SOCON overrepresentation in GOP tent explained

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Lets face it, the rich guys who the GOP represents are NOT, by and large, SOCONS :eusa_pray: . Its a necessary, cringe worthy, alliance so that Koch/Heritage can get their zany policies (deregulation & lower taxes on rich guys) through. They make people get real concerned about, say, a gay couple down the street so that the guys :up: w/ 7 offshore bank accts don't get noticed ;) SOCONs are basically "the shiny object" to take attention away from the fact that the people the GOP REALLY represent are selling the low-information, SOCON voters down the river.

How shameless Christian con artists took over the GOP
Republicans are no longer just cribbing their political ideology from fundamentalist Christianity. Increasingly, conservative politicians are abandoning the basic task of representing the interests of their voters and instead are exploiting their voters in the same way televangelists and other fundamentalist charlatans exploit the true believers that come to them looking for spiritual salvation.


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