Socialism For Dummies or: Why Obama Isn't a Communist


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Benjamin R. Barber: Socialism For Dummies or: Why Obama Isn't a Communist

"What then has happened to our political discourse today? Polarization has happened, and extremism, with publicity-seeking pundits and irresponsible candidates refusing to be guided by the standard glossary. Not enough rhetorical payoff. Instead vote-seekers have injected terms like socialism and communism from the collectivist end of the spectrum into the elections, even though they are utterly without genuine political relevance in America. They are nothing more than rabid slurs.

Obama a socialist? Has his administration collectivized the hospitals, turned doctors into a state monopoly, nationalized the insurance companies? Or are we continuing to privatize our security forces, turn school and prisons into for-profit businesses, and let the financial industry self-regulate? President Obama is a market-leaning liberal democrat.
Nancy Pelosi is a vigorous advocate of the welfare state and of the social safety net, and she wants to regulate the runaway banks. But that's not communism, folks, that's liberal democracy, and reflects a less egalitarian agenda than the ones pushed by LBJ or FDR."

Rightwing fucktards will still keep saying the same shit regardless even after I post this thread because they believe the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, Bachmann and the rest of hot garbage that comes from the mouths uneducated sipshit Teabastards rather than picking up a dictionary or political and economic textbook and reading about what communism and socialism really is.
Coming soon - socialized medicine and nationalization of the banks. It's a process Flaylo. Give them time. It's best to be done slowly so people don't notice as much. Kinda like the Holocaust.
The OP may require the media to provide his thoughts, many of us are smart enough to figure shit out all by ourselves.
Yes and the same people who want others to believe that Obama is a capitalist, call social security and medicaid, socialism. So according to their logic, it's the senior citizens who are the socialists. :lol:

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