Socalism and Culling of the Human Herd...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
You simply can not make this up. Now food is too cheep and the answer is to make it more expensive so that people cant afford it.

First it was the energy to keep you warm, now its food to keep you from being fat.. What they dont tell you is children and the elderly will die at astonishing rates. And the Culling of the human herd begins in Great Britain.

And you wonder why I detest Socialism and everything it stands for. This is what the "we think your to fat" and the Climate change liars are up too...

British MP Demands an End to Affordable Food, to Combat Obesity and Climate Change
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You simply can not make this up. Now food is too cheep and the answer is to make it more expensive so that people cant afford it.

First is was energy to keep you warm now its food to keep you from being fat.. What they dont tell you is children and the elderly will die at astonishing rates. And the Culling of the human herd begins in Great Britain.

And you wonder why I detest Socialism and everything it stands for. This is what the "we think your to fat" and the Climate change liars are up too...

British MP Demands an End to Affordable Food, to Combat Obesity and Climate Change

The eternal symptom of Marxism: the Marxist knows what's best for every last man, woman and child of the great and filthy unwashed masses. Be it political correctness, race warfare, sexual deviancy or religion, in the Marxist's mind only he or she can "divine" and translate the prophecies of that ideology for ignorant commoners and show them best how to live their lives . . . at gunpoint. And that process always, always begins with revolution; begins with tearing down the long established status quo as a first step in recreating the world in the Marxist's vision. The Marxist will always promise rainbows and pots of gold and then deliver on such promises with oppression, murder and imprisonment of the masses after the revolution has succeeded.
You simply can not make this up. Now food is too cheep and the answer is to make it more expensive so that people cant afford it.

First is was energy to keep you warm now its food to keep you from being fat.. What they dont tell you is children and the elderly will die at astonishing rates. And the Culling of the human herd begins in Great Britain.

And you wonder why I detest Socialism and everything it stands for. This is what the "we think your to fat" and the Climate change liars are up too...

British MP Demands an End to Affordable Food, to Combat Obesity and Climate Change

The eternal symptom of Marxism: the Marxist knows what's best for every last man, woman and child of the great and filthy unwashed masses. Be it political correctness, race warfare, sexual deviancy or religion, in the Marxist's mind only he or she can "divine" and translate the prophecies of that ideology for ignorant commoners and show them best how to live their lives . . . at gunpoint. And that process always, always begins with revolution; begins with tearing down the long established status quo as a first step in recreating the world in the Marxist's vision. The Marxist will always promise rainbows and pots of gold and then deliver on such promises with oppression, murder and imprisonment of the masses after the revolution has succeeded.

These people fear no one. They are openly advocating for the deaths of millions. I simply can not grasp the rationality of this type of thinking. The elitists think you are worthless and can be killed for their personal gain..This is frightening to us here in the US but its reality in Britain. I can not fathom how they feel about this over there.
You simply can not make this up. Now food is too cheep and the answer is to make it more expensive so that people cant afford it.

First is was energy to keep you warm now its food to keep you from being fat.. What they dont tell you is children and the elderly will die at astonishing rates. And the Culling of the human herd begins in Great Britain.

And you wonder why I detest Socialism and everything it stands for. This is what the "we think your to fat" and the Climate change liars are up too...

British MP Demands an End to Affordable Food, to Combat Obesity and Climate Change

The eternal symptom of Marxism: the Marxist knows what's best for every last man, woman and child of the great and filthy unwashed masses. Be it political correctness, race warfare, sexual deviancy or religion, in the Marxist's mind only he or she can "divine" and translate the prophecies of that ideology for ignorant commoners and show them best how to live their lives . . . at gunpoint. And that process always, always begins with revolution; begins with tearing down the long established status quo as a first step in recreating the world in the Marxist's vision. The Marxist will always promise rainbows and pots of gold and then deliver on such promises with oppression, murder and imprisonment of the masses after the revolution has succeeded.

These people fear no one. They are openly advocating for the deaths of millions. I simply can not grasp the rationality of this type of thinking. The elitists think you are worthless and can be killed for their personal gain..This is frightening to us here in the US but its reality in Britain. I can not fathom how they feel about this over there.

Call me cynical, but at the end of the day, in any nation save for America whose population exceeds millions of warm bodies, the loss of a few tens of thousands here or a hundred thousand there is likely viewed as human currency well or necessarily spent for whatever political or economic or ideological need might arise. Fortunately, we Americans live in a different kind of "fishbowl", one where individual rights and freedoms still trump ideological fervor zealous enough to get us killed by our political leadership by the thousands or millions. But you are correct. The Marxists are "true-believers" in their ideology and the causes derived from it. Where our Founding Fathers looked to God and the preceding blood drenched history of human civilizations in considering their construction of our nation, eventually deciding to focus on the individual freedom and potential of the average citizen and trust them to abide laws and be responsible for their own success or failure, the philosophy of the Marxists on the other hand is to control every breath of the citizen, every thought, movement, hope and dream and life outcome from birth to death. Marxism in all forms applied to the real world is terrifying and the flirtation with Marxism some Democrat ideologues and politicians have been doing as of late ought to sicken and terrify every last American.

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