So you want a Civil War?

Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
No, "hot war" will break out....American's are too apathetic to commit to it....

The best we can hope for is the Titler cycle...Which will happen.

View attachment 433600

We right now are somewhere around "selfishness, Complacency, and Apathy"....

It will move forward.
WTF you calling "we"? You absolutely cannot speak for me or mine.

Don‘t plan to....Look, if you think violence is the answer here, it’s not. And promoting such on the internet only makes you look unserious.
Then you best be more specific. I don't promote or advocate violence. I'm trying to convince a bunch of pluperfect " can't happen here..." idiots that it has and can and has may have already started with the accelerating rate of murder of police for being police and white people for being white. The people on here taunting others to "do something!" are in fact the ones literally begging for violence. As the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it".
Then oppose those who are responsible for the violence and do something about it--legally. Don't
accuse a political party of being responsible for the violence. Who cares what party violent people support? Should the trump party members be attacked because of the violence perpetrated by Proud boys, Qanon, white supremacists who are trump party supporters? No.
Apparently they're being attacked because they wear hats.
Antifa wears hats? The groups that I refer to do a lot more than just wear hats. They are also inciteful. wearing hats.

Leftists can't control their emotions; they insist other people should change their behavior to control their emotions for them.
You are placing your cards on the hats. Good for you.
So you're okay with assaulting people because their clothes hurt your feelings.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
You are either brain dead, or ten years old. Either way, the result is the same. Yes, Pelosi controls the House, and Trump signs the bill. Now, see if you can wrap your head around that. I'm betting you can't.
I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.

Trump is not responsible for vetting anybody. What he did do is create policy to drastically reduce illegal border crossings, which of course is down the tubes now that the rest of the world is assured open border Biden will be the President next month.

The United States allows nearly a million people every year to become citizens of this country. That's on top of another near million Visa's and work permits we issue. No other country in the world is more generous to outsiders than the United States. However we can't allow everybody in. It's like a private club. You have to be a member who was carefully chosen to be part of the club. If they allowed people to walk in off the streets, they would have the same problem other open bars have which are out of control drunks and fist fights in the bar.
No other country is more beholden to immigrants than US citizens, because they feed our sorry asses. Get a clue.
Again bullspit! American have to feed, clothe, provide a place to live, to sorry wetback asses so they can take jobs Americans need and want. Suicide.
If the place wasn't there for them to live, sorry ass US citizens would still starve. That's why the places to live exist. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans. Americans are too sorry to do those jobs. Reality is a hard pill to swallow, and you better get used to it. That's not going to change.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
You are either brain dead, or ten years old. Either way, the result is the same. Yes, Pelosi controls the House, and Trump signs the bill. Now, see if you can wrap your head around that. I'm betting you can't.
Democrats thought foreigners are more deserving of American tax dollars than are Americans.

You seem to agree with them. But then, independent thought isn't something you do.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
Yes, it is so, and if you had an intelligent counter argument to Bobob's, which is very clear, you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question, that has nothing to do with the argument.

Folks, this guy keeps giving the gifts out for the most ridiculous non-arguments for topics I have seen on this forum.

WTF does having 7.5 billion people enter our country have to do with the horrible things we have done to Central and South America? Answer, not a damn thing. Please, keep making a total fool of yourself with this argument of yours that is unrelated. Lol!
You are mentally ill if you think the nations South of the border lived in peace with each other before Honky came along.
You are intellectually challenged to think that has something to do with the price of apples.
I was responding to your fleeting thoughts when you blamed all the troubles of the world on Whitey.
Yea, and boy was I right.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
You are either brain dead, or ten years old. Either way, the result is the same. Yes, Pelosi controls the House, and Trump signs the bill. Now, see if you can wrap your head around that. I'm betting you can't.
Democrats thought foreigners are more deserving of American tax dollars than are Americans.

You seem to agree with them. But then, independent thought isn't something you do.
As long as they are doing the heavy lifting, and feeding my sorry ass and yours, I'd like to "independently" acknowledge that I'm keeping my mouth shut, while I'm being fed.

No one said anything about foreigners being more deserving of "American tax dollars." You did. That's your fallacy, not mine.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
You are either brain dead, or ten years old. Either way, the result is the same. Yes, Pelosi controls the House, and Trump signs the bill. Now, see if you can wrap your head around that. I'm betting you can't.
Democrats thought foreigners are more deserving of American tax dollars than are Americans.

You seem to agree with them. But then, independent thought isn't something you do.
As long as they are doing the heavy lifting, and feeding my sorry ass and yours, I'd like to "independently" acknowledge that I'm keeping my mouth shut, while I'm being fed.

No one said anything about foreigners being more deserving of "American tax dollars." You did. That's your fallacy, not mine.
I'm sure you realize that our Congress critters pilfer a good deal of that money we send away.
I'm also sure that either you are an idiot or a member of a one of those pilfering groups.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
You are either brain dead, or ten years old. Either way, the result is the same. Yes, Pelosi controls the House, and Trump signs the bill. Now, see if you can wrap your head around that. I'm betting you can't.
Democrats thought foreigners are more deserving of American tax dollars than are Americans.

You seem to agree with them. But then, independent thought isn't something you do.
As long as they are doing the heavy lifting, and feeding my sorry ass and yours, I'd like to "independently" acknowledge that I'm keeping my mouth shut, while I'm being fed.

No one said anything about foreigners being more deserving of "American tax dollars." You did. That's your fallacy, not mine.
I'm sure you realize that our Congress critters pilfer a good deal of that money we send away.
I'm also sure that either you are an idiot or a member of a one of those pilfering groups.
You wouldn't know how much is pilfered away, because you've provided us with no evidence of such a thing. Therefore, the reward for the biggest idiot in the room goes to you.
If the place wasn't there for them to live, sorry ass US citizens would still starve. That's why the places to live exist. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans. Americans are too sorry to do those jobs. Reality is a hard pill to swallow, and you better get used to it. That's not going to change.

Americans will do any job provided the pay is satisfactory for their labor. It's not about jobs Americans won't do, it's about jobs Americans won't do for little pay and no benefits.

When we discuss illegal immigrants, the first thing you people come out with on the left is that cheap claim. The truth of the matter is illegals are in all kinds of sectors of work, not just farming.

I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.

Trump is not responsible for vetting anybody. What he did do is create policy to drastically reduce illegal border crossings, which of course is down the tubes now that the rest of the world is assured open border Biden will be the President next month.

The United States allows nearly a million people every year to become citizens of this country. That's on top of another near million Visa's and work permits we issue. No other country in the world is more generous to outsiders than the United States. However we can't allow everybody in. It's like a private club. You have to be a member who was carefully chosen to be part of the club. If they allowed people to walk in off the streets, they would have the same problem other open bars have which are out of control drunks and fist fights in the bar.
No other country is more beholden to immigrants than US citizens, because they feed our sorry asses. Get a clue.
Again bullspit! American have to feed, clothe, provide a place to live, to sorry wetback asses so they can take jobs Americans need and want. Suicide.
If the place wasn't there for them to live, sorry ass US citizens would still starve. That's why the places to live exist. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans. Americans are too sorry to do those jobs. Reality is a hard pill to swallow, and you better get used to it. That's not going to change.
What do think you know about reality? You reside firmly in fantasy-land. Wetbacks do not feed me and most cannot even feed themselves which is exactly why they show up here whining for someone else to feed them. If they had any backbone at all they would stay and fix their own damn country instead of trying to turn my Country into a shithole like they left. The only thing constant is change. And the times they are a-changing.
If the place wasn't there for them to live, sorry ass US citizens would still starve. That's why the places to live exist. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans. Americans are too sorry to do those jobs. Reality is a hard pill to swallow, and you better get used to it. That's not going to change.

Americans will do any job provided the pay is satisfactory for their labor. It's not about jobs Americans won't do, it's about jobs Americans won't do for little pay and no benefits.

When we discuss illegal immigrants, the first thing you people come out with on the left is that cheap claim. The truth of the matter is illegals are in all kinds of sectors of work, not just farming.

View attachment 434575
And the first five are very typical of manual labor type jobs. I rest my case, and you helped me. Thanks!
Most of those people have an ocean to cross. Central and South America do not. And you are right, we ruined those countries as well. We are an imperialist country, and every other country is ours for the taking. Which is exactly what we've done.

We are also not responsible for getting involved in other countries conflicts. It's none of our fucking business.

It's not about what you think is right or wrong, it's about us owing anybody anything for our actions. We don't owe anybody from south America anything including providing them residency in our country. If you want to come here, you do it like everybody else did who came here legally. Get permission to work here, go home when that permit expires, come back next year when you can apply again, and also apply for permanent residency or citizenship.
I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.

Trump is not responsible for vetting anybody. What he did do is create policy to drastically reduce illegal border crossings, which of course is down the tubes now that the rest of the world is assured open border Biden will be the President next month.

The United States allows nearly a million people every year to become citizens of this country. That's on top of another near million Visa's and work permits we issue. No other country in the world is more generous to outsiders than the United States. However we can't allow everybody in. It's like a private club. You have to be a member who was carefully chosen to be part of the club. If they allowed people to walk in off the streets, they would have the same problem other open bars have which are out of control drunks and fist fights in the bar.
No other country is more beholden to immigrants than US citizens, because they feed our sorry asses. Get a clue.
Again bullspit! American have to feed, clothe, provide a place to live, to sorry wetback asses so they can take jobs Americans need and want. Suicide.
If the place wasn't there for them to live, sorry ass US citizens would still starve. That's why the places to live exist. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans. Americans are too sorry to do those jobs. Reality is a hard pill to swallow, and you better get used to it. That's not going to change.
What do think you know about reality? You reside firmly in fantasy-land. Wetbacks do not feed me and most cannot even feed themselves which is exactly why they show up here whining for someone else to feed them. If they had any backbone at all they would stay and fix their own damn country instead of trying to turn my Country into a shithole like they left. The only thing constant is change. And the times they are a-changing.
You showed up to this rodeo without an intelligent counter argument. Your ranting is worth teats on a bo hog. I already provided the links for which no one like you has debunked, changed, or challenged. So, sonny boy, you never had any skin in this game. Now scram. Your boring, useless rant is worth shit.
Most of those people have an ocean to cross. Central and South America do not. And you are right, we ruined those countries as well. We are an imperialist country, and every other country is ours for the taking. Which is exactly what we've done.

We are also not responsible for getting involved in other countries conflicts. It's none of our fucking business.

It's not about what you think is right or wrong, it's about us owing anybody anything for our actions. We don't owe anybody from south America anything including providing them residency in our country. If you want to come here, you do it like everybody else did who came here legally. Get permission to work here, go home when that permit expires, come back next year when you can apply again, and also apply for permanent residency or citizenship.
No, we owe them their countries back, is what we owe them. My links point that out perfectly.

And don't talk to me about right and wrong. The US never gave a shit about that to begin with, so yes, it's all about right and wrong. We ruined millions of people's lives with our actions, because we chose wrong over right. And your arrogance is disgusting. Those folks have more right being here than we do.
And the first five are very typical of manual labor type jobs. I rest my case, and you helped me. Thanks!

So your implication is that Americans won't do manual labor? I see it all the time.
When there's big profit to be made, maybe! I've traveled all across this country and you'd have to be blind not to see who is doing the heavy lifting from east to west.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
You are either brain dead, or ten years old. Either way, the result is the same. Yes, Pelosi controls the House, and Trump signs the bill. Now, see if you can wrap your head around that. I'm betting you can't.
Democrats thought foreigners are more deserving of American tax dollars than are Americans.

You seem to agree with them. But then, independent thought isn't something you do.
As long as they are doing the heavy lifting, and feeding my sorry ass and yours, I'd like to "independently" acknowledge that I'm keeping my mouth shut, while I'm being fed.

No one said anything about foreigners being more deserving of "American tax dollars." You did. That's your fallacy, not mine.
I'm sure you realize that our Congress critters pilfer a good deal of that money we send away.
I'm also sure that either you are an idiot or a member of a one of those pilfering groups.
You wouldn't know how much is pilfered away, because you've provided us with no evidence of such a thing. Therefore, the reward for the biggest idiot in the room goes to you.
I never worry about having the lowest IQ in the room as long as there is at least 1 Liberal in the room.

And now for a simple Yes/No question which I am sure you will ignore with yet another witless ad hominem...
Have you ever worked with politicians or for a municipality?
I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.

Trump is not responsible for vetting anybody. What he did do is create policy to drastically reduce illegal border crossings, which of course is down the tubes now that the rest of the world is assured open border Biden will be the President next month.

The United States allows nearly a million people every year to become citizens of this country. That's on top of another near million Visa's and work permits we issue. No other country in the world is more generous to outsiders than the United States. However we can't allow everybody in. It's like a private club. You have to be a member who was carefully chosen to be part of the club. If they allowed people to walk in off the streets, they would have the same problem other open bars have which are out of control drunks and fist fights in the bar.
No other country is more beholden to immigrants than US citizens, because they feed our sorry asses. Get a clue.
Again bullspit! American have to feed, clothe, provide a place to live, to sorry wetback asses so they can take jobs Americans need and want. Suicide.
If the place wasn't there for them to live, sorry ass US citizens would still starve. That's why the places to live exist. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans. Americans are too sorry to do those jobs. Reality is a hard pill to swallow, and you better get used to it. That's not going to change.
What do think you know about reality? You reside firmly in fantasy-land. Wetbacks do not feed me and most cannot even feed themselves which is exactly why they show up here whining for someone else to feed them. If they had any backbone at all they would stay and fix their own damn country instead of trying to turn my Country into a shithole like they left. The only thing constant is change. And the times they are a-changing.
You showed up to this rodeo without an intelligent counter argument. Your ranting is worth teats on a bo hog. I already provided the links for which no one like you has debunked, changed, or challenged. So, sonny boy, you never had any skin in this game. Now scram. Your boring, useless rant is worth shit.
Bullspit the only article you posted that I've read so far didn't provide any support at all for your wild imaginative claims. I'm still waiting for a response to my post informing you of reality. You never back up your bogus claims you just post random links and hope nobody will bother reading them. Are you able to read or is someone claiming to tell you what is written and conning the crap out of you?
And the first five are very typical of manual labor type jobs. I rest my case, and you helped me. Thanks!

So your implication is that Americans won't do manual labor? I see it all the time.
When there's big profit to be made, maybe! I've traveled all across this country and you'd have to be blind not to see who is doing the heavy lifting from east to west.
That's because they work for $3.00/hour; which, according to you, is humane.

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