So you want a Civil War?

Most of those people have an ocean to cross. Central and South America do not. And you are right, we ruined those countries as well. We are an imperialist country, and every other country is ours for the taking. Which is exactly what we've done.

We are also not responsible for getting involved in other countries conflicts. It's none of our fucking business.

It's not about what you think is right or wrong, it's about us owing anybody anything for our actions. We don't owe anybody from south America anything including providing them residency in our country. If you want to come here, you do it like everybody else did who came here legally. Get permission to work here, go home when that permit expires, come back next year when you can apply again, and also apply for permanent residency or citizenship.
No, we owe them their countries back, is what we owe them. My links point that out perfectly.

And don't talk to me about right and wrong. The US never gave a shit about that to begin with, so yes, it's all about right and wrong. We ruined millions of people's lives with our actions, because we chose wrong over right. And your arrogance is disgusting. Those folks have more right being here than we do.
How many illegals have you invited into your home?



Damn, you are full of stupid questions. Lol!
Yet you demand we as a nation take in all comers, due to your hatred of America.

If America sucks as bad as you insist, you'd be down at the border warning illegals away.
Most of those people have an ocean to cross. Central and South America do not. And you are right, we ruined those countries as well. We are an imperialist country, and every other country is ours for the taking. Which is exactly what we've done.

We are also not responsible for getting involved in other countries conflicts. It's none of our fucking business.

It's not about what you think is right or wrong, it's about us owing anybody anything for our actions. We don't owe anybody from south America anything including providing them residency in our country. If you want to come here, you do it like everybody else did who came here legally. Get permission to work here, go home when that permit expires, come back next year when you can apply again, and also apply for permanent residency or citizenship.
No, we owe them their countries back, is what we owe them. My links point that out perfectly.

And don't talk to me about right and wrong. The US never gave a shit about that to begin with, so yes, it's all about right and wrong. We ruined millions of people's lives with our actions, because we chose wrong over right. And your arrogance is disgusting. Those folks have more right being here than we do.
How many illegals have you invited into your home?



Damn, you are full of stupid questions. Lol!
Yet you demand we as a nation take in all comers, due to your hatred of America.

If America sucks as bad as you insist, you'd be down at the border warning illegals away.
More lying by you. I never said that. You plant things in your head pretending people like me want any and everyone here. Of course you've conveniently missed the point on purpose, so as to make excuses for what this country has done wrong.

It also has nothing to do with hating America. Another convenient conclusion you made up in your head.

It's all about what this country did wrong to so many other countries. It has nothing to do with hating America. That's a cowards way of saying you really have no supporting argument to justify what we as a country did, so I'm just going to make up a bunch of shit so I can forget the truth. You're nothing more than a coward who can't own up to the truth.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
You are either brain dead, or ten years old. Either way, the result is the same. Yes, Pelosi controls the House, and Trump signs the bill. Now, see if you can wrap your head around that. I'm betting you can't.
Democrats thought foreigners are more deserving of American tax dollars than are Americans.

You seem to agree with them. But then, independent thought isn't something you do.
As long as they are doing the heavy lifting, and feeding my sorry ass and yours, I'd like to "independently" acknowledge that I'm keeping my mouth shut, while I'm being fed.

No one said anything about foreigners being more deserving of "American tax dollars." You did. That's your fallacy, not mine.
They're not feeding me; I am. I have a job. I don't require handouts. Maybe give being an adult a try.

Meanwhile, Democrats put in far more money for foreigners, corporations, and Democrat special interests than they did for regular Americans. That is not even up for debate.
Sure it is. You can't produce any documentation proving that, so you're lying again. All you do is lie and invent more made up nonsense. You're pathetic.
Most of those people have an ocean to cross. Central and South America do not. And you are right, we ruined those countries as well. We are an imperialist country, and every other country is ours for the taking. Which is exactly what we've done.

We are also not responsible for getting involved in other countries conflicts. It's none of our fucking business.

It's not about what you think is right or wrong, it's about us owing anybody anything for our actions. We don't owe anybody from south America anything including providing them residency in our country. If you want to come here, you do it like everybody else did who came here legally. Get permission to work here, go home when that permit expires, come back next year when you can apply again, and also apply for permanent residency or citizenship.
No, we owe them their countries back, is what we owe them. My links point that out perfectly.

And don't talk to me about right and wrong. The US never gave a shit about that to begin with, so yes, it's all about right and wrong. We ruined millions of people's lives with our actions, because we chose wrong over right. And your arrogance is disgusting. Those folks have more right being here than we do.
How many illegals have you invited into your home?



Damn, you are full of stupid questions. Lol!
Yet you demand we as a nation take in all comers, due to your hatred of America.

If America sucks as bad as you insist, you'd be down at the border warning illegals away.
You are telling the same lie as before. All you do is lie.

You guys are mostly surrounded or cut off :p:p
Cheating scumbags

Are y'all lookin for a civil war when you make up a post based on some fictional twitter by a fictional "ex military guy" (is that how lefties refer to Veterans?) . The post is BS.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Uff.....Some are really struggling with the Information Age.
Yes you are struggling you uneducated dumbfuck. Try actually looking at proof instead of keeping your head in your ass like you do on everything. Try again loser.
It seems Your “proof” went “poof!”
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual.
Most of those people have an ocean to cross. Central and South America do not. And you are right, we ruined those countries as well. We are an imperialist country, and every other country is ours for the taking. Which is exactly what we've done.

We are also not responsible for getting involved in other countries conflicts. It's none of our fucking business.

It's not about what you think is right or wrong, it's about us owing anybody anything for our actions. We don't owe anybody from south America anything including providing them residency in our country. If you want to come here, you do it like everybody else did who came here legally. Get permission to work here, go home when that permit expires, come back next year when you can apply again, and also apply for permanent residency or citizenship.
No, we owe them their countries back, is what we owe them. My links point that out perfectly.

And don't talk to me about right and wrong. The US never gave a shit about that to begin with, so yes, it's all about right and wrong. We ruined millions of people's lives with our actions, because we chose wrong over right. And your arrogance is disgusting. Those folks have more right being here than we do.
How many illegals have you invited into your home?



Damn, you are full of stupid questions. Lol!
Yet you demand we as a nation take in all comers, due to your hatred of America.

If America sucks as bad as you insist, you'd be down at the border warning illegals away.
More lying by you. I never said that. You plant things in your head pretending people like me want any and everyone here. Of course you've conveniently missed the point on purpose, so as to make excuses for what this country has done wrong.

It also has nothing to do with hating America. Another convenient conclusion you made up in your head.

It's all about what this country did wrong to so many other countries. It has nothing to do with hating America. That's a cowards way of saying you really have no supporting argument to justify what we as a country did, so I'm just going to make up a bunch of shit so I can forget the truth. You're nothing more than a coward who can't own up to the truth.
You have had plenty of chances to back up your dumb-ass claims of what America has done to your wannabe leaches and you mostly are unwilling to try and when you do claim to make an attempt you have been utterly unable to even begin. Quit pretending you haven't been debunked and find an audience stupid enough to believe your lies. It ain't here.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Uff.....Some are really struggling with the Information Age.
Yes you are struggling you uneducated dumbfuck. Try actually looking at proof instead of keeping your head in your ass like you do on everything. Try again loser.
It seems Your “proof” went “poof!”
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual.
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual
Ignorant? Me?
There is not a single authority left In this country for you retards to appeal to. Your case has been rejected. Utterly and completely.
Call me ignorant if you must, but you have a rude awakening approaching. Prepare yourself.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Uff.....Some are really struggling with the Information Age.
Yes you are struggling you uneducated dumbfuck. Try actually looking at proof instead of keeping your head in your ass like you do on everything. Try again loser.
It seems Your “proof” went “poof!”
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual.
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual
Ignorant? Me?
There is not a single authority left In this country for you retards to appeal to. Your case has been rejected. Utterly and completely.
Call me ignorant if you must, but you have a rude awakening approaching. Prepare yourself.
Yes you are ignorant. Ignore the evidence like you always do because you’re a partisan hack. You threatening me you limp wrist asshole? A rude awakening? I think not. Try your bullshit with me or my family and see what happens to you. You best prepare yourself. Nobody is afraid of you assholes.
OMG you are so unbelievably ignorant.

Don't use words you don't know the definition of. It makes YOU look ignorant.
Ray if you use per capita it is based on a per 100,000 rate. And when we look at, for example a 20 per 100,000 rate, or a 100 per 100,000 rate, those are very low numbers that do not indicate huge amounts of violence. So if blacks had a per capita rate of 100 per 100,000 that's 1/10th of 1 percent. So then this again rebuts your argument of high out of control black crime.

But you see Ray, racists like yourself ignore all per capia numbers but murder. In the argument you tried making per capita would show that blacks are way more likely to be killed by police than whites.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Uff.....Some are really struggling with the Information Age.
Yes you are struggling you uneducated dumbfuck. Try actually looking at proof instead of keeping your head in your ass like you do on everything. Try again loser.
It seems Your “proof” went “poof!”
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual.
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual
Ignorant? Me?
There is not a single authority left In this country for you retards to appeal to. Your case has been rejected. Utterly and completely.
Call me ignorant if you must, but you have a rude awakening approaching. Prepare yourself.
Yes you are ignorant. Ignore the evidence like you always do because you’re a partisan hack. You threatening me you limp wrist asshole? A rude awakening? I think not. Try your bullshit with me or my family and see what happens to you. You best prepare yourself. Nobody is afraid of you assholes.
Shut the fuck up pussy.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Uff.....Some are really struggling with the Information Age.
Yes you are struggling you uneducated dumbfuck. Try actually looking at proof instead of keeping your head in your ass like you do on everything. Try again loser.
It seems Your “proof” went “poof!”
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual.
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual
Ignorant? Me?
There is not a single authority left In this country for you retards to appeal to. Your case has been rejected. Utterly and completely.
Call me ignorant if you must, but you have a rude awakening approaching. Prepare yourself.
Yes you are ignorant. Ignore the evidence like you always do because you’re a partisan hack. You threatening me you limp wrist asshole? A rude awakening? I think not. Try your bullshit with me or my family and see what happens to you. You best prepare yourself. Nobody is afraid of you assholes.
Yes you are ignorant. Ignore the evidence like you always do because you’re a partisan hack. You threatening me you limp wrist asshole? A rude awakening? I think not. Try your bullshit with me or my family and see what happens to you. You best prepare yourself. Nobody is afraid of you assholes.
A rude awakening when Your “evidence” is further ignored and Biden is sworn in. No one is threatening you, dope.
Ray if you use per capita it is based on a per 100,000 rate. And when we look at, for example a 20 per 100,000 rate, or a 100 per 100,000 rate, those are very low numbers that do not indicate huge amounts of violence. So if blacks had a per capita rate of 100 per 100,000 that's 1/10th of 1 percent. So then this again rebuts your argument of high out of control black crime.

But you see Ray, racists like yourself ignore all per capia numbers but murder. In the argument you tried making per capita would show that blacks are way more likely to be killed by police than whites.

Blacks are much more violent than whites, so they get in more violent situations with police. Yes, per capita is the only honest gauge when making comparisons. Like in the US, you are six times more likely to be killed by a black than a white per capita.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Uff.....Some are really struggling with the Information Age.
Yes you are struggling you uneducated dumbfuck. Try actually looking at proof instead of keeping your head in your ass like you do on everything. Try again loser.
It seems Your “proof” went “poof!”
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual.
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual
Ignorant? Me?
There is not a single authority left In this country for you retards to appeal to. Your case has been rejected. Utterly and completely.
Call me ignorant if you must, but you have a rude awakening approaching. Prepare yourself.
Yes you are ignorant. Ignore the evidence like you always do because you’re a partisan hack. You threatening me you limp wrist asshole? A rude awakening? I think not. Try your bullshit with me or my family and see what happens to you. You best prepare yourself. Nobody is afraid of you assholes.
Shut the fuck up pussy.
You going to make me you racist cowardly POS? Go fuck yourself bitch.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.
Uff.....Some are really struggling with the Information Age.
Yes you are struggling you uneducated dumbfuck. Try actually looking at proof instead of keeping your head in your ass like you do on everything. Try again loser.
It seems Your “proof” went “poof!”
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual.
Seems you’ve kept your head firmly ensconced in your ass. Typical for you who’s been right about, oh, nothing ever. Keep ignoring it. Show your ignorance. As usual
Ignorant? Me?
There is not a single authority left In this country for you retards to appeal to. Your case has been rejected. Utterly and completely.
Call me ignorant if you must, but you have a rude awakening approaching. Prepare yourself.
Yes you are ignorant. Ignore the evidence like you always do because you’re a partisan hack. You threatening me you limp wrist asshole? A rude awakening? I think not. Try your bullshit with me or my family and see what happens to you. You best prepare yourself. Nobody is afraid of you assholes.
Yes you are ignorant. Ignore the evidence like you always do because you’re a partisan hack. You threatening me you limp wrist asshole? A rude awakening? I think not. Try your bullshit with me or my family and see what happens to you. You best prepare yourself. Nobody is afraid of you assholes.
A rude awakening when Your “evidence” is further ignored and Biden is sworn in. No one is threatening you, dope.
Typical cowardly uneducated lefist. Stand up to a pussy like you and you back right down and run. STFU you true dope.
Most of those people have an ocean to cross. Central and South America do not. And you are right, we ruined those countries as well. We are an imperialist country, and every other country is ours for the taking. Which is exactly what we've done.

We are also not responsible for getting involved in other countries conflicts. It's none of our fucking business.

It's not about what you think is right or wrong, it's about us owing anybody anything for our actions. We don't owe anybody from south America anything including providing them residency in our country. If you want to come here, you do it like everybody else did who came here legally. Get permission to work here, go home when that permit expires, come back next year when you can apply again, and also apply for permanent residency or citizenship.
No, we owe them their countries back, is what we owe them. My links point that out perfectly.

And don't talk to me about right and wrong. The US never gave a shit about that to begin with, so yes, it's all about right and wrong. We ruined millions of people's lives with our actions, because we chose wrong over right. And your arrogance is disgusting. Those folks have more right being here than we do.
How many illegals have you invited into your home?



Damn, you are full of stupid questions. Lol!
Yet you demand we as a nation take in all comers, due to your hatred of America.

If America sucks as bad as you insist, you'd be down at the border warning illegals away.
More lying by you. I never said that. You plant things in your head pretending people like me want any and everyone here. Of course you've conveniently missed the point on purpose, so as to make excuses for what this country has done wrong.

It also has nothing to do with hating America. Another convenient conclusion you made up in your head.

It's all about what this country did wrong to so many other countries. It has nothing to do with hating America. That's a cowards way of saying you really have no supporting argument to justify what we as a country did, so I'm just going to make up a bunch of shit so I can forget the truth. You're nothing more than a coward who can't own up to the truth.
Yes, that's what white Democrats told you to say.

You sure are easily led.
Civil war and secession are the cries of the frustrated, not the desperate (the desperate will act).

Frustrations will ease, and we'll go back to being happy shiny people.
Trump was never involved. That's what you voted for.
You aren't paying attention. President Trump wanted a 2K stimulus without all the gifts to other nations that don't even like us. Congress insisted on $600 and a hugh waste of taxpayer money. I'm sorry he didn't stick to a veto.
When are you going to start paying attention? In the beginning, these negotiations were handed off to Mnuchin. Trump had nothing to do with it, and was okay with the $600 in the beginning. He all of a sudden moved the goal posts eight months later. He doesn't have a clue, because he could care less. He was not involved. That is why we are in this mess.
I'm curious what good it does me as an American to give $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies.
I couldn't agree more. If Trump had been active in the beginning with these negotiations, instead of being the sorry ass pos who he is, it might have been addressed, then taken off the bill.
The bill was over 5,000 pages. No one knew what's in it.

Spending bills originate in the Democrat-controlled House. They own all this, including the pitiful handout to Americans.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.
You really don't know how spending bills work, do you?

Democrats control the House. Democrats controlled what's in the bill.
You are either brain dead, or ten years old. Either way, the result is the same. Yes, Pelosi controls the House, and Trump signs the bill. Now, see if you can wrap your head around that. I'm betting you can't.
Democrats thought foreigners are more deserving of American tax dollars than are Americans.

You seem to agree with them. But then, independent thought isn't something you do.
As long as they are doing the heavy lifting, and feeding my sorry ass and yours, I'd like to "independently" acknowledge that I'm keeping my mouth shut, while I'm being fed.

No one said anything about foreigners being more deserving of "American tax dollars." You did. That's your fallacy, not mine.
They're not feeding me; I am. I have a job. I don't require handouts. Maybe give being an adult a try.

Meanwhile, Democrats put in far more money for foreigners, corporations, and Democrat special interests than they did for regular Americans. That is not even up for debate.
Sure it is. You can't produce any documentation proving that, so you're lying again. All you do is lie and invent more made up nonsense. You're pathetic.
I don't have to lie, Bawk. The truth works just fine.

The top-line from the bill says a mere $600 per adult and $600 per child goes to those eligible, which is half of what adults received in another relief package passed earlier this year (the per-child payment was $500). Not hard to see that this amount is hardly enough to keep those struggling from staying out of poverty.

So where is the rest of the $1.4 trillion going?

Glad you asked.

Exhibit A: "Of the funds appropriated under title III of the Act that are made available for assistance for Pakistan, not less than $15,000,000 shall be made available for democracy programs and not less than $10,000,000 shall be made available for gender programs." Yep. $10 million. For gender programs. In Pakistan.

Exhibit B: Funds for "Resource Study of Springfield (Illinois) Race Riot." That riot occurred in (checks notes) 1908.

Exhibit C: "Statement Of Policy Regarding The Succession Or Reincarnation Of The Dalai Lama." We'll just leave that one there.

Exhibit D: There's actually a commission tasked with educating “consumers about the dangers associated with using or storing portable fuel containers for flammable liquids near an open flame."

Exhibit E: Another $40 million will be allocated "for the necessary expenses for the operation, maintenance and security" of The Kennedy Center, which received $25 million in another COVID-19 relief bill earlier this year. Also in a related story, the Kennedy Center has been closed.

Exhibits F, G, H, I, J: $86 million for assistance to Cambodia; $130 million to Nepal, $135 million to Burma, $453 million to Ukraine, $700 million to Sudan.

Exhibit K: The bill creates a Women's History Museum and an American Latino Museum as part of the Smithsonian. Overall, the Smithsonian gets (checks notes again) $1 billion.

You get the idea. It's the oldest trick in Washington: Take a bill that symbolically is overwhelmingly supported by the American people on its title alone (COVID-19 relief for those struggling due to the pandemic). Then attach every pet project possible, in this case by combining it with an omnibus spending bill, and away we go.
You're okay with this because you were told to be. You just keep pretending Democrats care about you.
Most of those people have an ocean to cross. Central and South America do not. And you are right, we ruined those countries as well. We are an imperialist country, and every other country is ours for the taking. Which is exactly what we've done.

We are also not responsible for getting involved in other countries conflicts. It's none of our fucking business.

It's not about what you think is right or wrong, it's about us owing anybody anything for our actions. We don't owe anybody from south America anything including providing them residency in our country. If you want to come here, you do it like everybody else did who came here legally. Get permission to work here, go home when that permit expires, come back next year when you can apply again, and also apply for permanent residency or citizenship.
No, we owe them their countries back, is what we owe them. My links point that out perfectly.

And don't talk to me about right and wrong. The US never gave a shit about that to begin with, so yes, it's all about right and wrong. We ruined millions of people's lives with our actions, because we chose wrong over right. And your arrogance is disgusting. Those folks have more right being here than we do.
How many illegals have you invited into your home?



Damn, you are full of stupid questions. Lol!
Yet you demand we as a nation take in all comers, due to your hatred of America.

If America sucks as bad as you insist, you'd be down at the border warning illegals away.
You are telling the same lie as before. All you do is lie.
No, all I do is tell the truth. You don't like it. Not my problem.

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