Socialism folks. Here you go. What you wont learn in our schools about it.

What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.

Keep telling yourself that if that's what helps you sleep at night
Thank Goodness, FDR was a left winger and not a right winger.

I know, right? Just think, if it weren't for him doubling down on Hoover's failed economic policies we may have only had an extra year of two of economic depression instead of an entire decade of it.
The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

You post a video of a
The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

It's not within the scope of my knowledge to explain to you what happened in Venezuela? Why do you use Venezuela, a country which has suffered under a variety of bad governments over the years, as an example of socialism. It's also an example mistreatment at the hands of the IMF and the World Bank, and what happens when the bottom drops out of the oil prices and oil is your only export, and the foundation of your economy.

Why not use the examples of successful socialist countries like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium - really all of the first world? Why because you need to show socialism doesn't work. Except it does - in SPADES. The best places to live in the world, the places where the PEOPLE have the MOST FREEDOMS, are all socialist countries.

And they all allow gay marriage, and have free health care for all.

You sound pretty racist. The only countries in the world with a higher density of whites than here, are successes? Huh.

Also, your stupid bumper sticker about the Scandinavian countries being socialist is a long drawn out bullshit claim by you losers.

Learn for once in your pathetic miserable life. You are wrong, about everything.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.

Keep telling yourself that if that's what helps you sleep at night
Thank Goodness, FDR was a left winger and not a right winger.

I know, right? Just think, if it weren't for him doubling down on Hoover's failed economic policies we may have only had an extra year of two of economic depression instead of an entire decade of it.
and, still have a less developed economy. Hoover Dam is still hard at work today for the People, so the People don't have to.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.

Keep telling yourself that if that's what helps you sleep at night
Thank Goodness, FDR was a left winger and not a right winger.

I know, right? Just think, if it weren't for him doubling down on Hoover's failed economic policies we may have only had an extra year of two of economic depression instead of an entire decade of it.
and, still have a less developed economy. Hoover Dam is still hard at work today for the People, so the People don't have to.
Bunch of myths about the depression in the 30s. One of them was the stock market crash of 1929 causing it. Myth pushed by the commie propagandists and is still taught and believed today.

It didn't cause it.

The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

You post a video of a
The fucking morons who think it is only due to a "tyrannical leader" and not because of socialism that has resulted in 100 dollar hamburgers inflation, need to then explain this......

In California. Only run by democrats and socialist policies.

It's not within the scope of my knowledge to explain to you what happened in Venezuela? Why do you use Venezuela, a country which has suffered under a variety of bad governments over the years, as an example of socialism. It's also an example mistreatment at the hands of the IMF and the World Bank, and what happens when the bottom drops out of the oil prices and oil is your only export, and the foundation of your economy.

Why not use the examples of successful socialist countries like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium - really all of the first world? Why because you need to show socialism doesn't work. Except it does - in SPADES. The best places to live in the world, the places where the PEOPLE have the MOST FREEDOMS, are all socialist countries.

And they all allow gay marriage, and have free health care for all.

You sound pretty racist. The only countries in the world with a higher density of whites than here, are successes? Huh.

Also, your stupid bumper sticker about the Scandinavian countries being socialist is a long drawn out bullshit claim by you losers.

Learn for once in your pathetic miserable life. You are wrong, about everything.

As I look out my window at the beautiful town I live in, with my cradle to the grave social problems, my guaranteed retirement income for life, my fully funded health care, in a country with a 77% debt to GDP ratio (the USA is current 92%), with the country with the fastest growing middle class in the world (my kids are doing very well thanks), ranked #2 ini the world for education, and ranked the #1 Best Country in the world to live in, you tell me I'm wrong, and I don't know what I'm talking about.

Have you every been to any country outside the USA? Our cities are clean and well maintained, there are no violent "ghettos" of extreme poverty and racism. You can walk around downtown without a gun, late at night, and not be robbed or accosted. We don't lock our doors. But I don't know what I'm talking about.

No, we are NOT a predominently white nation. The Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, all of our largest most succesful cities are less than 50% white. Only our rural areas are white.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.


Fucking moron

Democratic socialism is the form of government you have in the USA. An army paid from the tax revenues, is socialism. As is Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicaid. Republicans keep trying to strangle these programs instead of building and sustaining them, even though their constituents would die without them.

No, we have a representative republic. The defense of the US is enumerated in the constitution and is not socialism.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.


Fucking moron

Democratic socialism is the form of government you have in the USA. An army paid from the tax revenues, is socialism. As is Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicaid. Republicans keep trying to strangle these programs instead of building and sustaining them, even though their constituents would die without them.

No, we have a representative republic. The defense of the US is enumerated in the constitution and is not socialism.

Paying for anything the benefits society using tax dollars collected from the populace, is socialism. In Roman times, the army was paid by its general. Rome was the first republic. That's why Rome would not allow the any army within the city limits, even the armies of Rome. The soldiers owed their loyalty to their general and could easily overthrow the elected government.

The US army is paid for by the people, not its generals, not the countries leaders - the people. That makes it a socialist structure.

Your Founders envisioned a country where everyone was equal, with liberty and justice for all. They envisoned a socialist Republic, because the only way you can have liberty and justice for all, is if all of the people are responsible for paying for it - a socialist structure.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.

Keep telling yourself that if that's what helps you sleep at night
Thank Goodness, FDR was a left winger and not a right winger.

I know, right? Just think, if it weren't for him doubling down on Hoover's failed economic policies we may have only had an extra year of two of economic depression instead of an entire decade of it.
and, still have a less developed economy. Hoover Dam is still hard at work today for the People, so the People don't have to.
Bunch of myths about the depression in the 30s. One of them was the stock market crash of 1929 causing it. Myth pushed by the commie propagandists and is still taught and believed today.

It didn't cause it.

Hoover was in office at the time.

And, a command economy may command economize its way to prosperity; all that may be required is Good management.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.


Fucking moron

Democratic socialism is the form of government you have in the USA. An army paid from the tax revenues, is socialism. As is Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicaid. Republicans keep trying to strangle these programs instead of building and sustaining them, even though their constituents would die without them.

No, we have a representative republic. The defense of the US is enumerated in the constitution and is not socialism.
Providing for the General welfare must cover any specific welfare.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.


Fucking moron

Democratic socialism is the form of government you have in the USA. An army paid from the tax revenues, is socialism. As is Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicaid. Republicans keep trying to strangle these programs instead of building and sustaining them, even though their constituents would die without them.

No, we have a representative republic. The defense of the US is enumerated in the constitution and is not socialism.

Paying for anything the benefits society using tax dollars collected from the populace, is socialism. In Roman times, the army was paid by its general. Rome was the first republic. That's why Rome would not allow the any army within the city limits, even the armies of Rome. The soldiers owed their loyalty to their general and could easily overthrow the elected government.

The US army is paid for by the people, not its generals, not the countries leaders - the people. That makes it a socialist structure.

Your Founders envisioned a country where everyone was equal, with liberty and justice for all. They envisoned a socialist Republic, because the only way you can have liberty and justice for all, is if all of the people are responsible for paying for it - a socialist structure.

I'll not disagree with all of this but the founders never envisioned a govt that pampers its people by taking money away from the populace to fund never ending social programs. That vision about justice and liberty for all was each person forging their on way in this new experiment. The welfare for all came along when fdr moved in.
The left still believe, cause they were taught and we are still taught that FDR and "the new deal" got us out of the depression.

Quick, how many start up companies began in the 1930s during the great depression?

Capitalism, free market enterprise, saved us and got us out.

The commies would have us believe the free market caused it.

Huh, makes you wonder how their marxism could not stand for 100 years. I can still hear their hippy commie john lennon cry from his grave as the ussr crumbled.

Fucking hippy was worth $800 million when he died and had a lot of properties. Huh, lets all "imagine" no possessions asshole.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.


Fucking moron

Democratic socialism is the form of government you have in the USA. An army paid from the tax revenues, is socialism. As is Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicaid. Republicans keep trying to strangle these programs instead of building and sustaining them, even though their constituents would die without them.

No, we have a representative republic. The defense of the US is enumerated in the constitution and is not socialism.
Providing for the General welfare must cover any specific welfare.

No it must not.

"“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress…. Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.” ------- James Madison

Madison was saying that gen welfare is not giving the government the authority over every area of life, but only those specific powers listed or enumerated in the constitution. If you read carefully through what madison wrote, you will see the exact problems that madison warned about now on display that are now causing the country to crumble.
What happened and is still happening in Venezuela is not socialism, it's what happens when a dictatorship runs wild.

Socialism leads to more and more power is concentrated in the government, it is easier and easier for one socialist to take control....that is why, doofus.....our founders spread the power through 3 different branches of government with checks and balances to further decentralize the power......with competing interests and using human greed and jealousy to work against the accumulation of power in one or a few hands.....

Do you understand this concept now? Having seen how screwed up socialism becomes?

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