So, will the dems be satisfied?

Accepting results would end up Trump goes on his way. But we all know that ain't gonna happen.

You're confused and logic has fled the ship.

I don’t see how there is any confusion in my question. I think you are reading something else into it.

I’ll just go out on a limb here and say you are in the “we’re going to keep investigating no matter what” crowd.
Unlike your kind, if the jury finds Trump innocent I will accept that and not come up with some dumb ass conspiracy just because I can't mentally handle things not working out how I'd like them to ie saying our court system is rigged or the FBI has been infiltrated by communists or whatever crazy shit you dummies come up with.

I don’t know what all that tangent was about, but, good, you seem to be of the mindset of accepting the courts decision and letting it go.

So, there is one amongst you :clap:
I don’t see how there is any confusion in my question. I think you are reading something else into it.

I’ll just go out on a limb here and say you are in the “we’re going to keep investigating no matter what” crowd.
Well people can say shit all they want, but It's professional investigators in LE that get to move on.
The commie Reich hates anyone who turns against them. Trump was a Dem and loved by his peers and Hollywood alike, then turned sane and attempted to save our country from Obammy's destruction. Now he is hated.
Musk was the darling of the left until he turned sane. Now he is a mortal enemy of the brownshirts.

Absolute facts.
Is this your first day on this message board or have you never spoken to a Trump supporter?

No, not my first day. First you start off with “your kind” which I have no idea what you mean by that, I’ve spoken to a few trump supporters…I’m not following you here..all i said is, from you post, you seem to be willing to accept if trump is found innocent…I was applauding you for that. Maybe I’m missing something…
Am I satisfied with the Hillary outcome? No, and the reason why is that I don’t believe the investigations conducted on her were really in depth. She walked away from a lot of things that most people wouldn’t. Even the investigation into her mishandling of classified information said that she probably committed crimes, but “no reasonable prosecutor would take the case”. Fusion GPS? She did op research and misreported it and all she got out of it was to pay a fine. The exact same thing trump has been indicted for….34 times.
Hush money to a porn star is opposition research? Was he going to debate Stormy Daniels? This is why we can't have an honest're dishonest. It was hush money...not opposition research.
Aside from those things, there has always been suspicion surrounding the Clinton’s and alleged illegal activities.

I understand they have found nothing, but, as we’ve seen, for a long time, republicans don’t have the balls to conduct an investigation like then dems do. If you had everything that happened to trump happen to Hillary, or bill, or Biden, and they walked out of it clean, while I may not agree with the verdicts, because like you, I think there might be guilt, the difference is that, after all that, i would not be demanding unending investigations. I’d simply say “the law found them not guilty and we have to respect that”. The dems, however, don’t think like that. They say “if we don’t get a conviction, we keep bringing charges until we do” or they’ll say that the justice system is broken…as another post here just said.
Oh bullshit.

Clinton sat for a deposition.

Did Trump?

No. You're finished.
I’m just curious. If the Bragg case doesn’t end in conviction, if the Fulton case doesn’t provide a conviction, and if the DOJ case ends up not being effective, if all 3 cases end up in no conviction, will the left be satisfied? Or will they just roll out another accusation?

Personally, I think the latter is the case, in fact, I’d dare say it is almost a certainty that they already have another accusation waiting, ready to go, in case the Bragg case doesn’t pan out.

Watch what happens, if it looks like the Bragg case isn’t going to work out, shortly after there will be another breaking story about trump.

Will Trump supporters be satisfied if it's proven Trump broke the law? I doubt it.

Partisan politics is not about logic.
that may be, but my question was, if these cases don’t pan out like the left wants, will they finally be satisfied? Or will they just keep bringing case after case? I suspect they will just keep on. As I’ve stated long ago, I believe the plan for the left is to keep trump so bogged down in legal issues, that he can’t run. They don’t really even care if he is ever convicted, just as long as he can’t be elected.
Trump has much to answer for. He’ll face many indictments before this is over.

If he beats them fine. If not? Justice has been served
No, I mean, if after all these investigations are done, after all the court cases are finished, if they can’t find anything to convict trump with, will the left finally let it rest? Or will they just keep unending investigations?
Awww… that’s so sweet. The crowd that kept screaming BENGAZI, crowd that chanted “LOCK HER UP”, went on and on about Biden laptop… now wants closure on Trump. :laughing0301:

Thanks, toots. Keep ‘em coming. We can all do with a few laughs. :itsok:
I’m just curious. If the Bragg case doesn’t end in conviction, if the Fulton case doesn’t provide a conviction, and if the DOJ case ends up not being effective, if all 3 cases end up in no conviction, will the left be satisfied? Or will they just roll out another accusation?
Rhetorical question.
You have to think this out: If the commies actually believed that Trump would lose, why would they have been going after him for six years? And yes, even when this gets thrown out of court, they will try again, and again, and again.

We on the right want Dementia to run again. It will be a hands down victory for us. Oh, they might impeach him one or two times, but that wouldn't be to stop him from running, it would be pure revenge for what they did to DJT while he was President.
Again, Trump could have been his own champion here after he was elected in 2016. He could have pivoted and decided his presidency wasn't going to be all about him and at least seemed like he was interested in the job. He even could have seemed like he gave half a shit about the pandemic in its first couple months, displayed a little compassion and empathy...and he would have sown up his re-election.

If Joe Biden decides to run again (and I wish someone else would), he beats Donald Trump...handily. NO ONE but Trump's most ardent supporters want another four years of that shit show.
Again, Trump could have been his own champion here after he was elected in 2016. He could have pivoted and decided his presidency wasn't going to be all about him and at least seemed like he was interested in the job. He even could have seemed like he gave half a shit about the pandemic in its first couple months, displayed a little compassion and empathy...and he would have sown up his re-election.

If Joe Biden decides to run again (and I wish someone else would), he beats Donald Trump...handily. NO ONE but Trump's most ardent supporters want another four years of that shit show.

Correct. Who wants four more years of economic growth, stock market growth, secured borders, reasonable fuel prices, normal inflation rates, strong military? We need somebody that doesn't post meanie Tweets.
Correct. Who wants four more years of economic growth, stock market growth, secured borders, reasonable fuel prices, normal inflation rates, strong military? We need somebody that doesn't post meanie Tweets.
Economic boom and job growth both began under his predecessor, President Barrack Hussein Obama. Who was handed a huge pit to climb out of by his predecessor. All Trump had to do was coast....until his presidency was tested for the first time and he threw up all over his shoes. Didn't have to be that way. The rest of your list?...we had under Obama. We've always had a strong military. Doesn't matter what party's letter sits in the White House. :)

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