Socialist Democrats Messing With Tradition Again!!!

Trump should be on the one dollar bill with his tongue stretching around to the back where his daughter's picture appears.
Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

They are going to put Rosa Parks and the back of the bill. lol
The 10 will get a some n!gger woman the 20 is being completely destroyed. Maybe Marx or Stalin or maybe Obama with a halo around his head will grace it. I refuse to use it. Period. I get handed one I will ask for something else.

Get a grip. lol
My grip is just fine. I am curious if my 1 or 3 year old will even know who in the hell Andrew Jackson was by time they start school. If the cultural marxists have their way they won't. Starts with Jackson and then Washington eventually Lincoln for his actual views on slavery and n!ggers and eventually we will have Harvey Milk,Rosa Parks,Karl Marx and Obama on our money!

No, you're only becoming more unhinged. lol.
I thought you home schooled your children?

For the record, the law requires that Washington remain on the dollar bill. I don't see any push to have the law changed either.
Because altering printing presses for coins & template creation is free. Because Congress wasting time to "debate" such nonsense doesn't take time, which of course equals money. Because hiring an artist to create the art for the negative is free. And on & on

Again, our bills are modified quite often. Quit whining because you don't want this particular modification. It won't cost more than all the other changes that have been and will continue to be made.
That are all just as utterly pointless & a waste of money.
If you hire a man to spray your house for bugs & nothing changes as a result, are you going to hire him again?
If so I'll grab a gallon of water, put a "bug poison" sticker on the container & be right over...

I wouldn't call modifications to help protect our money from forgery pointless or a waste of money, and neither did the Department of Treasury back in 1863. The Secret Service was formed to protect our money, and only later tasked with protecting the president. Changes in our bills are easily made. Why don't you quit whining about cost, which isn't really a valid complaint, and just admit you don't like anything this administration might do, especially if it honors a woman?.
I agree with the first part of your statement but not the rest of that nonsense.

You admit that changes are a common occurrence with no notable cost, so why else do you oppose this particular change?
I admit that anti forgery changes & updates are a necessity. I oppose wasting resources for frivolous feel good bullshit. That is not what I pay taxes for.
Oh and it will be illegal to possess,use,trade etc the current currency. The American ISIS terrorists roll along with no one to stop them.

Nope. The current currency will be used until it is retired just like it always has been.
Yo, another reason to Vote Republican!!!

Jackson Gone from 20

View attachment 71727

by BREITBART NEWS16 Apr 20162,393

Kevin Liptak and Antoine Sanfuentes write at CNN Money:

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is expected to announce this week that Alexander Hamilton’s face will remain on the front of the $10 bill and a woman will replace Andrew Jackson on the face of the $20 bill, a senior government source told CNN on Saturday.

Lew announced last summer that he was considering redesigning the $10 bill to include the portrait of a woman. The decision to make the historic change at the expense of Hamilton drew angry rebukes from fans of the former Treasury Secretary. The pro-Hamilton movement gained steam after the smash success of the hip-hop Broadway musical about his life this year.

Those pressures led Lew to determine that Hamilton should remain on the front of the bill. Instead, a mural-style depiction of the women’s suffrage movement — including images of leaders such as Susan B. Anthony — will be featured on the back of the bill.

A Treasury spokesman declined to comment on the pending changes. But Lew hinted that a decision could come this week.

“When we started this conversation not quite a year ago, it wasn’t clear to me that millions of Americans were going to weigh in with their ideas,” he told CNBC. “We’re not just talking about one bill. We’re talking about the $5, the $10, and the $20. We’re not just talking about one picture on one bill. We’re talking about using the front and the back of the bill to tell an exciting set of stories.”

Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

View attachment 71728

Andrew Jackson was one of America's great Presidents.

The Leftists have a long history of hating any and all tradition, it's combined with their general hatred of anything and everything that Western Civilisation has ever stood for, including Western values.
Considering he was a democrat, damn that hurts..
Democrats of today are nothing like back then. Democraps of today sold their souls to commies starting in the '60's.
Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

They are going to put Rosa Parks and the back of the bill. lol
The 10 will get a some n!gger woman the 20 is being completely destroyed. Maybe Marx or Stalin or maybe Obama with a halo around his head will grace it. I refuse to use it. Period. I get handed one I will ask for something else.

Get a grip. lol
My grip is just fine. I am curious if my 1 or 3 year old will even know who in the hell Andrew Jackson was by time they start school. If the cultural marxists have their way they won't. Starts with Jackson and then Washington eventually Lincoln for his actual views on slavery and n!ggers and eventually we will have Harvey Milk,Rosa Parks,Karl Marx and Obama on our money!

If the only thing those kids know about Jackson is that he is on money, his picture alone won't give them much of an education..
Yo, another reason to Vote Republican!!!

Jackson Gone from 20

View attachment 71727

by BREITBART NEWS16 Apr 20162,393

Kevin Liptak and Antoine Sanfuentes write at CNN Money:

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is expected to announce this week that Alexander Hamilton’s face will remain on the front of the $10 bill and a woman will replace Andrew Jackson on the face of the $20 bill, a senior government source told CNN on Saturday.

Lew announced last summer that he was considering redesigning the $10 bill to include the portrait of a woman. The decision to make the historic change at the expense of Hamilton drew angry rebukes from fans of the former Treasury Secretary. The pro-Hamilton movement gained steam after the smash success of the hip-hop Broadway musical about his life this year.

Those pressures led Lew to determine that Hamilton should remain on the front of the bill. Instead, a mural-style depiction of the women’s suffrage movement — including images of leaders such as Susan B. Anthony — will be featured on the back of the bill.

A Treasury spokesman declined to comment on the pending changes. But Lew hinted that a decision could come this week.

“When we started this conversation not quite a year ago, it wasn’t clear to me that millions of Americans were going to weigh in with their ideas,” he told CNBC. “We’re not just talking about one bill. We’re talking about the $5, the $10, and the $20. We’re not just talking about one picture on one bill. We’re talking about using the front and the back of the bill to tell an exciting set of stories.”

Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

View attachment 71728

Andrew Jackson was one of America's great Presidents.

The Leftists have a long history of hating any and all tradition, it's combined with their general hatred of anything and everything that Western Civilisation has ever stood for, including Western values.
Considering he was a democrat, damn that hurts..
Democrats of today are nothing like back then. Democraps of today sold their souls to commies starting in the '60's.
Did they get much?
Why do conservatives get so upset about the idea of putting a woman on our currency? Who gives a flying fuck? I've been to other countries and have seen women on their currency.
its not the having a woman on the currency that is the issue, its the fact that its being done to cater to some worthless group of miscreants again.
as far as the other countries do it BS. Fuck the other countries, take your commie ass and move to them. Consider this, the United States greatest years were when other countries wanted to be like Us. This country didnt start failing until the non bathing freaks of the 60s and 70s started trying to get the U.S to emulate those other countries.

I am a commie because I see nothing wrong with changing our currency?

No you're a commie because your theory is that since other countries do it, its ok for us.

LOL you have no idea what Communism is. You're just an ass clown
Why do conservatives get so upset about the idea of putting a woman on our currency? Who gives a flying fuck? I've been to other countries and have seen women on their currency.
its not the having a woman on the currency that is the issue, its the fact that its being done to cater to some worthless group of miscreants again.
as far as the other countries do it BS. Fuck the other countries, take your commie ass and move to them. Consider this, the United States greatest years were when other countries wanted to be like Us. This country didnt start failing until the non bathing freaks of the 60s and 70s started trying to get the U.S to emulate those other countries.

I am a commie because I see nothing wrong with changing our currency?

No you're a commie because your theory is that since other countries do it, its ok for us.

LOL you have no idea what Communism is. You're just an ass clown
I suggest you at least acquire your GED prior to attempting to discuss politics with adults.
Yo, another reason to Vote Republican!!!

Jackson Gone from 20

View attachment 71727

by BREITBART NEWS16 Apr 20162,393

Kevin Liptak and Antoine Sanfuentes write at CNN Money:

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is expected to announce this week that Alexander Hamilton’s face will remain on the front of the $10 bill and a woman will replace Andrew Jackson on the face of the $20 bill, a senior government source told CNN on Saturday.

Lew announced last summer that he was considering redesigning the $10 bill to include the portrait of a woman. The decision to make the historic change at the expense of Hamilton drew angry rebukes from fans of the former Treasury Secretary. The pro-Hamilton movement gained steam after the smash success of the hip-hop Broadway musical about his life this year.

Those pressures led Lew to determine that Hamilton should remain on the front of the bill. Instead, a mural-style depiction of the women’s suffrage movement — including images of leaders such as Susan B. Anthony — will be featured on the back of the bill.

A Treasury spokesman declined to comment on the pending changes. But Lew hinted that a decision could come this week.

“When we started this conversation not quite a year ago, it wasn’t clear to me that millions of Americans were going to weigh in with their ideas,” he told CNBC. “We’re not just talking about one bill. We’re talking about the $5, the $10, and the $20. We’re not just talking about one picture on one bill. We’re talking about using the front and the back of the bill to tell an exciting set of stories.”

Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

View attachment 71728

why is tradition always good?

some traditions are bad.

jackson was a murderous cretin
Why do conservatives get so upset about the idea of putting a woman on our currency? Who gives a flying fuck? I've been to other countries and have seen women on their currency.
its not the having a woman on the currency that is the issue, its the fact that its being done to cater to some worthless group of miscreants again.
as far as the other countries do it BS. Fuck the other countries, take your commie ass and move to them. Consider this, the United States greatest years were when other countries wanted to be like Us. This country didnt start failing until the non bathing freaks of the 60s and 70s started trying to get the U.S to emulate those other countries.

I am a commie because I see nothing wrong with changing our currency?

No you're a commie because your theory is that since other countries do it, its ok for us.

LOL you have no idea what Communism is. You're just an ass clown
I suggest you at least acquire your GED prior to attempting to discuss politics with adults.

I already have an MBA, thanks
Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

Washington will probably go next. Both Jackson and Washington were slave owners.
And if conservatives aren’t being racists they’re exhibiting their ignorance and stupidity.
and if liberals weren't wringing their hands, they are wetting their panties over some stupid cause, they would have no purpose in life.
You people are in a constant state of misery over minutiae.
It is easy to understand why you libs support the change. That is for the sole purpose of sticking it to tradition and customs.

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