Socialist Urge Members to Become Teachers

.Get'em Gov Abbot

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018

School lessons on the Alamo should cut 'heroic' description, Texas panel advises

The social studies curriculum for seventh graders in Texas learning about the Alamo could reportedly face some new changes, at least one of which has drawn the ire of the governor.

Removing the word “heroic” to describe those who protected the Alamo was among the items included in a report penned by an advisory panel to the State Board of Education on how to structure the curriculum, Dallas News reported on Friday.

As it stands now, curriculum phrasing of the topic is the “siege of the Alamo and all of the heroic defenders who gave their lives there,” according to the outlet.

However, the word in question was reportedly described as being “value-charged” and the panel has suggested doing away with everything except the “siege of the Alamo.”

School lessons on the Alamo should cut 'heroic' description, Texas panel advises

Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'

Please give me an example of how I could use socialism in an algebra class.

Some of you check under your bed every night for socialist teachers.

I find it amusing the very few liberal teachers I met in my 20+ year career!
Eliminate the algebra class and replace it with diversity training.

Well, except for the fact that we don't do any of that bullshit that people claims happens in every school district across the nation simply because one school district in NYC or California does it in one school.
Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'

Please give me an example of how I could use socialism in an algebra class.

Some of you check under your bed every night for socialist teachers.

I find it amusing the very few liberal teachers I met in my 20+ year career!
/——/ Cortez has a masters in economics but can’t explain simple economic theory thanks to Socialist indoctrination

She's stupid. Your point is?
Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'

Please give me an example of how I could use socialism in an algebra class.

Some of you check under your bed every night for socialist teachers.

I find it amusing the very few liberal teachers I met in my 20+ year career!

I know math teachers that talk politics with their students. Obama supporters all.

Provide their names and e-mail address so we can verify your claim.
Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'

Please give me an example of how I could use socialism in an algebra class.

Some of you check under your bed every night for socialist teachers.

I find it amusing the very few liberal teachers I met in my 20+ year career!
I know math teachers that talk politics with their students. Obama supporters all.

Yeah, bullshit. I would be surprised if you knew any teachers.

I teach at private school dummy.

Proof it!
Please give me an example of how I could use socialism in an algebra class.

Some of you check under your bed every night for socialist teachers.

I find it amusing the very few liberal teachers I met in my 20+ year career!
I know math teachers that talk politics with their students. Obama supporters all.

Yeah, bullshit. I would be surprised if you knew any teachers.
I teach at private school dummy.

What the hell could you teach, 1st grade math at best.
Political Science. :finger3:

LOL You have never posted anything to suggest you've taken and passed Poli Sci 101.
Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'

Troll ^^^

Hate, fear and lies are all the current crop of conservatives have. Read any list of new posts, and the same liars and conspiracy actors appear ad nausea.
/----/ "Hate, fear and lies are all the current crop of conservatives have."
True, we hate Communist and Radical Islamist.
We fear a Nanny State
But I can't seem to find these lies you accuse us of. Please provide some examples with proof. TIA
The RED SCARE became obsolete this year in Helsinki; now we are faced with the hate and fear for SOCIALISM!

When will the Obama haters, and those who hate Democrats, liberals and progressives, begin to offer substantive, thoughtful and thought provoking threads and posts?

Hate and Fear and personal attacks have become the genre of the few, the loud and the ignorant.
The act to defame public education is focused on creating a new generation indoctrinated in the Ministry of Truth, where only the Big Brother tells the truth and curiosity is a sin.
Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'
They've already infiltrated our schools. Are they are going to be ousted and defunded. People are taking their kids out of public schools and the federal funding is going away.
They should Kosher gal...they should. Public schools are an indoctrination center for our youth. Very 1984 Orwell.
The act to defame public education is focused on creating a new generation indoctrinated in the Ministry of Truth, where only the Big Brother tells the truth and curiosity is a sin.
Central state and Big Brother loves public schools. You are one ignorant individual. People who don’t like public government controlled schools promote individual liberty.
Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'
They've already infiltrated our schools. Are they are going to be ousted and defunded. People are taking their kids out of public schools and the federal funding is going away.

You must be very stupid or very naive. The only other explanation is you are in the employ of the deep state, that cabal seeking to destroy Democracy in America.
Had I kids these days, I wouldn't let them anywhere near a public school classroom.
I'm sure public schools everywhere would thank you.
I’m sure parents who have kids at my school thank me. My kids will exceed public school kids. They will take conservative values with them...fight for those values on campus...and enter politics. This is the push back against liberal indoctrination in public schools.
Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'
They've already infiltrated our schools. Are they are going to be ousted and defunded. People are taking their kids out of public schools and the federal funding is going away.

You must be very stupid or very naive. The only other explanation is you are in the employ of the deep state, that cabal seeking to destroy Democracy in America.
You support the federal government over individual liberties?

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