So. Wonder Woman was a perv?

LOL. Sticks and Stones, GT. Yoir words have no more significance to me than those of my wife when she talks about her opinions.

The Lesser People need to be reminded of their place at times. They mix with the Higher People while perforing their duties and tend to forget whst they really are. Generally a stern warning is sufficient but occasionally their baser emotions of pain and fear need to be engaged to remind them of their place.

I am tempted to agree with you. I have seen you reminded of your place numerous times on these forums.

Your post "...but occasionally their baser emotions of pain and fear need to be engaged to remind them of their place" sounds like you are advocating violence to keep people in their place.

Why do you behave as if this is your first conversation with this poster? You already are aware of his views.

I was unaware that I was posting as if it was my first conversation with him.

Well, after having several conversations with this poster, I already know what he is going to say and so do you, so why bother even asking?

"sounds like you are advocating violence to keep people in their place." Yes, he is.

I think that the misogynistic beliefs of assholes like him should be challenged constantly. I am pretty sure there are lurkers on this site, like on most sites like this. For anathema's beliefs to go unchallenged and undisputed is tacit approval at worst, and encouraging a minority who agree, at best.

Have you ever heard of Sabrina Pasterski? She is a physicist. She built a single engine plane at 14, and became the youngest person to ever fly their own plane at the age of 16. She graduated from MIT in 3 years with a GPA of 5.0. She was part of the team that discovered the "spin effect", which was a major discovery that allows physicists to detect and verify the effects of gravitational waves.

If anathema's beliefs were to flourish, this brilliant mind would be relegated to washing dishes and keeping house for a man, based solely on the fact that she is female.

And, it is often easy to forget that women were second class citizens, to a large degree, until the 1970s.
Until 1978, a woman could be fired from her job for becoming pregnant.
Until 1972 a woman was not allowed to run in the Boston marathon.
Until 1974 a woman could not apply for a credit card in her own name.
Until the mid 1970s a woman could not refuse to have sex with her husband. And if he forced her (raped her), it was not a crime.

So yes, I will still challenge every neanderthal like anathema. If for no reason than the ridicule of such ideas should be universal.
He is pretty universally ridiculed....but I wouldnt really worry about it. Here are the facts....

-he admitted he hits his wife
-he admitted she hasnt had sex with him (says sex is only for procreation, says he doesnt have kids).

So, by universally ridiculed.....I mean ^^
LOL. Sticks and Stones, GT. Yoir words have no more significance to me than those of my wife when she talks about her opinions.

The Lesser People need to be reminded of their place at times. They mix with the Higher People while perforing their duties and tend to forget whst they really are. Generally a stern warning is sufficient but occasionally their baser emotions of pain and fear need to be engaged to remind them of their place.

I am tempted to agree with you. I have seen you reminded of your place numerous times on these forums.

Your post "...but occasionally their baser emotions of pain and fear need to be engaged to remind them of their place" sounds like you are advocating violence to keep people in their place.

Why do you behave as if this is your first conversation with this poster? You already are aware of his views.

I was unaware that I was posting as if it was my first conversation with him.

Well, after having several conversations with this poster, I already know what he is going to say and so do you, so why bother even asking?

"sounds like you are advocating violence to keep people in their place." Yes, he is.

I think that the misogynistic beliefs of assholes like him should be challenged constantly. I am pretty sure there are lurkers on this site, like on most sites like this. For anathema's beliefs to go unchallenged and undisputed is tacit approval at worst, and encouraging a minority who agree, at best.

Have you ever heard of Sabrina Pasterski? She is a physicist. She built a single engine plane at 14, and became the youngest person to ever fly their own plane at the age of 16. She graduated from MIT in 3 years with a GPA of 5.0. She was part of the team that discovered the "spin effect", which was a major discovery that allows physicists to detect and verify the effects of gravitational waves.

If anathema's beliefs were to flourish, this brilliant mind would be relegated to washing dishes and keeping house for a man, based solely on the fact that she is female.

And, it is often easy to forget that women were second class citizens, to a large degree, until the 1970s.
Until 1978, a woman could be fired from her job for becoming pregnant.
Until 1972 a woman was not allowed to run in the Boston marathon.
Until 1974 a woman could not apply for a credit card in her own name.
Until the mid 1970s a woman could not refuse to have sex with her husband. And if he forced her (raped her), it was not a crime.

So yes, I will still challenge every neanderthal like anathema. If for no reason than the ridicule of such ideas should be universal.

I suppose, but if you are trying to change his views you are probably wasting your time.
I am tempted to agree with you. I have seen you reminded of your place numerous times on these forums.

Your post "...but occasionally their baser emotions of pain and fear need to be engaged to remind them of their place" sounds like you are advocating violence to keep people in their place.

Why do you behave as if this is your first conversation with this poster? You already are aware of his views.

I was unaware that I was posting as if it was my first conversation with him.

Well, after having several conversations with this poster, I already know what he is going to say and so do you, so why bother even asking?

"sounds like you are advocating violence to keep people in their place." Yes, he is.

I think that the misogynistic beliefs of assholes like him should be challenged constantly. I am pretty sure there are lurkers on this site, like on most sites like this. For anathema's beliefs to go unchallenged and undisputed is tacit approval at worst, and encouraging a minority who agree, at best.

Have you ever heard of Sabrina Pasterski? She is a physicist. She built a single engine plane at 14, and became the youngest person to ever fly their own plane at the age of 16. She graduated from MIT in 3 years with a GPA of 5.0. She was part of the team that discovered the "spin effect", which was a major discovery that allows physicists to detect and verify the effects of gravitational waves.

If anathema's beliefs were to flourish, this brilliant mind would be relegated to washing dishes and keeping house for a man, based solely on the fact that she is female.

And, it is often easy to forget that women were second class citizens, to a large degree, until the 1970s.
Until 1978, a woman could be fired from her job for becoming pregnant.
Until 1972 a woman was not allowed to run in the Boston marathon.
Until 1974 a woman could not apply for a credit card in her own name.
Until the mid 1970s a woman could not refuse to have sex with her husband. And if he forced her (raped her), it was not a crime.

So yes, I will still challenge every neanderthal like anathema. If for no reason than the ridicule of such ideas should be universal.

I suppose, but if you are trying to change his views you are probably wasting your time.

I don't expect to change his views at all. I am hoping that the insecure men who might follow his beliefs will see the scorn and ridicule he receives and think twice.

I am a firm believer in the old adage "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.".
Your post "...but occasionally their baser emotions of pain and fear need to be engaged to remind them of their place" sounds like you are advocating violence to keep people in their place.

When necessary, YES. It' not the preferrd solution or even the first or second option; but at a certain point it becomes the best feasible option.
Your post "...but occasionally their baser emotions of pain and fear need to be engaged to remind them of their place" sounds like you are advocating violence to keep people in their place.

When necessary, YES. It' not the preferrd solution or even the first or second option; but at a certain point it becomes the best feasible option.

Funny, I bet you would disagree with that concept if those superior to you wanted to apply that option.
Funny, I bet you would disagree with that concept if those superior to you wanted to apply that option.

Actually my parents learned pretty early that Corporal Punishment was the only thing that worked with me. So I've taken my share of lumps over the years.
I am a firm believer in the old adage "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.".

I agree, and for the last 100 years Good Men have done NOTHING while women have promoted the Evils of Suffersge, Equal Rights, Feminism, etc...
I am a firm believer in the old adage "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.".

I agree, and for the last 100 years Good Men have done NOTHING while women have promoted the Evils of Suffersge, Equal Rights, Feminism, etc...

Did you read the description of the woman physicist? Is her intellect not a gift from God? And you want her to waste it in the kitchen?
Did you read the description of the woman physicist? Is her intellect not a gift from God? And you want her to waste it in the kitchen?

I read it. Just because it's a gift doesn'
Necessarily mean it should be accepted, or thst it comes from a good place.

It is my belief that we are here in this existence to prove our Souls will do what they SHOULD with this life rather than what we CAN do with it. Will we follow the easy, but Wrong path or the Hard but Right one.
Finally, a Movie About the Kinky Threesome That Inspired Wonder Woman

Why yes. She was. She liked being the spanker and spankee, was in to bondage, had lesbian undertones that weren't so undertonish, her creators lived in a threesome situation while he piled on kids with both women, yadda yadda.

My question is..why does a wonder women have to be kinky to be a wonder woman? Strength, bravery, smart, beautiful, super powers. That is what she always represented to me. Until I watched the comic book episode tonight on tv. Now, I see her as not so wonderwomanish.

I know. I am a prude.

The actual story of Madsen and his women is pretty fascinating.
Madsen clearly had an obsession with spanking and whips- but not Wonder Woman. He usually had her being the unwilling recipient.

Now if you look into her original version- she was strong, brave, smart- and very much a feminist- fighting for women's rights.

Does that bother you?

Oh and from reading the biography of Madsen- he certainly was a 'polygamist'- he thought of himself as married to two women, and there was a third that was in there also- but no indication of any lesbian relations there- just Madsen seperately with each of the women.
I am a firm believer in the old adage "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.".

I agree, and for the last 100 years Good Men have done NOTHING while women have promoted the Evils of Suffersge, Equal Rights, Feminism, etc...
...the Evils of Sufferage, Equal Rights....

How sad- when the evil is assholes like you who don't believe human beings deserve equal rights and equal sufferage.
Did you read the description of the woman physicist? Is her intellect not a gift from God? And you want her to waste it in the kitchen?

I read it. Just because it's a gift doesn'
Necessarily mean it should be accepted, or thst it comes from a good place.

It is my belief that we are here in this existence to prove our Souls will do what they SHOULD with this life rather than what we CAN do with it. Will we follow the easy, but Wrong path or the Hard but Right one.

Oh please. The young woman is not on FaceBook, never had a date, never smoked or drank, but because she does not limit her aspirations to being barefoot and pregnant, you think her gift is bad?

YOu make ridiculing you so easy. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Oh please. The young woman is not on FaceBook, never had a date, never smoked or drank, but because she does not limit her aspirations to being barefoot and pregnant, you think her gift is bad?

YOU make ridiculing you so easy. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Ridicule all you want. Go right ahead. I couldn' care any less.

Right and Wrong do not have exceptions. They don't care about what makes someone happy or sad. They don't contemplate easy or hard. In fact they are far more likely to lean towards the hard and the unpleasant, as mist worthwhile thi t's do.
Oh please. The young woman is not on FaceBook, never had a date, never smoked or drank, but because she does not limit her aspirations to being barefoot and pregnant, you think her gift is bad?

YOU make ridiculing you so easy. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Ridicule all you want. Go right ahead. I couldn' care any less.

Right and Wrong do not have exceptions. .

And you are wrong- as is anyone who believes that half of all adults don't deserve equal rights and equal access to the vote.

Your position is one of the most morally reprehensible positions there is- akin to those who thought slavery was okay- because blacks were not full human beings.
Oh please. The young woman is not on FaceBook, never had a date, never smoked or drank, but because she does not limit her aspirations to being barefoot and pregnant, you think her gift is bad?

YOU make ridiculing you so easy. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Ridicule all you want. Go right ahead. I couldn' care any less.

Right and Wrong do not have exceptions. They don't care about what makes someone happy or sad. They don't contemplate easy or hard. In fact they are far more likely to lean towards the hard and the unpleasant, as mist worthwhile thi t's do.

The woman I mentioned has worked very hard with her gifts. But you think, because she is a woman, she is inferior and should be washing dishes. That is a travesty. You are babbling about Right and Wrong not having exceptions? Murder is wrong. But if someone is trying to kill you, it is ok?

Once again, I am glad your opinion is the extreme minority. YOu live in a nation where religious beliefs are not law. Must suck for you.
The woman I mentioned has worked very hard with her gifts. But you think, because she is a woman, she is inferior and should be washing dishes. That is a travesty.

No. That is simply the way of a proper society. A Society that places Right and Wrong ahead of ease and pleasure. One where there is a place for everyone and everyone shoild be in their place.

You are babbling about Right and Wrong not having exceptions? Murder is wrong. But if someone is trying to kill you, it is ok?

If someone is trying to injure me and I kill them it's not Murder. The term for thst is Srlf-Defense. Thsts why we have different words to describe different situations.

Once again, I am glad your opinion is the extreme minority. YOu live in a nation where religious beliefs are not law. Must suck for you.

I'm Spiritual, not Religious. I believe in Government based on Morals, not Religion. We are a minority because doing ehst is Right is too hard and unpleasant for mist of you to endure.
We are finding out all kinds of bad habits about the super heroes lately.

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