
Why does this bother you sooooo. muuuch?

I'm not a fan, but whatever.
I only have to see it when you post it.

Otherwise, this^^^^^ has zero affect on me.
But a huge affect on you.
How about both together at the same time hitting Washington DC? I'll go too but at least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I lived 1.3 seconds longer than they did.

So you're still itching about the election defeat? You must be paranoid by now.
Why does this bother you sooooo. muuuch?

I'm not a fan, but whatever.
I only have to see it when you post it.

Otherwise, this^^^^^ has zero affect on me.
But a huge affect on you.
It's more cringeworthy than a Trumpy bear commercial.

And bland strawberry fruitcake has the personality of a rock

I can't wait till they booster or starve you fuck3rs to death
The elites are on to something


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