So you want a Civil War?

And the first five are very typical of manual labor type jobs. I rest my case, and you helped me. Thanks!

So your implication is that Americans won't do manual labor? I see it all the time.
When there's big profit to be made, maybe! I've traveled all across this country and you'd have to be blind not to see who is doing the heavy lifting from east to west.
That's because they work for $3.00/hour; which, according to you, is humane.
You know, when you show up here to lie as you do, you know you are losing. Now show us all where I said that.
And the first five are very typical of manual labor type jobs. I rest my case, and you helped me. Thanks!

So your implication is that Americans won't do manual labor? I see it all the time.
When there's big profit to be made, maybe! I've traveled all across this country and you'd have to be blind not to see who is doing the heavy lifting from east to west.
That's because they work for $3.00/hour; which, according to you, is humane.
You know, when you show up here to lie as you do, you know you are losing. Now show us all where I said that.
and you'd have to be blind not to see who is doing the heavy lifting from east to west.
When there's big profit to be made, maybe! I've traveled all across this country and you'd have to be blind not to see who is doing the heavy lifting from east to west.

As per my name, I live up north where we don't have many immigrants yet alone illegal ones. But during a snowstorm with 20 mph winds, I see Americans in buckets next to telephone polls restoring electricity. I see them in -0 temperatures in boots standing in two feet of water digging up water lines to repair the busted ones. I see Americans on those steel beams 20 stories high walking across them like most of us walk through a park. I see Americans all over joining our military for a pittance of money we pay them, just so they can earn benefits once they leave.

The problem here is that yes, companies seek the most profit. However, if they are forced to increase their offer for employment, that's how wages increase in our country. If you bring in people who are willing to do these shit jobs for shit money, that doesn't happen.
I speak of those who are entering from Central America and we are hardly the cause of all the grief in the world. Have we helped to protect our allies from efforts by those countries that we regard as opposition, to gain a foothold? Have we attempted to protect civilians from slaughter by insurgents in some countries? Of course we have. If we allow citizens of other countries to move here, then we need to have the necessary means to vet them, something that trump has not done, which is part of the problem.
His usual disorganized approach is noted.

Trump is not responsible for vetting anybody. What he did do is create policy to drastically reduce illegal border crossings, which of course is down the tubes now that the rest of the world is assured open border Biden will be the President next month.

The United States allows nearly a million people every year to become citizens of this country. That's on top of another near million Visa's and work permits we issue. No other country in the world is more generous to outsiders than the United States. However we can't allow everybody in. It's like a private club. You have to be a member who was carefully chosen to be part of the club. If they allowed people to walk in off the streets, they would have the same problem other open bars have which are out of control drunks and fist fights in the bar.
Agreed. Trump has 3 immigration judges for vetting purposes and this is by design when he says that judges are too expensive to hire for this purpose. Trump, the master of spending, disorganization
and disruption.
Your post is so unbelievably ignorant, it's hard to know where to begin. You have no stats or intelligent projections over fuel costs in the future.

"Weak border stance?" Are you fucking kidding me? We are the one's who caused massive illegal immigration with our imperialist agenda; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - No more chicken shit excuses about foreigners. We caused the problem, now give them their countries back. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ronald Reagan has been the reason for our economic decline for forty years;

He has? How? Go into detail please.

We didn't cause anything to make people want to come here. It's leftist bullshit from the typical blame America first crowd. They come here because we created the greatest and wealthiest country in the world with decent jobs, ability to make a living, the ability to invest and be your own boss if you desire. Our social programs is another piece of crap that draws flies to it.

UnAmerican Democrats are more than happy to sellout the country for power and greed. They could care less about real Americans. I'll even go as far as to say some Republicans are in that group as well.
You are uninformed. We indeed do have much responsibility for the conditions in those Central American countries, resulting in mass emigrations. We coddled and supported those dictators who ruled those countries in the name of oil, resulting in squalor and fear for life in those countries. We sent
dollars and food which ended up in the hands of the bad guys--over and over again.
The immigrants come here because they have nowhere else to go, recognizing that they have a chance of survival here. This is not "leftist" bullshit, but it is fact history which you can study in any history book. Your education is lacking. Not surprising that you don't see the big picture. Understand history
so that you can understand the present.
Oh Look! Another idiot throwing the word "we" around inappropriately because they disagree with our Nation's past foreign policy and are advocating we import the very squalor and fear they imply they are not in favor of. We are responsible for squalor and oppression in other Countries because we tried to send them food and aid? This guy must live in Ca.. Most other places in the US are not that suicidal-except maybe NY.
We supported dictators financially, had food and aid dropped off instead of dispensing it ourselves, which was very doable. The food and aid were scoffed up by the wrong people and not the poor people. A waste. You must live in la-la land.
Talk about la-al land, do you honestly believe bad guys who control a country are going to allow hated foreigners to come in and wander around their country making friends and doing as they please? Ever hear of Mogadishu? Americans died there trying to see that aid got to the people it was intended for. The UN and Red Cross are pretty worthless.
Yes, I do think that we could have done it and have the military present. Again, we support the dictators
financially and there are ways, with their government support, organization, and military. Absolutely.
We were never properly organized as indicated by Bush's invasion of Iraq. I know....let's do it trump's way.
Big difference between "could of" and did not that you have proven either or that I care. What exactly do you claim the coalition highly successful invasions of Iraq prove?
The invasion was a flop. Bush dismantled the Iraqi army and they ceased to get paychecks.
As a result, hundreds of thousands of ex-military joined isis type terror organizations to feed their
families, and isis was indeed strengthened. Iraqi state treasures were not protected and many were stolen or destroyed, leaving a bad feeling among the Iraqi people that exists today. Bush did not help to put the country, that was bombed, back together nor did he give much help to the Iraqi people.
Again...half a job. You call that successful? I call it disgraceful.
Untrue. The Iraqi military under Sadam was a terrorist group heavily engaged in the rape, murder, and theft of Kuwait and its' citizens. What difference which terrorist group they are part of? We could and should have wiped them out the first time we were there. No sympathy from you for the Kuwaitis who were the actual victims of foreign aggression?
That was George Bush sr. George Bush jr did the dirty in Iraq at a later date.
Agreed. Trump has 3 immigration judges for vetting purposes and this is by design when he says that judges are too expensive to hire for this purpose. Trump, the master of spending, disorganization
and disruption.

Judges don't vet anybody. Vetting is what our immigration services do. It's what ICE does for illegal immigrants. A judge doesn't have the time or resources to do all that, and Trump certainly doesn't either.

no one wants a war. I did my service i know many combat veterans. it is a bad experience. Movies glorify something that should not be glorified. If you want to know about civil war ask people in Sudan in Syria in Lebanon. Very bad experience.

I disagree, I think the Communists very badly want civil war and have been working for a decade to start one. I'd go further and say that the democrats, the Communists, are already waging civil war against America, with their Brown Shirts out terrorizing cities.

War is terrible, slavery is worse.
Agreed. Trump has 3 immigration judges for vetting purposes and this is by design when he says that judges are too expensive to hire for this purpose. Trump, the master of spending, disorganization
and disruption.

Judges don't vet anybody. Vetting is what our immigration services do. It's what ICE does for illegal immigrants. A judge doesn't have the time or resources to do all that, and Trump certainly doesn't either.

Let me rephrase. There are 3 immigration judges to do what immigration judges do with requests for immigration. Many more are needed and trump refuses in order to keep the disinformation flowing.
Trump has nothing but time to work for the American people instead of tweeting, watching tv, slamming opponents, and golfing. The immigration disaster needs to be resolved, and not by trump's disruptive rhetoric. If this is so important, he can certainly make time.
No one really wants a civil war but the far right definitely wants to be feared. They talk all this hogwash hoping that we will think they are going postal if they don't get what they want.

The far right?



The Communists have their Brown Shirts unleashed on America. You are waging civil war against this nation. You think it's a revolution.

What the democrats want is obvious, a civil war that weakens the nation so that their masters, Communist China, can waltz in a take over.
Let me rephrase. There are 3 immigration judges to do what immigration judges do with requests for immigration. Many more are needed and trump refuses in order to keep the disinformation flowing.
Trump has nothing but time to work for the American people instead of tweeting, watching tv, slamming opponents, and golfing. The immigration disaster needs to be resolved, and not by trump's disruptive rhetoric. If this is so important, he can certainly make time.

Trump greatly reduced our immigration problem by over 70%. Less border crossers means less judges are needed. Trump has done more for our border problem than the last three administrations combined. Maybe all those people should have quit watching TV and golfing.
Not true! Democrats wanted way more than $600 dollars. So, once again you are lying. As for foreign spending
Both Democrats and Republicans were no happy with the Pakistan relief package, but Lindsey Graham thought it was important;

Nancy Pigshit and her goons wrote this rape of America. The traitor fuck democrats didn't want a penny of relief to the American people. This bill is graft to foreign powers who back the Communist vermin democrats.

Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump has opposed to such a provision, while one of the prime movers of such an aid to Pakistan Senator Lindsay Graham argued that it was important to make life better for women in Pakistan.

The legislation, running into more than 5,500 pages, which now heads to the White House for President Trump to sign it into law, makes available a minimum of USD 15 million in assistance to Pakistan "for democracy programs" and USD 10 million "for gender programs."

Lindsey Graham knew what was in it. Why are you blaming Democrats for something a Republican created, and that a Republican president has to sign? Your argument, as always, makes no sense.

Ah, big lie time - try to make is seem like Graham, a Senator, somehow forced the Communist controlled house to put in provisions in their spending bill.

How did he do that? Well, no need to concern ourselves, the party must deflect with the big lie.
I disagree, I think the Communists very badly want civil war and have been working for a decade to start one.

The only time they get out of hand is when they know they have the power. When outnumbered, they sit in the corner shaking like a leaf. They only cause trouble in places with weak gun laws that favor criminals in these Democrat cities. The RNC convention was held here in Cleveland. They promised us bloodshed like we've never seen before. Then the Bikers for Trump showed up. Between them, our extra beefed up police, and our gun laws which greatly favor the victims in our state, our city ended up with two arrests outside the convention, and neither had anything to do with conflict between the Republicans and the troublemakers.
The invasion was a flop. Bush dismantled the Iraqi army and they ceased to get paychecks.
As a result, hundreds of thousands of ex-military joined isis type terror organizations to feed their
families, and isis was indeed strengthened. Iraqi state treasures were not protected and many were stolen or destroyed, leaving a bad feeling among the Iraqi people that exists today. Bush did not help to put the country, that was bombed, back together nor did he give much help to the Iraqi people.
Again...half a job. You call that successful? I call it disgraceful.

I get that you're just a moron Communist who makes shit up as you go along, but exactly HOW would joining ISIS feed their families? Does ISIS have a superior dental plan or something?

Well, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright, now are you?
Let me rephrase. There are 3 immigration judges to do what immigration judges do with requests for immigration. Many more are needed and trump refuses in order to keep the disinformation flowing.
Trump has nothing but time to work for the American people instead of tweeting, watching tv, slamming opponents, and golfing. The immigration disaster needs to be resolved, and not by trump's disruptive rhetoric. If this is so important, he can certainly make time.

Trump greatly reduced our immigration problem by over 70%. Less border crossers means less judges are needed. Trump has done more for our border problem than the last three administrations combined. Maybe all those people should have quit watching TV and golfing.
It is a pluperfect disaster in that immigrants can't get before a judge and have to wait for months.
If you have a "fuck you" attitude, then that is ok, but if you have any empathy for suffering people, it is not ok.
I disagree, I think the Communists very badly want civil war and have been working for a decade to start one.

The only time they get out of hand is when they know they have the power. When outnumbered, they sit in the corner shaking like a leaf. They only cause trouble in places with weak gun laws that favor criminals in these Democrat cities. The RNC convention was held here in Cleveland. They promised us bloodshed like we've never seen before. Then the Bikers for Trump showed up. Between them, our extra beefed up police, and our gun laws which greatly favor the victims in our state, our city ended up with two arrests outside the convention, and neither had anything to do with conflict between the Republicans and the troublemakers.
Who exactly promised bloodshed?
When there's big profit to be made, maybe! I've traveled all across this country and you'd have to be blind not to see who is doing the heavy lifting from east to west.

As per my name, I live up north where we don't have many immigrants yet alone illegal ones. But during a snowstorm with 20 mph winds, I see Americans in buckets next to telephone polls restoring electricity. I see them in -0 temperatures in boots standing in two feet of water digging up water lines to repair the busted ones. I see Americans on those steel beams 20 stories high walking across them like most of us walk through a park. I see Americans all over joining our military for a pittance of money we pay them, just so they can earn benefits once they leave.

The problem here is that yes, companies seek the most profit. However, if they are forced to increase their offer for employment, that's how wages increase in our country. If you bring in people who are willing to do these shit jobs for shit money, that doesn't happen.
These people do the jobs that Americans won't do, even for the minimum wage, and they are not electricians working for shit money because electricians are paid well. Americans do not want to do the shit work, are lazy, will lally-gag their way through the workday, and just want to get paid without putting in a hard day's work.
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As long as they are doing the heavy lifting, and feeding my sorry ass and yours, I'd like to "independently" acknowledge that I'm keeping my mouth shut, while I'm being fed.

No one said anything about foreigners being more deserving of "American tax dollars." You did. That's your fallacy, not mine.

BTK, you're dumb as a pile of dogshit.

We've been through this before, menial labor is not the foundation of any advanced society.

Who feeds your family is Monsanto who develops the fertilizers that produce massive yields, Bayer who develops insecticides that keeps pests from destroying crops. And yes, the biotechs with GMO's that have quintupled the food supply in the last 15 years.

Pedro picking tomatoes by hand is utterly irrelevant to feeding anyone but his own family.

Communists are stupid by nature, and demand that labor=value. Digging a hole in the desert and filling it is labor, but creates no value. None.
If the place wasn't there for them to live, sorry ass US citizens would still starve. That's why the places to live exist. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans. Americans are too sorry to do those jobs. Reality is a hard pill to swallow, and you better get used to it. That's not going to change.

Americans will do any job provided the pay is satisfactory for their labor. It's not about jobs Americans won't do, it's about jobs Americans won't do for little pay and no benefits.

When we discuss illegal immigrants, the first thing you people come out with on the left is that cheap claim. The truth of the matter is illegals are in all kinds of sectors of work, not just farming.

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And the first five are very typical of manual labor type jobs. I rest my case, and you helped me. Thanks!

Construction is manual labor?


Manufacturing is manual labor?


You are quit the fucking retard, BTK.

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