So you love socialism ?????

What a shame that you used our roads, parks, schools, courts, etc. Only a island of one fits your needs apparently.
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...
When personal life decisions have effects and interference with others, a referee and moderators are needed to rectify the disagreements and disturbances. That is a government's role. You can argue that seat belts should be a personal life decision and not the concern of government, but by not wearing a seatbelt, we know beyond any doubt that others will be paying for the cost of you not wearing that belt if you are injured to a certain extent in an accident. Your personal life decision will cost others and that makes it the government's decision.
the only reason others are paying the cost is the fact that government forces them to. Ino ther words, you used government intervention in the market place as a justification for more government intervention.

How typically liberal
Laws are passed, adjusted or repealed by elected officials who are selectively chosen by citizens. People aren't forced into anything. If a person, as in the seatbelt example, do not want to wear a seatbelt, they don't have to. They can live lives of not riding in cars and using public transportation instead, or they can risk having to pay fines for refusing to wear a seatbelt. They have options, hence, the wearing of the seatbelt is not something being forced upon them.

All laws are enforced with guns. To claim people aren't forced into anything by a law is the height of idiocy. The claim that it isn't force if you have options is even more idiotic. A mugger gives you the choice of handing over your wallet or taking a bullet in the belly. According to you that isn't force because you sill have "options."

I think you just proved that to be a liberal you have to be a complete moron.

Well if laws are all optional , then their not laws at all. Why Don't we just make mugging legal? Since the laws against mugging are enforced "with a gun".
Liberals now are all communists.

Now that you finally got THAT out of your system, don't forget to flush and wash your hands thoroughly.

I've proven it over and over. Please list one plank of the American Communist Party that liberals would disagree with.
So that's how Americans become communists, they don't disagree with one plank in the American Communist platform. Do conservatives have to disagree also or are they given a free pass? Seems like a little more proof than that should be required, but then you have proven it over and over so that's it. My kids haven't even read the platform and already they're communists.

Conservatives do disagree with almost all of it. You just admitted you couldn't find anything you disagreed with. Welcome to the communist club, Komrade.
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.

Utter horseshit. Capitalism is responsible for all the wealth in the world, and I mean all of it. Socialism, at best, is a parasite that sucks off capitalism. It produces nothing.

It enhances capitalism . Having a patent /copywrite laws is socialist . But it helps capitolism by protecting intellectual property .
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...
When personal life decisions have effects and interference with others, a referee and moderators are needed to rectify the disagreements and disturbances. That is a government's role. You can argue that seat belts should be a personal life decision and not the concern of government, but by not wearing a seatbelt, we know beyond any doubt that others will be paying for the cost of you not wearing that belt if you are injured to a certain extent in an accident. Your personal life decision will cost others and that makes it the government's decision.
the only reason others are paying the cost is the fact that government forces them to. Ino ther words, you used government intervention in the market place as a justification for more government intervention.

How typically liberal
Laws are passed, adjusted or repealed by elected officials who are selectively chosen by citizens. People aren't forced into anything. If a person, as in the seatbelt example, do not want to wear a seatbelt, they don't have to. They can live lives of not riding in cars and using public transportation instead, or they can risk having to pay fines for refusing to wear a seatbelt. They have options, hence, the wearing of the seatbelt is not something being forced upon them.

All laws are enforced with guns. To claim people aren't forced into anything by a law is the height of idiocy. The claim that it isn't force if you have options is even more idiotic. A mugger gives you the choice of handing over your wallet or taking a bullet in the belly. According to you that isn't force because you sill have "options."

I think you just proved that to be a liberal you have to be a complete moron.

Well if laws are all optional , then their not laws at all. Why Don't we just make mugging legal? Since the laws against mugging are enforced "with a gun".

I'm not the one claiming that laws don't require the use of force. Take it up with camp.
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.

Utter horseshit. Capitalism is responsible for all the wealth in the world, and I mean all of it. Socialism, at best, is a parasite that sucks off capitalism. It produces nothing.

It enhances capitalism . Having a patent /copywrite laws is socialist . But it helps capitolism by protecting intellectual property .

No it doesn't enhance capitalism. It loots the wealth of the country for the sake of parasitic government constituencies.
What a shame that you used our roads, parks, schools, courts, etc. Only a island of one fits your needs apparently.
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...
When personal life decisions have effects and interference with others, a referee and moderators are needed to rectify the disagreements and disturbances. That is a government's role. You can argue that seat belts should be a personal life decision and not the concern of government, but by not wearing a seatbelt, we know beyond any doubt that others will be paying for the cost of you not wearing that belt if you are injured to a certain extent in an accident. Your personal life decision will cost others and that makes it the government's decision.
the only reason others are paying the cost is the fact that government forces them to. Ino ther words, you used government intervention in the market place as a justification for more government intervention.

How typically liberal
Laws are passed, adjusted or repealed by elected officials who are selectively chosen by citizens. People aren't forced into anything. If a person, as in the seatbelt example, do not want to wear a seatbelt, they don't have to. They can live lives of not riding in cars and using public transportation instead, or they can risk having to pay fines for refusing to wear a seatbelt. They have options, hence, the wearing of the seatbelt is not something being forced upon them.

All laws are enforced with guns. To claim people aren't forced into anything by a law is the height of idiocy. The claim that it isn't force if you have options is even more idiotic. A mugger gives you the choice of handing over your wallet or taking a bullet in the belly. According to you that isn't force because you sill have "options."

I think you just proved that to be a liberal you have to be a complete moron.
You are mixing the option of being killed or shot with the option of being robbed. You are distorting to make try and make your point. Plus, you are not using the example that was given, instead, you have created a new one, hence, you have failed to dispute the original argument about the seatbelt example.
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.

Utter horseshit. Capitalism is responsible for all the wealth in the world, and I mean all of it. Socialism, at best, is a parasite that sucks off capitalism. It produces nothing.
Socialism produces plenty. Socialism built Germany up from a shit stain that was practically a 3rd world country in the middle of a recession to the current leader of the EU.
Unregulated capitolism will destroy itself . We've seen this in our own country .

You need to have that good balance where u don't want to stifle economic growth, but u also don't want it to cause more harm than good .

We haven't seen any such thing. What we have seen is an endless series of demagogues attacking capitalism so they can justify looting it and taking away your freedom.
Unregulated capitolism will destroy itself . We've seen this in our own country .

You need to have that good balance where u don't want to stifle economic growth, but u also don't want it to cause more harm than good .

We haven't seen any such thing. What we have seen is an endless series of demagogues attacking capitalism so they can justify looting it and taking away your freedom.

Early 20th century . Robber Barrons, oilgolpolies , pollution, corruption, no middle class , dangerous working and living conditions .
One more time:

Capitalism Requires Government
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"Americans need to realize that our economy has thrived not in spite of government, but in many ways because of government."

Without a whole host of government rules, capitalism could not exist. Even regulations and social programs help sustain a market economy by fixing many of its serious social and economic problems.

One of the most common and misleading economic myths in the United States is the idea that the free market is “natural” – that it exists in some natural world, separate from government. In this view, government rules and regulations only “interfere” with the natural beneficial workings of the market. Even the term “free market” implies that it can exist free from government and that it prospers best when government leaves it alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a market economy does not exist separate from government – it is very much a product of government rules and regulations. The dirty little secret of our “free” market system is that it would simply not exist as we know it without the presence of an active government that creates and maintains the rules and conditions that allow it to operate efficiently."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...
When personal life decisions have effects and interference with others, a referee and moderators are needed to rectify the disagreements and disturbances. That is a government's role. You can argue that seat belts should be a personal life decision and not the concern of government, but by not wearing a seatbelt, we know beyond any doubt that others will be paying for the cost of you not wearing that belt if you are injured to a certain extent in an accident. Your personal life decision will cost others and that makes it the government's decision.
the only reason others are paying the cost is the fact that government forces them to. Ino ther words, you used government intervention in the market place as a justification for more government intervention.

How typically liberal
Laws are passed, adjusted or repealed by elected officials who are selectively chosen by citizens. People aren't forced into anything. If a person, as in the seatbelt example, do not want to wear a seatbelt, they don't have to. They can live lives of not riding in cars and using public transportation instead, or they can risk having to pay fines for refusing to wear a seatbelt. They have options, hence, the wearing of the seatbelt is not something being forced upon them.

All laws are enforced with guns. To claim people aren't forced into anything by a law is the height of idiocy. The claim that it isn't force if you have options is even more idiotic. A mugger gives you the choice of handing over your wallet or taking a bullet in the belly. According to you that isn't force because you sill have "options."

I think you just proved that to be a liberal you have to be a complete moron.
You are mixing the option of being killed or shot with the option of being robbed. You are distorting to make try and make your point. Plus, you are not using the example that was given, instead, you have created a new one, hence, you have failed to dispute the original argument about the seatbelt example.

I used an example that made it perfectly clear what liberals like you mean when you say "we have a choice." When a mugger holds you up, he's giving you the "choice" of being shot and killed or handing over your wallet. How do you separate those two? You can't have an armed robbery without a robber holding a gun on someone.

Those are exactly the same options the government gives you: pay the tax or you will be shot and killed or we will take your stuff by force. There's no meaningful difference. In your example the government doesn't give you the choice of buying a car without airbags because the government is holding a gun on the auto manufacturer. If they make cars without airbags, men with guns will come and shut down their plant and impose huge fines on them.
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.

Utter horseshit. Capitalism is responsible for all the wealth in the world, and I mean all of it. Socialism, at best, is a parasite that sucks off capitalism. It produces nothing.
Socialism = Bad =......................................... Untrue...
One more time:

Capitalism Requires Government
Print this Article Tell a Friend Share on Facebook Tweet this
"Americans need to realize that our economy has thrived not in spite of government, but in many ways because of government."

Without a whole host of government rules, capitalism could not exist. Even regulations and social programs help sustain a market economy by fixing many of its serious social and economic problems.

One of the most common and misleading economic myths in the United States is the idea that the free market is “natural” – that it exists in some natural world, separate from government. In this view, government rules and regulations only “interfere” with the natural beneficial workings of the market. Even the term “free market” implies that it can exist free from government and that it prospers best when government leaves it alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a market economy does not exist separate from government – it is very much a product of government rules and regulations. The dirty little secret of our “free” market system is that it would simply not exist as we know it without the presence of an active government that creates and maintains the rules and conditions that allow it to operate efficiently."
Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

Pure horseshit, of course.
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.

Utter horseshit. Capitalism is responsible for all the wealth in the world, and I mean all of it. Socialism, at best, is a parasite that sucks off capitalism. It produces nothing.

It enhances capitalism . Having a patent /copywrite laws is socialist . But it helps capitolism by protecting intellectual property .

No it doesn't enhance capitalism. It loots the wealth of the country for the sake of parasitic government constituencies.

So once a movie is released it should be freely accessible to anyone with the means to copy it?
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.

Utter horseshit. Capitalism is responsible for all the wealth in the world, and I mean all of it. Socialism, at best, is a parasite that sucks off capitalism. It produces nothing.
Socialism = Bad =......................................... Untrue...

It's absolutely true. Socialism is based on using force against innocent people. That is intrinsically bad. Nothing good can come from it.
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...

Well, good for you......Women will approve of your new-found advocacy for a woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE......Now tell that to your conservative ilk.
Right To Choose? Killing Babies is not a right. It certainly is not a medical procedure. The Democrats have a long history of being on the wrong side of right and wrong.
Come on people, learn:

Doctors say abortions do sometimes save women's lives
Kim Painter, Special for USA TODAY 1:24 p.m. EDT October 22, 2012
Abortions are sometimes needed to save the lives of pregnant women, several medical experts said in response to comments from Rep. Joe Walsh.

Doctors say abortions do sometimes save women's lives
Sure, but never at planned parenthood which has a history of actually killing women while attempting to abort babies.
Sure, but never at planned parenthood which has a history of actually killing women while attempting to abort babies.

How often do you pull these types of statements out of your arse????LOL
Unregulated capitolism will destroy itself . We've seen this in our own country .

You need to have that good balance where u don't want to stifle economic growth, but u also don't want it to cause more harm than good .

We haven't seen any such thing. What we have seen is an endless series of demagogues attacking capitalism so they can justify looting it and taking away your freedom.

Early 20th century . Robber Barrons, oilgolpolies , pollution, corruption, no middle class , dangerous working and living conditions .

It would take too long to dispute all that horse manure. Blaming it all on capitalism is all socialist demagoguery, however.
It's absolutely true. Socialism is based on using force against innocent people. That is intrinsically bad. Nothing good can come from it.

Put down that bottle, bripat.......Your stupidity is getting worse.
It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.

Utter horseshit. Capitalism is responsible for all the wealth in the world, and I mean all of it. Socialism, at best, is a parasite that sucks off capitalism. It produces nothing.

It enhances capitalism . Having a patent /copywrite laws is socialist . But it helps capitolism by protecting intellectual property .

No it doesn't enhance capitalism. It loots the wealth of the country for the sake of parasitic government constituencies.

So once a movie is released it should be freely accessible to anyone with the means to copy it?

You're getting into an obscure area that even libertarians argue about.

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