So you want better paying jobs?

I will say this one quick thing, and I hope you can forgive my ideological madness. If one day through the advance of technology we come to a time when production of goods is incredibly easy and cheap and millions of workers are not needed, there may come a time when we as a people provide basic amenities to anyone, regardless. A base standard of living if you will. I know this sounds inherently Marxist. People should still be rewarded for their ingenuity, jobs will still exist, but there should be no reason that housing, food, water and basics should not be provided. This sounds like the redistribution of wealth, and in a sense it may be, but wealth will be so plentiful, so available, when you can print products off a machine, energy advances to be cheaper, cleaner, THROUGH the engine of free enterprise, we may come to a place where the relative cost for providing basic human needs is so little, there's no reason not to do it. Those with ambition, who want more than the status quo will continue to innovate and mankind can focus on things other than just eking a living. Many of those economic principles you listed that failed, you are exactly right for the most part. Socialism doesn't work without a whole lot of money flying around, but what if through innovation, it becomes more costly not to do it. 30-50 years. That's all.

Here is the problem with your idea... Whenever we provide basic essentials for all as you envision... there is no more motivation to work. Why bother, if everything is going to be provided for you? Sure, some will want to have more... but... think about that for a minute... the same people who are screaming about inequality now would still be screaming the same thing. Why can't we all have a yacht? Why can't we all take a vacation to the Bahamas? We need to provide that too, for everyone to be equal... right?

I think one of our biggest problems with social entitlement programs (not talking about SS or SSI)... is the fact that there is no motivational factor. No one is motivated to do better. We will never be able to resolve the wealth disparity problem because that's natural in a free market system... but in order to mitigate it or diminish it, we have to lift people up by motivating them to succeed. You don't motivate anyone by giving them a check every month.
You may very well be right, of course when people get free things, they would like more free things, that is true. And while some people may be motivated to still finding more meaningful work or advancing themselves in life, many would simply not see the point. All correct points.

However, the main heart of the problem will not be motivation, it will be that there are not enough jobs for nearly close to the population, maybe 1 in 3.

I agree that if I had a production plant running on automation making me a fair bit of money, expansion looks good. However, I would also be much more receptive to the idea of replacing more manpower with automation. Why bother with mechanics when a new company is making a making a robot that does diagnostics and repairs? Hook it up to the plants network and it will find problems and address them quicker than a human mechanic.

There is a software company working to develop an A.I. program that aids programmers in compiling code. The goal is to allow one programmer to write code that may take days in an hour or two. Many of these supplemental
Technologies will reduce the need for more technical jobs.

So, if hundreds of millions of people want to find work and human manpower is obsolete, what then? If their jobs are nonexistent, how do you handle a population that can't find jobs? They can be motivated all they want and still starve in slums.

I know I am playing devil's advocate here, and one bonus for capitalism is this, average people will often be able to be competitive with large companies like never before, a single musician could write masterpieces of record company quality at his computer and sell them, micro businesses would see a huge boom. A programmer could design a product without ever needing to produce it and sell it as intellectual property that could be printed. But realistically, this still could not sustain hundreds of millions.

So I ask again, how do we prepare as a society for what should really be viewed as an inevitability. When human jobs become more and more unnecessary and counter productive even?

I guess I see what you're saying but it's sort of like asking... What happens when we run out of oil? I'm hoping future generations find a solution and we aren't dependent on fossil fuels in the future. But just like the issue of raising up the poor... people have to be motivated to find the solutions and make those changes.

I think, realistically, what you are talking about isn't going to happen in the next century. Yes, we are already seeing a boom in technology like never before, but no reason to start fearing the sky is falling. We have a very long way to go before everything is done by robots and computers. AND... something we haven't considered... cataclysmic events. Old Mother Earth is currently beating her odds with that. We are overdue for a major cataclysmic event. Before we reach this Utopian world where no one has to work... I suspect nature will have her way with us and we'll be set back a century on technology... or maybe even more.
We have to realize that technological growth is not linear, its exponential, we moved from agriculture to industrial revolution in 4000 years, and to the information age we are in, in less than a century, these changes will be possible in a few decades, not a century, but of course, just because we have the technology doesn't mean it will be implemented. We need to understand, I think, how quick things are progressing now
.. The result is ZERO jobs in the US.
100% stupid and liberal of course.

Unemployment in 5.3%, not 100%.
Its hard to imagine you didn't know that. Sorry to rock your world, but today is the first day of the rest of your life. Hopefully you don't want to be a stupid liberal all your life.
.. We are allowing corporatists to get rich.

100% stupid as always. Corporations existed before China switched to Republican capitalism, eliminated 40% of the world's poverty, and became the world's manufacturer.

Do you understand?
Steve Jobs created a product that no one else had and everybody wanted. Supply and demand.

dear, you missed the point. You wanted to know how people get better jobs. One gets a better paying job or higher price by being worth more to others.

Do you understand??
Let's hear it for protectionism and goods you can no longer afford!

yes, lets ban the automobile in the US. to protect the horse and buggy industry while the rest of the world enjoys and profits from the automobile.

That's exactly how stupid liberal protectionists are. Who would believe it??
Liberalism is based in pure ignorance.
To increase the rate of pay for labor, you have to increase the demand for labor.

100 stupid and liberal of course. We could increase demand for labor 1 billion times by making electric, gas, jet, and rocket engines illegal.

Does anyone one earth want to do that??
.. The result is ZERO jobs in the US.
100% stupid and liberal of course.

Unemployment in 5.3%, not 100%.
Its hard to imagine you didn't know that. Sorry to rock your world, but today is the first day of the rest of your life. Hopefully you don't want to be a stupid liberal all your life.

What the hell are you talking about? Liberal??? :cuckoo:

Here is my statement in full:
We can't freely compete with China who pays their labor $1 a day and a bowl of rice. The result is ZERO jobs in the US.

I know what the unemployment rate is... If we tried to have a complete and total free market trade with China across the board, there would be no US jobs. Our companies simply cannot compete with China who pays their labor almost nothing. So, what do you think is so "stupid" about that?
Here is my statement in full:
We can't freely compete with China who pays their labor $1 a day and a bowl of rice. The result is ZERO jobs in the US.

100% stupid since we don't have ZERO jobs we have 95% jobs or 5% unemployment.

Do you understand??
.. If we tried to have a complete and total free market trade with China across the board, there would be no US jobs.

dear, we do have a virtual free market with all 7.3 billion people on earth and we are doing well despite the liberal interference. Every country has an advantage, China has labor, we have education and hi tech, SA as free bananas that grow on trees. This is why the world's economist all believe in free trade and not protectionism

Do you understand?
Our companies simply cannot compete with China who pays their labor almost nothing.

100% stupid of course. We are competing, unemployment is 5%, and most Americans have smart phone toys at $140/ month.

Do you understand now??
.. If we tried to have a complete and total free market trade with China across the board, there would be no US jobs.

dear, we do have a virtual free market with all 7.3 billion people on earth and we are doing well despite the liberal interference. Every country has an advantage, China has labor, we have education and hi tech, SA as free bananas that grow on trees. This is why the world's economist all believe in free trade and not protectionism

Do you understand?

You obviously don't know what "free market" means in terms of economic systems. "Free trade" is NOT "free market" even though they both contain the word "free" and pertain to economics. NO... we certainly don't have a worldwide free market system. Protectionism is required in order to have fair trade.
. NO... we certainly don't have a worldwide free market system.
nobody said we did stupid liberal. But, from NAFTA to TPP the world is moving toward free trade and away from protectionism because that is how we increase our standard of living.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
. Protectionism is required in order to have fair trade.

100% stupid and liberal of course. Smoot Hawley protectionism caused Great Depression.

If one country protects its horse and buggy industry then it evolves backward rather than forward. Over your head?
. NO... we certainly don't have a worldwide free market system.
nobody said we did stupid liberal. But, from NAFTA to TPP the world is moving toward free trade and away from protectionism because that is how we increase our standard of living.

Do you have the IQ to understand?

Hey, you can hurl insults at me all day long, it won't change reality. I really don't care what you think the world is moving toward. I am only concerned with our free market capitalist system. Best I can tell from NAFTA, all it has really done is suck jobs out of the US into Mexico. Now that's great and lovely if you are a Mexican... not so much if you are an American looking for a job. TPP is more of the same... These are trade deals made by people bought and paid for by corporatists. A handful of very wealthy people are making out like bandits while the typical American struggles to survive.

...away from protectionism because that is how we increase our standard of living.

This is where you fundamentally jump the tracks. Our standard of living is very high compared to the rest of the world. When we throw in with the poorer countries who pay their labor cheaply and have a substandard living, it doesn't increase our standards at all. It helps them... our dollars lift them out of poverty, but in most of their governments the wealth is controlled by the same people who rule them, so the people don't actually benefit. We certainly don't benefit.
A handful of very wealthy people are making out like bandits while the typical American struggles to survive.
of course that's a stupid liberal lie. Millions of people shop at Walmart everyday and improve their standard of living thanks to lower prices and free trade with China and other countries

Feel stupid now?/
, but in most of their governments the wealth is controlled by the same people who rule them, so the people don't actually benefit. We certainly don't benefit.

totally stupid as always!! China eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty when it overcame liberalism and switched to Republican capitalism.

Do you understand?
We certainly don't benefit.

100% stupid and liberal of course. Millions and millions of free people would not elect to buy from China and India and Vietnam if they did not benefit!!

Sorry but that's just 100% stupid and liberal.

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