Socialism will continue to come to a town near you.


Oct 23, 2012
You guys keep complaining about Obama but what are you doing about it? Are you uniting, coming up with alternitives, prodding your so called leaders to act like they know what the f--k is going on? Hillary will be coming next. Another stinking Socialist for 8 more years who wants this country run just like Chavez did his. I might sound a little alarmist but someone shake me and tell me it is just a dream.
I'm not familiar with conservatives being the organizing type. They constantly turn their eyes, heads, and hands to the other guy. The adults constantly kick the can down the road to the next generation.

No worse example of this exists than the situation with Social Security and Medicare. Instead of caring about the children (like they say they do over abortion, family values, and heritage), conservatives simply suck-up to those who failed to keep tabs on politicians and let the government balloon.

We need a third party. Conservatives have dropped the ball.
I'm not familiar with conservatives being the organizing type. They constantly turn their eyes, heads, and hands to the other guy. The adults constantly kick the can down the road to the next generation.

No worse example of this exists than the situation with Social Security and Medicare. Instead of caring about the children (like they say they do over abortion, family values, and heritage), conservatives simply suck-up to those who failed to keep tabs on politicians and let the government balloon.

We need a third party. Conservatives have dropped the ball.



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Maybe socialism is when the government makes us reset our clocks, or maybe when a town decides to create a water department to give its citizens running water?
Let's see if you can tell us what socialism is, without confusing it with Soviet-style communism.

Can you?

You'd be wrong to classify the USSR as communist, given that true communism has never been implemented. You see, true communism doesn't have a monetary system, classes or even a state for that matter.

The Soviets never got past their initial socialist phase and into communism.

Hope this helps to clear things up a bit.
Let's see if you can tell us what socialism is, without confusing it with Soviet-style communism.

Can you?
Socialism is what is USED by Bankers and Government to bring in Communism.

I pass your little test? :D
Socialism is a kind of government that isolates its population from the freedoms that they are born with in order to provide for the population as a whole wherein individuality is not tollerated. It is an ideal wherein all give what they can and take only what they need - with a government to make sure that the rules are adhered to. The problem is that in all cases throughout history the government decides what people need and who those people are. Most often millions are killed to relieve the pressure on vital products and services so that the rest can all be equally poor while the government gets fat.
Socialism is a kind of government that isolates its population from the freedoms that they are born with in order to provide for the population as a whole wherein individuality is not tollerated. It is an ideal wherein all give what they can and take only what they need - with a government to make sure that the rules are adhered to. The problem is that in all cases throughout history the government decides what people need and who those people are. Most often millions are killed to relieve the pressure on vital products and services so that the rest can all be equally poor while the government gets fat.

Excellent post, Paul.

In a nutshell, this is exactly what happens (and has always happened) in a socialist country.

The European countries liberals tend to rave about are really just mixed economies like ours with a bit more control from the state. But they're not examples of socialism.
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I'm not familiar with conservatives being the organizing type. They constantly turn their eyes, heads, and hands to the other guy. The adults constantly kick the can down the road to the next generation.

No worse example of this exists than the situation with Social Security and Medicare. Instead of caring about the children (like they say they do over abortion, family values, and heritage), conservatives simply suck-up to those who failed to keep tabs on politicians and let the government balloon.

We need a third party. Conservatives have dropped the ball.

Rand Paul is probably thinking something similar as a Plan B.
As usual, the dupes don't know what it is. Socialism is always democratic, a fairly regulated capitalism with a good safey net. Communism is an extreme form, no capitalism, a controlled government owned economy, so extreme it's never democratic, always put in by violent revolution and kept in by totalitarianism and secret police.

Chavez gave the poor education, running water, health care, and housing- we're past that at least.
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As usual, the dupes don't know what it is. Socialism is always democratic, a fairly regulated capitalism with a good safey net. Communism is an extrememe form, no capitalism, a controlled government owned economy, so extreme it's never democratic, always put in by violent revolution and kept in by totalitarianism and secret police.

Chavez gave the poor education, running water,health care, and housing- we're past that at least.

Communism cannot have a controlled economy, as it does not have a monetary system. It has no economy. All trading is done via mutual exchanges.

And it's supposed to be the final transitional phase of socialism. And in hour history, no socialist country has successfully reached communism. They've all remained in socialism until they all eventually failed.

I think it's about time you got informed on this, Franco. You always say the same thing in every thread that talks about socialism and it's getting old having to come in and correct you all the time.
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As usual, the dupes don't know what it is. Socialism is always democratic, a fairly regulated capitalism with a good safey net. Communism is an extreme form, no capitalism, a controlled government owned economy, so extreme it's never democratic, always put in by violent revolution and kept in by totalitarianism and secret police.
Communism isn't Democratic? Are you telling us that the Soviet Union didn't have Elections? Local or National? :confused:

America not created by "violent revolution"?
America not have "Secret Police"?

You not read NDAA and Patriot Act.
Balony, they have money in every communist country, and shove Marx's BS- nobody cares what he and Beck think except dupes.

No country has ever been communist. In order for a country to achieve true communism they must abolish social classes, the monetary system and the state. This has never happened.

Socialism is the hypothetical transitional phase from from capitalism into communism. It usually starts out with the proletariat orchestrating a violent revolution against the "burgoise." This is where the oppressive state is born, as the proletariat needs a group to lead their revolution and enforce their rules. The next phase is to confiscate all private property and wealth, only for it to be re-distributed by the state.

What usually happens in the process is that the government officials get rich themselves while keeping the rest of the people living with just their basic necessities met. Anyone who revolts against the government is imprisoned or killed.

This is supposed to be a gradual transition towards communism, where like I said before, social classes, the monetary system and state would be abolished. That's the definitions of communism. A class-less, state-less, money-less society.
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No socialist country has ever evolved into a communist one. Totally discredited original Marxist theory.

Exactly. Because Marx thought the government officials would actually step down from power, and live equally among the rest of the people in the money-less, class-less society they had created. But once in power, they'd never do that. They's just want to get more and more powerful.

The transitional "socialism" phase wasn't designed to be sustainable, which is why all previous socialist countries failed or are on the verge of failure.
"Socialism will continue to come to a town near you." - KudoZ


Ownership as tin God, or with clear responsibilities to communities?
Management with ownership perqs, or closer to labor?
Labor as chattel, or labor as partner?

Public owned water system, or private owned?
Public waste water system or private?
Public hospitals or private?

Justice is for sale; justice is equal access?
Education as right; education as duty?
Citizen soldiers; mercenary military?

Is there going to be a parade or anything? Do you have an ETA?
You guys keep complaining about Obama but what are you doing about it? Are you uniting, coming up with alternitives, prodding your so called leaders to act like they know what the f--k is going on? Hillary will be coming next. Another stinking Socialist for 8 more years who wants this country run just like Chavez did his. I might sound a little alarmist but someone shake me and tell me it is just a dream.

Actually, you just sound ignorant.

No one’s going to take anything you post seriously if you refer to Obama or HRC as ‘socialists.’

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