So, will the dems be satisfied?

I’m not stuck on myself…I just asked a question, you decided to answer by asking a contradicting question, I suggested you start a thread on that. I don’t see the issue here.

You asked a question, I answered in my way. You decide you don't like the way I answered and then got all sanctimonious as if I'm some kind of idiot because I didn't answer as you want.

I'm sorry I'm not you and I'm not going to do whatever you want. That's not the point of message boards. You stopped the conversation. It's dead, it's nonsense, no point talking any more.

Maybe next time you can participate, maybe not.
You asked a question, I answered in my way. You decide you don't like the way I answered and then got all sanctimonious as if I'm some kind of idiot because I didn't answer as you want.

I'm sorry I'm not you and I'm not going to do whatever you want. That's not the point of message boards. You stopped the conversation. It's dead, it's nonsense, no point talking any more.

Maybe next time you can participate, maybe not.

I’m not sanctimonious, and I didn’t stop the conversation. You question was not relevant to THIS topic, you wanted to interject a question of your own, as a way, presumably, to divert the conversation, or to be snide, one of the two.

I asked if dems will finally be satisfied after all of these investigations are done and if trump is not convicted, you decided to ask a diversion question by asking if trump supporters would be satisfied if he IS convicted. Because your question does not answer my question, but in fact attempts to derail the topic, I suggested you start your own thread on it. Again, I don’t see the issue. I will gladly answer YOUR question there.
I’m just curious. If the Bragg case doesn’t end in conviction, if the Fulton case doesn’t provide a conviction, and if the DOJ case ends up not being effective, if all 3 cases end up in no conviction, will the left be satisfied? Or will they just roll out another accusation?

Personally, I think the latter is the case, in fact, I’d dare say it is almost a certainty that they already have another accusation waiting, ready to go, in case the Bragg case doesn’t pan out.

Watch what happens, if it looks like the Bragg case isn’t going to work out, shortly after there will be another breaking story about trump.
They know their party is incapable of nominating good candidates, so demonizing the opposition is all they got. Of course, Republicans do exactly the same thing, for the exactly the same reason. But it's different when they do it.
They know their party is incapable of nominating good candidates, so demonizing the opposition is all they got. Of course, Republicans do exactly the same thing, for the exactly the same reason. But it's different when they do it.

Both sides play politics, and yes, the right has had their fair share of railroading, but at least with the repubs , they eventually drop it. Like Hillary, yeah, they grilled her, but then they let it go. No 7 years of investigation upon investigation.
Both sides play politics, and yes, the right has had their fair share of railroading, but at least with the repubs , they eventually drop it. Like Hillary, yeah, they grilled her, but then they let it go. No 7 years of investigation upon investigation.
LOL - you're joking, right?
I’m not sanctimonious, and I didn’t stop the conversation. You question was not relevant to THIS topic, you wanted to interject a question of your own, as a way, presumably, to divert the conversation, or to be snide, one of the two.

I asked if dems will finally be satisfied after all of these investigations are done and if trump is not convicted, you decided to ask a diversion question by asking if trump supporters would be satisfied if he IS convicted. Because your question does not answer my question, but in fact attempts to derail the topic, I suggested you start your own thread on it. Again, I don’t see the issue. I will gladly answer YOUR question there.
Blah blah blah
You asked a question, I answered in my way. You decide you don't like the way I answered and then got all sanctimonious as if I'm some kind of idiot because I didn't answer as you want.

I'm sorry I'm not you and I'm not going to do whatever you want. That's not the point of message boards. You stopped the conversation. It's dead, it's nonsense, no point talking any more.

Maybe next time you can participate, maybe not.
Blah blah blah
its the rule of law that wouldnt be satisfied. It has nothing to do with the left.

Trump keeps incriminating himself, so there is no reason to think these cases wouldnt have convictions, or even new charges as the threats of violence are on-going.
How can you call it "incriminating himself" if there arent any convictions for any of these cases?
How can you call it "incriminating himself" if there arent any convictions for any of these cases?
the link says that Trump was on Hannity admitting to documents crimes.
Also separately, Trump incriminates himself on his property valuations crimes on social media.
LOL - you're joking, right?
Nope, I’m not kidding. Are we still investigating Hillary? Seems like all her investigations just vanished shortly after the hearings. With trump, you all just won’t let up.
You asked a question, I answered in my way. You decide you don't like the way I answered and then got all sanctimonious as if I'm some kind of idiot because I didn't answer as you want.

I'm sorry I'm not you and I'm not going to do whatever you want. That's not the point of message boards. You stopped the conversation. It's dead, it's nonsense, no point talking any more.

Maybe next time you can participate, maybe not.

No, you tried to derail the topic. I wasn’t being sanctimonious, I was being sincere. If you want to know the answer, then start your own thread, but when someone asks a question, and you respond, it is expected that you respond to the question at hand, not try to derail the thread. My question want about “what would trump supporters do”, it was about democrats, you chose not to answer my question and instead go off and try to start another diversion.
Nope, I’m not kidding. Are we still investigating Hillary? Seems like all her investigations just vanished shortly after the hearings. With trump, you all just won’t let up.
Well, I'm actually not in favor of prosecuting Trump. But if you're going with "It's different when we do it", I'm only gonna laugh at you.
I’m just curious. If the Bragg case doesn’t end in conviction, if the Fulton case doesn’t provide a conviction, and if the DOJ case ends up not being effective, if all 3 cases end up in no conviction, will the left be satisfied? Or will they just roll out another accusation?

Personally, I think the latter is the case, in fact, I’d dare say it is almost a certainty that they already have another accusation waiting, ready to go, in case the Bragg case doesn’t pan out.

Watch what happens, if it looks like the Bragg case isn’t going to work out, shortly after there will be another breaking story about trump.
I’m just curious. If the Bragg case doesn’t end in conviction, if the Fulton case doesn’t provide a conviction, and if the DOJ case ends up not being effective, if all 3 cases end up in no conviction, will the left be satisfied? Or will they just roll out another accusation?

Personally, I think the latter is the case, in fact, I’d dare say it is almost a certainty that they already have another accusation waiting, ready to go, in case the Bragg case doesn’t pan out.

Watch what happens, if it looks like the Bragg case isn’t going to work out, shortly after there will be another breaking story about trump.

This is a such a bullshit post. If, if, if. Prosecutors are unlikely to be bringing cases they can't win. Especially against crybaby Trump. As someone who has watched this man breaking every law imaginable since the 1970's and wondering how he got away with it all. In particular, the tax evasion case Leticia James is prosecuting I've been watching for years and wondering how if I read all of these articles on how he scammed the system, why weren't prosecutors going after him?

There are also two rape/slander trials under way, and fraud trial filed by his niece and nephew regarding his father's estate. If Trump doesn't stop trying to intimidate and threaten the judge, he's going to be looking at obstruction of justice in the Bragg case too.

Let's turn it around. If Trump is convicted in any or all three cases, will you accept these verdicts and realize that Trump is a criminal? I highly doubt it, since you're still saying he did nothing wrong on January 6th.

YOU weren't satisfied with 20 investigations of the Clintons, none of which resulted in any charges or indictments, and you're still making bitch whining about the lack of charges and saying they "Got away with it".

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