So You Can See Potholes in the UK


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Someone has either a sense of humor or desperation for the damage done to their vehicles.

Dolls' heads have been popping up in the southwest of England after one resident took it upon himself to try and fix a problem with potholes.

Neville Daytona told Euronews he was "getting fed up with the pothole" in Wroughton, a town in Wiltshire near to him, and decided to fill it with dolls' heads to cause "amusement" among residents.

He said he was tired of getting mad with the potholes and used the heads bought from a charity shop to do something amusing for residents, making it look as though someone had fallen down the hole.

A little more @ Dolls' heads pop up in UK potholes in repair plea
Yet they pay a crapton of taxes, just to have kebabs taking over and no voice in government.

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