Sodom and Gomorrah

Nice avoid for the: is it a muslim nation question.
Double talk on the moral issues. One post: it is between the two of you, no one else Next post: well of course that was what I meant

Totally off in the weeds, now....

Yes, laws are all "stupid" to people that do not want to obey them. Maybe all people don't have the same "morals", and the Lord gave them ones that they could live by, first written in stone, and then onto men's hearts (that internal guide you tout). Prohibition was just an especially obvious example.

I can't take the morals of a God seriously who can't condemn- in fact condones- slavery and genocide, but goes all apeshit about gay sex and eating shrimp...

Maybe the lesson of Lot and his daughters was that you should not get "shit-faced" even with people you think you can trust. But I do enjoy how people that are so open to every kind of evil are so judgemental of the weak in the Bible.

The lesson is that the God of the Bible is an asshole, not worthy of anyone's worship. Kill the babies, save the daughter pimping and raping Lot, because he was "righteous". (Except for the time he offered his daughters up for gang rape and had sex with them himself.)

There are lessons in the Bible of the rewards the Lord gives as well, but hey, maybe you skipped over those parts. He made the universe. He made the physical laws. He made the variety of life on this planet. He took the Hebrews as His chosen people, protected, and punished them. His son died that any, ANY that wished to live, could do so. He taught us how to live, peacefully. He will bless us if we believe in Him.

Would you like to tell me what makes you an "authority"? Can you tell me what great things you have done? You are looking awful small, just now.
There are lessons in the Bible of the rewards the Lord gives as well, but hey, maybe you skipped over those parts. He made the universe. He made the physical laws. He made the variety of life on this planet. He took the Hebrews as His chosen people, protected, and punished them. His son died that any, ANY that wished to live, could do so. He taught us how to live, peacefully. He will bless us if we believe in Him.

Would you like to tell me what makes you an "authority"? Can you tell me what great things you have done? You are looking awful small, just now.

What make me an authority is that I exist and can make comments.

God doesn't and can't. I can call God a silly Invisible Sky Pixie, and he can't come on here and refute it. Because he's not an USMB member... Or something.

The lesson of the bible is the ancient Hebrews were savage, backward stupid people who survived just long enough to inflict a book of stupidity on the rest of the world. And that's about it.
Should I take a picture of a muslim in front of the temple mount and declare them "Jewish". You remind me of my brother that would tell a fantastic story, and then ask you if you wanted to see a "prop" (an item described in the story) so you would believe him. Didn't answer any of those questions demonstrating Hitler's Christianity, though.

I thought it answered it pretty well. Hitler was a great friend to the Churches in Germany, and vice-versa. The Pope signed treaties with Hilter's regime and was very friendly to him all through the war.

How are Jews doing in islamic countries today?
Jews did well where ever they were (the Bible says that the places they dwell will be blessed because of them if they are treated well, or cursed if they are not treated well), until corruption moved into the government. Once that happened, the government that had paid the Jews, fairly, for work perfomed, wanted the money back. The corrupt government would use violence to get it.
I am really enjoying your jumping around 1400 years of islamic insanity to try to defend that "religion of peace". Still won't talk about the present threat or violence being done daily by the "faithful" of islam. Seriously, the "moors". If the moors were so great, why did the people absolutely reject them, and as soon as they had the means, booted them out of Europe? If they converted to Christianity, they were allowed to stay (why do you think that was done?).

You mean, why torture a person into accepting your faith? So if Muslim tortures you into praying to Allah, you'd be totally good with that.

I think ALL religions are wrong, all of them are stupid, (except the Mormons, who are really, really, stupid) and don't defend any of them.

But our problem with Islam is political, not religious.
There are lessons in the Bible of the rewards the Lord gives as well, but hey, maybe you skipped over those parts. He made the universe. He made the physical laws. He made the variety of life on this planet. He took the Hebrews as His chosen people, protected, and punished them. His son died that any, ANY that wished to live, could do so. He taught us how to live, peacefully. He will bless us if we believe in Him.

Would you like to tell me what makes you an "authority"? Can you tell me what great things you have done? You are looking awful small, just now.

What make me an authority is that I exist and can make comments.

God doesn't and can't. I can call God a silly Invisible Sky Pixie, and he can't come on here and refute it. Because he's not an USMB member... Or something.

The lesson of the bible is the ancient Hebrews were savage, backward stupid people who survived just long enough to inflict a book of stupidity on the rest of the world. And that's about it.

That is as I thought. You have NO AUTHORITY. You just like to spew. Sad really, that all you can offer the world is bitterness and insults.
Should I take a picture of a muslim in front of the temple mount and declare them "Jewish". You remind me of my brother that would tell a fantastic story, and then ask you if you wanted to see a "prop" (an item described in the story) so you would believe him. Didn't answer any of those questions demonstrating Hitler's Christianity, though.

I thought it answered it pretty well. Hitler was a great friend to the Churches in Germany, and vice-versa. The Pope signed treaties with Hilter's regime and was very friendly to him all through the war.

How are Jews doing in islamic countries today?
Jews did well where ever they were (the Bible says that the places they dwell will be blessed because of them if they are treated well, or cursed if they are not treated well), until corruption moved into the government. Once that happened, the government that had paid the Jews, fairly, for work perfomed, wanted the money back. The corrupt government would use violence to get it.
I am really enjoying your jumping around 1400 years of islamic insanity to try to defend that "religion of peace". Still won't talk about the present threat or violence being done daily by the "faithful" of islam. Seriously, the "moors". If the moors were so great, why did the people absolutely reject them, and as soon as they had the means, booted them out of Europe? If they converted to Christianity, they were allowed to stay (why do you think that was done?).

You mean, why torture a person into accepting your faith? So if Muslim tortures you into praying to Allah, you'd be totally good with that.

I think ALL religions are wrong, all of them are stupid, (except the Mormons, who are really, really, stupid) and don't defend any of them.

But our problem with Islam is political, not religious.

Hitler sacked the churches when his source of easy money ran out (the Jews). The Pope had people to defend (no saying he was right), and probably signed treaties to protect them.

I believe that the moors were allowed to choose: leave or convert (you can't say the Christians and Jews in the ME have that choice) to Christianity (no tortue involved). And yes I am aware that Christians, after getting that great example of how to conquer lands from the moors did torture people in the new lands they wanted to conquer.

And yet you bash Christianity with far more venom than you do islam, have you ever considered that you might have a demon? They hated Christ, also.
Hitler sacked the churches when his source of easy money ran out (the Jews). The Pope had people to defend (no saying he was right), and probably signed treaties to protect them.

Bullshit. The Hitler was so in bed with the Pope he might have tripped over the altar boys on the way out.

I believe that the moors were allowed to choose: leave or convert (you can't say the Christians and Jews in the ME have that choice) to Christianity (no tortue involved). And yes I am aware that Christians, after getting that great example of how to conquer lands from the moors did torture people in the new lands they wanted to conquer.

There are Christian communities in the Middle East to this very day... And, yes, the Spanish Inquisition DID torture people. Are you like some kind of retard or something?

And yet you bash Christianity with far more venom than you do islam, have you ever considered that you might have a demon? They hated Christ, also.

Muslims aren't trying to impose their stupidity on me. Christians are.

I just sent the demon out for beer. He'd better bring back my change.
Hitler sacked the churches when his source of easy money ran out (the Jews). The Pope had people to defend (no saying he was right), and probably signed treaties to protect them.

Bullshit. The Hitler was so in bed with the Pope he might have tripped over the altar boys on the way out.

I believe that the moors were allowed to choose: leave or convert (you can't say the Christians and Jews in the ME have that choice) to Christianity (no tortue involved). And yes I am aware that Christians, after getting that great example of how to conquer lands from the moors did torture people in the new lands they wanted to conquer.

There are Christian communities in the Middle East to this very day... And, yes, the Spanish Inquisition DID torture people. Are you like some kind of retard or something?

And yet you bash Christianity with far more venom than you do islam, have you ever considered that you might have a demon? They hated Christ, also.

Muslims aren't trying to impose their stupidity on me. Christians are.

I just sent the demon out for beer. He'd better bring back my change.

Those Christians in the ME are being persecuted and in many cases, slaughtered.

The inquistition: (from New World Encyclopedia) The Inquisition, as a tribunal dealing with religious heresy, had jurisdiction only over baptized Christians. During a large part of its history, however, freedom of religion did not exist in Spain or its territories, so in practice the Inquisition had jurisdiction over all royal subjects. Between 3000 to 5000 people died during the Inquisition's 350 years, but debate continues about the extent of and nature of atrocities committed and about the number of victims.

Again you look awful small. Islam matched that on 9/11 (that isn't counting how many times it matched/topped those deaths across 14 centuries of butchery (but hey, you keep defending them).

Islam is intent on forcing the entire world to convert to islam (or be killed or subjugated). I guess you don't count that as "stupidity".
[I have heard of that massacre. One in two centuries versus several a week, yep, that makes them just alike (not saying the Mountain Meadows Massacre was not completely evil). Just pointing out how you continue to pretend the system of evil, islam (not the spiritual beliefs, the Shariah that holds people hostage to the most ruthless, the "spiritual" leader), where the people that are being oppressed will be murdered if they disagree with what the "spiritual" leader says, where most people do not read the quran and must rely on others interpretations (even if they did read it and see how false it was, based on Biblical time lines, they would not be able to say anything for fear of death of their loved ones or themselves). How brave of you to mock the Lord while cowering from Allah and islam. Your posts imply that you believe islam to have more integrity that Christianity, yet, you choose to live in a Christian majority society. Why do you think you have not "chosen" to move to a muslim society and all that entails?

I consider both religions equally bad, equally capable of evil. All spiritual systems are based on beleiving in magic sky men whose will must be obeyed, no matter how ridiculous. The only reason Christian society isn't as "savage" as Islamic is because we are well-fed, comfortable, and most so-called Christians are truly ignorant of the messed up stuff that is in their bible.

As to why I choose to live here...

1) English is my language and American is my nationality.
2) This is a secular society, not a Christian one.

Your comment about "virgins" shows your ignorance. Do some research.

"Gott Mit Uns" was a tool to manipulate Eastern Europe. It was not the predominate reason for Hitler's army. Hitler was into the Lord about as much as Jim Jones or Charles Manson (both of them used references to the Lord to "brainwash" people also, and were probably big fans of Hitler's, not so much fans of the Lord) was. Islam declares it is about the truth, but when they speak about political and religious matters, the truth is rarely stated (except when the Palestinians declare they want EVERY Jew murdered, and then people like you say, yeah, that's okay because about one thousand years ago, some Christians made some stupid moves too). One of the "lessons learned" about WWII, was that everyone swore that "it will NEVER happen again". Open your eyes, it is happening again, and the atheists are willing dupes to the persecution of Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Christians by muslims world-wide. I have no idea why you can't see that when islam destroys one nationality, race, religious group, it will not move on to the next weakest group, until it has all peoples oppressed. But, by all means, keep up your selective bashing of "religion", while ignoring the true threat to liberty and freedom (hint: it is not what people believe in their hearts).

You are guilty of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy here. Hitler couldn't have been a Christian because he engaged in behavior you didn't like.

But look, idiot, the only reason why we have a problem with Islam is because we've invaded their countries, they haven't invaded ours in decades. They had to drive the Europeans out in the early part of this century, and now we support awful governments to keep our appetite for oil flowing.

As for the Israelis- they stole their land. They want it back. Why is this my problem again?

Got it: parents are just as bad as pedophiles.
Can you show me where Hitler wrote prayers (like many of the founders of this nation)?
Can you show me where Hitler attended church? Can you name Hitler's spritual leader? Can you show me Hitler's worn Bible?

Islam has been a home of terrorists since its inception. It has invaded other countries and peoples to convert, murder or subjugate for over 1400 years (including Israel). Are Navy was formed to stop islamic pirates over 200 years ago. But by all means, sing kumbaya with them.
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
-Hitler (Mein Kampf)
Hitler's work of the Lord only agrees with Biblical scripture:
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
-Colossians 3:17
I consider both religions equally bad, equally capable of evil. All spiritual systems are based on beleiving in magic sky men whose will must be obeyed, no matter how ridiculous. The only reason Christian society isn't as "savage" as Islamic is because we are well-fed, comfortable, and most so-called Christians are truly ignorant of the messed up stuff that is in their bible.

As to why I choose to live here...

1) English is my language and American is my nationality.
2) This is a secular society, not a Christian one.

Your comment about "virgins" shows your ignorance. Do some research.

You are guilty of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy here. Hitler couldn't have been a Christian because he engaged in behavior you didn't like.

But look, idiot, the only reason why we have a problem with Islam is because we've invaded their countries, they haven't invaded ours in decades. They had to drive the Europeans out in the early part of this century, and now we support awful governments to keep our appetite for oil flowing.

As for the Israelis- they stole their land. They want it back. Why is this my problem again?

Got it: parents are just as bad as pedophiles.
Can you show me where Hitler wrote prayers (like many of the founders of this nation)?
Can you show me where Hitler attended church? Can you name Hitler's spritual leader? Can you show me Hitler's worn Bible?

Islam has been a home of terrorists since its inception. It has invaded other countries and peoples to convert, murder or subjugate for over 1400 years (including Israel). Are Navy was formed to stop islamic pirates over 200 years ago. But by all means, sing kumbaya with them.
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
-Hitler (Mein Kampf)
Hitler's work of the Lord only agrees with Biblical scripture:
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
-Colossians 3:17

Thank you for your post, but no where in the NT does it tell Christians to murder Jews. Hitler used the Lord in the same way that Charles Manson did: he manipulated the Lord's word to convince the "ignorant" (Biblically) to do his bidding. Being aware of the Lord and reading the Bible does not make you Christian. Accepting that you are a person and Yeshua is Lord, and that you need His love and mercy (genuinely, ask Him into your heart), is the only way that a person can become a Christian. Also, you can be a Christian and "choose" to turn away from Christ (in the NT, this is described as worse than not believing at all).
Thank you for your post, but no where in the NT does it tell Christians to murder Jews. Hitler used the Lord in the same way that Charles Manson did: he manipulated the Lord's word to convince the "ignorant" (Biblically) to do his bidding. Being aware of the Lord and reading the Bible does not make you Christian. Accepting that you are a person and Yeshua is Lord, and that you need His love and mercy (genuinely, ask Him into your heart), is the only way that a person can become a Christian. Also, you can be a Christian and "choose" to turn away from Christ (in the NT, this is described as worse than not believing at all).

Ah, the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy...

As they say, demons and Satan know God is real, and Christ the savior.

But they won't be in heaven. Because they reject Him.
As they say, demons and Satan know God is real, and Christ the savior.

But they won't be in heaven. Because they reject Him.

One more time- A god who tortures people for all eternity for not believing in him isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

At least in this one you dont mix your catholic with your baptist cammmpbell, i mean joe.
As they say, demons and Satan know God is real, and Christ the savior.

But they won't be in heaven. Because they reject Him.

What about all the Buddhists, Hindus and Jews who don't necessarily recognize Christ as the Savior, yet all have a pretty strong connection to God.

Do all those people get tossed out as well? If so, the God you believe in is kinda wasteful, I mean.......creating all those people just to throw them away.
As they say, demons and Satan know God is real, and Christ the savior.

But they won't be in heaven. Because they reject Him.

One more time- A god who tortures people for all eternity for not believing in him isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

At least in this one you dont mix your catholic with your baptist cammmpbell, i mean joe.

Now, you see, guy, this is what the idiots on TH did.

I'd have to be really inventive to come up with totally different writing styles, wouldn't I?
As they say, demons and Satan know God is real, and Christ the savior.

But they won't be in heaven. Because they reject Him.

What about all the Buddhists, Hindus and Jews who don't necessarily recognize Christ as the Savior, yet all have a pretty strong connection to God.

Do all those people get tossed out as well? If so, the God you believe in is kinda wasteful, I mean.......creating all those people just to throw them away.

I'm not sure, I haven't spent a lot of time on the fates of those of other religions yet; I've been focusing on getting it straight for myself and trusting God to know what he's doing. I have been focusing on doing what I'm supposed to instead of worrying about whether or not good people of other faiths will make it to heaven. I think there are some who believe the unsaved who have never been exposed will have an opportunity to achieve salvation, at the end. I don't know if that is biblically sound or not.
One more time- A god who tortures people for all eternity for not believing in him isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

At least in this one you dont mix your catholic with your baptist cammmpbell, i mean joe.

Now, you see, guy, this is what the idiots on TH did.

I'd have to be really inventive to come up with totally different writing styles, wouldn't I?

:lol: that's the thing Joe you never switch it up GUY:lol:
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Right now there is some poor bastard on an island sonewhere that a missionary attempted to convert to Christianity.
And he never understood the language as he worshiped "Wilson", the volleyball that washed up ashore 17 years ago.
Christians claim he is going to hell as they proclaim him not only a poor bastard but also a sorry bastard sinner.
Fucked up logic.
As they say, demons and Satan know God is real, and Christ the savior.

But they won't be in heaven. Because they reject Him.

What about all the Buddhists, Hindus and Jews who don't necessarily recognize Christ as the Savior, yet all have a pretty strong connection to God.

Do all those people get tossed out as well? If so, the God you believe in is kinda wasteful, I mean.......creating all those people just to throw them away.

I'm not sure, I haven't spent a lot of time on the fates of those of other religions yet; I've been focusing on getting it straight for myself and trusting God to know what he's doing. I have been focusing on doing what I'm supposed to instead of worrying about whether or not good people of other faiths will make it to heaven. I think there are some who believe the unsaved who have never been exposed will have an opportunity to achieve salvation, at the end. I don't know if that is biblically sound or not.

Why not? Afraid of what you might find?

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