Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?

China should have done different, but I'm asking about our solution for now. Blaming China won't do much to get us through our current problem. How do you propose dealing with our problem today with all those capitalist solutions? Trump already said we would never be a socialist country because socialism is unAmerican. How can we get through this without being unAmerican?

Well let ask China for the solution and have them clean their mess up?

I mean they are not Capitalist, so hey let do as they did, right?

You don't want my answer because it has genocide in it and ending this failed experiment we call humanity!

You sound disoriented. Relax and then read the OP again. This thread is not about China. It's about us.
What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?

Tramp has heeded your very words. Thanks for playing!

China Government thanks you for trying to cover up their failure...

Tramp thanks ewe!!!!

Tell us how China is going to fix what they broke?

You can not blame Trump for China failure to contain the virus or how they lied about it to the WHO and even arrested anyone that told the truth, so how will China fix this issue the caused?

I mean they are not capitalists, so what will they suggest to the World to help stop the spread of the virus they allowed to get out of hand?

Remember when Trump was doing travel bans it was wrong, so tell me what will China do to fix this?

Point out where I blamed tRump, be specific. I simply pointed out he has blamed EVERYONE else and called it a democratic hoax.

Please show me where I blamed tRump!

I am asking you for CHINA GOVERNMENT solutions to how to fix what they broke and told you that you can not blame Trump and Trump is correct the Virus is and it spread is not his fault, so thank you for admitting he is not to blame for that...
What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?

Tramp has heeded your very words. Thanks for playing!

China Government thanks you for trying to cover up their failure...

Tramp thanks ewe!!!!

Tell us how China is going to fix what they broke?

You can not blame Trump for China failure to contain the virus or how they lied about it to the WHO and even arrested anyone that told the truth, so how will China fix this issue the caused?

I mean they are not capitalists, so what will they suggest to the World to help stop the spread of the virus they allowed to get out of hand?

Remember when Trump was doing travel bans it was wrong, so tell me what will China do to fix this?

Point out where I blamed tRump, be specific. I simply pointed out he has blamed EVERYONE else and called it a democratic hoax.

Please show me where I blamed tRump!
that comment just shows how completely ignorant you really are,,,
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?

China should have done different, but I'm asking about our solution for now. Blaming China won't do much to get us through our current problem. How do you propose dealing with our problem today with all those capitalist solutions? Trump already said we would never be a socialist country because socialism is unAmerican. How can we get through this without being unAmerican?

Well let ask China for the solution and have them clean their mess up?

I mean they are not Capitalist, so hey let do as they did, right?

You don't want my answer because it has genocide in it and ending this failed experiment we call humanity!

You sound disoriented. Relax and then read the OP again. This thread is not about China. It's about us.

The thread is about China because it is their fault for why we have this Pandemic, so tell the board what are they doing to fix what they broke?

I mean they are not Capitalists, so what are their solutions?
well lets seee,,,
first off this is a lie and trump never said it,,

and a BIG factor you are leaving out is that the money he wants to hand out was all made in the free market capitalist system,,,,

so a thank you should be in order,,,

and you have also failed to show any socialist system that would have been even close ,,,,

Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.
Tramp has heeded your very words. Thanks for playing!

China Government thanks you for trying to cover up their failure...

Tramp thanks ewe!!!!

Tell us how China is going to fix what they broke?

You can not blame Trump for China failure to contain the virus or how they lied about it to the WHO and even arrested anyone that told the truth, so how will China fix this issue the caused?

I mean they are not capitalists, so what will they suggest to the World to help stop the spread of the virus they allowed to get out of hand?

Remember when Trump was doing travel bans it was wrong, so tell me what will China do to fix this?

Point out where I blamed tRump, be specific. I simply pointed out he has blamed EVERYONE else and called it a democratic hoax.

Please show me where I blamed tRump!

I am asking you for CHINA GOVERNMENT solutions to how to fix what they broke and told you that you can not blame Trump and Trump is correct the Virus is and it spread is not his fault, so thank you for admitting he is not to blame for that...

Never said he was why is he blaming others that are not to blame for it and spreading misinformation?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
not sure what to make fun of you with first,,,your lack of knowledge as to what is right wing in this country or your lack of knowledge that its mostly the free market capitalism that is keeping us alive right now,,,

It's not a stretch to say the right always believes capitalist programs are always better than socialist programs. I'm just asking all those people where is the capital solution to this problem.

Now where have I seen this kind of talk before.....?

View attachment 313409

Wtf is wrong with you?
well lets seee,,,
first off this is a lie and trump never said it,,

and a BIG factor you are leaving out is that the money he wants to hand out was all made in the free market capitalist system,,,,

so a thank you should be in order,,,

and you have also failed to show any socialist system that would have been even close ,,,,

Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.

Then you should have no issue voting for Trump this November seeing he is more Socialist now, right?
Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.
See, that seems to be the difference between the leftists verses the "conservatives" or liberals (libertarians). When a guy purporting to represent the "right" and/or freedom people (liberals like me) does shit that is decidedly NOT liberal, we call them out on it.

No, I do NOT agree with Trump ass-raping the constitution and cutting checks.

Tramp has heeded your very words. Thanks for playing!

China Government thanks you for trying to cover up their failure...

Tramp thanks ewe!!!!

Tell us how China is going to fix what they broke?

You can not blame Trump for China failure to contain the virus or how they lied about it to the WHO and even arrested anyone that told the truth, so how will China fix this issue the caused?

I mean they are not capitalists, so what will they suggest to the World to help stop the spread of the virus they allowed to get out of hand?

Remember when Trump was doing travel bans it was wrong, so tell me what will China do to fix this?

Point out where I blamed tRump, be specific. I simply pointed out he has blamed EVERYONE else and called it a democratic hoax.

Please show me where I blamed tRump!
that comment just shows how completely ignorant you really are,,,

Great argument, keep up the dull work.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
What is your solution BULLDOG
: crickets: from BULLDOG :iyfyus.jpg:

I never claimed to have a solution. I'm just asking if you have any.
China Government thanks you for trying to cover up their failure...

Tramp thanks ewe!!!!

Tell us how China is going to fix what they broke?

You can not blame Trump for China failure to contain the virus or how they lied about it to the WHO and even arrested anyone that told the truth, so how will China fix this issue the caused?

I mean they are not capitalists, so what will they suggest to the World to help stop the spread of the virus they allowed to get out of hand?

Remember when Trump was doing travel bans it was wrong, so tell me what will China do to fix this?

Point out where I blamed tRump, be specific. I simply pointed out he has blamed EVERYONE else and called it a democratic hoax.

Please show me where I blamed tRump!

I am asking you for CHINA GOVERNMENT solutions to how to fix what they broke and told you that you can not blame Trump and Trump is correct the Virus is and it spread is not his fault, so thank you for admitting he is not to blame for that...

Never said he was why is he blaming others that are not to blame for it and spreading misinformation?

Why did China spread misinformation when the virus first started to spread?

If you are upset about Trump comments then maybe you should be more concerned about China and the fact they caused all thos and if he said that ( Trump ) that is not misinformation but fact...

So tell me what is China solution to how to fix what they broke?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
The simple fact that we have the treasury to support our citizens during this crisis is proof capitalism works.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
not sure what to make fun of you with first,,,your lack of knowledge as to what is right wing in this country or your lack of knowledge that its mostly the free market capitalism that is keeping us alive right now,,,

It's not a stretch to say the right always believes capitalist programs are always better than socialist programs. I'm just asking all those people where is the capital solution to this problem.
you need to not only educate yourself to what is right and left in this country,,, but also look around you and see how free market capitalism has been far more benefit that any socialist system EVER COULD,,,

And how will it benefit us against the Corona Virus?
just look around you,,,people have food and medicine which is all produced by capitalism,,,of course we have a supply problem since our two left wing political partys moved it all over to a socialist 3rd world country that is now threatening to with hold it,,, ,,,but hopefully this will show how thats a problem and get it all moved back here

Medical supplies are running short, and capitalism isn't fixing that, so Trump is using the government to make them increase production. That is not capitalism.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
What is your solution BULLDOG
: crickets: from BULLDOG :iyfyus.jpg:
shes here to bash capitalism not promote socialism,,, which is truly sad if you ask me,,,

wrong. I'm here to give capitalists a chance to present their solutions. I haven't seen any yet.
not sure what to make fun of you with first,,,your lack of knowledge as to what is right wing in this country or your lack of knowledge that its mostly the free market capitalism that is keeping us alive right now,,,

It's not a stretch to say the right always believes capitalist programs are always better than socialist programs. I'm just asking all those people where is the capital solution to this problem.
you need to not only educate yourself to what is right and left in this country,,, but also look around you and see how free market capitalism has been far more benefit that any socialist system EVER COULD,,,

And how will it benefit us against the Corona Virus?
just look around you,,,people have food and medicine which is all produced by capitalism,,,of course we have a supply problem since our two left wing political partys moved it all over to a socialist 3rd world country that is now threatening to with hold it,,, ,,,but hopefully this will show how thats a problem and get it all moved back here

Medical supplies are running short, and capitalism isn't fixing that, so Trump is using the government to make them increase production. That is not capitalism.
What kind of payments is the commie Chinese handing out to their subjects?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
What is your solution BULLDOG
: crickets: from BULLDOG :iyfyus.jpg:
shes here to bash capitalism not promote socialism,,, which is truly sad if you ask me,,,

wrong. I'm here to give capitalists a chance to present their solutions. I haven't seen any yet.
Post 66.
well lets seee,,,
first off this is a lie and trump never said it,,

and a BIG factor you are leaving out is that the money he wants to hand out was all made in the free market capitalist system,,,,

so a thank you should be in order,,,

and you have also failed to show any socialist system that would have been even close ,,,,

Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.
its clear youre to ignorant to know thats not socialism,,,so theres nothing I can do to help but only to mock your ignorance,,,

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