Socialist Democrats Messing With Tradition Again!!!

Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

They are going to put Rosa Parks and the back of the bill. lol
The 10 will get a some n!gger woman the 20 is being completely destroyed. Maybe Marx or Stalin or maybe Obama with a halo around his head will grace it. I refuse to use it. Period. I get handed one I will ask for something else.
Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

They are going to put Rosa Parks and the back of the bill. lol
The 10 will get a some n!gger woman the 20 is being completely destroyed. Maybe Marx or Stalin or maybe Obama with a halo around his head will grace it. I refuse to use it. Period. I get handed one I will ask for something else.

Get a grip. lol
Why do conservatives get so upset about the idea of putting a woman on our currency? Who gives a flying fuck? I've been to other countries and have seen women on their currency.
its not the having a woman on the currency that is the issue, its the fact that its being done to cater to some worthless group of miscreants again.
as far as the other countries do it BS. Fuck the other countries, take your commie ass and move to them. Consider this, the United States greatest years were when other countries wanted to be like Us. This country didnt start failing until the non bathing freaks of the 60s and 70s started trying to get the U.S to emulate those other countries.

I am a commie because I see nothing wrong with changing our currency?

No you're a commie because your theory is that since other countries do it, its ok for us. We were a great nation until the pukes born in the 80s and 90s decided that they wanted everything for free, wanted to exist without working, and all the free drugs they could take.
Evidently you are too young to remember when people actually worked for a living. I know nobody on welfare when I was growing up, nobody on food stamps. Now its almost a badge of honor to have them.
You want to live the life of other countries? move somewhere that the government can be your damn mommy.
Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

They are going to put Rosa Parks and the back of the bill. lol
That was BAD but I lol'd

I am already going to Hell, I might as well enjoy the ride. lol
"Jackson gone from the 20$"

This illustrates well the stupidity common to most on the right, along with their unwarranted fear of change, diversity and dissent.

How pathetic, conservatives threatened by images of women and African-Americans placed on currency, their inane fear that America is no longer a ‘white country,’ and their privileges as white males ‘jeopardized.’

This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
It is actually the opposite. People are 'threatened' by the lack of what they want on the bills and therefore demand change.

This is a display of the ignorance and idiocy of the left and its NEED to change anything and everything weather or not there is a point to it or not.

It would be funny if it were not so pathetic...
Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

They are going to put Rosa Parks and the back of the bill. lol
The 10 will get a some n!gger woman the 20 is being completely destroyed. Maybe Marx or Stalin or maybe Obama with a halo around his head will grace it. I refuse to use it. Period. I get handed one I will ask for something else.
This is not a winning argument. Or rational for that matter.
I thought this was a government wastes thread?
Changing the face on a bill will cost a hell of a lot less than the republicans have wasted on all those useless, non stop investigations that have yet to prove a single thing they wanted to prove.
So you admit it is a waste of resources. That's a start at least.

I admit no such thing. How can it be a waste of money when it cost virtually nothing? Bills are changed all the time as a matter of course. Those massively expensive investigations were a total waste.
Because altering printing presses for coins & template creation is free. Because Congress wasting time to "debate" such nonsense doesn't take time, which of course equals money. Because hiring an artist to create the art for the negative is free. And on & on

Again, our bills are modified quite often. Quit whining because you don't want this particular modification. It won't cost more than all the other changes that have been and will continue to be made.
That are all just as utterly pointless & a waste of money.
If you hire a man to spray your house for bugs & nothing changes as a result, are you going to hire him again?
If so I'll grab a gallon of water, put a "bug poison" sticker on the container & be right over...

I wouldn't call modifications to help protect our money from forgery pointless or a waste of money, and neither did the Department of Treasury back in 1863. The Secret Service was formed to protect our money, and only later tasked with protecting the president. Changes in our bills are easily made. Why don't you quit whining about cost, which isn't really a valid complaint, and just admit you don't like anything this administration might do, especially if it honors a woman?.
Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

They are going to put Rosa Parks and the back of the bill. lol
The 10 will get a some n!gger woman the 20 is being completely destroyed. Maybe Marx or Stalin or maybe Obama with a halo around his head will grace it. I refuse to use it. Period. I get handed one I will ask for something else.
This is not a winning argument. Or rational for that matter.
I thought this was a government wastes thread?

Sadly, it's the only type argument the right is capable of making since they went nuts.
Think about it. Add up all the bills, proposals, time wasted in committee etc. to "discuss or debate" these asinine pointless gestures. Renaming streets & buildings or bridges. It all takes time, which = money spent.
I don't know about you all but when I hire a new carpenter I'm not paying him to waste my time and money debating the merits of my website layout or company logo
There is little point in dwelling of the infinitesimal amount of money spent here. These things happen as a matter of course in large bureaucratic agencies - there are people that have no purpose so there is a need to consistently prove they have a point by making some change or another. Whining about the change itself does not actually address that problem.

It is silly but it really is not costing us any real resources. Those resources would be spent somewhere else and the sheer silliness of this proposal shows that they have nothing productive to spend it on.
So you admit it is a waste of resources. That's a start at least.

I admit no such thing. How can it be a waste of money when it cost virtually nothing? Bills are changed all the time as a matter of course. Those massively expensive investigations were a total waste.
Because altering printing presses for coins & template creation is free. Because Congress wasting time to "debate" such nonsense doesn't take time, which of course equals money. Because hiring an artist to create the art for the negative is free. And on & on

Again, our bills are modified quite often. Quit whining because you don't want this particular modification. It won't cost more than all the other changes that have been and will continue to be made.
That are all just as utterly pointless & a waste of money.
If you hire a man to spray your house for bugs & nothing changes as a result, are you going to hire him again?
If so I'll grab a gallon of water, put a "bug poison" sticker on the container & be right over...

I wouldn't call modifications to help protect our money from forgery pointless or a waste of money, and neither did the Department of Treasury back in 1863. The Secret Service was formed to protect our money, and only later tasked with protecting the president. Changes in our bills are easily made. Why don't you quit whining about cost, which isn't really a valid complaint, and just admit you don't like anything this administration might do, especially if it honors a woman?.
I agree with the first part of your statement but not the rest of that nonsense.
Jackson Gone from 20 - Breitbart

I will fucking REFUSE to use ANY new 20$ bill. I will hoard the REAL 20$ bills. That fucking **** Lew needs to leave shit be. They are removing Jackson because he was a proud white man who took on the jewish establishment and their bank!

They are going to put Rosa Parks and the back of the bill. lol
The 10 will get a some n!gger woman the 20 is being completely destroyed. Maybe Marx or Stalin or maybe Obama with a halo around his head will grace it. I refuse to use it. Period. I get handed one I will ask for something else.

Get a grip. lol
My grip is just fine. I am curious if my 1 or 3 year old will even know who in the hell Andrew Jackson was by time they start school. If the cultural marxists have their way they won't. Starts with Jackson and then Washington eventually Lincoln for his actual views on slavery and n!ggers and eventually we will have Harvey Milk,Rosa Parks,Karl Marx and Obama on our money!
I admit no such thing. How can it be a waste of money when it cost virtually nothing? Bills are changed all the time as a matter of course. Those massively expensive investigations were a total waste.
Because altering printing presses for coins & template creation is free. Because Congress wasting time to "debate" such nonsense doesn't take time, which of course equals money. Because hiring an artist to create the art for the negative is free. And on & on

Again, our bills are modified quite often. Quit whining because you don't want this particular modification. It won't cost more than all the other changes that have been and will continue to be made.
That are all just as utterly pointless & a waste of money.
If you hire a man to spray your house for bugs & nothing changes as a result, are you going to hire him again?
If so I'll grab a gallon of water, put a "bug poison" sticker on the container & be right over...

I wouldn't call modifications to help protect our money from forgery pointless or a waste of money, and neither did the Department of Treasury back in 1863. The Secret Service was formed to protect our money, and only later tasked with protecting the president. Changes in our bills are easily made. Why don't you quit whining about cost, which isn't really a valid complaint, and just admit you don't like anything this administration might do, especially if it honors a woman?.
I agree with the first part of your statement but not the rest of that nonsense.

You admit that changes are a common occurrence with no notable cost, so why else do you oppose this particular change?

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