soccer(real football) is best sport .but american dont watch it. why? politic?

Soccer is the most boring sport on the planet.

Imagine a sport that is so boring that watching somebody else play golf is more interesting.

And yet most of the planet enjoy it a lot more than baseball and American football. Two of the most common cures for insomnia....

Most the people on this planet are idiots, especially the one that like commieball..
As for the OP on soccer.

American's like action sports.

Soccer is 2 minutes of action packed into 2 boring hours. ..... :cool:
Soccer is and always has been a great sport for kids.

At the professional level it is chicken-shit however.

If you square-off any NFL football athlete against any soccer prima donna the soccer player is going to get his girlie azz kicked to sh!t.

Yeah, Soccer players are pretty gay for the most part. However, Rugby and Australian Rules Football Players are pretty damn tough. They take a real beating with no protection. I gotta respect them.
time out and stop playing is for gay people .
not for soccer

I'll give ya that. Soccer is continuous play. Other American Sports could learn something from that. There is too much stoppage of play in most American Sports. But that gets into the money aspect of sports. The advertisers.
They completely altered professional golf to fit TV and commercials.
get rid of the off sides penalty and allow more scoring and we will watch. Americans like the fast break!
I love soccer.

It's such an amazing sport. It takes a lot of ability and agility ... with only your legs.

Think about it, only your legs, that by itself is incredible! :biggrin:
You got that from the WR Huskies.....CZs and Maicos were the same way....Europeans had motocross figured out long before we ever saw it here.
Yep, you nailed it.

Most of my friends rode Maicos, but I liked Husky's because the center of gravity was more towards the back. Which made the front end lighter. Had a WR for cross country, and a CR for when I rode motocross. .... :cool:
understanding baseball is key to understanding Americans ant their culture
Actually American football is more appropriate.
i like american football. but timeout and stop playing is very shit........
my second sport sport for watch is nba
American football plays are complicated choreography among eleven men against eleven men. It is physically punishing. Contract is violent. Calling plays is essential to offenses and defenses.

By contrast, soccer seems haphazard. Soccer is a defensive game, like hockey. Americans prefer offensive games like football and basketball. Baseball is at th kernel of American sport. We invented it, perfected it and sold it to the world. We can play it anywhere without expensive equipment. The rules are inculcated to every American child. It is our National pasttime.

Soccer can be held in high esteem by the rest of the world, but it will never rise to the levels of popularity football, basketball and baseball enjoy here.
Soccer is the most boring sport on the planet.

Imagine a sport that is so boring that watching somebody else play golf is more interesting.

Golf...a great way to ruin an afternoon walk.
yiosthey's comment reveals that he does not understand America as much as he thinks.

You can begin with and Now Reading The National Game Baseball And American Culture.
Born and raised here.

Been to stadium games for football, soccer, ice hockey, basketball, and baseball.

Raider games are the best in the world. You can't touch this.

Raiders. That's a shame.

I went to The Ohio State University and grew up a half hour away from Three Rivers Stadium and now Heinz Field.

Sell Raiders elsewhere. We're too close to Cleveland to accept anymore crappy NFL franchises.
i think soccer isnt good for american. because football havnt timeout
and american politican want brainwash american people in timeout tv com...
+ im drunk and very happy for barcelona win. its not serious topic

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if you arent fan. soccer is boring. but believe me. best sport in world for watch is soccer

If you aren't a fan of a certain sport, it will be boring. Your opinion is noted and filed away for future information.
I'm guessing they must think they are pretty damn lucky to have that opportunity. Not many people do.

Hydro is damn impressive. I got to see the Miss Budweiser boat a couple times, holy shit.

If you race, you just race to the best of your ability. If you get hurt that's kind of just how things go sometimes. I've broken bones that still cause me problems but I would never go back and not break them. It happened because I was trying to be the best. That comes at a cost. The price of getting there I suppose, nothing you can do to change it because if you don't go over the edge someone else will and they will win. You can't win in a safe space.

I'm not quite sure a mother is going to feel that way about her daughters going down a race track at over 330 mph. Knowing men on their team have been killed and they've all watched others be in terrible crashes, including pops and be killed. After all these years, I guess it is second nature to her.

Many years ago the driver of Miss Budweiser, Dean Chenoweth lived here in Tallahassee. He owned the Budweiser dealership here and had a huge, beautiful house on Buck Lake Road. He was killed in a crash driving the boat. His widow lived in the house until she went into an assisted care facility. I had never been to one of his races but we had been to a number of the same parties and benefits.
Trip down memory lane.

I bought a new Bultaco 360 El Bandito in the early 70's

That bike was fast and could turn corners like it was on rails. ...... :thup:

I wish I had some pics of my youth when riding!
Most of my riding was done at the expense of the local PD.
Man I used to love to run from em!!!!

I kept my racing to tracks and Enduro's. Friends took pictures because it was one of the fastest bikes out there and the bike saved my behind more than once. Plus it could be waterproofed up to seat level which meant I could go through places no one else could.

I'm on the left, the vest is so anyone in the Tallahassee Trail Riders could be recognized coming into fuel stops. The other guy learning waste deep water was not his forte. LOVED that Penton!

My sport throughout the 1980 - 90's was motorcycle "Trials" competition. It's a popular sport in Europe, but hardly known in America, I was pretty good at motocross, TT, and cross country. But observed Trials riding was my passion. I used to compete in the expert class at state meets in Oklahoma and Texas.

Trials is riding over an obstacle course on a motorcycle. The rider loses points every time he touches the ground with his foot to regain balance, goes outside of the boundary markers, or fails to traverse the obstacle. The rider who ends up with the least amount of points is the winner.

For those interested, here is a video of a professional rider competing in a World Class event.

I could clear that obstacle on my Penton but not stop or turn on top. A buddy of mine loved trials but it was too slow for me. The speed and obstacles were mainlining adrenaline. What a RUSH!
I wish I had some pics of my youth when riding!
Most of my riding was done at the expense of the local PD.
Man I used to love to run from em!!!!

I kept my racing to tracks and Enduro's. Friends took pictures because it was one of the fastest bikes out there and the bike saved my behind more than once. Plus it could be waterproofed up to seat level which meant I could go through places no one else could.

I'm on the left, the vest is so anyone in the Tallahassee Trail Riders could be recognized coming into fuel stops. The other guy learning waste deep water was not his forte. LOVED that Penton!


The guy on your right is on a 250 Bultaco Alpina....I had a 350 for a short period of time....yellow stripe on the tank...totally NOT the fabled Bultaco red and silver.
I just coudnt get into it because it wasn't fast.
Trials is 10x more difficult than any other motorcycle competition. ...... :cool:
Get on a trials bike. They are fun. Not fast but you can do some cool stuff on them.

I totally get the attraction. But I'd rather be blasting over a set of whoops.
Oh for sure. Just saying they are fun doing what they do. Not a career choice for me. I'll take the whoops and the triples all day long.

I was going over a series at race up in Georgia once. I goofed, my rear tire caught the top of one, front drove straight into the next one, the bike and I both went a** over elbow. Landed flat on my back knocking the wind out of me and the bike landed next to me then fell on top of me. Somehow I "lost" that picture! :D
Trip down memory lane.

I bought a new Bultaco 360 El Bandito in the early 70's

That bike was fast and could turn corners like it was on rails. ...... :thup:


I had the El Montadero enduro-version (lighting coil) of the Bandito....a lot of guys got hurt on those...the frame design was a little off. F.X. Bulto basically stole his frame geometry ideas from the Rickman Brothers and made his frames from water pipes in a winery he dismantled. He was a pal of Franco's and had to flee the partsans after WW2. Toward the end of the Bultaco years, there was still the same rutted road back to the buildings they started in. Bulto himself was very cool....he'd appear at races all over the US, and wander up to riders on a Bul and ask them what they liked and didn't like about his bikes.

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