So, will the dems be satisfied?

Economic boom and job growth both began under his predecessor, President Barrack Hussein Obama. Who was handed a huge pit to climb out of by his predecessor. All Trump had to do was coast....until his presidency was tested for the first time and he threw up all over his shoes. Didn't have to be that way. The rest of your list?...we had under Obama. We've always had a strong military. Doesn't matter what party's letter sits in the White House. :)

No, our military was dwindling under DumBama and Trump built it back up. Even today military recruitment rate is way down thanks to mandated shots, CRT, and sissifying our troops. Even people that were shooting for a 20 year career quit.

Donald Trump lowered taxes on our businesses to help keep them here and attract new businesses. He got rid of Commie Care fines. He created a policy for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. He got rid of costly environmental regulations for businesses.

Good economies are not perpetual. They need good leadership and nursing to maintain or help it grow which Trump did.

As for the border, Trump created several very successful polices after he fought the commies in the House and their cohort judges in the courts that got amazing results.

Threw up all over his shoes? When did that happen. Trump and his policies were a huge success and people were much happier back then.
No, our military was dwindling under DumBama and Trump built it back up. Even today military recruitment rate is way down thanks to mandated shots, CRT, and sissifying our troops. Even people that were shooting for a 20 year career quit.

Donald Trump lowered taxes on our businesses to help keep them here and attract new businesses. He got rid of Commie Care fines. He created a policy for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. He got rid of costly environmental regulations for businesses.

Good economies are not perpetual. They need good leadership and nursing to maintain or help it grow which Trump did.

As for the border, Trump created several very successful polices after he fought the commies in the House and their cohort judges in the courts that got amazing results.

Threw up all over his shoes? When did that happen. Trump and his policies were a huge success and people were much happier back then.
Sigh...this is why Republicans will never be able to get rid of Trump. A loyal base that thinks he walked on water. When in reality, he just spoke to your grievance.

So, I guess, let's take your military "facts" first. False.

All leading toward the objective quality over quantity. The military, like all institutions..evolves.

Taxes. Trump had nothing to do with the 2017 tax cut. That was Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's baby. And those tax cuts primarily allowed corporations to bring back large sums of cash cheaply for their stock buy backs. Very little actually made it to the end users.
The bottom line is Trump coasted on the good economic fortunes that began under his predecessor.
Then the pandemic shows up and he is exposed for being the incompetent fraud he was.

So the voters showed him the door.
So, if trump isn’t convicted, the the justice system is bad? That’s what it boils down to? If (at that time) 9 years of investigations, 3-5 grand juries, multiple DA’s, the democrats in congress, despite all of those people trying to take trump down, if they can’t get a conviction, then the justice system is bad? Has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe, just maybe, all these allegations and stories in the media were overhyped and it’s possible that they really couldn’t find any legal thing to convict trump on?

Anybody that watched the events of J6 knows that Trump is guilty of inciting the attack on the capitol - and it's apparent that it was planned well in advance. If the DOJ can't prove it then they are truly impotent.
Anybody that watched the events of J6 knows that Trump is guilty of inciting the attack on the capitol - and it's apparent that it was planned well in advance. If the DOJ can't prove it then they are truly impotent.

How would Trump plan something with a bunch of people he never met in his life? Remember it was Trump that offered to have the national guard there from the beginning of the day which was refused by the Capitol police via orders by Nancy Piglosi.

Trump never said one thing to "incite" any attack. All he did was hold a rally which the Communists do all the time. The fist President to ever be impeached over practicing one of his constitutional rights.
Trump never said one thing to "incite" any attack. All he did was hold a rally which the Communists do all the time. The fist President to ever be impeached over practicing one of his constitutional rights.
Impeached twice for exercising his rights.
The first rime, he was impeached for exercising his right to executive privilege.
Hush money to a porn star is opposition research? Was he going to debate Stormy Daniels? This is why we can't have an honest're dishonest. It was hush money...not opposition research.

Oh bullshit.

Clinton sat for a deposition.

Did Trump?

No. You're finished.

Hush money to a porn star is opposition research? Was he going to debate Stormy Daniels? This is why we can't have an honest're dishonest. It was hush money...not opposition research.

I never said it was op research, I said that Clinton misreported it, the same as trump, and got off with a fine, trump gets 34 charges of indictment.

Clinton sat for a deposition.

So, you all have been after trump non stop for over 7 years. You impeached him twice with no proven infraction, you illegally went after his tax records and your side of congress conducted an illegal investigation (congress does not have the authority to conduct criminal investigations).

I’d say that you all have gone far and away, more heavily toward trump than what happened to Hillary.
Trump has much to answer for. He’ll face many indictments before this is over.

If he beats them fine. If not? Justice has been served

He’ll face many indictments before this is over.

I’m sure he will. Just remember these days. If we ever get a Republican Party to grow a pair, we will see these things come back around.
Awww… that’s so sweet. The crowd that kept screaming BENGAZI, crowd that chanted “LOCK HER UP”, went on and on about Biden laptop… now wants closure on Trump. :laughing0301:

Thanks, toots. Keep ‘em coming. We can all do with a few laughs. :itsok:

Hmm, so where is Hillary now? Ahh that’s right, nowhere to be found. Nobody is even thinking about her, nobody is investigating her anymore. They had their hearings and once that was over, the issue was dropped. They didn’t continue to railroad her with endless investigations and unending charges.

All I’m asking is, once this is all said and done, will the left do the same? I suspect not. I suspect they will continue until trump finally drops out, which I believe to be the goal here.
Again, Trump could have been his own champion here after he was elected in 2016. He could have pivoted and decided his presidency wasn't going to be all about him and at least seemed like he was interested in the job. He even could have seemed like he gave half a shit about the pandemic in its first couple months, displayed a little compassion and empathy...and he would have sown up his re-election.

If Joe Biden decides to run again (and I wish someone else would), he beats Donald Trump...handily. NO ONE but Trump's most ardent supporters want another four years of that shit show.

If Joe Biden decides to run again (and I wish someone else would), he beats Donald Trump...handily

We’ll never know, because regardless of what you want to call it, we all know this whole campaign is just an elaborate election interference plan. The left doesn’t give a damn about “justice”, all they care about is trump being taken out of the race.

I still contend that if trump had never announced his candidacy for president, these investigations would never have happened.
You forgot about the rape case. Evidently, you're under the impression these DA's and federal prosecutors just file these cases with nothing to back them up so they can embarrass themselves. Guess you'll find out the hard way.
I don't know if you can call what Joe did to his daughter rape, incest maybe!
Anybody that watched the events of J6 knows that Trump is guilty of inciting the attack on the capitol - and it's apparent that it was planned well in advance. If the DOJ can't prove it then they are truly impotent.

So, your answer then is, even if the justice system can’t find anything to convict trump in, you expect more allegations and investigations? I assume that’s your answer. No amount of not guilty or exoneration will ever satisfy you.
We’ll never know, because regardless of what you want to call it, we all know this whole campaign is just an elaborate election interference plan. The left doesn’t give a damn about “justice”, all they care about is trump being taken out of the race.

I still contend that if trump had never announced his candidacy for president, these investigations would never have happened.
No one wants Trump taken out of the race. On the contrary. I want him in the race. His nomination assures that there will be a Democrat in the Oval Office for the next four years. And he takes the Republican party down with him.


And I'm sorry, the investigations were happening regardless.
No one wants Trump taken out of the race. On the contrary. I want him in the race. His nomination assures that there will be a Democrat in the Oval Office for the next four years. And he takes the Republican party down with him.


And I'm sorry, the investigations were happening regardless.

Apparently your party thinks differently than you do, that's why they spent the last six years trying to stop him.
No one wants Trump taken out of the race. On the contrary. I want him in the race. His nomination assures that there will be a Democrat in the Oval Office for the next four years. And he takes the Republican party down with him.


And I'm sorry, the investigations were happening regardless.
well, I can think of at least 7 democrats and 2 rinos that don’t want him to run. The fact is, the last 7 years of investigation and impeachments have all been an effort to ruin his chances of running. Apparently some people want him out.

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