So you love socialism ?????

Socialism is the dream of the delusional...
The Swedes, Danes, British, etc. are delusional? You need a better mirror.
Of course they are, the euro zone is all but dead...
Anyway,this "it takes a village' bullshit is as cowardly as it gets...
What a shame that you used our roads, parks, schools, courts, etc. Only a island of one fits your needs apparently.
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...
When personal life decisions have effects and interference with others, a referee and moderators are needed to rectify the disagreements and disturbances. That is a government's role. You can argue that seat belts should be a personal life decision and not the concern of government, but by not wearing a seatbelt, we know beyond any doubt that others will be paying for the cost of you not wearing that belt if you are injured to a certain extent in an accident. Your personal life decision will cost others and that makes it the government's decision.
the only reason others are paying the cost is the fact that government forces them to. In other words, you used government intervention in the market place as a justification for more government intervention.

How typically liberal
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Your' government doesn't work for me.
It is a government of laws, just not only the laws of 1789, and it was never a government meant to work for immoral selfish infants, so of course it doesn't work for you.

Funny thing, no one ever passed a law that said you had to stay, your island of one awaits...
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...

Well, good for you......Women will approve of your new-found advocacy for a woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE......Now tell that to your conservative ilk.
Right To Choose? Killing Babies is not a right. It certainly is not a medical procedure. The Democrats have a long history of being on the wrong side of right and wrong.
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...

Well, good for you......Women will approve of your new-found advocacy for a woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE......Now tell that to your conservative ilk.
Right To Choose? Killing Babies is not a right. It certainly is not a medical procedure. The Democrats have a long history of being on the wrong side of right and wrong.
Come on people, learn:

Doctors say abortions do sometimes save women's lives
Kim Painter, Special for USA TODAY 1:24 p.m. EDT October 22, 2012
Abortions are sometimes needed to save the lives of pregnant women, several medical experts said in response to comments from Rep. Joe Walsh.

Doctors say abortions do sometimes save women's lives

Your' government doesn't work for me.
It is a government of laws, just not only the laws of 1789, and it was never a government meant to work for immoral selfish infants, so of course it doesn't work for you.

Funny thing, no one ever passed a law that said you had to stay, your island of one awaits...
the law written in 1789 and still in force says government can only regulate exchanges between states. It didn't authorize the government to create the FAA and regulate how planes are built or maintained. You follow only the laws you want to follow, so your bleating about the "rule of law" is a joke.
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.
The Swedes, Danes, British, etc. are delusional? You need a better mirror.
Of course they are, the euro zone is all but dead...
Anyway,this "it takes a village' bullshit is as cowardly as it gets...
What a shame that you used our roads, parks, schools, courts, etc. Only a island of one fits your needs apparently.
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...
When personal life decisions have effects and interference with others, a referee and moderators are needed to rectify the disagreements and disturbances. That is a government's role. You can argue that seat belts should be a personal life decision and not the concern of government, but by not wearing a seatbelt, we know beyond any doubt that others will be paying for the cost of you not wearing that belt if you are injured to a certain extent in an accident. Your personal life decision will cost others and that makes it the government's decision.
the only reason others are paying the cost is the fact that government forces them to. Ino ther words, you used government intervention in the market place as a justification for more government intervention.

How typically liberal
Laws are passed, adjusted or repealed by elected officials who are selectively chosen by citizens. People aren't forced into anything. If a person, as in the seatbelt example, do not want to wear a seatbelt, they don't have to. They can live lives of not riding in cars and using public transportation instead, or they can risk having to pay fines for refusing to wear a seatbelt. They have options, hence, the wearing of the seatbelt is not something being forced upon them.
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.

Your' government doesn't work for me.
It is a government of laws, just not only the laws of 1789, and it was never a government meant to work for immoral selfish infants, so of course it doesn't work for you.

Funny thing, no one ever passed a law that said you had to stay, your island of one awaits...
the law written in 1789 and still in force says government can only regulate exchanges between states. It didn't authorize the government to create the FAA and regulate how planes are built or maintained. You follow only the laws you want to follow, so your bleating about the "rule of law" is a joke.
Nope, I obey the laws, even the ones passed since 1789, and the idea that we can't create the FAA because they didn't have such a thing in 1789 is an example of why you are such a total moron...
Liberals now are all communists.

Now that you finally got THAT out of your system, don't forget to flush and wash your hands thoroughly.

I've proven it over and over. Please list one plank of the American Communist Party that liberals would disagree with.
CPUSA Program » cpusa

Happy reading...

Please point out the parts liberals disagree with.
If I felt like reading it, I would, but I don't care.
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...

Well, good for you......Women will approve of your new-found advocacy for a woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE......Now tell that to your conservative ilk.
Right To Choose? Killing Babies is not a right. It certainly is not a medical procedure. The Democrats have a long history of being on the wrong side of right and wrong.
Call it killing if that is what you prefer, but abortion is a constitutional right determined to be such according to our Constitution. So you are factually wrong.
The right that does not exist is the one that you think you have to force your religious and moral beliefs on others.
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.
Of course they are, the euro zone is all but dead...
Anyway,this "it takes a village' bullshit is as cowardly as it gets...
What a shame that you used our roads, parks, schools, courts, etc. Only a island of one fits your needs apparently.
The federal government should not be involved in personal life decisions whatsoever...
When personal life decisions have effects and interference with others, a referee and moderators are needed to rectify the disagreements and disturbances. That is a government's role. You can argue that seat belts should be a personal life decision and not the concern of government, but by not wearing a seatbelt, we know beyond any doubt that others will be paying for the cost of you not wearing that belt if you are injured to a certain extent in an accident. Your personal life decision will cost others and that makes it the government's decision.
the only reason others are paying the cost is the fact that government forces them to. Ino ther words, you used government intervention in the market place as a justification for more government intervention.

How typically liberal
Laws are passed, adjusted or repealed by elected officials who are selectively chosen by citizens. People aren't forced into anything. If a person, as in the seatbelt example, do not want to wear a seatbelt, they don't have to. They can live lives of not riding in cars and using public transportation instead, or they can risk having to pay fines for refusing to wear a seatbelt. They have options, hence, the wearing of the seatbelt is not something being forced upon them.

All laws are enforced with guns. To claim people aren't forced into anything by a law is the height of idiocy. The claim that it isn't force if you have options is even more idiotic. A mugger gives you the choice of handing over your wallet or taking a bullet in the belly. According to you that isn't force because you sill have "options."

I think you just proved that to be a liberal you have to be a complete moron.
Liberals now are all communists.

Now that you finally got THAT out of your system, don't forget to flush and wash your hands thoroughly.

I've proven it over and over. Please list one plank of the American Communist Party that liberals would disagree with.
So that's how Americans become communists, they don't disagree with one plank in the American Communist platform. Do conservatives have to disagree also or are they given a free pass? Seems like a little more proof than that should be required, but then you have proven it over and over so that's it. My kids haven't even read the platform and already they're communists.
Unregulated capitolism will destroy itself . We've seen this in our own country .

You need to have that good balance where u don't want to stifle economic growth, but u also don't want it to cause more harm than good .
Socialism worked fine in previously homogenous countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Multiculturalism and multiracialism destroys the opportunity for socialism to work.

It doesn't work even then. It reduces their standard of living.
You can argue that, but capitalism is the reason why their standard of living went even lower still.

Capitalism is the reason why mass immigration exists, socialism is just an economic platform.

Utter horseshit. Capitalism is responsible for all the wealth in the world, and I mean all of it. Socialism, at best, is a parasite that sucks off capitalism. It produces nothing.

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