So, will the dems be satisfied?

So, will the dems be satisfied?​

Those dumb cvnts are never satisfied. Always miserable and complaining about the success of others.
Your feeble attempt at remaining relevant to this conversation has failed miserably, Please put me on your newly-expunged iggy list, I'll be honored to be the first, moron.
Some of us have actually lived interesting lives. I'm sure you could've if you had focused on yourself more than on what others were doing in life.

too late
I don't think these three cases will be all Dirty Don gets indicted on regardless if any of those result in a conviction or not. It's only the beginning. Don't you see the vultures starting to circle?
I’m just curious. If the Bragg case doesn’t end in conviction, if the Fulton case doesn’t provide a conviction, and if the DOJ case ends up not being effective, if all 3 cases end up in no conviction, will the left be satisfied? Or will they just roll out another accusation?

Personally, I think the latter is the case, in fact, I’d dare say it is almost a certainty that they already have another accusation waiting, ready to go, in case the Bragg case doesn’t pan out.

Watch what happens, if it looks like the Bragg case isn’t going to work out, shortly after there will be another breaking story about trump.
If you were up on what's going on, you'd know that the republicans are the ones always acting like cry babies and doing illegal shit. Look at that trump character for instance.
This phony case has done nothing but brought more support for Trump. 10 million dollars collected since this started and about a quarter of those were first time political donors.

The Communists could care less if Trump goes to jail or not. Their one and only goal is to stop him from running in 24.
As I stated about his fundraising before the 2020 election, he can take in as much money as the lemmings will open their wallets to give him.
It won't help. It will clear the Republican primary field. But he will lose the general election.

I'm sorry, I don't hear a peep from rank and file Democrats on which Republican challenger they want in 2024.
But I know the answer. They want Trump.
As I stated about his fundraising before the 2020 election, he can take in as much money as the lemmings will open their wallets to give him.
It won't help. It will clear the Republican primary field. But he will lose the general election.

I'm sorry, I don't hear a peep from rank and file Democrats on which Republican challenger they want in 2024.
But I know the answer. They want Trump.

You have to think this out: If the commies actually believed that Trump would lose, why would they have been going after him for six years? And yes, even when this gets thrown out of court, they will try again, and again, and again.

We on the right want Dementia to run again. It will be a hands down victory for us. Oh, they might impeach him one or two times, but that wouldn't be to stop him from running, it would be pure revenge for what they did to DJT while he was President.
As far as the justice department is concerned...correct.

Are you satisfied that Hillary Clinton committed no crimes because she has never been found guilty? How about OJ? Do you think OJ is innocent of murdering Ron and Nicole?

You're the one clutching your pearls about a jury verdict vs. what's you know to be true.

But here is the difference... Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Cohen, Weiselberg, and many others have been found guilty of felonies... These are people from his campaign and his personal attorney. Not to mention the multiple other judgments against the blob.

Well, They can roll the dice and take their chances I guess. I don't know what you want from me at this point.

Oh brother. Yeah, Cohen paid Stormy Daniels out of the goodness of his heart...Trump had nothing to do with it!!!! LOL. C'mon man.

Well again...Clinton had his own independent counsel. Found nothing to put him away with. HRC was before the Senate more often than some Senators....Found nothing. Obama? You're joking right?

Am I satisfied with the Hillary outcome? No, and the reason why is that I don’t believe the investigations conducted on her were really in depth. She walked away from a lot of things that most people wouldn’t. Even the investigation into her mishandling of classified information said that she probably committed crimes, but “no reasonable prosecutor would take the case”. Fusion GPS? She did op research and misreported it and all she got out of it was to pay a fine. The exact same thing trump has been indicted for….34 times.

Aside from those things, there has always been suspicion surrounding the Clinton’s and alleged illegal activities.

I understand they have found nothing, but, as we’ve seen, for a long time, republicans don’t have the balls to conduct an investigation like then dems do. If you had everything that happened to trump happen to Hillary, or bill, or Biden, and they walked out of it clean, while I may not agree with the verdicts, because like you, I think there might be guilt, the difference is that, after all that, i would not be demanding unending investigations. I’d simply say “the law found them not guilty and we have to respect that”. The dems, however, don’t think like that. They say “if we don’t get a conviction, we keep bringing charges until we do” or they’ll say that the justice system is broken…as another post here just said.
That's what you keep repeating.
Say it enough times, a trump strategy, then you will start believing it.

I don’t need to repeat it, because It was a hypothetical, that the left will never consider. You see, if trump is fairly convicted in a court of law, if they find him guilty, I’m willing to accept it, the left, however, doesnt have that sentiment. For them, no matter how many courts find him not guilty, the left will not accept that, and apparently will just keep making allegations until they get what they want.

Which is the point of my post.
Has it ever occurred to you that your blob is guilty as fuck?

I'm guessing no.

Actually, yes…I have. If he has a fair trial and is found guilty, then the law has spoken and I’m fine with that. What I can’t seem to get from the left is the same sentiment. To them, it’s guilty at all costs, they’ll stop at nothing less.
you: "will the left be satisfied?"

I believe 'the left' has a history of accepting reality (Bush v Gore). You are confusing what is expected of people here. People can be satisfied, yet accepting of the consensus.

You people on the other hand, demand things be and go your way, or else you threaten to tear the nation apart. Shit, even the Brooks Brothers riots during Bush v Gore showed your hateful and fakery tactics

But isn’t that exactly what you are doing? That is the purpose of this post, to find out if the left will accept reality. If trump is found innocent after all is said and done, it appears the left will not be satisfied, they will continue to bring endless investigations until such time they can finally get a conviction or trump stops his campaign.

You people on the other hand, demand things be and go your way, or else you threaten to tear the nation apart.

Who’s tearing the nation apart? You mean J6? Yeah, some yahoos screwed up, and they are all in jail. If you mean rhetoric, hell, both sides do that.

However, let’s see if trump beats these charges. If trump beats all the charges and ends up winning in ‘24, we’ll see who “tears the nation apart”
Do you mean will the Libs accept the verdict or go on a rampage like the J6 retards? Or, do you mean like Trump with his "LOCK HER UP" and his Hunter Biden laptop rant?

No, I mean, if after all these investigations are done, after all the court cases are finished, if they can’t find anything to convict trump with, will the left finally let it rest? Or will they just keep unending investigations?
Satisfied vs accepting of.

Framing it like you do is pathetic attempt at manipulating an open and honest discussion.

Not at all, my question was straightforward. How do you get that I’m trying to manipulate the discussion? Perhaps you are reading too much into it. Mine was a very simple question.
But isn’t that exactly what you are doing? That is the purpose of this post, to find out if the left will accept reality. If trump is found innocent after all is said and done, it appears the left will not be satisfied, they will continue to bring endless investigations until such time they can finally get a conviction or trump stops his campaign.

Who’s tearing the nation apart? You mean J6? Yeah, some yahoos screwed up, and they are all in jail. If you mean rhetoric, hell, both sides do that.

However, let’s see if trump beats these charges. If trump beats all the charges and ends up winning in ‘24, we’ll see who “tears the nation apart”
Accepting results would end up Trump goes on his way. But we all know that ain't gonna happen.

You're confused and logic has fled the ship.
Your kind just doesnt get it. It's not about satisfaction. It's about the law. If more crimes are found and the DA or Feds think they should prosecute, then prosecute.

That’s kind of a dodge of the question. You’re assuming that new crimes are just going to keep surfacing…and if legitimately they do find more crimes, then the law says they need to be investigated.

My question was positioned from the point of, if all is said and done, will the left finally let it rest, or will they keep bringing new allegations.
That’s kind of a dodge of the question. You’re assuming that new crimes are just going to keep surfacing…and if legitimately they do find more crimes, then the law says they need to be investigated.

My question was positioned from the point of, if all is said and done, will the left finally let it rest, or will they keep bringing new allegations.
Unlike your kind, if the jury finds Trump innocent I will accept that and not come up with some dumb ass conspiracy just because I can't mentally handle things not working out how I'd like them to ie saying our court system is rigged or the FBI has been infiltrated by communists or whatever crazy shit you dummies come up with.
I don't think these three cases will be all Dirty Don gets indicted on regardless if any of those result in a conviction or not. It's only the beginning. Don't you see the vultures starting to circle?

I do, which is why i said that I think the liberals already have their next set of allegations ready to go, in case Bragg fails, they’ll tee up the next one. They also probably have 3 or 4 more women hanging in the balance waiting to make sexual allegations.
If you were up on what's going on, you'd know that the republicans are the ones always acting like cry babies and doing illegal shit. Look at that trump character for instance.

This has nothing to do with my question.

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