Socialism Wan Again!

Kidding aside, this playing the double game that corporations are global but nations, regulations and labor are local works great - for the corporations. If we don't want control on the grand scale, we have to control those who would control us on a grand scale - the mega-international-corporations.

If we want to conserve our identities, customs and rights, it has to be done locally. If we are too liberal towards the spoiled children that run huge enterprises, they will abuse the privilege as all children do.

Why must I explain things to you as one would a child.....

..oh, now I remember.

Corporations are neither evil nor created on some distant planet. They are owned by individuals who may leave the job or sell their participation, stocks, at any time.

An example:
“Exxon Mobil, in fact, is owned mostly by ordinary Americans. Mutual funds, index funds and pension funds (including union pension funds) own about 52 percent of Exxon Mobil’s shares. Individual shareholders, about two million or so, own almost all the rest. The pooh-bahs who run Exxon own less than 1 percent of the company.”

An intelligent person would process the above, and alter their view.
Then, there's you.

Always amazed at how thoroughly immersed you are in Leftist propaganda.

You're funny. Do you really think intelligent, educated and informed persons buy the bullshit you sell? Or don't you care, and only 'speak' to the willfully ignorant or congenitally so.
As usual, once you choose a is self-evident that that is the failing side.

PC, you always choose one side, always. There is a word for you,,,,hypocrite.

It seems I spend half my time educating the kindergarten.

Definition of HYPOCRITE

: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
— hypocrite adjective

Clearly, that doesn't apply to me.

How many languages do you speak?
Why isn't English one of 'em?

You left out this:

Examples of HYPOCRITE

the hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting but who don't always vote themselves
Hypocrite - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That tidbit mirrors you PC . Clearly calling you a hypocrite certainly does apply.
Kidding aside, this playing the double game that corporations are global but nations, regulations and labor are local works great - for the corporations. If we don't want control on the grand scale, we have to control those who would control us on a grand scale - the mega-international-corporations.

If we want to conserve our identities, customs and rights, it has to be done locally. If we are too liberal towards the spoiled children that run huge enterprises, they will abuse the privilege as all children do.

Why must I explain things to you as one would a child.....

..oh, now I remember.

Corporations are neither evil nor created on some distant planet. They are owned by individuals who may leave the job or sell their participation, stocks, at any time.

An example:
“Exxon Mobil, in fact, is owned mostly by ordinary Americans. Mutual funds, index funds and pension funds (including union pension funds) own about 52 percent of Exxon Mobil’s shares. Individual shareholders, about two million or so, own almost all the rest. The pooh-bahs who run Exxon own less than 1 percent of the company.”

An intelligent person would process the above, and alter their view.
Then, there's you.

Always amazed at how thoroughly immersed you are in Leftist propaganda.

You're funny. Do you really think intelligent, educated and informed persons buy the bullshit you sell? Or don't you care, and only 'speak' to the willfully ignorant or congenitally so.

It's always telling when you willfully ignorant or congenitally-so folks comment on a post, but don't comment on the post....only on little ol' moi.

How's this: if you cannot find any error in the post to which you've linked, then how about you admit your ancestors came here just searching for bananas?

PC, you always choose one side, always. There is a word for you,,,,hypocrite.

It seems I spend half my time educating the kindergarten.

Definition of HYPOCRITE

: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
— hypocrite adjective

Clearly, that doesn't apply to me.

How many languages do you speak?
Why isn't English one of 'em?

You left out this:

Examples of HYPOCRITE

the hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting but who don't always vote themselves
Hypocrite - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That tidbit mirrors you PC . Clearly calling you a hypocrite certainly does apply.

Have you done your jog around the mental hospital....the psych-path?

What the heck does voting have to do with me, idiot?

You know whether or not I vote???'re just trying to save face, having misused the word 'hypocrite.'
Too have no 'face.'
Why must I explain things to you as one would a child.....

..oh, now I remember.

Corporations are neither evil nor created on some distant planet. They are owned by individuals who may leave the job or sell their participation, stocks, at any time.

An example:
“Exxon Mobil, in fact, is owned mostly by ordinary Americans. Mutual funds, index funds and pension funds (including union pension funds) own about 52 percent of Exxon Mobil’s shares. Individual shareholders, about two million or so, own almost all the rest. The pooh-bahs who run Exxon own less than 1 percent of the company.”

An intelligent person would process the above, and alter their view.
Then, there's you.

Always amazed at how thoroughly immersed you are in Leftist propaganda.

You're funny. Do you really think intelligent, educated and informed persons buy the bullshit you sell? Or don't you care, and only 'speak' to the willfully ignorant or congenitally so.

It's always telling when you willfully ignorant or congenitally-so folks comment on a post, but don't comment on the post....only on little ol' moi.

How's this: if you cannot find any error in the post to which you've linked, then how about you admit your ancestors came here just searching for bananas?


Bullshit is a concise and clear description of each of your too many threads. They are all the same, kinda a Rush Limbaugh redo, Ain't (Obama, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, etc. awful; Conservatism is the panacea for all that is wrong in the world)

You're a bore, have a boring theme, a childish writing style and always respond to any criticism with a glib form of the ad hominem. Sorry, I know the truth hurts.
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You're funny. Do you really think intelligent, educated and informed persons buy the bullshit you sell? Or don't you care, and only 'speak' to the willfully ignorant or congenitally so.

It's always telling when you willfully ignorant or congenitally-so folks comment on a post, but don't comment on the post....only on little ol' moi.

How's this: if you cannot find any error in the post to which you've linked, then how about you admit your ancestors came here just searching for bananas?


Bullshit is a concise and clear description of each of your too many threads. They are all the same, kinda a Rush Limbaugh redo, Ain't (Obama, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, etc. awful; Conservatism is the panacea for all that is wrong in the world)

You're a bore, have a boring theme, a childish writing style and always respond to any criticism with a glib form of the ad hominem. Sorry, I know the truth hurts.

Watch your gives away your level of education.

Now, then.....which is it?

You can't find any mistakes in the post.....

....or you don't want to admit your ancestors came here in search of bananas????

" ...always respond to any criticism with a glib form of the ad hominem."

Hey.....let's call a spade a spade: they are excellent, pin-point accurate, and imaginative insults.
And, as you have been the well-deserved recipient of some, it explains your pejorative and fallacious accusations.
(Admit it: you love my brilliant OP's...they give you a chance to rant, as above.)

Now, watch:
"Sorry, I know the truth hurts."
The only insult less imaginative than that would be 'I know you are, but what am I."

Let's face it: you're largely....what is the word....oh, yes: stupid.
PoliChic's threads are painfully over- punctuated & numbered. That ALONE leads me to dismiss them. Plus, she often uses zany sources or way too few sources. IOW's- she writes paragraphs like a dictionary entry. Her over-doing it is stereotypical of Orientals..... errr...... I mean Asians. ;) I slipped into my Don Young (R) impersonation :redface: :p
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PoliChic's threads are painfully over- punctuated & numbered. That ALONE leads me to dismiss them. Plus, she often uses zany sources or way too few sources. IOW's- she writes paragraphs like a dictionary entry.

1. "....punctuated & numbered"
How very observant of you!
Good start.

2. "That ALONE leads me to dismiss them."
Ooops...a fib. And you were doing so well up to here.
You strive unsuccessfully to find any errors in same. Sadly, for
you...there never are any.
I picture you dunking for apples, and coming up with a mouth
full of water.....

3."Plus, she often uses zany sources or way too few sources."
How dumb can you be???
You just claimed you dismiss ' you're carefully attempting
to deconstruct them???

4. "...she writes paragraphs like a dictionary entry."
What the heck does that mean??

I once looked you up in the dictionary and found you listed under 'zero.'

5. Did I ever mention another of my gifts?
I can melt ice with my eyes….it takes a few minutes.
Kidding aside, this playing the double game that corporations are global but nations, regulations and labor are local works great - for the corporations. If we don't want control on the grand scale, we have to control those who would control us on a grand scale - the mega-international-corporations.

If we want to conserve our identities, customs and rights, it has to be done locally. If we are too liberal towards the spoiled children that run huge enterprises, they will abuse the privilege as all children do.

Why must I explain things to you as one would a child.....

..oh, now I remember.

Corporations are neither evil nor created on some distant planet. They are owned by individuals who may leave the job or sell their participation, stocks, at any time.

An example:
“Exxon Mobil, in fact, is owned mostly by ordinary Americans. Mutual funds, index funds and pension funds (including union pension funds) own about 52 percent of Exxon Mobil’s shares. Individual shareholders, about two million or so, own almost all the rest. The pooh-bahs who run Exxon own less than 1 percent of the company.”

An intelligent person would process the above, and alter their view.
Then, there's you.

Always amazed at how thoroughly immersed you are in Leftist propaganda.

Ah, 'Chic, your humor is always appreciated. I admit, I almost took you for serious, but then I realized no intelligent person could ever defend the grotesque excesses of crushing, inhuman organizations. And 'evil'! That was good! As if evil had been mentioned or played into the calculation in any way. Your ploy to divert is (almost) beautiful.

Keep it up. As I've said in the past, we luv ya.
So what is this about? England is an above average member of the Union so they have some advantages to quit the team they joined voluntarily?
Kidding aside, this playing the double game that corporations are global but nations, regulations and labor are local works great - for the corporations. If we don't want control on the grand scale, we have to control those who would control us on a grand scale - the mega-international-corporations.

If we want to conserve our identities, customs and rights, it has to be done locally. If we are too liberal towards the spoiled children that run huge enterprises, they will abuse the privilege as all children do.

Why must I explain things to you as one would a child.....

..oh, now I remember.

Corporations are neither evil nor created on some distant planet. They are owned by individuals who may leave the job or sell their participation, stocks, at any time.

An example:
“Exxon Mobil, in fact, is owned mostly by ordinary Americans. Mutual funds, index funds and pension funds (including union pension funds) own about 52 percent of Exxon Mobil’s shares. Individual shareholders, about two million or so, own almost all the rest. The pooh-bahs who run Exxon own less than 1 percent of the company.”

An intelligent person would process the above, and alter their view.
Then, there's you.

Always amazed at how thoroughly immersed you are in Leftist propaganda.

Ah, 'Chic, your humor is always appreciated. I admit, I almost took you for serious, but then I realized no intelligent person could ever defend the grotesque excesses of crushing, inhuman organizations. And 'evil'! That was good! As if evil had been mentioned or played into the calculation in any way. Your ploy to divert is (almost) beautiful.

Keep it up. As I've said in the past, we luv ya.

I always appreciate posts directed to me, that contain the word 'beautiful.'

As for the rest, the blah, blah, blah..... indicates that I proved my point, and you were unable to find a way to confront it, much less rebut it.

In other words, you post is the verbal equivalent of penitential prostration....and duly so.

Carry on.
It seems I spend half my time educating the kindergarten.

Definition of HYPOCRITE

: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
— hypocrite adjective

Clearly, that doesn't apply to me.

How many languages do you speak?
Why isn't English one of 'em?

You left out this:

Examples of HYPOCRITE

the hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting but who don't always vote themselves
Hypocrite - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That tidbit mirrors you PC . Clearly calling you a hypocrite certainly does apply.

Have you done your jog around the mental hospital....the psych-path?

What the heck does voting have to do with me, idiot?

You know whether or not I vote???'re just trying to save face, having misused the word 'hypocrite.'
Too have no 'face.'

Amazing, simply amazing.
PC thinks she is one of the most intelligent posters. When another posters nails her for something, she immediately accuses them of being stupid and in her traditional narcissistic manner let's us know how intelligent she is.
So, Merriam-Webster uses an obvious analogy as an example of being a hypocrite and with her great intelligence, PC doesn't get it! :eusa_whistle:
That's twice in this thread that she is exposed as not quite getting it! :eek: PC is a simple mortal! :lmao:
You left out this:

Examples of HYPOCRITE

the hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting but who don't always vote themselves
Hypocrite - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That tidbit mirrors you PC . Clearly calling you a hypocrite certainly does apply.

Have you done your jog around the mental hospital....the psych-path?

What the heck does voting have to do with me, idiot?

You know whether or not I vote???'re just trying to save face, having misused the word 'hypocrite.'
Too have no 'face.'

Amazing, simply amazing.
PC thinks she is one of the most intelligent posters. When another posters nails her for something, she immediately accuses them of being stupid and in her traditional narcissistic manner let's us know how intelligent she is.
So, Merriam-Webster uses an obvious analogy as an example of being a hypocrite and with her great intelligence, PC doesn't get it! :eusa_whistle:
That's twice in this thread that she is exposed as not quite getting it! :eek: PC is a simple mortal! :lmao:

"When another posters nails her for something,..."


...otherwise I'll immediately accuses you of being stupid....

(I already have my suspicions.)
PoliChic's threads are painfully over- punctuated & numbered. That ALONE leads me to dismiss them. Plus, she often uses zany sources or way too few sources. IOW's- she writes paragraphs like a dictionary entry.

1. "....punctuated & numbered"
How very observant of you!
Good start.

2. "That ALONE leads me to dismiss them."
Ooops...a fib. And you were doing so well up to here.
You strive unsuccessfully to find any errors in same. Sadly, for
you...there never are any.
I picture you dunking for apples, and coming up with a mouth
full of water.....

3."Plus, she often uses zany sources or way too few sources."
How dumb can you be???
You just claimed you dismiss ' you're carefully attempting
to deconstruct them???

4. "...she writes paragraphs like a dictionary entry."
What the heck does that mean??

I once looked you up in the dictionary and found you listed under 'zero.'

5. Did I ever mention another of my gifts?
I can melt ice with my eyes….it takes a few minutes.

Its a hoot reading your tediously & excessively, over-engineered threads based on zany (conservative biased) data :lol: Keep up the good work :razz: :clap2:
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So what is this about? England is an above average member of the Union so they have some advantages to quit the team they joined voluntarily?

Excellent question!
1. "... quit the team they joined voluntarily..."

Can you give a few examples of teams which you joined voluntarily, and were then barred from quitting?

2. The referendum re: joining the EU was held in 1975. Since then the bureaucrats have passes a number of treaties.
No referendums have been allowed by the English officials....
But there have been demands for one.
Now...why do you believe there haven't been any?

3. "David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg have an uphill struggle before any EU referendum according to a poll that says only one in three would vote to stay in the bloc.
The findings, which are likely to spark alarm in pro-European circles, suggest that anti-Brussels sentiment is sweeping through the British public. Given an in-out referendum on EU membership tomorrow, 50 per cent would vote “out” against 33 per cent “in” and 17 per cent who would not vote either way, according to the poll by Harris Interactive for the Financial Times..... The promise of a plebiscite is very popular with the electorate, with 50 per cent supporting the decision and only 21 per cent opposing it.... It would be the first national referendum on Europe since 1975 when Harold Wilson, the Labour prime minister, put membership of the European Economic Community to the public."
Only one in three wants UK to stay in EU -

4. Now...unless you believe it to be over your head....consider the writings of J.L. Talmon:

a. The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

b. “Totalitarian democracy” preaches absolute truth and a messianic vision of a “pre-ordained, harmonious and perfect scheme of things, to which men are irresistibly driven, and at which they are bound to arrive”; its politics is but one aspect of an all-embracing philosophy.

Both “liberal” and “totalitarian” democracy affirm the value of liberty; but for the first, liberty means individual spontaneity, for the second, reconciliation to an absolute, collective purpose—a kind of self-willed slavery, in fact. Both versions of “democracy” arose in the thinking of the 18th-century philosophes, but “liberal democracy” retreated before the bloody attempt to establish the City of God on earth and took refuge in the matter-of-factness of Anglo-American practice, while “totalitarian democracy” culminated eventually in Stalinism.

Get it?

The British folks have the illusion of democracy.....but no referendum.

Sounds like ObamaCare, huh?
Have you done your jog around the mental hospital....the psych-path?

What the heck does voting have to do with me, idiot?

You know whether or not I vote???'re just trying to save face, having misused the word 'hypocrite.'
Too have no 'face.'

Amazing, simply amazing.
PC thinks she is one of the most intelligent posters. When another posters nails her for something, she immediately accuses them of being stupid and in her traditional narcissistic manner let's us know how intelligent she is.
So, Merriam-Webster uses an obvious analogy as an example of being a hypocrite and with her great intelligence, PC doesn't get it! :eusa_whistle:
That's twice in this thread that she is exposed as not quite getting it! :eek: PC is a simple mortal! :lmao:

"When another posters nails her for something,..."


...otherwise I'll immediately accuses you of being stupid....

(I already have my suspicions.)

OMG! Is American slang out of your realm too?
"When another posters nails her for something,..." As caught you being a hypocrite, exposing one of your opinionated facts as just an opinion; etc. Get it?
OK, I'm off to more challenging things. Anyone up for watching grass grow?
Amazing, simply amazing.
PC thinks she is one of the most intelligent posters. When another posters nails her for something, she immediately accuses them of being stupid and in her traditional narcissistic manner let's us know how intelligent she is.
So, Merriam-Webster uses an obvious analogy as an example of being a hypocrite and with her great intelligence, PC doesn't get it! :eusa_whistle:
That's twice in this thread that she is exposed as not quite getting it! :eek: PC is a simple mortal! :lmao:

"When another posters nails her for something,..."


...otherwise I'll immediately accuses you of being stupid....

(I already have my suspicions.)

OMG! Is American slang out of your realm too?
"When another posters nails her for something,..." As caught you being a hypocrite, exposing one of your opinionated facts as just an opinion; etc. Get it?
OK, I'm off to more challenging things. Anyone up for watching grass grow?

So you were lying?

You never had a basis for claiming that I was a hypocrite?

And now, scurrying away with your tail between your legs.


And thank you for coming by....until now, I had never met the result of a first cousin marriage.
PoliChic's threads are painfully over- punctuated & numbered. That ALONE leads me to dismiss them. Plus, she often uses zany sources or way too few sources. IOW's- she writes paragraphs like a dictionary entry.

1. "....punctuated & numbered"
How very observant of you!
Good start.

2. "That ALONE leads me to dismiss them."
Ooops...a fib. And you were doing so well up to here.
You strive unsuccessfully to find any errors in same. Sadly, for
you...there never are any.
I picture you dunking for apples, and coming up with a mouth
full of water.....

3."Plus, she often uses zany sources or way too few sources."
How dumb can you be???
You just claimed you dismiss ' you're carefully attempting
to deconstruct them???

4. "...she writes paragraphs like a dictionary entry."
What the heck does that mean??

I once looked you up in the dictionary and found you listed under 'zero.'

5. Did I ever mention another of my gifts?
I can melt ice with my eyes….it takes a few minutes.

Its a hoot reading your tediously & excessively, over-engineered threads based on zany (conservative biased) data :lol: Keep up the good work :razz: :clap2:

Look who's back....moan of arc

Jealousy is so very hard to hide, and so very an ugly personal character trait.

You poor thing.

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