So you want a Civil War?

No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.
Indeed,nobody wants it,it is the last resort.But if it comes down to where that is the only option left to be a free country again which we have not ever sense 1913 and when we offically became a banana republican dictatership on nov 22nd 1963 where our right to freely elect our own leaders was taken away from us that day by the elite and the lying media has particpated and covered up that event for our government sense them,to have a real investigation into that important event not to mention other government corruption by our corrupt government the last several decades,to have justice done and the truth finally told about those events,if that was the last resort and what it took with no other options left,then I am all for it.I am tired of this fascist dictatership we live in and moving to another country does no good either sense this is obviously GLOBALLY planned.
Indeed,nobody wants it,it is the last resort.But if it comes down to where that is the only option left to be a free country again which we have not ever sense 1913 and when we offically became a banana republican dictatership on nov 22nd 1963 where our right to freely elect our own leaders was taken away from us that day by the elite and the lying media has particpated and covered up that event for our government sense them,to have a real investigation into that important event not to mention other government corruption by our corrupt government the last several decades,to have justice done and the truth finally told about those events,if that was the last resort and what it took with no other options left,then I am all for it.I am tired of this fascist dictatership we live in and moving to another country does no good either sense this is obviously GLOBALLY planned
Differing views are welcome. ^This shit is just dangerously insane.
These people do the jobs that Americans won't do, even for the minimum wage, and they are not electricians working for shit money because electricians are paid well. Americans do not want to do the shit work, are lazy, will lally-gag their way through the workday, and just want to get paid without putting in a hard day's work.

It's all a liberal myth. My father is a retired bricklayer. Up north they get laid off every winter because you can't lay brick in snow. One year when I was a kid his union said they need bricklayers in Florida. My father was prepared to spend the season down there until he found out what they pay bricklayers. It was less than half of what he made here. In fact unemployment paid about the same.

My father told the union to stick that job because the Cubans were doing it for next to nothing.
I disagree, I think the Communists very badly want civil war and have been working for a decade to start one.

The only time they get out of hand is when they know they have the power. When outnumbered, they sit in the corner shaking like a leaf. They only cause trouble in places with weak gun laws that favor criminals in these Democrat cities. The RNC convention was held here in Cleveland. They promised us bloodshed like we've never seen before. Then the Bikers for Trump showed up. Between them, our extra beefed up police, and our gun laws which greatly favor the victims in our state, our city ended up with two arrests outside the convention, and neither had anything to do with conflict between the Republicans and the troublemakers.
Who exactly promised bloodshed?

Antifa and other radicals.
It is a pluperfect disaster in that immigrants can't get before a judge and have to wait for months.
If you have a "fuck you" attitude, then that is ok, but if you have any empathy for suffering people, it is not ok.

Screw them. If they want to come here, then wait your turn. We owe those people nothing. They're lucky to have a chance at coming here at all.
I disagree, I think the Communists very badly want civil war and have been working for a decade to start one.

The only time they get out of hand is when they know they have the power. When outnumbered, they sit in the corner shaking like a leaf. They only cause trouble in places with weak gun laws that favor criminals in these Democrat cities. The RNC convention was held here in Cleveland. They promised us bloodshed like we've never seen before. Then the Bikers for Trump showed up. Between them, our extra beefed up police, and our gun laws which greatly favor the victims in our state, our city ended up with two arrests outside the convention, and neither had anything to do with conflict between the Republicans and the troublemakers.
Who exactly promised bloodshed?

Antifa and other radicals.
They should be put down.
These people do the jobs that Americans won't do, even for the minimum wage, and they are not electricians working for shit money because electricians are paid well. Americans do not want to do the shit work, are lazy, will lally-gag their way through the workday, and just want to get paid without putting in a hard day's work.

It's all a liberal myth. My father is a retired bricklayer. Up north they get laid off every winter because you can't lay brick in snow. One year when I was a kid his union said they need bricklayers in Florida. My father was prepared to spend the season down there until he found out what they pay bricklayers. It was less than half of what he made here. In fact unemployment paid about the same.

My father told the union to stick that job because the Cubans were doing it for next to nothing.
I lived in Florida for 25 years and the wage for construction is 50% of the wage up north, whether you are white, black, or pink.
I lived in Florida for 25 years and the wage for construction is 50% of the wage up north, whether you are white, black, or pink.

And why do you think that is? Because we have foreigners coming here and taking those jobs. It's the same thing in my former industry. They can't find enough truck drivers. So they get these foreigners to come here and do it. They are terrible drivers to boot. They come here with no training or experience whatsoever, and our government for some stupid reason grants them reciprocity for their version of CDL's in their country. The problem is in their country, they get a commercial license for the asking. Here you have to pass a written test, do a maneuverability test, go through the safety check test on the tractor and trailer, then the road test. Even then, half of the people taking the test fail the first time.

Some of them can't speak a word of English yet alone be able to read our street and highway signs. They are dangerous to be around. I guess the only entertaining thing about it is watching them trying to back a trailer into the dock. Many times me and other drivers would be laughing so hard tears came out of our eyes.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Uff.....Some are really struggling with the Information Age.
I'll take your sniveling as a complete win.

That’s nice. Except Trump lost, Texas isn’t seceding, and you’re not going to DO anything you claimed you would.

If you think that’s winning then that’s fine with me. Are you tired of all the wining yet?!

Thanks for confirming I teabagged you. It was good for me. I hope you didn't mind the big Texas-sized load.

Thanks for confirming I teabagged you. It was good for me. I hope you didn't mind the big Texas-sized load.
Overcompensation should be done with moderation. Your latency is showing. think your ass is the best vagina in SF?

I don't like uppity queers.

I’m not gay and not in SF.

What kind of queer are you looking for? A dating app might help you find the right one.
Right.....denial is not healthy. Come out of the closet. Enjoy the occasional cock in your ass and don't be ashamed of it!

It's not the same as when your 'uncles' were doing it. You're going to thank me some day.
Right.....denial is not healthy. Come out of the closet. Enjoy the occasional cock in your ass and don't be ashamed of it!

It's not the same as when your 'uncles' were doing it. You're going to thank me some day.
LOL....WTF? :cuckoo: think your ass is the best vagina in SF?

I don't like uppity queers.

I’m not gay and not in SF.

What kind of queer are you looking for? A dating app might help you find the right one.
Right.....denial is not healthy. Come out of the closet. Enjoy the occasional cock in your ass and don't be ashamed of it!

It's not the same as when your 'uncles' were doing it. You're going to thank me some day.
Right.....denial is not healthy. Come out of the closet. Enjoy the occasional cock in your ass and don't be ashamed of it!

It's not the same as when your 'uncles' were doing it. You're going to thank me some day.
LOL....WTF? :cuckoo:
2 iron brings his gay fantasies here every day.
you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?
Get a gasoline or diesel-powered generator if you need electricity, or a wood stove or heating fuel furnace. How do you think people got along before all that shit was invented. Oh yeah we had guns back then, and nobody even for a moment questioned our absolute right to possess and carry firearms.
They didn’t use generators, ignoramus. And what do you do when the gas stations are empty, or there’s a line of cars a mile long?
A civil war is not necessary. What we should do is have two countries instead of one. Divided this land north to south. Democrats will get the west part of our current country where their precious Mexican border is, and the conservatives will get the east. They won't have to put up with us, and best of all, we won't have to put up with them. Since I'm on the east side, once the Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight.
Nope. You will live under the laws passed by Congress or you will get the fuck out.
Shit, you guys can't even enforce your lockdown orders. The people are revolting
Yes, Trumpers are the most revolting idiots I’ve ever seen.
A civil war is not necessary. What we should do is have two countries instead of one. Divided this land north to south. Democrats will get the west part of our current country where their precious Mexican border is, and the conservatives will get the east. They won't have to put up with us, and best of all, we won't have to put up with them. Since I'm on the east side, once the Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight.
Nope. You will live under the laws passed by Congress or you will get the fuck out.
Shit, you guys can't even enforce your lockdown orders. The people are revolting
Yes, Trumpers are the most revolting idiots I’ve ever seen.
Yeah, and AOC is a damn genius, huh.
nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month?
Might have to boil or make some coffee or something like that.
Bring your own toilet paper and take a piss or a shit in the back woods, or don't you have a 5-gallon bucket in the garden shed if you want to be so prissy about it?
And this is the life you want for your wife, and perhaps daughters? Go take a shit in a 5-gallon bucket out in the shed.

This is why you are a deplorable.
A civil war is not necessary. What we should do is have two countries instead of one. Divided this land north to south. Democrats will get the west part of our current country where their precious Mexican border is, and the conservatives will get the east. They won't have to put up with us, and best of all, we won't have to put up with them. Since I'm on the east side, once the Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight.
Nope. You will live under the laws passed by Congress or you will get the fuck out.
Shit, you guys can't even enforce your lockdown orders. The people are revolting
Yes, Trumpers are the most revolting idiots I’ve ever seen.
Yeah, and AOC is a damn genius, huh.
Name a single Republican as smart and as effective with legislation as she is. Raphael Cruz is a poser, who loses arguments regularly. Rand Paul is a Useful Idiot for Putin. What other brilliant minds do you have? Louie Gohmert? Ted Yoho? Virginia Foxx? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
A civil war is not necessary. What we should do is have two countries instead of one. Divided this land north to south. Democrats will get the west part of our current country where their precious Mexican border is, and the conservatives will get the east. They won't have to put up with us, and best of all, we won't have to put up with them. Since I'm on the east side, once the Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight.
Nope. You will live under the laws passed by Congress or you will get the fuck out.
Shit, you guys can't even enforce your lockdown orders. The people are revolting
Yes, Trumpers are the most revolting idiots I’ve ever seen.
Yeah, and AOC is a damn genius, huh.
Name a single Republican as smart and as effective with legislation as she is. Raphael Cruz is a poser, who loses arguments regularly. Rand Paul is a Useful Idiot for Putin. What other brilliant minds do you have? Louie Gohmert? Ted Yoho? Virginia Foxx? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Oh, yeah. She's a fucking genius.
And this is the life you want for your wife and perhaps daughters?
Get pregnant and shack up with another woman?

Go take a shit in a 5-gallon bucket out in the shed.

This is why you are a deplorable.
Why don't you join the plumbers union and work with the men for a while? Do some real work and stop trying so hard to get sexually harassed etc. Oh. That's right. You come from the whores-and-roofers department.
I lived in Florida for 25 years and the wage for construction is 50% of the wage up north, whether you are white, black, or pink.

And why do you think that is? Because we have foreigners coming here and taking those jobs. It's the same thing in my former industry. They can't find enough truck drivers. So they get these foreigners to come here and do it. They are terrible drivers to boot. They come here with no training or experience whatsoever, and our government for some stupid reason grants them reciprocity for their version of CDL's in their country. The problem is in their country, they get a commercial license for the asking. Here you have to pass a written test, do a maneuverability test, go through the safety check test on the tractor and trailer, then the road test. Even then, half of the people taking the test fail the first time.

Some of them can't speak a word of English yet alone be able to read our street and highway signs. They are dangerous to be around. I guess the only entertaining thing about it is watching them trying to back a trailer into the dock. Many times me and other drivers would be laughing so hard tears came out of our eyes.
This is because the cost of living was lower in the south, jobs paid less and were available,
whereas there were layoffs due to high costs in the north. Nothing to do with Cubans.
This is because the cost of living was lower in the south, jobs paid less and were available,
Guns are banned and drug lords manage the apartments. People shack up four to a unit.
whereas there were layoffs due to high costs in the north. Nothing to do with Cubans.
Up north, where people don't put up with that drug cártel shit.

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