Societal realignment? Are politics driving this new ‘push’ found in ad campaigns?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
You know I'm a leftie I presume. I won't pretend the gay/trans/minority acceptance thing isn't being shoved down our throats to some extent. It's particularly annoying when it's present in an otherwise good series or movie that seems to feel the need to make a political statement.
Sure seems like it. Judging by the commercials alone the black race is truly over represented remember they are only 13% of the population but you would never guess that from the commercials.

Exactly...what happened to the paramount importance of EQUAL REPRESENTATION that we always hear Dems throwing around?
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Ask Mac about it.

But, yes, they are trying to undermine white-only families. Not for any race reason, but as part of the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism.

We are at war, and they deny it.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Anyone running commercials wants to make money selling whatever. They must have determined that sells.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Anyone running commercials wants to make money selling whatever. They must have determined that sells.

Haha...I seriously doubt that.
The Democrats with the help of Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the Google faggots have issued the programming...they’ve made the rules crystal clear for companies haven’t they...follow the guidelines OR ELSE! Ain’t that right?
I've noticed... but...since I don't watch the commercials...and I don't buy their stuff...I suspect it has nothing to do with me. I'm not the target audience.

Honestly, when was the last time you bought something due to a commercial?

But...if it bothers you...go out of your way not to buy whatever they're selling.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
The bad stuff started a couple of decades ago when Ads starting depicting every man as a bumbling idiot who could not tie his own shoe laces or mow the lawn. And the wife was the logical smarting savior coming to his rescue. In recent years even black guys are depicted as such.
You don't see commercials like this anymore.

There are certainly much more commercials depicting the interracial stuff. However, as it relates to white men, they marry out much more to E. Asian and Hispanic women, not black women. Although most IR depictions are WM and BW (not including BM and WW). I don't have a problem with IR relationships. I do have a problem with mass immigration for the purpose of changing the demographics of the USA.

Sometimes I watch British programming from there (not American broadcasts of British shows) so you get British commercials. You would think everyone is in an IR marriage it is absurd.
I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Search for black married couples.

black married couples.jpg

Search for white married couples.

white married couples.jpg
Most people I ask have noticed and many believe it is some kind of social programming.

I've tried to find some reasonable explanation involving demographics, or sales techniques, anything that could indicate that this type of advertising is effectively selling the product or service advertised.

A first I thought that they were just casting as wide a net as possible, or that they are targeting a specific market in urban areas, or trying to be inclusive by not leaving anyone out, but none of these possibilities pan out for me. They are not representing an accurate minority percentage of the US population, even ignoring larger ethnic groups like Asians and Latinos. Plus, the groups they focus on are not accurately portrayed.

The African American demographic they over represent in advertising is most often presented like they were an upwardly mobile nuclear white family. I'm not saying that black people only live in impoverished slums and have no upward mobility, but it seems like there aren't even a lot of white folks that live like WASPs or Yuppies these days, much less the majority of African American consumers.

So I come to the conclusion that it is some kind of programming directed mostly at whites, but blacks as well, to the exclusion of other minorities.

When I lived in the Detroit area there were commercials for places like Church's Fried Chicken or White Castle restaurants that were aimed at the African American demographic and it wasn't played up like only professional black folks with money to burn were being targeted. Being in Detroit back in the day, that seemed natural and totally excepted.
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I’ve noticed there are very few commercials depicting couples and or families as an all Caucasian unit while there are many depicting all minority couples and or family units.
There are suddenly tons of ads featuring homosexuality and transgendered folks.
I can’t help but wonder, is there a societal realignment being pushed and how driven by politics is this push?
Search for black married couples.

View attachment 456238

Search for white married couples.

View attachment 456240
Most people I ask have noticed and many believe it is some kind of social programming.

I've tried to find some reasonable explanation involving demographics, or sales techniques, anything that could indicate that this type of advertising is effectively selling the product or service advertised.

A first I thought that they were just casting as wide a net as possible, or that they are targeting a specific market in urban areas, or trying to be inclusive by not leaving anyone out, but none of these possibilities pan out for me. They are not representing an accurate minority percentage of the US population, even ignoring larger ethnic groups like Asians and Latinos. Plus, the groups they focus on are not accurately portrayed.

The African American demographic they over represent in advertising is most often presented like they were an upwardly mobile nuclear white family. I'm not saying that black people only live in impoverished slums and have no upward mobility, but it seems like there aren't even a lot of white folks that live like WASPs or Yuppies these days, much less the majority of African American consumers.

So I come to the conclusion that it is some kind of programming directed mostly at whites, but blacks as well, to the exclusion of other minorities.
Asians and hispanics seem way under represented.

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