Social Cost Of Carbon shown FRAUD... Intentional deception by OBAMA Administration


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Social Cost Of Carbon shown FRAUD... Intentional deception by OBAMA Administration

Earlier today, Patrick J. Michaels, Director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, tore apart the Global Warming scam in congressional testimony. Congressman Lowenthal (D-NY) went on the usual these-witnesses-are-climate-deniers rant. Dr Michaels proceeded to dismantle the justification Obama and his sycophants are using to justify taxing us to death while systematically dismantling the whole scam with recent works by skilled scientists.


The social cost of carbon as determined by the Interagency Working Group in their May 2013 Technical Support Document (updated in November 2013 and July 2015) is unsupported by the robust scientific literature, fraught with uncertainty, illogical, and thus completely unsuitable and inappropriate for federal rulemaking. Had the IWG included a better-reasoned and more inclusive review of the current scientific literature, the social cost of carbon estimates would have been considerably reduced with a value likely approaching zero. Such a low social cost of carbon would obviate the arguments behind the push for federal greenhouse gas regulations.

Lowenthal was dumbfounded at being so thoroughly debunked and his lies exposed.. Anthony Watts has put up the testimony in video on his site.. Its hilarious to watch Lowenthal tripping over himself at the end of the hearing.. When shown that our climate sensitivity is zero or infact negative his jaw hits the floor and that the cost of carbon is zero now and in the future.

Lots of info in his testimony transcript... Models fail 100% of the time..

Congressional Transcript Here
Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels writes:

In his introductory remarks, Congressman Lowenthal (D-NY) went on the usual these-witnesses-are-climate-deniers rant. As I was the next speaker, I re-wrote my oral testimony to point out, in three spots, that people who did not recognize the low-sensitivity papers, or the huge disparity between the midtropospheric observed and modeled data, or the low sensitivity in the multiauthored Otto study (15 of the authors were lead authors in the last IPCC repor)t, were in fact “science deniers”.

Now that's called reversing the roles... love that term "Science Deniers" ... Too Funny!
So all of our science institutions are taking part in a massive fraud. You think this pro-science person is going to believe you? haha Be a cold day in hell.
So all of our science institutions are taking part in a massive fraud. You think this pro-science person is going to believe you? haha Be a cold day in hell.

30 years of controlled-gate kept papers and only approved agenda by left wing propagandists has destroyed climate science and the basic sciences taught in school. The lies permeate every level of our education system. SO yes it is massive and deceptive fraud.. One need only ask how Hitler or Stalin Or Marx deceived so many and killed so many to understand how serious this is.

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