So Why Would Comey Change Key Words in Statement re: Clinton

It is being reported this morning that James Comey in his written statement, had initially had the words 'Gross Negligence' relative to Clintons handling of classified information. He subsequently changed the wording to 'Extreme Carelessness'.

Again, why the change?


Early Comey draft accused Clinton of gross negligence on emails
That's what happens when you write a rough draft. You change stuff.
especially when your boss tells you to do so.
Back to the question. Why did he change it? Evidently, all the evidence was in, and conclusions formed


It seems safe to assume you do not do any writing as part of your job. For those of us who do, we revise words often as we go through the drafts for a multitude of reasons. Doing so is not out of the norm, it is in fact what one is taught to do. You are trying way too hard here and just showing your own ignorance.

Gross negligence vs extreme carelessness have different legal implications. If Comey really believed what he initially stated, what was his reasoning for changing it? Did anyone pressure him to make the change? I suspect we will find out once he is brought back for questioning under oath. This is similar to the other 'change' he was instructed to make when he initially called the issue an 'Investigation', but was instructed to change the wording to 'matter' by Lynch


One thing a person who does any sort of writing learns very early on, never put in print what you cannot prove. Perhaps he knew/felt he did not have the evidence to prove the former so he went with the latter. I put out a simple weekly Crop Progress report and even in that I reword it multiple times to make sure I can support every statement in it.

Technical. Appelate briefs are revised multiple times, I revise less than my former partner.
especially after your boss says to change it.

This is independant legal drafting, there is a reason that term is used.
It seems safe to assume you do not do any writing as part of your job. For those of us who do, we revise words often as we go through the drafts for a multitude of reasons. Doing so is not out of the norm, it is in fact what one is taught to do. You are trying way too hard here and just showing your own ignorance.

Gross negligence vs extreme carelessness have different legal implications. If Comey really believed what he initially stated, what was his reasoning for changing it? Did anyone pressure him to make the change? I suspect we will find out once he is brought back for questioning under oath. This is similar to the other 'change' he was instructed to make when he initially called the issue an 'Investigation', but was instructed to change the wording to 'matter' by Lynch


One thing a person who does any sort of writing learns very early on, never put in print what you cannot prove. Perhaps he knew/felt he did not have the evidence to prove the former so he went with the latter. I put out a simple weekly Crop Progress report and even in that I reword it multiple times to make sure I can support every statement in it.

Technical. Appelate briefs are revised multiple times, I revise less than my former partner.
especially after your boss says to change it.

This is independant legal drafting, there is a reason that term is used.
yep, cause when your boss reads it before it goes out to the world says, whoa bubba, you need to change that word right there. yeah we get it.
It is being reported this morning that James Comey in his written statement, had initially had the words 'Gross Negligence' relative to Clintons handling of classified information. He subsequently changed the wording to 'Extreme Carelessness'.

Again, why the change?


Early Comey draft accused Clinton of gross negligence on emails


Comey himself exposed Hillary Clinton's crimes. Once he realized he had done it he scrambled to change his wording.

18 U.S. Code § 793
"...or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence"

18 U.S.C. § 793(f), requires only “gross negligence,” not intent. Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy has gone so far as to say that replacing the words “gross negligence” with “intent” rewrites that statute to serve political ends.

- Why Intent, Not Gross Negligence, is the Standard in Clinton Case

This is just further evidence of the Obama administration / Comey protecting the proven criminal Hillary Clinton!
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You were there? No more arguing, you are being unrealistic.
I don't need to be, the precedence is already established under oath. oops. BTW, that is all one needs in a court of law. look it up.
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It is being reported this morning that James Comey in his written statement, had initially had the words 'Gross Negligence' relative to Clintons handling of classified information. He subsequently changed the wording to 'Extreme Carelessness'.

Again, why the change?


Early Comey draft accused Clinton of gross negligence on emails


Comey himself exposed Hillary Clinton's crimes. Once he realized he had done it he scrambled to change his wording.

18 U.S. Code § 793
"...or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence"

18 U.S.C. § 793(f), requires only “gross negligence,” not intent. Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy has gone so far as to say that replacing the words “gross negligence” with “intent” rewrites that statute to serve political ends.

- Why Intent, Not Gross Negligence, is the Standard in Clinton Case

This is just further evidence of the Obama administration / Comey protecting the proven criminal Hillary Clinton!

Although completely UN-DENIABLE, since Comey himself pointed out how Hillary BROKE THE LAW, much like how Donna Brazile just did as well, snowflakes will continue to deny reality and defend this criminal, plunging all the way off the cliff with her to finally hit the bottom. they will never stop lying, denying, and justifying.

It is being reported this morning that James Comey in his written statement, had initially had the words 'Gross Negligence' relative to Clintons handling of classified information. He subsequently changed the wording to 'Extreme Carelessness'.

Again, why the change?


Early Comey draft accused Clinton of gross negligence on emails
That's what happens when you write a rough draft. You change stuff.

Nobody is disputing it was changed. Thus my question remains


Nobody is disputing it was changed. Thus my question remains. Why?



Comey himself exposed Hillary Clinton's crimes
. Once he realized he had done it he scrambled to change his wording.

18 U.S. Code § 793
"...or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence"

18 U.S.C. § 793(f), requires only “gross negligence,” not intent. Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy has gone so far as to say that replacing the words “gross negligence” with “intent” rewrites that statute to serve political ends.

- Why Intent, Not Gross Negligence, is the Standard in Clinton Case

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