So, will the dems be satisfied?

This is a such a bullshit post. If, if, if. Prosecutors are unlikely to be bringing cases they can't win. Especially against crybaby Trump. As someone who has watched this man breaking every law imaginable since the 1970's and wondering how he got away with it all. In particular, the tax evasion case Leticia James is prosecuting I've been watching for years and wondering how if I read all of these articles on how he scammed the system, why weren't prosecutors going after him?

There are also two rape/slander trials under way, and fraud trial filed by his niece and nephew regarding his father's estate. If Trump doesn't stop trying to intimidate and threaten the judge, he's going to be looking at obstruction of justice in the Bragg case too.

Did you ever consider that maybe what you're reading is all bullshit? :eusa_shhh:
No, you tried to derail the topic. I wasn’t being sanctimonious, I was being sincere. If you want to know the answer, then start your own thread, but when someone asks a question, and you respond, it is expected that you respond to the question at hand, not try to derail the thread. My question want about “what would trump supporters do”, it was about democrats, you chose not to answer my question and instead go off and try to start another diversion.

Ah yes, responding in a manner you don't like is obviously "derailing the topic".
Fuck it dude, this is pointless. Go find people who want a discussion at elementary level... it's not for me.
This is a such a bullshit post. If, if, if. Prosecutors are unlikely to be bringing cases they can't win. Especially against crybaby Trump. As someone who has watched this man breaking every law imaginable since the 1970's and wondering how he got away with it all. In particular, the tax evasion case Leticia James is prosecuting I've been watching for years and wondering how if I read all of these articles on how he scammed the system, why weren't prosecutors going after him?

There are also two rape/slander trials under way, and fraud trial filed by his niece and nephew regarding his father's estate. If Trump doesn't stop trying to intimidate and threaten the judge, he's going to be looking at obstruction of justice in the Bragg case too.

Let's turn it around. If Trump is convicted in any or all three cases, will you accept these verdicts and realize that Trump is a criminal? I highly doubt it, since you're still saying he did nothing wrong on January 6th.

YOU weren't satisfied with 20 investigations of the Clintons, none of which resulted in any charges or indictments, and you're still making bitch whining about the lack of charges and saying they "Got away with it".

This is a such a bullshit post. If, if, if.

Uh yeah.. because it’s a speculation post, but it’s based on a pretty good hunch.

Prosecutors are unlikely to be bringing cases they can't win.

I wouldn’t be so sure, there are a lot of people who think braggs case is weak and on shaky ground.

In particular, the tax evasion case Leticia James is prosecuting I've been watching for years and wondering how if I read all of these articles on how he scammed the system, why weren't prosecutors going after him?

I’m sure trumps taxes and financials are audited every single year, if he had done anything illegal then one of two things must be true: either everything he did was legal, or 2) someone has been letting him get away with it. If it’s #2, then who, in all those years….Obama…bush…Clinton…was turning an eye and not prosecuting, but suddenly…they found a crime! How does that happen if you are audited every year?

Let's turn it around. If Trump is convicted in any or all three cases, will you accept these verdicts and realize that Trump is a criminal?

Frigidweirdo asked a similar question, and I’ll give you the same answer, make your own post about that and I’ll be happy to answer there, but I don’t want to let this topic get steered away by people trying to ask distraction questions.

I highly doubt it, since you're still saying he did nothing wrong on January 6th.

True, I did say that you can’t prove he incited a mob to anger and directed them to attack the capitol, because he never did or said any thing of the sort. Did he use rhetoric? Sure, and there are any number of democrat politicians who have use similar or exactly the same rhetoric.

Also, I have said that I think trump was wrong for not getting out right away and trying to stop it.

YOU weren't satisfied with 20 investigations of the Clintons, none of which resulted in any charges or indictments, and you're still making bitch whining about the lack of charges and saying they "Got away with it".

Was it 20 investigations? I don’t think it was that many….there was Benghazi…and then the email scandal…what else was there?

And yeah, she got away with it, they even said she likely broke some laws but “no reasonable prosecutor would pursue this case” or something like that. So, yeah, she wasn’t indicted, because despite her mishandling of classified information, and the investigation saying she probably broke some laws…mysteriously, nobody wants to do anything about it.

It’s like I’ve said before, it must be nice to be a democrat……
Ah yes, responding in a manner you don't like is obviously "derailing the topic".
Fuck it dude, this is pointless. Go find people who want a discussion at elementary level... it's not for me.

Well, don’t blame me if you can’t answer a question asked without trying to steer the topic off course. Your question was a directly opposite question and had nothing to do with what I asked.

I don’t see what you are angry about, the answer is simple, go ask that question in your own thread and I’ll happily answer it there, but don’t come into my thread and start trying to derail.
Well, don’t blame me if you can’t answer a question asked without trying to steer the topic off course. Your question was a directly opposite question and had nothing to do with what I asked.

I don’t see what you are angry about, the answer is simple, go ask that question in your own thread and I’ll happily answer it there, but don’t come into my thread and start trying to derail.

Bye bye

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