So will these children be thrown into cages under Harris/Biden?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

My guess is the new administration will wait for a distraction and then the caravan will start migrating in. The media will turn away but if any reporting does come from the MSM the cages will be referred to as temporary lodging facilities.
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The election has already been stolen. There's no need for the marxist shitstains to keep up any pretense of valuing life anymore. That was all schtick. Life is cheap and meaningless again to these filthy fucking animals.
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

I don't see anybody "suddenly" worried. They have a lot on their plates addressing the complete incompetence of the previous administration and it's going to take a while to clean things up and get them back on track. Addressing immigration policy is just one of the issues. Sorry, you can't just snap your fingers and solve things on Day 1..even though I know that's EXACTLY what you Trumptards are going to do. I'm going to have a lot of fun watching your heads explode and picturing the veins bulging out of your temples over the next four years. Trump and his sycophants had four years to fuck things up. I'm going to give Biden and Harris a wide runway before I start holding them to standards we had for politicians prior to the reality TV game show host.
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

My guess is the new administration will wait for a distraction and then the caravan will start migrating in. The media will turn away but if any reporting does come from the MSM the cages will be referred to as temporary lodging facilities.
Let's hope that Biden's team has less cruelty in store for these poor refugee folks than the Trump team did.
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

My guess is the new administration will wait for a distraction and then the caravan will start migrating in. The media will turn away but if any reporting does come from the MSM the cages will be referred to as temporary lodging facilities.
Let's hope that Biden's team has less cruelty in store for these poor refugee folks than the Trump team did.
Wouldnt it be better to not let them enter in the first place ?
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

The cages will still be used, you just won't see them on the news. And why not? Quid Pro was there when they were first used, and for him to come out now decrying them would be the height of hypocrisy. Oh, wait, I'm talking about a democrat, never mind.
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

I don't see anybody "suddenly" worried. They have a lot on their plates addressing the complete incompetence of the previous administration and it's going to take a while to clean things up and get them back on track. Addressing immigration policy is just one of the issues. Sorry, you can't just snap your fingers and solve things on Day 1..even though I know that's EXACTLY what you Trumptards are going to do. I'm going to have a lot of fun watching your heads explode and picturing the veins bulging out of your temples over the next four years. Trump and his sycophants had four years to fuck things up. I'm going to give Biden and Harris a wide runway before I start holding them to standards we had for politicians prior to the reality TV game show host.
Perhaps you should have given Trump the same wide runway.
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

I don't see anybody "suddenly" worried. They have a lot on their plates addressing the complete incompetence of the previous administration and it's going to take a while to clean things up and get them back on track. Addressing immigration policy is just one of the issues. Sorry, you can't just snap your fingers and solve things on Day 1..even though I know that's EXACTLY what you Trumptards are going to do. I'm going to have a lot of fun watching your heads explode and picturing the veins bulging out of your temples over the next four years. Trump and his sycophants had four years to fuck things up. I'm going to give Biden and Harris a wide runway before I start holding them to standards we had for politicians prior to the reality TV game show host.

Stating that he was worried about the possibility of having "two million people" attempting to cross the border, Biden opined that encouraging such a surge would be "the last thing we need." The only option was, he said, to wait for "probably the next six months" before changing any rules that would make it easier for the United States to process asylum seekers.
Maybe he should tell these people surging to enter the USA..
Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 8.22.59 AM.png
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

The cages will still be used, you just won't see them on the news. And why not? Quid Pro was there when they were first used, and for him to come out now decrying them would be the height of hypocrisy. Oh, wait, I'm talking about a democrat, never mind.
You are 100% correct and here are two examples of why the MSM won't make it "big news"!
Consider the MSM donating 96% to Hillary and losing, was there no question why 95% of
Trump news was negative.
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

I don't see anybody "suddenly" worried. They have a lot on their plates addressing the complete incompetence of the previous administration and it's going to take a while to clean things up and get them back on track. Addressing immigration policy is just one of the issues. Sorry, you can't just snap your fingers and solve things on Day 1..even though I know that's EXACTLY what you Trumptards are going to do. I'm going to have a lot of fun watching your heads explode and picturing the veins bulging out of your temples over the next four years. Trump and his sycophants had four years to fuck things up. I'm going to give Biden and Harris a wide runway before I start holding them to standards we had for politicians prior to the reality TV game show host.
Perhaps you should have given Trump the same wide runway.

He wasn't interested in the job. He never was. Never showed he could pivot. Never showed he could be the President of the (whole) United States. Not just his angry white base. He went to the CIA Memorial Wall and talked about his inauguration crowd size. All downhill from there. And supporters like you played his willing fluffer...constantly. So, he had his runway and consistently proved he had no idea of how to fly the plane.

As far as immigration goes, it's going to be a while until things get straightened out. When you haven't been given the chance to make policy how do you expect them to make decisions? The current administration hasn't even afforded them a proper transition.
Biden team to migrant caravan — Don’t come, you won’t get in immediately
WASHINGTON — As thousands of Honduran migrants make their way to the U.S. border, the incoming Biden administration, just days from taking office, has a message: Don’t come now.
President-elect Joe Biden has promised an end to the immigration policies of the Trump administration, which focused on building a border wall and restricting eligibility for asylum.

I don't see anybody "suddenly" worried. They have a lot on their plates addressing the complete incompetence of the previous administration and it's going to take a while to clean things up and get them back on track. Addressing immigration policy is just one of the issues. Sorry, you can't just snap your fingers and solve things on Day 1..even though I know that's EXACTLY what you Trumptards are going to do. I'm going to have a lot of fun watching your heads explode and picturing the veins bulging out of your temples over the next four years. Trump and his sycophants had four years to fuck things up. I'm going to give Biden and Harris a wide runway before I start holding them to standards we had for politicians prior to the reality TV game show host.
Perhaps you should have given Trump the same wide runway.

He wasn't interested in the job. He never was. Never showed he could pivot. Never showed he could be the President of the (whole) United States. Not just his angry white base. He went to the CIA Memorial Wall and talked about his inauguration crowd size. All downhill from there. And supporters like you played his willing fluffer...constantly. So, he had his runway and consistently proved he had no idea of how to fly the plane.

As far as immigration goes, it's going to be a while until things get straightened out. When you haven't been given the chance to make policy how do you expect them to make decisions? The current administration hasn't even afforded them a proper transition.
So "flying the plane" like Biden is what you expect?
Tell me just one simple answer.
Which do you think would destroy the most environment?
1) An oil tanker carrying 1,000,000 barrels of oil traveling 1 mile on the open ocean OR
2) A Keystone pipeline carrying 700 barrels one mile on dry land?
Such a simple answer.
Now most logical people like Trump, me and millions like me know the answer but idiots like
Biden ONLY understands political expedience. Trump wasn't a politician. He understood simple
things like 1 million barrels of oil can do more damage on the open ocean than 700 barrels on dry land. Now if you and your ilk can't understand simple things like that how can Biden ever
get 5 Nobel peace prize nominations, how can idiots like you ever change your mind if you believe the biased MSM that donated 90% to Biden after 4 years of being called flakes, fake news after they donated 96% to Hillary! If people like you can't understand these simple distinctions I guess you just need to be taken care of by the Communist state.

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