So, will the dems be satisfied?

Whatever the jury decides should be honored. That is our system.

I don't think there is any question about Trump's guilt. You don't have so many felons working for you but remain clean yourself. But what you know and what can be proven are two different things.

Ok, but again, that’s not my question. I understand whatever the courts decide should be honored, what I’m asking is, will the left finally be satisfied, or are we looking at never ending accusations and cases from here on until trump decided he doesn’t want to run?
Ok, add the rape case in there too. My question is still the same. If ALL of these cases came back without conviction, would the left finally be satisfied.

By the way, my post wasn’t alleging any guilt or inonocence, so I’m not understanding why you responded with “you’ll find out the hard way”. That wasn’t my question.
You'll never get a straight answer from these pos.
No idea. As I noted there would likely be case after case either way.

How would there be case after case? If trump incriminates himself on one case, that just hurts him on that case…it doesn’t necessarily bring up new cases.

I’m going to just assume you are in the “never ending accusation” category, it sounds like that’s where you are leaning.
How would there be case after case? If trump incriminates himself on one case, that just hurts him on that case…it doesn’t necessarily bring up new cases.

I’m going to just assume you are in the “never ending accusation” category, it sounds like that’s where you are leaning.

I explained myself. He has been involved in court cases his entire adult life.
Ok, but again, that’s not my question. I understand whatever the courts decide should be honored, what I’m asking is, will the left finally be satisfied, or are we looking at never ending accusations and cases from here on until trump decided he doesn’t want to run?

I don't think so.

Again...knowing someone is guilty (again nobody who surrounds themselves with so many felons could be clean themselves--use your brain), and a verdict are two different things. No sober person thinks that OJ Simpson did not murder his ex wife Nicole and Ronald Goldman.

So no verdict other than guilty will satisfy the left. No verdict other than guilty should satisfy the right either by the way.

Do you really think that a man who surrounds himself with this many felons is clean?
How would there be case after case? If trump incriminates himself on one case, that just hurts him on that case…it doesn’t necessarily bring up new cases.

I’m going to just assume you are in the “never ending accusation” category, it sounds like that’s where you are leaning.
The commie Reich hates anyone who turns against them. Trump was a Dem and loved by his peers and Hollywood alike, then turned sane and attempted to save our country from Obammy's destruction. Now he is hated.
Musk was the darling of the left until he turned sane. Now he is a mortal enemy of the brownshirts.
You'll never get a straight answer from these pos.
Well, we already know the answer, I just want to see if there are any dems out there that would be like “ok, this man has been investigated for 9 years straight and they couldn’t find anything to get a conviction, so we’re satisfied that he’s not guilty”

I don’t think that would be the case, hence why I said I feel that they will just keep rolling out accusations from now on. Until the day trump says “fine, I’m out, I won’t run”, there will be people out there throwing cases against him and making accusations. Like I said, Id probably be pretty accurate in saying they already have the next big accusation ready to go. They probably have several more women ready to make sexual allegations against him, just waiting until they deem it necessary.
The crazy thing is that the Democrats would be easily reelected if they decided to do a tremendous job and bring peace and prosperity.

But doing the right thing would be unthinkable, so they'll enact their plan to demonize the Trumpsters instead.

Yep...this shit really started in earnest when barry was "elected" he had the perfect chance to mend fences in the US and instead he used his position to make things worse.
The whole idea is to stop Trump from running and fixing this country that Dementia Fd up. Because then some people will learn what a tragedy Democrat leadership is all about.
No indictment no matter where it comes from will prevent Trump from running. He is the Republican nominee for 2024. There is no Republican that can beat him. The only exception would be is if he is convicted on the Mar-A-Lago docs case. And that trial (if charges are even filed) is YEARS away. Trump has one shot. 2024. That's it. But he's already lost the general election.

Republicans should start placing their efforts into the Senate races for 2024. The one bright spot for them that isn't great for Democrats.
The House...goes back to Democrats in 2024.
I’m just curious. If the Bragg case doesn’t end in conviction, if the Fulton case doesn’t provide a conviction, and if the DOJ case ends up not being effective, if all 3 cases end up in no conviction, will the left be satisfied? Or will they just roll out another accusation?

Personally, I think the latter is the case, in fact, I’d dare say it is almost a certainty that they already have another accusation waiting, ready to go, in case the Bragg case doesn’t pan out.

Watch what happens, if it looks like the Bragg case isn’t going to work out, shortly after there will be another breaking story about trump.
The entire purpose of the Bragg prosecution is to influence the 2024 election. Why else would the next hearing date be set for December 2023?
I don't think so.

Again...knowing someone is guilty (again nobody who surrounds themselves with so many felons could be clean themselves--use your brain), and a verdict are two different things. No sober person thinks that OJ Simpson did not murder his ex wife Nicole and Ronald Goldman.

So no verdict other than guilty will satisfy the left. No verdict other than guilty should satisfy the right either by the way.

Do you really think that a man who surrounds himself with this many felons is clean?

If the courts and jury’s can’t get a conviction on him, then he’s not guilty, right? That’s how it works. As I figured, however, despite all attempts to convict in the courts, the left will never be satisfied.

So, if you say that you won’t be satisfied because despite years of investigations, court cases, you still think he’s guilty, doesn’t that lend credence to the right feeling the same about Biden and Hillary ? I mean, if one is guilty because you just believe it to be true, then does that mean DA’s in red states, and house committees should start launching dozens of investigations on Biden, Hillary, Obama, bill?

Also, these people surrounding trump were charged with things having nothing to do with trump, and those things were only found out because the dems launched multiple investigations into trump. Do you really think there are no shady people around Biden? Or there weren’t any around Obama? Or the CLINTONS???? I’m sure if there was the level of investigations into those people and their finances as there were for those surrounding trump, you’d find some criminals as well.

I mean, do you really believe that all democrat presidents are squeaky clean?
How would there be case after case? If trump incriminates himself on one case, that just hurts him on that case…it doesn’t necessarily bring up new cases.

I’m going to just assume you are in the “never ending accusation” category, it sounds like that’s where you are leaning.
"Never ending accusation" is the strategy of the democrats concerning Trump. After six years of it, it is obvious.
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