Socialism is an A+ plan

For losing weight. US is the fattest country, perhaps the Democrats just want to make us healthier? An average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds since the shift in political ideology.

Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits - Reuters
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.
All socialist countries are dictatorships.
That is called communism everywhere but brainwashed GOP dupe America. Every country in the modern world but us calls always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net socialism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.
What you are talking about, idiot, is called a welfare state, not a socialist state. All socialist state, meaning states in which the government controls the means of production are dictatorships. The US is also a welfare state just as the European welfare states you mistake for socialist states are. There has never been a democratic socialist state, and when Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, he is bullshitting.
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.
All socialist countries are dictatorships.
That is called communism everywhere but brainwashed GOP dupe America. Every country in the modern world but us calls always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net socialism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.
What you are talking about, idiot, is called a welfare state, not a socialist state. All socialist state, meaning states in which the government controls the means of production are dictatorships. The US is also a welfare state just as the European welfare states you mistake for socialist states are. There has never been a democratic socialist state, and when Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, he is bullshitting.
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
A****** dictatorship communist countries love claiming to be socialists. They are trapped in the same time as the
nited States and its cold war brainwashed Republicans.... Nazis also claimed to be socialists LOL.

I'll spell it out for you. Like Wikipedia and history books do. The definition of socialism has evolved. Before marx it indicated an interest in fairness and justice for workers and everyone else. With marx it became the ideology that has been proven wrong in many ways. Then it became the Soviet Union as socialism until people discovered that was a scam dictatorship that had no democracy whatsoever. Then socialism definition has become that of always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. No threat whatsoever except to brainwashed GOP dupes.

"We are all socialists now!"---Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.
All socialist countries are dictatorships.
That is called communism everywhere but brainwashed GOP dupe America. Every country in the modern world but us calls always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net socialism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.
What you are talking about, idiot, is called a welfare state, not a socialist state. All socialist state, meaning states in which the government controls the means of production are dictatorships. The US is also a welfare state just as the European welfare states you mistake for socialist states are. There has never been a democratic socialist state, and when Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, he is bullshitting.
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
Self-declared is just the same thing as propaganda.... Portugal now there is a socialist country in the modern sense.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.

FrancoHFW knows, he can only play the Troll and pretend he is ignorant. Well, that's not fair, I'm not sure he is pretending.
All socialist countries are dictatorships.
That is called communism everywhere but brainwashed GOP dupe America. Every country in the modern world but us calls always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net socialism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.
What you are talking about, idiot, is called a welfare state, not a socialist state. All socialist state, meaning states in which the government controls the means of production are dictatorships. The US is also a welfare state just as the European welfare states you mistake for socialist states are. There has never been a democratic socialist state, and when Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, he is bullshitting.
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
A****** dictatorship communist countries love claiming to be socialists. They are trapped in the same time as the
nited States and its cold war brainwashed Republicans.... Nazis also claimed to be socialists LOL.

I'll spell it out for you. Like Wikipedia and history books do. The definition of socialism has evolved. Before marx it indicated an interest in fairness and justice for workers and everyone else. With marx it became the ideology that has been proven wrong in many ways. Then it became the Soviet Union as socialism until people discovered that was a scam dictatorship that had no democracy whatsoever. Then socialism definition has become that of always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. No threat whatsoever except to brainwashed GOP dupes.

"We are all socialists now!"---Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
Thank you for sharing your fantasy about what socialism is, but it is the same ideology it was in the early 19th century and it only appears to be something different to you because of your ignorance and bigotry.

There are socialist states and there are welfare states and what you imagine socialism to be is, in fact, a welfare state, and surprise, surprise, the US is already a welfare state. The difference between a socialist state and a welfare state is that in a socialist state, the government has control of the means of production and in a welfare state the government merely provides a safety net to benefit some part of the population, the neediest, or all of the population, as in government run health insurance or subsidized education, for example.

All western democracies are welfare states and liberal democracies, and none of them are socialist states. The difference between them are the size of the safety net and the degree of freedom and protections for minorities they provide.
All socialist countries are dictatorships.
That is called communism everywhere but brainwashed GOP dupe America. Every country in the modern world but us calls always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net socialism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.
What you are talking about, idiot, is called a welfare state, not a socialist state. All socialist state, meaning states in which the government controls the means of production are dictatorships. The US is also a welfare state just as the European welfare states you mistake for socialist states are. There has never been a democratic socialist state, and when Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, he is bullshitting.
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
Self-declared is just the same thing as propaganda.... Portugal now there is a socialist country in the modern sense.
There is no modern sense of socialism, you moron. Portugal is a welfare state.
That is called communism everywhere but brainwashed GOP dupe America. Every country in the modern world but us calls always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net socialism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.
What you are talking about, idiot, is called a welfare state, not a socialist state. All socialist state, meaning states in which the government controls the means of production are dictatorships. The US is also a welfare state just as the European welfare states you mistake for socialist states are. There has never been a democratic socialist state, and when Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, he is bullshitting.
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
Self-declared is just the same thing as propaganda.... Portugal now there is a socialist country in the modern sense.
There is no modern sense of socialism, you moron. Portugal is a welfare state.
I know you are a brainwashed functional Cold War dinosaur. It is a welfare state just like every modern country is and many who are not modern --it's intelligent and it is socialist in the modern sense-- everywhere but super dupe GOP America.
Some here refuse to accept FACTS.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
What you are talking about, idiot, is called a welfare state, not a socialist state. All socialist state, meaning states in which the government controls the means of production are dictatorships. The US is also a welfare state just as the European welfare states you mistake for socialist states are. There has never been a democratic socialist state, and when Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist, he is bullshitting.
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
Self-declared is just the same thing as propaganda.... Portugal now there is a socialist country in the modern sense.
There is no modern sense of socialism, you moron. Portugal is a welfare state.
I know you are a brainwashed functional Cold War dinosaur. It is a welfare state just like every modern country is and many who are not modern --it's intelligent and it is socialist in the modern sense-- everywhere but super dupe GOP America.
There is no modern sense of what socialism is. Your are just posting about your ignorance of what socialism is.
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
Self-declared is just the same thing as propaganda.... Portugal now there is a socialist country in the modern sense.
There is no modern sense of socialism, you moron. Portugal is a welfare state.
I know you are a brainwashed functional Cold War dinosaur. It is a welfare state just like every modern country is and many who are not modern --it's intelligent and it is socialist in the modern sense-- everywhere but super dupe GOP America.
There is no modern sense of what socialism is. Your are just posting about your ignorance of what socialism is.
Ask any socialists in any modern country what a socialist is, dingbat dupe. Nazis and Communists of course claim to be socialists, but you have to be democratic. So what do you Republican idiots have against living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training for opportunity, ID card to end illegal immigration? Like every single rich country but us has? Brainwashed functional morons...
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
Self-declared is just the same thing as propaganda.... Portugal now there is a socialist country in the modern sense.
There is no modern sense of socialism, you moron. Portugal is a welfare state.
I know you are a brainwashed functional Cold War dinosaur. It is a welfare state just like every modern country is and many who are not modern --it's intelligent and it is socialist in the modern sense-- everywhere but super dupe GOP America.
There is no modern sense of what socialism is. Your are just posting about your ignorance of what socialism is.
I'm not taking a dupe ignoramus over historians Wikipedia and everyone living in other modern countries...
Some here refuse to accept FACTS.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
The Frankfurt Declaration took a stand against both capitalism and the Communism of Stalin:

Socialism aims to liberate the peoples from dependence on a minority which owns or controls the means of production. It aims to put economic power in the hands of the people as a whole, and to create a community in which free men work together as equals... Socialism has become a major force in world affairs. It has passed from propaganda into practice. In some countries the foundations of a Socialist society have already been laid. Here the evils of capitalism are disappearing... Since the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, Communism has split the International Labour Movement and has set back the realisation of socialism in many countries for decades. Communism falsely claims a share in the Socialist tradition. In fact, it has distorted that tradition beyond recognition. It has built up a rigid theology which is incompatible with the critical spirit of Marxism... Wherever it has gained power it has destroyed freedom or the chance of gaining freedom...

— The Frankfurt Declaration, 1951
Yes that too. Funny how everyone in those welfare states think they are socialist. And only backward rubes in America believe socialism is still any history book that talks about the development of the meaning of socialism and they will tell you it is gone through three stages 1 Marxism as theory two socialism as the USSR model and since World War II Democratic Fair capitalism. Which of course the GOP is against. Especially since Reagan. So why are we the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training? Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Clearly you are trying to use words you don't understand. The only self declared socialist states are, China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. The only states with references to socialism in their constitutions are Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Guyana, India, North Korea, Nepal, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

List of socialist states - Wikipedia

Clearly, you have no idea what socialism means, yet you claim to support it. In other words, you are just an ignorant bigot.
Self-declared is just the same thing as propaganda.... Portugal now there is a socialist country in the modern sense.
There is no modern sense of socialism, you moron. Portugal is a welfare state.
I know you are a brainwashed functional Cold War dinosaur. It is a welfare state just like every modern country is and many who are not modern --it's intelligent and it is socialist in the modern sense-- everywhere but super dupe GOP America.
There is no modern sense of what socialism is. Your are just posting about your ignorance of what socialism is.
The Frankfurt Declaration took a stand against both capitalism and the Communism of Stalin:

Socialism aims to liberate the peoples from dependence on a minority which owns or controls the means of production. It aims to put economic power in the hands of the people as a whole, and to create a community in which free men work together as equals... Socialism has become a major force in world affairs. It has passed from propaganda into practice. In some countries the foundations of a Socialist society have already been laid. Here the evils of capitalism are disappearing... Since the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, Communism has split the International Labour Movement and has set back the realisation of socialism in many countries for decades. Communism falsely claims a share in the Socialist tradition. In fact, it has distorted that tradition beyond recognition. It has built up a rigid theology which is incompatible with the critical spirit of Marxism... Wherever it has gained power it has destroyed freedom or the chance of gaining freedom...

— The Frankfurt Declaration, 1951

The three stages of the definition of socialism...
1 Marxist ideology proved wrong.
2. The USSR brand of socialism, which turned out to be a dictator scam, no democracy at all.
3 see above
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It will be a great day when you brainwashed functional moron GOP Cold War dinosaur dupes join the rest of the world in the 21st century. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

The Frankfurt Declaration took a stand against both capitalism and the Communism of Stalin:

Socialism aims to liberate the peoples from dependence on a minority which owns or controls the means of production. It aims to put economic power in the hands of the people as a whole, and to create a community in which free men work together as equals... Socialism has become a major force in world affairs. It has passed from propaganda into practice. In some countries the foundations of a Socialist society have already been laid. Here the evils of capitalism are disappearing... Since the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, Communism has split the International Labour Movement and has set back the realisation of socialism in many countries for decades. Communism falsely claims a share in the Socialist tradition. In fact, it has distorted that tradition beyond recognition. It has built up a rigid theology which is incompatible with the critical spirit of Marxism... Wherever it has gained power it has destroyed freedom or the chance of gaining freedom...

— The Frankfurt Declaration, 1951

How socialism really works:

Trump to congress I need $15 billion to bailout farmer's since I created a trade war. Then we'll buy their goods and ship them to third world countries instead of feeding real U.S. citizens that are underpriveged here on our soil.
That is republicanism after 35 years of giveaway to the rich cutting services for everyone else and garbage hate-filled propaganda, not socialism. On the other hand China needs to compromise. But that would ruin Trump's record of screw up in business....

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