Zone1 Social Security Scam



He Has Always Been Used for "He or She," Which is Ungrammatical. He Is Not Strictly Masculine.

So what? How is that relevant to the post you replied to? Being so obsessed and picky about gender is nothing more than nagging.

The basic and original meaning of he is "this person." The unnecessary word she, with its confused inflection (why isn't it "she, shis, shim"?) was forced into the language by prehistoric Penis-Envy Piranhas. Unlike Spanish, we get along perfectly well without using distinctions in gender in the plural. There is no separate feminine or even neuter they. Next, you'll be screeching about that omission, too.
Making the People Feel Wee

The Constitution is unnecessary; it is a naysayer hanging over everything, as if we needed some dictator's approval. It should have been a temporary start-up document, to be superseded by all subsequent legislation.

It is the same as being tied down by first impressions. Suppose you had a sales territory and felt you had to concentrate your efforts on the big cities. Then you discovered they were shut off from you by monopolies, would you have to appeal to some higher power to get the go-ahead to instead concentrate on the smaller municipalities?

Only blowhard political bullies push this obsolete narrow-minded dictatorship doctrine on us. They are lowlifes who desperately need to feel associated with a higher power in order to put the vast majority of us in our place.
Feel “wee?”
He Has Always Been Used for "He or She," Which is Ungrammatical. He Is Not Strictly Masculine.

So what? How is that relevant to the post you replied to? Being so obsessed and picky about gender is nothing more than nagging.

The basic and original meaning of he is "this person." The unnecessary word she, with its confused inflection (why isn't it "she, shis, shim"?) was forced into the language by prehistoric Penis-Envy Piranhas. Unlike Spanish, we get along perfectly well without using distinctions in gender in the plural. There is no separate feminine or even neuter they. Next, you'll be screeching about that omission, too.
While SS is unconstitutional and not the greatest program for everyone, it has brought about tremendous benefits, especially for those retired workers on the lower end of the scale. They typically don't have the income or other resources to provide fully for their own retirement, and it's not likely that their adult children can provide for them either. Even though it is usually not possible to live on SS alone, it is a lifesaver. And if these fukkers didn't have it, they would be a burden on various social programs anyway.

Due to various myths that have been promulgated by the politicians - mainly the Trust Fund myth - it is locked in peoples' consciousness that SS is NOT an ENTITLEMENT but rather a return of deposited funds. THis prevents public acceptance of proportioning SS payments based on NEED, which is really what should happen. What sense does it make to be sending several thousand dollars a month to (for example) multi-million dollar condo's on the Florida coasts? Those people don't need it. The money should go to those retired (and disabled) people with the greatest needs.

People like me should get nothing. But if you try to take away my SS I'll cut your balls off. And don't forget it.
While SS is unconstitutional and not the greatest program for everyone, it has brought about tremendous benefits, especially for those retired workers on the lower end of the scale. They typically don't have the income or other resources to provide fully for their own retirement, and it's not likely that their adult children can provide for them either. Even though it is usually not possible to live on SS alone, it is a lifesaver. And if these fukkers didn't have it, they would be a burden on various social programs anyway.

Due to various myths that have been promulgated by the politicians - mainly the Trust Fund myth - it is locked in peoples' consciousness that SS is NOT an ENTITLEMENT but rather a return of deposited funds. THis prevents public acceptance of proportioning SS payments based on NEED, which is really what should happen. What sense does it make to be sending several thousand dollars a month to (for example) multi-million dollar condo's on the Florida coasts? Those people don't need it. The money should go to those retired (and disabled) people with the greatest needs.

People like me should get nothing. But if you try to take away my SS I'll cut your balls off. And don't forget it.
Making the People Feel Wee

The Constitution is unnecessary; it is a naysayer hanging over everything, as if we needed some dictator's approval. It should have been a temporary start-up document, to be superseded by all subsequent legislation.
Who's passing these laws without the Constitution? Who's enforcing them? What stops this legislative body (once it's elected by magic) from passing a law making themselves legislators for life? What stops them from passing laws to put whoever argues against that legislation in jail or just killing them outright?

What stops them from anointing a king or dictator and passing all their power to them (though where they derived said power is not clear) ?

Without the Constitution or some foundational document which establishes the infrastructure that the Government has to operate inside how is the Government constrained in any way? What do you think will keep it from becoming an oppressive, power hungry machine that over time increases it's power even if it is just incrementally? Good thoughts and unicorn farts?
It is the same as being tied down by first impressions. Suppose you had a sales territory and felt you had to concentrate your efforts on the big cities. Then you discovered they were shut off from you by monopolies, would you have to appeal to some higher power to get the go-ahead to instead concentrate on the smaller municipalities?
No it really isnt.
Only blowhard political bullies push this obsolete narrow-minded dictatorship doctrine on us. They are lowlifes who desperately need to feel associated with a higher power in order to put the vast majority of us in our place.
Only fools think the Government is anything but a necessary evil which by it's nature oppresses people and needs to be restrained less it enslave them completely.
While SS is unconstitutional and not the greatest program for everyone, it has brought about tremendous benefits, especially for those retired workers on the lower end of the scale. They typically don't have the income or other resources to provide fully for their own retirement, and it's not likely that their adult children can provide for them either. Even though it is usually not possible to live on SS alone, it is a lifesaver. And if these fukkers didn't have it, they would be a burden on various social programs anyway.

Due to various myths that have been promulgated by the politicians - mainly the Trust Fund myth - it is locked in peoples' consciousness that SS is NOT an ENTITLEMENT but rather a return of deposited funds. THis prevents public acceptance of proportioning SS payments based on NEED, which is really what should happen. What sense does it make to be sending several thousand dollars a month to (for example) multi-million dollar condo's on the Florida coasts? Those people don't need it. The money should go to those retired (and disabled) people with the greatest needs.

People like me should get nothing. But if you try to take away my SS I'll cut your balls off. And don't forget it.
I have to return a portion as my income always exceeds a certain limit. Next year I'll return about $3400. That's the amount a person earning $55,000/yr would contribute.
While SS is unconstitutional and not the greatest program for everyone, it has brought about tremendous benefits, especially for those retired workers on the lower end of the scale. They typically don't have the income or other resources to provide fully for their own retirement, and it's not likely that their adult children can provide for them either. Even though it is usually not possible to live on SS alone, it is a lifesaver. And if these fukkers didn't have it, they would be a burden on various social programs anyway.

Due to various myths that have been promulgated by the politicians - mainly the Trust Fund myth - it is locked in peoples' consciousness that SS is NOT an ENTITLEMENT but rather a return of deposited funds. THis prevents public acceptance of proportioning SS payments based on NEED, which is really what should happen. What sense does it make to be sending several thousand dollars a month to (for example) multi-million dollar condo's on the Florida coasts? Those people don't need it. The money should go to those retired (and disabled) people with the greatest needs.

People like me should get nothing. But if you try to take away my SS I'll cut your balls off. And don't forget it.
It's old people welfare. If we were just honest and called it what it is it would be a much easier pill to swallow.
Women outlive men, therefore as a survivor the wife is likely to get more than her husband would have had he lived. SS isn't wealth per se, although it does represent a financial 'estate'. Ordinary wealth is passed on through the Will.

As stated above the decedent does that through the Will. Upon death the qualified survivors and/or dependents receive the benefits of SS.
None of this makes any sense in the context of SS being a wealth thief which inhibits poorer people from passing wealth amassed during their lifetimes to whomever they choose when they die. I shouldnt have to have a surviving spouse or spawn children in my 50's to 60's in order for me to "pass down" that wealth.
None of this makes any sense in the context of SS being a wealth thief which inhibits poorer people from passing wealth amassed during their lifetimes to whomever they choose when they die. I shouldnt have to have a surviving spouse or spawn children in my 50's to 60's in order for me to "pass down" that wealth.
Wait a few years and SS will likely be gone. Problem solved.
Now you are starting to get it

You are accumulating benefits not accumulating cash in your name
LOL even the Government says it's a trust fund....

"The annual report of the Social Security Board of Trustees presents the actuarial status of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds."

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