Socialist Urge Members to Become Teachers

I find it amusing the very few liberal teachers I met in my 20+ year career!
Never been to Chicago have you?
CTU stages anti-Trump demonstrations at schools throughout Chicago
How About All Those High-School Walk-Outs
The Very Morning After Hillary's Defeat

Start 'Em Young
The Younger The Better
Children Changing the World
They'll Never Know The Difference
Like Our Dear Admiral

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.”

― Vladimir Lenin
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It's important to vet who gets elected to the local school board, people. However boring it might be, it's important.
It's important to vet who gets elected to the local school board, people. However boring it might be, it's important.
William Ayers Sits On A Board
That Sets Curricula For 100's Of School Districts

Wasting their time. Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist.
Knowles: Dem Socialists Pushing to Infiltrate Schools Because 'They Can't Win in the Battle of Ideas'
" Most public school teachers, especially AFT and NEA members are already socialist."

LOL! Says Bush92. You watched it. You think it. You post it. And therefore it is so. That link proves absolutely nothing about your OP except that Fox "News" is complete BS.
Erinwltr said:
You think it. You post it. And therefore it is so. That link proves absolutely nothing about your OP except that Fox "News" is complete BS.
You think it. You post it. And therefore it is so....
The act to defame public education is focused on creating a new generation indoctrinated in the Ministry of Truth, where only the Big Brother tells the truth and curiosity is a sin.

You just described the Democrat Party.

Bullshit. I just described your post. ...

How, specifically? Of course you will duck this question.

Because there is zero specificity in you comment about the Democratic Party. BTW, it was the conservatives who tried to pack local school boards to indoctrinate children into their form of religiosity.

For the record, on the issue of public education I have made my positions clear, as well as my position on private schools. As a deputy I spend some time on Middle and High School Campuses, and as a parent I volunteered at the elementary school.

If you'd like, start a thread on Public Education, give your reasoning and I'll respond with mine.
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The act to defame public education is focused on creating a new generation indoctrinated in the Ministry of Truth, where only the Big Brother tells the truth and curiosity is a sin.

You just described the Democrat Party.

Bullshit. I just described your post. ...

How, specifically? Of course you will duck this question.

Because there is zero specificity in you comment about the Democratic Party. BTW, it was the conservatives who tried to pack local school boards to indoctrinate children into their form of religiosity.

Would that recent generations had been trained to some sort of moral code rather than encouraged to follow one of their own devise. A code that worked was removed and replaced with nothing.

The results clearly tell.
Had I kids these days, I wouldn't let them anywhere near a public school classroom.

I'm sorry you feel that way, Billy. The truth is that the current situation in public schools are not the fault of the teachers. It's been State Legislatures and the Courts that have created the current situation and most teachers work hard to continue to educate students in spite of that they are forced to do.

Public school teachers teach what they are told to teach. They may well not like it, but they will protect their jobs.

Public school teachers ARE given curriculum by their States that must be adhered to, yes. But, most present it in a way that allows students to make up their own minds.
The act to defame public education is focused on creating a new generation indoctrinated in the Ministry of Truth, where only the Big Brother tells the truth and curiosity is a sin.

You just described the Democrat Party.

Bullshit. I just described your post. ...

How, specifically? Of course you will duck this question.

Because there is zero specificity in you comment about the Democratic Party. ....

The democrat party, since its inception and to this day, has always been about silencing dissent, controlling people, and forcing whatever might be its current beliefs. The democrat party has never been open to 'diversity' of thought or deed.

Start with slavery and the horrific amount of death they were willing to accept to defend their evil institution.

Follow with the Black Codes, poll testing, the KKK, and complete resistance to any advancements in Civil Rights for a very long time.

Look at the democrat party today. How do they treat a bernie sanders who is not 'orthodox' DNC enough? I think you remember.

Got some questions about 'Global Warming?' Want to look at the facts and have a discussion about it? You don't believe in science, you think the earth is flat, you hate education!

Think something should be done to prevent Social Security from going bankrupt? You want to push old ladies in wheel chairs off a cliff!

Stop being a block-headed fucking hypocrite.
... it was the conservatives who tried to pack local school boards to indoctrinate children into their form of religiosity.......

Which local school boards? Where? In liberal states? Liberal localities? There are lots of "forms of religiosity."

Stop being a fucking hypocrite.
Do many educators lean left? Yes, but not as many as you might think, and most have no particular interest in talking about politics with their colleagues, let alone their students. Working through all of the material to be covered in a given marking period, maintaining communication with parents, devoting extra time to giving extra help to their students (or often the students of other teachers), correcting work, organizing paperwork and documentation, and the millions of other things teachers must do does not allow much time for chatting about personal political views whatever they may be or whoever may hold them.

Believe it or not, teachers are focused on teaching. All this nonsense about "indoctrination" is a load of BS.

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