Socialism kills and destroys

Easy....tell me any country you consider to be a success right now and I'll show you a country that has more "socialism" than we have here.

All the ones with a 229 year old Constitution that have become the wealthiest nation in the history of mankind.

Great point you raise. Shall we start listing out all the elements of our society that are "socialist"?
We don't have any thing resembling socialism. It has little if any support not is it a threat to take root here. Relax.
Socialism might kill millions, but how else can a fucking moron like Ocasio- Cortex hope to become a multi-millionaire except by becoming a democrat Socialist leader?

Remember, Socialism is great, the leaders become billionaires, the stupid fucks who thought it was a great idea wind up dead or wishing they were

I bet she will be able to accrue more money than her upper middle class parents with this socialism scam she has concocted.

She will get into Congress, make big bucks with a little corruption, write a book or two, get big speaking fees and pretty soon be able to buy a mansion like Maxine Waters. Maybe even an expensive sports car like Commie Bernie.
Easy....tell me any country you consider to be a success right now and I'll show you a country that has more "socialism" than we have here.

All the ones with a 229 year old Constitution that have become the wealthiest nation in the history of mankind.

Great point you raise. Shall we start listing out all the elements of our society that are "socialist"?
Everything that you could cite could certainly be debated. The reality is that everything has it's pros and cons. Capitalism isn't directly responsible for someone poisoning the local water supply but it certainly rewards it monetarily when it means you can cut your overhead in half. Socialism isn't directly responsible for mass murder but but it certainly rewards it when it means you can continue to maintain the uniformity of thought required to continue to maintain a socialized structure for everyone living within it.

Everyone with a family lives out socialism every day. If you're charging your 3 year old for food and making them work for their clothing they wear, then you're a pretty horrible person. Within the family unit, socialism isn't just a good idea, it's pretty critical for a loving, harmonious family. Family will sacrifice for each other and divide resources for the better of the whole family. It works because families love each other more than anything else in the world and their own well being is directly impacted by their family members' well being.

The successful implementation of socialism requires a similar level of investment in everyone's lives, and that's just not realistic in the slightest. I can't possibly care as much about someone i've never met than i can about my wife and kids. It's just not possible. I don't wish ill on them at all and hope the best for them, but if you're asking me to sacrifice myself, my labor and my possessions for someone i've never met: that's a hard sell. Am i better off if they are? Maybe, it depends, but i can't answer that with any certainty, so i'm inherently geared against socialism, and so is everyone else no matter what they think.

That's why capitalism as an economic structure for people who are moderately interested in each others' well being is far superior. I have a vested interest in providing goods and services to others because that's how i take care of myself and my family. If i don't provide a good or service that people want, i can't take care of myself and my family. So i have every reason to treat people fairly and with dignity so they keep giving me the money i need. My interest in others' well being is therefore extended to them having money to give me for my goods and services, which means i'm going to inherently support everyone's ability and opportunity to make money, or i should.
Socialism might kill millions, but how else can a fucking moron like Ocasio- Cortex hope to become a multi-millionaire except by becoming a democrat Socialist leader?

Remember, Socialism is great, the leaders become billionaires, the stupid fucks who thought it was a great idea wind up dead or wishing they were

I bet she will be able to accrue more money than her upper middle class parents with this socialism scam she has concocted.

She will get into Congress, make big bucks with a little corruption, write a book or two, get big speaking fees and pretty soon be able to buy a mansion like Maxine Waters. Maybe even an expensive sports car like Commie Bernie.
Pelosi, the Clintons, the Obamas, Harry Reid all parlayed their offices into tens of millions

and you shouldn’t be offended when you’re reminded of that

And it always, always ends up being led by brutal, murdering dictators. So remember that when contemplating the current Socialist Democrat movement. They want to start out with government ruling you to be followed by a dictator.

Socialism has a long, dark history of death and destruction. Because of socialism, over 100-million lives have been extinguished and billions more have been enslaved. Yet there are people who get offended when you remind them of the death and misery socialism has inflicted upon our world.

If there is anything insulting about reminding people of the evils of socialism, it is those who despite its bloody and sinister history, continue to defend and promote this vile ideology as a viable and perfectly acceptable alternative to freedom.

Much more @ Socialism kills and destroys, and you shouldn't be offended when you're reminded of that | Babalú Blog


and this is another example of it:

Western Nicaragua Left without Medical Specialists @ Western Nicaragua Left without Medical Specialists – Havana


There's No Such Thing as 'Democratic Socialism' @

Socialism In Action: Hungry Venezuelans Slaughter Donkeys For Food @ Socialism In Action: Hungry Venezuelans Slaughter Donkeys For Food | Weasel Zippers

Socialism Always ‘Becomes a Big Prison System at the End,’ Albanian Refugee Warns @ Socialism Always ‘Becomes a Big Prison System at the End,’ Albanian Refugee Warns

And unfettered capitalism kills tens of thousands every year, right here in the USA. When you take away access to healthcare, you kill people. When you cut back on air pollution regulations, you kill people. When you let kids drink lead, it kills people. when you, when you make up shit to start wars because of Big Oil, it kills people. When you allow pharmaceuticals charge $400 a pill, it kills people. When you cut back on safety regulations, it kills people, when you deny climate change, it kills more & more every year. When you allow the chemical companies poison our food supply, it kills peiople.
But hey, point out a few DICTATORS. you know, like what Trump thinks he is & & you tie that in with a panty waisted Republican Congress, it kills people. And when that fat assed orange POS spews his bigoted hate, it gets people killed

So fuck your God Damn stupid fucklimg post.

WTF Is "unfettered capitalism"? Where does this Elvis and Jackie O riding a unicorn exist?

It is what Trump wants. Why do you think he is dumping regulations.

and you shouldn’t be offended when you’re reminded of that

And it always, always ends up being led by brutal, murdering dictators. So remember that when contemplating the current Socialist Democrat movement. They want to start out with government ruling you to be followed by a dictator.

Socialism has a long, dark history of death and destruction. Because of socialism, over 100-million lives have been extinguished and billions more have been enslaved. Yet there are people who get offended when you remind them of the death and misery socialism has inflicted upon our world.

If there is anything insulting about reminding people of the evils of socialism, it is those who despite its bloody and sinister history, continue to defend and promote this vile ideology as a viable and perfectly acceptable alternative to freedom.

Much more @ Socialism kills and destroys, and you shouldn't be offended when you're reminded of that | Babalú Blog


and this is another example of it:

Western Nicaragua Left without Medical Specialists @ Western Nicaragua Left without Medical Specialists – Havana


There's No Such Thing as 'Democratic Socialism' @

Socialism In Action: Hungry Venezuelans Slaughter Donkeys For Food @ Socialism In Action: Hungry Venezuelans Slaughter Donkeys For Food | Weasel Zippers

Socialism Always ‘Becomes a Big Prison System at the End,’ Albanian Refugee Warns @ Socialism Always ‘Becomes a Big Prison System at the End,’ Albanian Refugee Warns

And unfettered capitalism kills tens of thousands every year, right here in the USA. When you take away access to healthcare, you kill people. When you cut back on air pollution regulations, you kill people. When you let kids drink lead, it kills people. when you, when you make up shit to start wars because of Big Oil, it kills people. When you allow pharmaceuticals charge $400 a pill, it kills people. When you cut back on safety regulations, it kills people, when you deny climate change, it kills more & more every year. When you allow the chemical companies poison our food supply, it kills peiople.
But hey, point out a few DICTATORS. you know, like what Trump thinks he is & & you tie that in with a panty waisted Republican Congress, it kills people. And when that fat assed orange POS spews his bigoted hate, it gets people killed

So fuck your God Damn stupid fucklimg post.

WTF Is "unfettered capitalism"? Where does this Elvis and Jackie O riding a unicorn exist?

It is what Trump wants. Why do you think he is dumping regulations.

Oh, I dunno, maybe bad for business, bad for progress, bad for citizens?
Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8
Socialism is mostly based on power at the point of a gun. The Rev. Jim Jones convinced borderline socialists in the California democrat party that he had a better idea in the 70's while he was stealing the money, possessions and property of his followers. Once they bought the idea of socialism they were under Jones's total control as he began sliding into insanity. The "people's socialist paradise in Guyana wasn't much different than Devil's Island.

and you shouldn’t be offended when you’re reminded of that

And it always, always ends up being led by brutal, murdering dictators. So remember that when contemplating the current Socialist Democrat movement. They want to start out with government ruling you to be followed by a dictator.

Socialism has a long, dark history of death and destruction. Because of socialism, over 100-million lives have been extinguished and billions more have been enslaved. Yet there are people who get offended when you remind them of the death and misery socialism has inflicted upon our world.

If there is anything insulting about reminding people of the evils of socialism, it is those who despite its bloody and sinister history, continue to defend and promote this vile ideology as a viable and perfectly acceptable alternative to freedom.

Much more @ Socialism kills and destroys, and you shouldn't be offended when you're reminded of that | Babalú Blog


and this is another example of it:

Western Nicaragua Left without Medical Specialists @ Western Nicaragua Left without Medical Specialists – Havana


There's No Such Thing as 'Democratic Socialism' @

Socialism In Action: Hungry Venezuelans Slaughter Donkeys For Food @ Socialism In Action: Hungry Venezuelans Slaughter Donkeys For Food | Weasel Zippers

Socialism Always ‘Becomes a Big Prison System at the End,’ Albanian Refugee Warns @ Socialism Always ‘Becomes a Big Prison System at the End,’ Albanian Refugee Warns

And unfettered capitalism kills tens of thousands every year, right here in the USA. When you take away access to healthcare, you kill people. When you cut back on air pollution regulations, you kill people. When you let kids drink lead, it kills people. when you, when you make up shit to start wars because of Big Oil, it kills people. When you allow pharmaceuticals charge $400 a pill, it kills people. When you cut back on safety regulations, it kills people, when you deny climate change, it kills more & more every year. When you allow the chemical companies poison our food supply, it kills peiople.
But hey, point out a few DICTATORS. you know, like what Trump thinks he is & & you tie that in with a panty waisted Republican Congress, it kills people. And when that fat assed orange POS spews his bigoted hate, it gets people killed

So fuck your God Damn stupid fucklimg post.

WTF Is "unfettered capitalism"? Where does this Elvis and Jackie O riding a unicorn exist?

It is what Trump wants. Why do you think he is dumping regulations.
So he did away with all banking regulations?

and you shouldn’t be offended when you’re reminded of that

And it always, always ends up being led by brutal, murdering dictators. So remember that when contemplating the current Socialist Democrat movement. They want to start out with government ruling you to be followed by a dictator.

Socialism has a long, dark history of death and destruction. Because of socialism, over 100-million lives have been extinguished and billions more have been enslaved. Yet there are people who get offended when you remind them of the death and misery socialism has inflicted upon our world.

If there is anything insulting about reminding people of the evils of socialism, it is those who despite its bloody and sinister history, continue to defend and promote this vile ideology as a viable and perfectly acceptable alternative to freedom.

Much more @ Socialism kills and destroys, and you shouldn't be offended when you're reminded of that | Babalú Blog


and this is another example of it:

Western Nicaragua Left without Medical Specialists @ Western Nicaragua Left without Medical Specialists – Havana


There's No Such Thing as 'Democratic Socialism' @

Socialism In Action: Hungry Venezuelans Slaughter Donkeys For Food @ Socialism In Action: Hungry Venezuelans Slaughter Donkeys For Food | Weasel Zippers

Socialism Always ‘Becomes a Big Prison System at the End,’ Albanian Refugee Warns @ Socialism Always ‘Becomes a Big Prison System at the End,’ Albanian Refugee Warns
Given up your socialist Medicare and SS?
Youknow the old joke "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits"
The four reason why socialism doesn't work.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
I guess you returned your SS and Medicare and VA benefits?
The four reason why socialism doesn't work.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
I guess you returned your SS and Medicare and VA benefits?

I am a veteran but I have never gone into a VA facility. Can't stand government health care. I am sure as hell not going to put something as important as health care in the hands of some stupid government bureaucrat whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. That would be stupid, wouldn't it?

A few years ago I had a problem that the VA would have treated for free. Instead of letting those government assholes treat me I paid the two thousand dollar deductible for my private insurance.

The fucking asshole government took 7.5% of the money I made while working and 7.5% of my employers for social security and I will be damn if I will let the butt pirates keep that money. When I get my money back, with the interest I could have accrued, then we will talk about getting out of the program.

However, if you could assure me that my children or my grandchildren would never be burdened with this filthy social security Ponzi scheme I will gladly give up any future claims.
Easy....tell me any country you consider to be a success right now and I'll show you a country that has more "socialism" than we have here.

All the ones with a 229 year old Constitution that have become the wealthiest nation in the history of mankind.

Great point you raise. Shall we start listing out all the elements of our society that are "socialist"?

Yeah go ahead and list all the elements of our economy where we have public ownership of the means of production.....

Once you're done with that perhaps you can quantify all the opportunity costs incurred by government economic interventionism as well as trace the points along the time curve where Americans decided it was a good idea to vote themselves goodies at the expense of future generations and what the net effect has been on the national balance sheet.


"In proportion as you give the state power to do things for you, you give it power to do things to you." -- Albert Jay Nock
Socialism isn’t evil because it turns into murder and economic collapse.

Socialism turns into murder and economic collapse because it is evil.

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