So you want better paying jobs?

100% stupid and liberal of course. Smoot Hawley protectionism caused Great Depression.

If one country protects its horse and buggy industry then it evolves backward rather than forward. Over your head?

Hey, I realize "protectionism" sounds kind of bad... like we're too stuck up or too good for everybody... we got ours, screw you... this is OUR pie, get your own! But it's fundamental to maintaining a vibrant free market capitalist system. Our companies can not compete as free market capitalists with countries who have a communist system. If our companies could pay people $1 a day, they could compete... but that's not realistic.

Now you mention horse and buggy industry and the Great Depression... Back then, we were a nation who manufactured and produced.. it was the backbone of our economy. We didn't have Big Labor pushing the price of labor higher and higher... that came later. It was very important back then to develop trade alliances with people who would buy our stuff. We exported FAR more than we imported.. That kept people employed and kept businesses booming. We no longer have much manufacturing and producing, we are largely a consumer nation. We import FAR more than we produce to export.. The trade deals we are making are killing us while making a few people very rich.

Let's go back to the OP problem of increasing wages. We can't increase wages if we must compete with countries who pay their people $1 a day. All that does is decrease American jobs... less jobs means more supply of labor. As long as supply of labor is greater than demand for labor, the wage stagnation problem with remain. You have to create an environment where labor is in high demand and limited in supply. You don't get there by inviting 20 million illegals to stay in this country and work under the table for less than minimum wage. You don't get there by outsourcing jobs to people who will work for $1 a day. You don't get there with "fair trade" deals that screw the American laborer. Those are all counterproductive measures for what we seek to accomplish.
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But it's fundamental to maintaining a vibrant free market capitalist system. .

100% stupid of course if California decided to protect its horse and buggy industry from trade with the rest of the country that would impoverish California and diminish capitalism. Do you see why you are an idiot now??
. Our companies can not compete.

1000% stupid of course. Apple and 1000's of others compete very successfully which is why we have full employment and an average workers here makes $23/ hr while a Chinese worker makes 1.23 /hr.

See why we say slow?
. Those are all counterproductive measures for what we seek to accomplish.

100% stupid of course. What we seek is the best products in the world at the lowest prices in the world. If we protected our banana industry so all Americans had to buy local bananas for $20/lb rather than buying them from SA where they naturally grow for 15 cents/pound Americans would be poorer not richer.

maybe your Mom can help you understand the banana example? Please let us know if she can help. Thanks
. We can't increase wages if we must compete with countries who pay their people $1 a day.

of course thats 100% stupid!! folks who make $1/day are very very low skilled while we have 1 million Ph.D's who make a fortune because they are very very productive making things the Chinese don't make and cant make.
Exports to China:
2. Aircraft, spacecraft: $13.9 billion
3. Vehicles: $13.2 billion
4. Machines, engines, pumps: $12.5 billion
5. Electronic equipment: $12 billion
6. Medical, technical equipment: $7.5 billion
7. Plastics: $5.1 billion

Also, I know you are slow but the fact is every dollar with which we buy chinese goods has to come back to the USA to buy stuff here so exports equal imports. Did you think the Chinese burned the dollars they got from us??

I know thats way over your head but perhaps Mom can help??
Millions and millions of free people would not elect to buy from China and India and Vietnam if they did not benefit!

Oh.. .We benefit as consumers! We're able to buy children's toys full of lead paint and poison metallic dyes for a mere fraction of what American-made toys would cost... so everyone is having a Merry Fucking Christmas! China doesn't have to submit to the same testing and labeling of their products... but that's because they're not "evil" like us, I guess?-- OR maybe it has something to do with the American-based distributor of said products who donated to a particular Democrat or Republican senator's campaign funds to ensure that in the deal?

Oh yes... Apple and McDonald's are doing very well in China. Other large multi-national corporations are making big bucks as well... no doubt about that. How does this help create more US jobs or increase the wages?
Oh.. .We benefit as consumers! We're able to buy children's toys full of lead paint and poison metallic dyes for a mere fraction of what American-made toys would cost...?

100% stupid of course. Dangerous toys expose everyone in the supply chain( including American distributors and retailers ) to legal liability so of course the toys are not dangerous. Care to try again, dear?
Millions and millions of free people would not elect to buy from China and India and Vietnam if they did not benefit!

Oh.. .We benefit as consumers! We're able to buy children's toys full of lead paint and poison metallic dyes for a mere fraction of what American-made toys would cost... so everyone is having a Merry Fucking Christmas! China doesn't have to submit to the same testing and labeling of their products... but that's because they're not "evil" like us, I guess?-- OR maybe it has something to do with the American-based distributor of said products who donated to a particular Democrat or Republican senator's campaign funds to ensure that in the deal?

Oh yes... Apple and McDonald's are doing very well in China. Other large multi-national corporations are making big bucks as well... no doubt about that. How does this help create more US jobs or increase the wages?

dear, how stupid are you?? If Apple couldn't manufacture/design etc in China its phones would be too expensive or non extent and then no Apple Stores etc etc. in America and no American pensions investing in Apple and making Americans rich .. Can you're Mom help with these very very simple issues?
If we protected our banana industry so all Americans had to buy local bananas for $20/lb rather than buying them from SA where they naturally grow for 15 cents/pound Americans would be poorer not richer.

maybe your Mom can help you understand the banana example?

Well Mom is dead so she can't help me but it's cool... I got this. Bananas are a very bad example because our climate doesn't allow us to grow bananas well in North America. For that reason, the US has never had a vibrant banana industry.

Let's take a relevant example like Ford building their truck plant in Mexico. That was what NAFTA presented us with and it was about to happen. Obama would have let it happen... no one would have said a thing. Ford already employs 11k people in Mexico... Trump, from the campaign trail, says, as president he will impose a 35% tax on every unit they import back into the US from Mexico... couple weeks later, Ford announces the $2.5 billion plant will be built in Ohio. That's 3,800 jobs Donald Trump just gained for the US-- only talking.
Bananas are a very bad example because our climate doesn't allow us to grow bananas.

100% stupid we could grow bananas in green houses and create a million jobs but an idiot like you would want to protect those jobs- right?
That's 3,800 jobs Donald Trump just gained for the US-- only talking.

100% stupid of course since every country can do the same thing and cause another Smoot Hawley Great Depression thus collapsing world trade so we'd have to grow our own bananas.

Do you understand??
Dangerous toys expose everyone in the supply chain( including American distributors and retailers ) to legal liability...

Nope. They do not expose the Chinese producers of said toys to anything. They are not subject to US law. The EPA guidelines for testing don't even apply to the distributors of the goods. You may think they should.. .a lot of people hear this and think it's insane, but that's part of our trade policy.

My sister has a home business designing patterns and selling crochet hand-made baby items. She sells her products and craft shows and online through Etsy, etc. Of course, many of her designs are popular so she creates several at a time, but if she carries more than one to a show or sells them online... she has to have a label attached which contains an RN number ensuring the product has been inspected for lead and poison. This is okay but it kind of destroys the "feel" of it being an original hand-made item. People have accused her of selling mass-produced crap as hand-made... based on the fact it had a label. Now.... the story continues....

I told you, she also sells patterns... ostensibly, for those who would like to make their own items. So she sells one of her popular patterns to this lady and the lady connects with a company in China. They request she send them the pattern and maybe some photos of the finished product... so the lady goes to my sister's Etsy site and grabs one her photos of my niece modeling the product... sends it off to China to be mass produced at $4 a pop... my sister says it takes her about an hour to do one at best...crochet can't be mass-produced. So now... this lady shows up at the craft fair with my sister's design.. her intellectual property... sent off to China and mass produced... no label, no nothing... selling them for half of what my sister sells them for. AND... The story continues....

My sister is browsing around on some website related to crafts and she spots a picture of her daughter! It is being used in China to market a version of her design they have produced. Her lawyer says... Nothing you can do about it. ...Sorry!

So.... you can call me a "Protectionist" all day long... THIS is the shit YOU are protecting.
Nope. They do not expose the Chinese producers of said toys to anything. .

100 stupid and liberal as always
1) if retailer gets sued for a $billion he is not going to buy from Chinese producer that produced toxic toys

2) in anticipation of being sued for selling toxic Chines toys retailer is not going to buy toxic Chinese toys
Nope. They do not expose the Chinese producers of said toys to anything. .

100 stupid and liberal as always
1) if retailer gets sued for a $billion he is not going to buy from Chinese producer that produced toxic toys

2) in anticipation of being sued for selling toxic Chines toys retailer is not going to buy toxic Chinese toys

Nope... Cases have already been tried. You must establish that the retailer knew the toys were contaminated. Yes, if they know they have lead in them and still sell them anyway, that's illegal.

When you buys things from China, you simply don't know what you are getting.
Did you think the Chinese burned the dollars they got from us??

No, they just devalued their currency.

dear, we were talking about our US dollars, not their currency. Do you have the IQ to understand??

So you're saying we need to devalue our dollar some more so we can maintain "fair trade" with China?

you idiot we were not even talking about devaluing currency. Do you understand. You're trying to change subject because you lack character to learn!!

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