be exposed to a one sided panel of people asking specific questions, intentionally misleading questions, without the ability for cross examination from your own lawyers to rebutt and refute the panels questions.

Given that all those people on that panel are only interested in a guilty verdict from a trial, I'd probably refuse to testify at the committee as well. If it goes to trial, he can answer all the questions there, and have the ability to cross examine, and issue subpoenas of their own, and have his lawyer present to also ask questions and introduce evidence.
At the questioning, he will have one or more lawyers advising him if he should answer a question or not.

At a criminal trial, for sure there will be his lawyers there to cross examine him, or any other witness they choose to bring to prove their case.

You are assuming too much about the committee . Two of them are Republicans. There could have been more Republicans but their leader wanted some who might have ended up as witnesses. That does not work in a hearing or a trial.

Trump's lawyers have had plenty of chances to show evidence.

Many of you are forgetting that most, if not all of the witnesses who have come forward voluntarily to speak to those in the Committee, are former WH Aides, members of the cabinet and even Trump's former lawyers themselves.

Show us where none of them have told the truth as shown at any of the 8 hearings . Which one of them lied and what about?
At the questioning, he will have one or more lawyers advising him if he should answer a question or not.

At a criminal trial, for sure there will be his lawyers there to cross examine him, or any other witness they choose to bring to prove their case.

You are assuming too much about the committee . Two of them are Republicans. There could have been more Republicans but their leader wanted some who might have ended up as witnesses. That does not work in a hearing or a trial.

Trump's lawyers have had plenty of chances to show evidence.

Many of you are forgetting that most, if not all of the witnesses who have come forward voluntarily to speak to those in the Committee, are former WH Aides, members of the cabinet and even Trump's former lawyers themselves.

Show us where none of them have told the truth as shown at any of the 8 hearings . Which one of them lied and what about?
At the questioning, he will have one or more lawyers advising him if he should answer a question or not

And pleading the 5th will ramp up the liberal media even more. Court of public opinion is probably 70% of what's going on here.

You are assuming too much about the committee . Two of them are Republicans. There could have been more Republicans but their leader wanted some who might have ended up as witnesses. That does not work in a hearing or a trial.

Sure two of them are "republicans", but all of them are anti trump. No assuming needs to be done. All of them voted to impeach Trump twice, all.of them do not want to trump to be elected again, all.of them thought he was guilty before the committee began. There isn't anyone on that committee that has any question in their mind about trumps guilt. Therefore, when i say that this committee is only after a guilty verdict in a trial, there is sound evidence for it.

Pelosi didn't mention anything about them being witnesses when she rejected Jordan and banks, she said their votes would impede the investigation.

Her Quote was "With respect for the integrity of the investigation, with an insistence on the truth and with concern about statements made and actions taken by these Members, I must reject the recommendations of Representatives Banks and Jordan to the Select Committee,"

She was talking about them voting to certify trump as the winner. I particularly love the part about "With respect for the integrity of the investigation, with an insistence on the truth ", when there was never any goal of finding out the truth. They all thought he was guilty before all this started. The investigation had no integrity from the beginning. The people who wanted to see Trump convicted are the same people who had the power to decide who was in the committee.
At the questioning, he will have one or more lawyers advising him if he should answer a question or not.

At a criminal trial, for sure there will be his lawyers there to cross examine him, or any other witness they choose to bring to prove their case.

You are assuming too much about the committee . Two of them are Republicans. There could have been more Republicans but their leader wanted some who might have ended up as witnesses. That does not work in a hearing or a trial.

Trump's lawyers have had plenty of chances to show evidence.

Many of you are forgetting that most, if not all of the witnesses who have come forward voluntarily to speak to those in the Committee, are former WH Aides, members of the cabinet and even Trump's former lawyers themselves.

Show us where none of them have told the truth as shown at any of the 8 hearings . Which one of them lied and what about?
Many of you are forgetting that most, if not all of the witnesses who have come forward voluntarily to speak to those in the Committee, are former WH Aides, members of the cabinet and even Trump's former lawyers themselves.

Show us where none of them have told the truth as shown at any of the 8 hearings . Which one of them lied and what about?

Thats because you've only been shown everything the committee wanted you to see, without anyone ever being able to refute their statements, or ask opposing questions. Have you noticed that there has not been one witness called who would be on trumps side? You have been shown exactly what the committee wants you to see.

Trump may be found guilty in court, but you'll never been shown an opposing opinion from any witness at this committee, they won't allow it.

Thats why I say let's see what happens if this goes to court, where we can see trumps team present their evidence and defense.
And pleading the 5th will ramp up the liberal media even more. Court of public opinion is probably 70% of what's going on here.

Sure two of them are "republicans", but all of them are anti trump. No assuming needs to be done. All of them voted to impeach Trump twice, all.of them do not want to trump to be elected again, all.of them thought he was guilty before the committee began. There isn't anyone on that committee that has any question in their mind about trumps guilt. Therefore, when i say that this committee is only after a guilty verdict in a trial, there is sound evidence for it.

Pelosi didn't mention anything about them being witnesses when she rejected Jordan and banks, she said their votes would impede the investigation.

Her Quote was "With respect for the integrity of the investigation, with an insistence on the truth and with concern about statements made and actions taken by these Members, I must reject the recommendations of Representatives Banks and Jordan to the Select Committee,"

She was talking about them voting to certify trump as the winner. I particularly love the part about "With respect for the integrity of the investigation, with an insistence on the truth ", when there was never any goal of finding out the truth. They all thought he was guilty before all this started. The investigation had no integrity from the beginning. The people who wanted to see Trump convicted are the same people who had the power to decide who was in the committee.
Anti Trump?

Try pro the Constitution of the USA and the Rule of Law, something that Trump and many in Republican congress have chosen to ignore.

Keep assuming everything that you posted above. It makes no difference.

The Committee and most of the USA voting population is out to find out the truth. And it has been in volumes. By the Republicans who worked for Trump himself.

Will you be calling all of them liars when they were all there, and working for him, with him and witnessing what they did?

Republicans who tell the truth are going to continue to be liars if they say something opposite than what Trump said, says, or will say.

That is not Democracy, on the part of Republicans who want to reject what the Committee has found. What the DOJ has found. What the Law has found.

Truth will prevail.
Thats because you've only been shown everything the committee wanted you to see, without anyone ever being able to refute their statements, or ask opposing questions. Have you noticed that there has not been one witness called who would be on trumps side? You have been shown exactly what the committee wants you to see.

Trump may be found guilty in court, but you'll never been shown an opposing opinion from any witness at this committee, they won't allow it.

Thats why I say let's see what happens if this goes to court, where we can see trumps team present their evidence and defense.
That is an investigative hearing . That is all. There are no questions and answers, as with a hearing for a judge, etc.

That will come with time if he is indicted.
That is an investigative hearing . That is all. There are no questions and answers, as with a hearing for a judge, etc.

That will come with time if he is indicted.
An investigative hearing that is on all of the Prog controlled channels by edict. Nothing behind the scenes. Kangaroo court style over nothing.
When you’re busy running a one sided clown show propaganda exercise, it wouldn’t make sense for the 1/6 committee charlatans to accept or tolerate free speech from their intended victim.

But the Hearings weren't one-sided at all. The Committee members were mostly Democrats, but virutally ALL of the witnesses who testified and said that Donald Trump planned the whole thing, those people were all REPUBLICANS.

The FBI search of Mar-a-Lago wasn't conducted because the DOJ and the FBI were out to get Trump. It happened because one of Trump's employees informed the FBI that Trump was hiding classified documents in Mar-a-lago.


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