Social Security Will Be Insolvent in 10 Years

Here’s a silly idea. How about politicians stop spending our tax dollars on stupid shit to get themselves re elected. Potato *Joes inflation reduction act that is nothing more than trillions of green spending would be a great start.

How about removing the ability of companies and fat cats to bribe them? Why give dumbasses $7,500 from taxpayers to buy an EV?
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Easy fix, follow the Swedish model. they were in the same boat years ago but made the necessary reform.

The left refuses to do it though

Swedes are very sensitive to their national interests. 'Enlightened self-interest' is a term that applies. They're pretty competitive in business and production, and don't let the financial sector run wild and loose using govt. shelters and taxpayer cash like corrupt banana republic regimes like America has become.
View attachment 817124

Looks like they had, in 2022, 57.7% of all labor income.
60.5% of family cash income.

View attachment 817126

76.3% of total federal taxes. 93.4% of individual income taxes.

Your turn.

Rubbish stats; the IRS doesn't report incomes over $1 million, for one, and income taxes are only collected on a fraction of reported income, dumbass. you don't know what you're reading. You can't add, either, as already pointed out. lol
That is overall, not federal. Unless of course the feds have property taxes now.

Yes, I get how the right desperately needs to distract from who is paying the most in taxes, and need to babble about federal income taxes, that are themselves misleading. Not all capital gains are taxed, and not all brackets get the same deductions.

They don't have ad valorem property taxes, but they have other forms of property taxes, in the form of royalties, and lumber fees, and grazing land fees, the ones right wing deadbeat heroes the Bundy's stiffed taxpayers on for decades and then sniveled about getting caught and forced to pay, just to name some.
Rubbish stats; the IRS doesn't report incomes over $1 million, for one, and income taxes are only collected on a fraction of reported income, dumbass. you don't know what you're reading. You can't add, either, as already pointed out. lol

Rubbish stats; the IRS doesn't report incomes over $1 million,

Who told you that? Was it another liberal idiot?

and income taxes are only collected on a fraction of reported income

Which fraction? How do you know?

you don't know what you're reading

I read your pie chart. That was funny. Moron.
Yes, I get how the right desperately needs to distract from who is paying the most in taxes, and need to babble about federal income taxes, that are themselves misleading. Not all capital gains are taxed, and not all brackets get the same deductions.

They don't have ad valorem property taxes, but they have other forms of property taxes, in the form of royalties, and lumber fees, and grazing land fees, the ones right wing deadbeat heroes the Bundy's stiffed taxpayers on for decades and then sniveled about getting caught and forced to pay, just to name some.

I get how the right desperately needs to distract from who is paying the most in taxes,

The top 20%. Who on the right is distracting from that?

Not all capital gains are taxed, and not all brackets get the same deductions.

Which ones aren't taxed? Why does it matter?
Swedes are very sensitive to their national interests. 'Enlightened self-interest' is a term that applies. They're pretty competitive in business and production, and don't let the financial sector run wild and loose using govt. shelters and taxpayer cash like corrupt banana republic regimes like America has become.
What do you mean y govt shelters and taxpayers cash like a corrupt banana republic regime…
Make that back to Carter. Reagan merely continued Carter's policies, while taking credit for them himself.
Reagan certainly didn't fix inflation. The Feds did just like they are doing now.

And I'm sick of Republicans denying that Trump's tax breaks caused inflation. Of course they did. Just like raising minimum wage makes corporations raise their prices. If everyone has more money they can charge more.

Just recently my prediction came true. In MI we had a fair amount the insurance companies had to pay if we got in an accident that meant you couldn't work the rest of your life. Like, the amount of money the insurance companies had to pay us when this happened, was enough to live with dignity the rest of your life. But the insurance companies of course said it was too much. So they lobbied our politicians to lower the amount they had to pay. They may have even had us vote on it. They said they could lower all our premiums if they passed the law. So we went along. As soon as the bill was passed 3 or so years ago, boom, the cost went down $100 every 6 months. Suddenly insurance was more affordable.

But guess what? They just raised our primiums $100 every 6 months. Just as I suspected they would. So now they get that money back that they gave us AND they don't have to pay out a fair amount when someone gets into a horrible accident.

Americans are so fucking stupid.
OK. What next?
The first things they'll cut are social programs and services that benefit the poor, then middle class.

They'll never get around to cutting things that benefit the rich and corporate America. NEVER.
What does any of that have to do with Social Security?

Great way to start another depression.
Bullshit. Great way to fund social programs, rebuild our infrastructure and put this country to work. Biden passed a infrastructure spending bill. Environmental, inflation reducing. He is a great man. The only thing he can't do without having veto proof numbers is raise taxes on the rich. If he could I believe he would. And those companies will be just fine. They were fine before the Reagan tax cuts. If you want to compromise, just roll back the Bush tax cuts. If you can't get yourself to do that, roll back the Trump tax breaks.

Are you suggesting a depression will occur if we roll back the Trump tax cuts? There was no depression on Obama's watch or Biden's watch. I think we will survive without the Trump tax breaks. Don't you? In fact we had a surplus.
Reagan certainly didn't fix inflation. The Feds did just like they are doing now.

And I'm sick of Republicans denying that Trump's tax breaks caused inflation. Of course they did. Just like raising minimum wage makes corporations raise their prices. If everyone has more money they can charge more.

Just recently my prediction came true. In MI we had a fair amount the insurance companies had to pay if we got in an accident that meant you couldn't work the rest of your life. Like, the amount of money the insurance companies had to pay us when this happened, was enough to live with dignity the rest of your life. But the insurance companies of course said it was too much. So they lobbied our politicians to lower the amount they had to pay. They may have even had us vote on it. They said they could lower all our premiums if they passed the law. So we went along. As soon as the bill was passed 3 or so years ago, boom, the cost went down $100 every 6 months. Suddenly insurance was more affordable.

But guess what? They just raised our primiums $100 every 6 months. Just as I suspected they would. So now they get that money back that they gave us AND they don't have to pay out a fair amount when someone gets into a horrible accident.

Americans are so fucking stupid.
I am sick of dembots blaming hard working americans keeping more of their own money on the economic crisis created by demafascist policies.

Reagan's policies certainly fixed the Carter crisis...lowered interest rates, and lowered inflation, not to mention unemployment...with tax cuts and a pro-work policy. This is at odds with the modern demafacsit agenda, which is at war with the working class
I am sick of dembots blaming hard working americans keeping more of their own money on the economic crisis created by demafascist policies.

Reagan's policies certainly fixed the Carter crisis...lowered interest rates, and lowered inflation, not to mention unemployment...with tax cuts and a pro-work policy. This is at odds with the modern demafacsit agenda, which is at war with the working class

No I'm pretty sure the Feds back during Reagan first raised interest rates to fix inflation. Lowering interest rates is the opposite of what they would do.

But then when the economy started going into a recession, guys like Reagan might lower interest rates to keep people buying/spending. If we don't it causes a recession.

Blaming hard working Americans? You love hard working blue collar Americans but only at $15 hr. If they are unionized and make $30 hr you wage war on them, call them lazy and send their jobs to Mexico.
No I'm pretty sure the Feds back during Reagan first raised interest rates to fix inflation. Lowering interest rates is the opposite of what they would do.

But then when the economy started going into a recession, guys like Reagan might lower interest rates to keep people buying/spending. If we don't it causes a recession.

Blaming hard working Americans? You love hard working blue collar Americans but only at $15 hr. If they are unionized and make $30 hr you wage war on them, call them lazy and send their jobs to Mexico.
They first did raise rates, but rates were quickly brought down, because Reagan was able to get his policies in place and get the economy out of the stangflation the demafacst policies brought

yes, blaming hard working americans...that's what you did. I love them at whatever wage they are worth....your demafascsist paying them $30 bucks an hour, with a percentage going to their corrupt union bosses, to donate to your klan, and your Demafacist polices driving up inflation, and taxing them to death leaves them with nothing, and worse shove off with your propaganda.

I want hard working Americans to make what they are worth, and keep as much of what they somehow think that's to blame for Xidenflation.....sad
Reagan certainly didn't fix inflation. The Feds did just like they are doing now.

I never said otherwise, but true; all Voelker did was print more money for assorted swindlers and Wall Street cash while punishing workers and people with real jobs. Reagan was a joke, but he made criminal frauds an easy money gimmick for a few years, so he's considered a Hero to the Right wingers; they even blame Democrats for the bubble he and Voelker created collapsing, even more hilarious. Just more evidence the GOP fanatics don't know anything about economies, same as their Marxist partners; they just parrot what they're told to.
They first did raise rates, but rates were quickly brought down, because Reagan was able to get his policies in place and get the economy out of the stangflation the demafacst policies brought

yes, blaming hard working americans...that's what you did. I love them at whatever wage they are worth....your demafascsist paying them $30 bucks an hour, with a percentage going to their corrupt union bosses, to donate to your klan, and your Demafacist polices driving up inflation, and taxing them to death leaves them with nothing, and worse shove off with your propaganda.

I want hard working Americans to make what they are worth, and keep as much of what they somehow think that's to blame for Xidenflation.....sad

Yes, cuz the only way to Prosperity is quit taxing the Rich and force all those lazy proles to work for less than Red Chinese wages and keep working 16 hour days and 7 day weeks.

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