Zone1 Social Security Scam

You're not appreciating the big picture. Social Security achieves its purpose. It's just that the real purpose isn't the one advertised. SS isn't there to ensure retirement security of Americans. It's there to ensure that government controls the retirement security of Americans. Old people vote, and they're easily frightened.
You're not appreciating the big picture. Social Security achieves its purpose. It's just that the real purpose isn't the one advertised. SS isn't there to ensure retirement security of Americans. It's there to ensure that government controls the retirement security of Americans. Old people vote, and they're easily frightened.
Oh i'm appreciating it DB

It's the dinner bell for insurance predators to take advantage of seniors

after we paid into it all for 1/2 century at that

It's the dinner bell for insurance predators to take advantage of seniors.
Medicare is the same kind of feeding trough. Nitwits think Medicare for All would cut insurance companies and "profit" out of the equation, without realizing that Medicare is just farmed out to the very same insurance companies they think they're avoiding.
If FDR had instituted a savings account, Social Security would not have started paying until the 1960s

FDR was in the middle of a Depression and needed a system where retirees could start receiving benefits quickly

The first Social Security check wasn't issued until the 1940's. And it took a while before very many people at all got one. So they didn't receive it "quickly" at all.
The first Social Security check wasn't issued until the 1940's. And it took a while before very many people at all got one. So they didn't receive it "quickly" at all.
if it was a savings based plan, they wouldn’t see a check till the 60s
Obviously YOU know everything

Social Security provides a small death benefit
I claimed THAT when my first husband was killed

Yes, a sum so small as to be insulting. The rest of what he paid in is gone!

Government Off the People, Buy the People, and Force the People

The rulers' sacred-cow Constitution failed to prevent the Civil War, the Great Depression, the Vietnam War, and many other disasters they preached it would save us from. The Gettysburg Address pretended that the South wasn't a "government of the people" and that the war saved our own freedoms.

Until we reject this 18th Century mishmash of ignorant and elitist ideas, we're going straight downhill, just as the Roman Republic did.

Straitjacket Stifling Progress

As long as instead of asking whether proposed legislation is good for the country, we first have to ask whether it is Constitutional, the Constitution is not good for the country.
Are you...on some sort of mind-altering chemicals?
Actually, it allows poor people to accumulate benefits that they can eventually retire on

Prior to Social Security, the poor worked until they died or lived off of family
SS allowed them to retire
Because of the Government using the fund as it's personal piggy bank there is no accumulation. Those not collecting now are paying for those who do.

Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒnzi/, Italian: [ˈpontsi]) is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors.
Nitwits think Medicare for All would cut insurance companies and "profit" out of the equation, without realizing that Medicare is just farmed out to the very same insurance companies they think they're avoiding.
under a mandate at that.....

Because of the Government using the fund as it's personal piggy bank there is no accumulation. Those not collecting now are paying for those who do.

Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒnzi/, Italian: [ˈpontsi]) is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors.
SS funds are used to pay existing retirees

Ponzi schemes never pay out for 80 years

SS funds are used to pay existing retirees

Ponzi schemes never pay out for 80 years
Because no private company or fund can get away with illegal activity because of government intervention. The Government however makes the laws and can do whatever the fuck they want including "borrowing" almost 3 trillion from SS.

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