So you want a Civil War?

You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.
Gosh! Maybe the actual problem is that we already have way more that have invaded illegally than we need or want but can't seem to get rid of. Kinda like fleas or ticks. The ones that have come illegally make it harder for those that actually want to become Americans rather than bring their own failures here. But importing terrorists, drugs, and criminals is just such good business isn't it?
No, "hot war" will break out....American's are too apathetic to commit to it....

The best we can hope for is the Titler cycle...Which will happen.

View attachment 433600

We right now are somewhere around "selfishness, Complacency, and Apathy"....

It will move forward.
WTF you calling "we"? You absolutely cannot speak for me or mine.

Don‘t plan to....Look, if you think violence is the answer here, it’s not. And promoting such on the internet only makes you look unserious.
Then you best be more specific. I don't promote or advocate violence. I'm trying to convince a bunch of pluperfect " can't happen here..." idiots that it has and can and has may have already started with the accelerating rate of murder of police for being police and white people for being white. The people on here taunting others to "do something!" are in fact the ones literally begging for violence. As the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it".
Then oppose those who are responsible for the violence and do something about it--legally. Don't
accuse a political party of being responsible for the violence. Who cares what party violent people support? Should the trump party members be attacked because of the violence perpetrated by Proud boys, Qanon, white supremacists who are trump party supporters? No.
You need to take a large dose of your own medicine. Who exactly has lawfully proven that any any of the alleged groups you point fingers at have perpetuated violence? Nothing to say about violence inflicted by Islamic terrorists, BLM, black or brown supremacists or Antifa?
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
Yes, it is so, and if you had an intelligent counter argument to Bobob's, which is very clear, you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question, that has nothing to do with the argument.

Folks, this guy keeps giving the gifts out for the most ridiculous non-arguments for topics I have seen on this forum.

WTF does having 7.5 billion people enter our country have to do with the horrible things we have done to Central and South America? Answer, not a damn thing. Please, keep making a total fool of yourself with this argument of yours that is unrelated. Lol!
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
Last edited:
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.
Gosh! Maybe the actual problem is that we already have way more that have invaded illegally than we need or want but can't seem to get rid of. Kinda like fleas or ticks. The ones that have come illegally make it harder for those that actually want to become Americans rather than bring their own failures here. But importing terrorists, drugs, and criminals is just such good business isn't it?
No, "hot war" will break out....American's are too apathetic to commit to it....

The best we can hope for is the Titler cycle...Which will happen.

View attachment 433600

We right now are somewhere around "selfishness, Complacency, and Apathy"....

It will move forward.
WTF you calling "we"? You absolutely cannot speak for me or mine.

Don‘t plan to....Look, if you think violence is the answer here, it’s not. And promoting such on the internet only makes you look unserious.
Then you best be more specific. I don't promote or advocate violence. I'm trying to convince a bunch of pluperfect " can't happen here..." idiots that it has and can and has may have already started with the accelerating rate of murder of police for being police and white people for being white. The people on here taunting others to "do something!" are in fact the ones literally begging for violence. As the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it".
Then oppose those who are responsible for the violence and do something about it--legally. Don't
accuse a political party of being responsible for the violence. Who cares what party violent people support? Should the trump party members be attacked because of the violence perpetrated by Proud boys, Qanon, white supremacists who are trump party supporters? No.
You need to take a large dose of your own medicine. Who exactly has lawfully proven that any any of the alleged groups you point fingers at have perpetuated violence? Nothing to say about violence I oppose all violence by Islamic terrorists, BLM, black or brown supremacists or Antifa?
I oppose any and all violence. I thought I made it clear to you. They have indeed been violent or have threatened violence and that was not my point. This is not a lesson in who does what. The lesson is
not that politics are violent, but that people are violent, so get off the "your side" accusations.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.
Gosh! Maybe the actual problem is that we already have way more that have invaded illegally than we need or want but can't seem to get rid of. Kinda like fleas or ticks. The ones that have come illegally make it harder for those that actually want to become Americans rather than bring their own failures here. But importing terrorists, drugs, and criminals is just such good business isn't it?
No, "hot war" will break out....American's are too apathetic to commit to it....

The best we can hope for is the Titler cycle...Which will happen.

View attachment 433600

We right now are somewhere around "selfishness, Complacency, and Apathy"....

It will move forward.
WTF you calling "we"? You absolutely cannot speak for me or mine.

Don‘t plan to....Look, if you think violence is the answer here, it’s not. And promoting such on the internet only makes you look unserious.
Then you best be more specific. I don't promote or advocate violence. I'm trying to convince a bunch of pluperfect " can't happen here..." idiots that it has and can and has may have already started with the accelerating rate of murder of police for being police and white people for being white. The people on here taunting others to "do something!" are in fact the ones literally begging for violence. As the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it".
Then oppose those who are responsible for the violence and do something about it--legally. Don't
accuse a political party of being responsible for the violence. Who cares what party violent people support? Should the trump party members be attacked because of the violence perpetrated by Proud boys, Qanon, white supremacists who are trump party supporters? No.
You need to take a large dose of your own medicine. Who exactly has lawfully proven that any any of the alleged groups you point fingers at have perpetuated violence? Nothing to say about violence inflicted by Islamic terrorists, BLM, black or brown supremacists or Antifa?
We have no one to blame but ourselves.
Your post is so unbelievably ignorant, it's hard to know where to begin. You have no stats or intelligent projections over fuel costs in the future.

"Weak border stance?" Are you fucking kidding me? We are the one's who caused massive illegal immigration with our imperialist agenda; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - No more chicken shit excuses about foreigners. We caused the problem, now give them their countries back. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ronald Reagan has been the reason for our economic decline for forty years;

He has? How? Go into detail please.

We didn't cause anything to make people want to come here. It's leftist bullshit from the typical blame America first crowd. They come here because we created the greatest and wealthiest country in the world with decent jobs, ability to make a living, the ability to invest and be your own boss if you desire. Our social programs is another piece of crap that draws flies to it.

UnAmerican Democrats are more than happy to sellout the country for power and greed. They could care less about real Americans. I'll even go as far as to say some Republicans are in that group as well.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.
Oh Look! Another idiot throwing the word "we" around inappropriately because they disagree with our Nation's past foreign policy and are advocating we import the very squalor and fear they imply they are not in favor of. We are responsible for squalor and oppression in other Countries because we tried to send them food and aid? This guy must live in Ca.. Most other places in the US are not that suicidal-except maybe NY.
We supported dictators financially, had food and aid dropped off instead of dispensing it ourselves, which was very doable. The food and aid were scoffed up by the wrong people and not the poor people. A waste. You must live in la-la land.
Talk about la-al land, do you honestly believe bad guys who control a country are going to allow hated foreigners to come in and wander around their country making friends and doing as they please? Ever hear of Mogadishu? Americans died there trying to see that aid got to the people it was intended for. The UN and Red Cross are pretty worthless.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
Yes, it is so, and if you had an intelligent counter argument to Bobob's, which is very clear, you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question, that has nothing to do with the argument.

Folks, this guy keeps giving the gifts out for the most ridiculous non-arguments for topics I have seen on this forum.

WTF does having 7.5 billion people enter our country have to do with the horrible things we have done to Central and South America? Answer, not a damn thing. Please, keep making a total fool of yourself with this argument of yours that is unrelated. Lol!
The real question is WTF have we done to Central and South America? Answer: not a damn thing.
Your post is so unbelievably ignorant, it's hard to know where to begin. You have no stats or intelligent projections over fuel costs in the future.

"Weak border stance?" Are you fucking kidding me? We are the one's who caused massive illegal immigration with our imperialist agenda; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - No more chicken shit excuses about foreigners. We caused the problem, now give them their countries back. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ronald Reagan has been the reason for our economic decline for forty years;

He has? How? Go into detail please.

We didn't cause anything to make people want to come here. It's leftist bullshit from the typical blame America first crowd. They come here because we created the greatest and wealthiest country in the world with decent jobs, ability to make a living, the ability to invest and be your own boss if you desire. Our social programs is another piece of crap that draws flies to it.

UnAmerican Democrats are more than happy to sellout the country for power and greed. They could care less about real Americans. I'll even go as far as to say some Republicans are in that group as well.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.
Oh Look! Another idiot throwing the word "we" around inappropriately because they disagree with our Nation's past foreign policy and are advocating we import the very squalor and fear they imply they are not in favor of. We are responsible for squalor and oppression in other Countries because we tried to send them food and aid? This guy must live in Ca.. Most other places in the US are not that suicidal-except maybe NY.
We supported dictators financially, had food and aid dropped off instead of dispensing it ourselves, which was very doable. The food and aid were scoffed up by the wrong people and not the poor people. A waste. You must live in la-la land.
Talk about la-al land, do you honestly believe bad guys who control a country are going to allow hated foreigners to come in and wander around their country making friends and doing as they please? Ever hear of Mogadishu? Americans died there trying to see that aid got to the people it was intended for. The UN and Red Cross are pretty worthless.
Yes, I do think that we could have done it and have the military present. Again, we support the dictators
financially and there are ways, with their government support, organization, and military. Absolutely.
We were never properly organized as indicated by Bush's invasion of Iraq. I know....let's do it trump's way.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
Yes, it is so, and if you had an intelligent counter argument to Bobob's, which is very clear, you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question, that has nothing to do with the argument.

Folks, this guy keeps giving the gifts out for the most ridiculous non-arguments for topics I have seen on this forum.

WTF does having 7.5 billion people enter our country have to do with the horrible things we have done to Central and South America? Answer, not a damn thing. Please, keep making a total fool of yourself with this argument of yours that is unrelated. Lol!
The real question is WTF have we done to Central and South America? Answer: not a damn thing.
I posted the links pointing out exactly what we have done to them, and you have rebutted none of them.

Let's start with Chile; Newly revealed documents show Nixon, Kissinger plotted Allende overthrow from day one

Because of Nixon and Kissinger, 3000 Chileans were murdered by the military, propped up by the US.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
If you had been paying attention his main objection to the bill was that it wasted hugh amounts of taxpayer money on people and things that absolutely nothing to do a China flu stimulus. Wasn't up to anybody else to decide about a veto.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.
Gosh! Maybe the actual problem is that we already have way more that have invaded illegally than we need or want but can't seem to get rid of. Kinda like fleas or ticks. The ones that have come illegally make it harder for those that actually want to become Americans rather than bring their own failures here. But importing terrorists, drugs, and criminals is just such good business isn't it?
No, "hot war" will break out....American's are too apathetic to commit to it....

The best we can hope for is the Titler cycle...Which will happen.

View attachment 433600

We right now are somewhere around "selfishness, Complacency, and Apathy"....

It will move forward.
WTF you calling "we"? You absolutely cannot speak for me or mine.

Don‘t plan to....Look, if you think violence is the answer here, it’s not. And promoting such on the internet only makes you look unserious.
Then you best be more specific. I don't promote or advocate violence. I'm trying to convince a bunch of pluperfect " can't happen here..." idiots that it has and can and has may have already started with the accelerating rate of murder of police for being police and white people for being white. The people on here taunting others to "do something!" are in fact the ones literally begging for violence. As the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it".
Then oppose those who are responsible for the violence and do something about it--legally. Don't
accuse a political party of being responsible for the violence. Who cares what party violent people support? Should the trump party members be attacked because of the violence perpetrated by Proud boys, Qanon, white supremacists who are trump party supporters? No.
You need to take a large dose of your own medicine. Who exactly has lawfully proven that any any of the alleged groups you point fingers at have perpetuated violence? Nothing to say about violence I oppose all violence by Islamic terrorists, BLM, black or brown supremacists or Antifa?
I oppose any and all violence. I thought I made it clear to you. They have indeed been violent or have threatened violence and that was not my point. This is not a lesson in who does what. The lesson is
not that politics are violent, but that people are violent, so get off the "your side" accusations.
No, your taunting makes it quite clear you are actively encouraging violence.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
Yes, it is so, and if you had an intelligent counter argument to Bobob's, which is very clear, you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question, that has nothing to do with the argument.

Folks, this guy keeps giving the gifts out for the most ridiculous non-arguments for topics I have seen on this forum.

WTF does having 7.5 billion people enter our country have to do with the horrible things we have done to Central and South America? Answer, not a damn thing. Please, keep making a total fool of yourself with this argument of yours that is unrelated. Lol!
The real question is WTF have we done to Central and South America? Answer: not a damn thing.
I posted the links pointing out exactly what we have done to them, and you have rebutted none of them. No, I don't normally waste my time reading obvious attempts at propaganda as I would expect from something called
I posted the links pointing out exactly what we have done to them, and you have rebutted none of them.

Let's start with Chile; Newly revealed documents show Nixon, Kissinger plotted Allende overthrow from day one

Because of Nixon and Kissinger, 3000 Chileans were murdered by the military, propped up by the US.
"I posted the links pointing out exactly what we have done to them, and you have rebutted none of them."

The link you just posted in no way supported the points you've been trying to make. And no, I don't normally waste time reading obvious attempts at communist propaganda which is certainly to be expected from something that titles itself "People's World".
Nations do what they think is in their own best interest. Get over it. In Chile in 1970 we didn't murder anyone or steal anything and your link makes no claim otherwise much less prove that we did. The Chilean people staged a coup a communist leader that may have had the support of our Nation. At the time I would have approved wholeheartedly but I was a little busy trying to avoid being killed by other communists to know about it. If you're waiting for me to get all weepy-eyed over the death of one more communist...
No, "hot war" will break out....American's are too apathetic to commit to it....

The best we can hope for is the Titler cycle...Which will happen.

View attachment 433600

We right now are somewhere around "selfishness, Complacency, and Apathy"....

It will move forward.
WTF you calling "we"? You absolutely cannot speak for me or mine.

Don‘t plan to....Look, if you think violence is the answer here, it’s not. And promoting such on the internet only makes you look unserious.
Then you best be more specific. I don't promote or advocate violence. I'm trying to convince a bunch of pluperfect " can't happen here..." idiots that it has and can and has may have already started with the accelerating rate of murder of police for being police and white people for being white. The people on here taunting others to "do something!" are in fact the ones literally begging for violence. As the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it".

Well, I’m not saying it can’t happen here, just that too many are not polarized enough yet.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.

Is that so? Well let me ask: Since the US at one point or another has had interaction in just about every part of the world either militarily or political, and we are the cause for all the grief in the world, how many of the 7. 5 billion people in the world should we allow into our country?
All of long as they promise to vote Democrat.

That's all this is about. Democrats aren't kind and generous. They just want power.
What do you think trump wants? That is what THIS is all about.
The guy who wanted stricter border control wants unchecked immigration?
No, "hot war" will break out....American's are too apathetic to commit to it....

The best we can hope for is the Titler cycle...Which will happen.

View attachment 433600

We right now are somewhere around "selfishness, Complacency, and Apathy"....

It will move forward.
WTF you calling "we"? You absolutely cannot speak for me or mine.

Don‘t plan to....Look, if you think violence is the answer here, it’s not. And promoting such on the internet only makes you look unserious.
Then you best be more specific. I don't promote or advocate violence. I'm trying to convince a bunch of pluperfect " can't happen here..." idiots that it has and can and has may have already started with the accelerating rate of murder of police for being police and white people for being white. The people on here taunting others to "do something!" are in fact the ones literally begging for violence. As the old saying goes: "Be careful what you wish for; you might get it".
Then oppose those who are responsible for the violence and do something about it--legally. Don't
accuse a political party of being responsible for the violence. Who cares what party violent people support? Should the trump party members be attacked because of the violence perpetrated by Proud boys, Qanon, white supremacists who are trump party supporters? No.
Apparently they're being attacked because they wear hats.
Antifa wears hats? The groups that I refer to do a lot more than just wear hats. They are also inciteful. wearing hats.

Leftists can't control their emotions; they insist other people should change their behavior to control their emotions for them.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
If you had been paying attention his main objection to the bill was that it wasted hugh amounts of taxpayer money on people and things that absolutely nothing to do a China flu stimulus. Wasn't up to anybody else to decide about a veto.
No one knows what Trumps objective was or is. Up until a few days ago, he was never involved. And by the way, his last minute "pretend giving a shit about this bill moment" was accepted by Democrats. Meaning, they didn't want other spending attached either. Had congress knew that from the beginning, the communications would have been understood. Trump is, has been MIA since the election, and that's what you can't admit to. The Right nor the Left knew what he wanted, because he wasn't involved. You can't be that dense not to understand the importance of being involved. He only cares about himself. And that is crystal clear.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.

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