So. Wonder Woman was a perv?

LMAO!!! Nothing in those comics is kinky UNLESS you already know about kink.
I know about a pile of shit, which is why I avoid stepping in it. Try again.

Yeah, I know about shit too. That is why I call people out when they claim I said something I did not.

But whatever kink is in WW is not blatant. Children will not see it unless they have been exposed to kinky art before, which is doubtful. Kids will see the comics as WW being held hostage by her enemies and getting free. Thats it.
Agreed. They will not put two and two together until they are adults. Like I did. And once they do realize the real story, they will either choose to accept WW as kinky and a perv..or they will turn from it. Like I did.
So my question to you is, why do you insist I accept that which I do not wish to accept? Whats it to you? Everything I have posted is just my opinion. And my choice on what I want to see or not see, accept or not accept. Are you a liberal or something? If I don't see Marston and his harpies and their storybook heroine as something I wish to acknowledge and shrug off, why does this concern you?
When I was a kid..I LOVED Bewitched. Samantha was everything to me..and the mother/friend I wish I had. Until I was at the market and picked up a magazine not knowing what it was until I opened it. It was a nude of Samantha Stevens. MY Samantha Stevens. My mom yelled at me for looking in a "nasty book" (maybe it was playboy?) and I threw it down like it would burn me. It already seared my eyes and destroyed my idol anyway, so no matter. I never watched that show again.

I don't sit here and demand anyone think as I do. So why do you browbeat me to think as you do??? You must be a liberal after all.

Once again, you are putting words in my mouth that I did not say.

I never once said you had to accept anything. I simply asked how it was immoral.
And I simply answered. Which didn't seem to satisfy you.

First you said something about it being bullying ect.

Then a few posts later it was about being in public with it.
And in some societies, women were equal. The Norse society, for example.

In Norse and Celtic Societies women were far closer to being equal, but they weren't actually equal.

Besides, I was talking about far older societies.we may not have all the records on those groups but we know enoigh about them to understand they were mostly Patriarchal with very different roles for Men and women.

And concerning your post about being more spiritual than religious? I get that. If you followed an actual religion you would have to show love and compassion for your fellow man. If you claim it is just being "spiritual", you can claim the harsh parts, like enjoying the screams of others being tormented and keeping women as second class citizens, but not have to follow the actual tenets of the faith.

My movement from religion to spirituality was for very different reasons than you suggest. I got to see the hypocrisy of religion and it' love/compassion lies first hand. I refuse to accept thst hypocrisy.
And in some societies, women were equal. The Norse society, for example.

In Norse and Celtic Societies women were far closer to being equal, but they weren't actually equal.

Besides, I was talking about far older societies.we may not have all the records on those groups but we know enoigh about them to understand they were mostly Patriarchal with very different roles for Men and women.

And concerning your post about being more spiritual than religious? I get that. If you followed an actual religion you would have to show love and compassion for your fellow man. If you claim it is just being "spiritual", you can claim the harsh parts, like enjoying the screams of others being tormented and keeping women as second class citizens, but not have to follow the actual tenets of the faith.

My movement from religion to spirituality was for very different reasons than you suggest. I got to see the hypocrisy of religion and it' love/compassion lies first hand. I refuse to accept thst hypocrisy.

Yes, we should model our society on primitive cultures that have virtually nothing in common with todays world. That makes lots of sense.

I notice these "Women should know their place" types always seem to be the men. lol

Oh yeah, you think the entire concept of love and compassion is fake. No thanks. You go right ahead and be miserable. That is not what any loving Creator would want for his children.
That is not what any loving Creator would want for his children.

Where have I ever suggested I believe in a loving Creator. In fact I believe in almost the exact opposite - a Creator who intends to test his creations thoroughly to ensyre they are worthy before allowing them into his presence.
That is not what any loving Creator would want for his children.

Where have I ever suggested I believe in a loving Creator. In fact I believe in almost the exact opposite - a Creator who intends to test his creations thoroughly to ensyre they are worthy before allowing them into his presence.

You go ahead and believe that all you want. The fact that you do not follow any religion shows this to be your fantasy, not anything even remotely resembling reality. You WANT this to be true.
You go ahead and believe that all you want. The fact that you do not follow any religion shows this to be your fantasy, not anything even remotely resembling reality. You WANT this to be true.

We shall see, won't we. I have no regrets about the philosophical choices I've made in life. If they turn out to be wrong, so be it. I' rather spend an Eternity in Hell than a moment in what Christians call Heaven.
You go ahead and believe that all you want. The fact that you do not follow any religion shows this to be your fantasy, not anything even remotely resembling reality. You WANT this to be true.

We shall see, won't we. I have no regrets about the philosophical choices I've made in life. If they turn out to be wrong, so be it. I' rather spend an Eternity in Hell than a moment in what Christians call Heaven.

I have no regrets about my philisophical choices, nor about my life choices. If we both end up in Hell, at least I will have lived my life as if it were a gift, not a trial.
Finally, a Movie About the Kinky Threesome That Inspired Wonder Woman

Why yes. She was. She liked being the spanker and spankee, was in to bondage, had lesbian undertones that weren't so undertonish, her creators lived in a threesome situation while he piled on kids with both women, yadda yadda.

My question is..why does a wonder women have to be kinky to be a wonder woman? Strength, bravery, smart, beautiful, super powers. That is what she always represented to me. Until I watched the comic book episode tonight on tv. Now, I see her as not so wonderwomanish.

I know. I am a prude.

But the thing was, she wasn't always written that way. Much like Batman has kind of evolved from the Goofy Adam West version to the Gritty Christian Bale version, Wonder Woman started out her career as kind of this goofy character that was into bondage, and seemed to get tied up with her own lasso so often that she might as well left it at home.

Finally saw the Wonder Woman movie, and frankly, what a piece of crap. I don't know what the critics were praising, exactly.
My goodness ... how could you think such a thing?


Suffering Sappho!!!
Finally, a Movie About the Kinky Threesome That Inspired Wonder Woman

Why yes. She was. She liked being the spanker and spankee, was in to bondage, had lesbian undertones that weren't so undertonish, her creators lived in a threesome situation while he piled on kids with both women, yadda yadda.

My question is..why does a wonder women have to be kinky to be a wonder woman? Strength, bravery, smart, beautiful, super powers. That is what she always represented to me. Until I watched the comic book episode tonight on tv. Now, I see her as not so wonderwomanish.

I know. I am a prude.

But the thing was, she wasn't always written that way. Much like Batman has kind of evolved from the Goofy Adam West version to the Gritty Christian Bale version, Wonder Woman started out her career as kind of this goofy character that was into bondage, and seemed to get tied up with her own lasso so often that she might as well left it at home.

Finally saw the Wonder Woman movie, and frankly, what a piece of crap. I don't know what the critics were praising, exactly.

Actually, the campy Adam West show was completely unlike the actual comics. The Dark Knight has always been a borderline psycho.
Actually, the campy Adam West show was completely unlike the actual comics. The Dark Knight has always been a borderline psycho.

I think it was more of an evolution. The early 1940's Batman did go around killing people. Then they instituted the Comic Books Code,and the 1950's Batman was a goofy character with a lot of Sci-Fi elements.

Also, because there was talk about Batman and Robin being gay, they introduced Batwoman and Batgirl as their "Beards".

Then in the 1970's, they started taking the character seriously again.
I have no regrets about my philisophical choices, nor about my life choices. If we both end up in Hell, at least I will have lived my life as if it were a gift, not a trial.

If I' right then I at least get another shot to come v's k and try to get it right again, while those of your ilk end up suffering the consequences of your mistakes for Eternity.

On the other hand, if you're right we both end up in our preferred Eternal homes.

Seems to me that I have nothing to lose.
I have no regrets about my philisophical choices, nor about my life choices. If we both end up in Hell, at least I will have lived my life as if it were a gift, not a trial.

If I' right then I at least get another shot to come v's k and try to get it right again, while those of your ilk end up suffering the consequences of your mistakes for Eternity.

On the other hand, if you're right we both end up in our preferred Eternal homes.

Seems to me that I have nothing to lose.

I'm curious, since you do not follow any organized religion, and disagree with the love and compassion parts of Christianity, did God talk to you and give you this message?
I'm curious, since you do not follow any organized religion, and disagree with the love and compassion parts of Christianity, did God talk to you and give you this message?

No. How I reached this place, Spiritually, is a long story. I grew up Lutheran, in a devout family thst included church workers. I played along but never really felt like it was the Right fit for me.

When I moved out on my own at age 24, I became far less churchy. I'd looked at different belief systems while in college and some made far more sense to me than organized religion. I became more agnostic thsn snything else.

The final straw or Christianity with me was the death of my father in 2001. What happened to him didn't fit into the way I felt his religion should have seen him treated. Was thst really the way his "loving God" did things? If so, I wanted no part of it.

I spent almost 30 months going from church to church, trmple to mosque looking for an answer. I couldn' find one anywhere, so I gave up on organized religion and began looking "elsewhere" for snswers.

The answers I found weren't fun or pleasant but they were far more in line with my life experiences and made a lot of sense. Over the next several years I quantified the way I believe the world truly works and it's worked for me for over a decade now.
I have no regrets about my philisophical choices, nor about my life choices. If we both end up in Hell, at least I will have lived my life as if it were a gift, not a trial.

If I' right then I at least get another shot to come v's k and try to get it right again, while those of your ilk end up suffering the consequences of your mistakes for Eternity.

On the other hand, if you're right we both end up in our preferred Eternal homes.

Seems to me that I have nothing to lose.

I'm curious, since you do not follow any organized religion, and disagree with the love and compassion parts of Christianity, did God talk to you and give you this message?

IIRC, he was abused as a child and was born with a deformity. He was probably teased and mistreated as a young child which damaged him. He hasn't yet been able to find a way to deal with or recover from the damage and the lack of love he felt as a child. His problems run deep and should not be dealt with over the internets by armchair psychologists. This man needs to see a GOOD psychologist, someone who knows how to treat childhood trauma. That does not even mean he will ever "see the light" either though. You have to WANT to heal and you have to be positive about it. If you don't want to change, then nobody is going to change you. It is all completely up to him how he lives out the rest of his days, as a miserable joyless old man, or as a man who feels whole and complete.
IIRC, he was abused as a child and was born with a deformity. He was probably teased and mistreated as a young child which damaged him.

You're partly correct. I was born with an obvious birth defect and was at times the target of comments and scorn because of it. No abuse, however. The corporal punishment my parents utilized was necessary to deal with someone of my personality and attitude.

You have to WANT to heal and you have to be positive about it. If you don't want to change, then nobody is going to change you.

One has to believe something is wrong before chsnge is necessary.

It is all completely up to him how he lives out the rest of his days, as a miserable joyless old man, or as a man who feels whole and complete.

Who says one can't feel whole and complete AS a joyless old man?
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I have no regrets about my philisophical choices, nor about my life choices. If we both end up in Hell, at least I will have lived my life as if it were a gift, not a trial.

If I' right then I at least get another shot to come v's k and try to get it right again, while those of your ilk end up suffering the consequences of your mistakes for Eternity.

On the other hand, if you're right we both end up in our preferred Eternal homes.

Seems to me that I have nothing to lose.

I'm curious, since you do not follow any organized religion, and disagree with the love and compassion parts of Christianity, did God talk to you and give you this message?

IIRC, he was abused as a child and was born with a deformity. He was probably teased and mistreated as a young child which damaged him. He hasn't yet been able to find a way to deal with or recover from the damage and the lack of love he felt as a child. His problems run deep and should not be dealt with over the internets by armchair psychologists. This man needs to see a GOOD psychologist, someone who knows how to treat childhood trauma. That does not even mean he will ever "see the light" either though. You have to WANT to heal and you have to be positive about it. If you don't want to change, then nobody is going to change you. It is all completely up to him how he lives out the rest of his days, as a miserable joyless old man, or as a man who feels whole and complete.
The only treatment he needs is an icepick prefrontal.
I have no regrets about my philisophical choices, nor about my life choices. If we both end up in Hell, at least I will have lived my life as if it were a gift, not a trial.

If I' right then I at least get another shot to come v's k and try to get it right again, while those of your ilk end up suffering the consequences of your mistakes for Eternity.

On the other hand, if you're right we both end up in our preferred Eternal homes.

Seems to me that I have nothing to lose.

I'm curious, since you do not follow any organized religion, and disagree with the love and compassion parts of Christianity, did God talk to you and give you this message?

IIRC, he was abused as a child and was born with a deformity. He was probably teased and mistreated as a young child which damaged him. He hasn't yet been able to find a way to deal with or recover from the damage and the lack of love he felt as a child. His problems run deep and should not be dealt with over the internets by armchair psychologists. This man needs to see a GOOD psychologist, someone who knows how to treat childhood trauma. That does not even mean he will ever "see the light" either though. You have to WANT to heal and you have to be positive about it. If you don't want to change, then nobody is going to change you. It is all completely up to him how he lives out the rest of his days, as a miserable joyless old man, or as a man who feels whole and complete.


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