Soft-on-Crime libs pissed at Walmart for closing stores in high crime inner cities

Well, be a dear and quote the know the part where it says... "it's because of dembot policies that cost them money due to the fact larceny goes unpunished"

Betcha won't. Because you can't.

PS: Here is the part where you act sanctimonious and say you don't have time to quote Was Mart when you clearly have nothing but time.
I didn't quote that from the statement...I said that.

Wal-Mart was nicer by highlighting how they couldn't make a profit for 17 years and tried to work with local leaders. I do have time, I read the statement. Did you?
I have a dream....

I wish we had the guts, as a society, to buy an African shithole that we could use as a trash can into which we could drop our human garbage.

Then we could strip these shitbags of their American citizenship, send them off to the shithole, and never allow them to return to our country.

Like I said, it's my dream...

Africans in Europe are not bad like here. DEMS kill countries, destroying everything they put a hand on, example: entire race of Black citizens turned into a 50 yr drain on society.

The phony "R" in DC go along with it all. "R" in AZ GA MI WI PA laid down like dead dogs and allowed 2020/2022 Election Fraud.
No kidding.

Still no quote from Walmart to back up your statement.


The only thing that is telling is your disingenuous bullshit.

But, you are a paid chinese stooge, so it stands to reason.

The facts are simple. Walmart closes shops down all the time. Almost always to relocate to a larger location. In Portland they have LEFT the marketplace entirely. The same is happening in shitcagoland.

Care to tell us the common thread between them?
The only thing that is telling is your disingenuous bullshit.

But, you are a paid chinese stooge, so it stands to reason.

The facts are simple. Walmart closes shops down all the time. Almost always to relocate to a larger location. In Portland they have LEFT the marketplace entirely. The same is happening in shitcagoland.

Care to tell us the common thread between them?
Chinese? LOL.

Wow should really learn to channel you rage better.

I have a dream....

I wish we had the guts, as a society, to buy an African shithole that we could use as a trash can into which we could drop our human garbage.

Then we could strip these shitbags of their American citizenship, send them off to the shithole, and never allow them to return to our country.

Like I said, it's my dream...

This topic kind of reminds me of something years ago. We had a closed up convenience store that some Arab family rented to open up one of their own. It was a two minute walk from my house and I went there very often to buy beer. I got to know the people there pretty well.

One evening I went there and seen the cops inside. When they left I asked the clerk what was going on. He told me some guy walked in, took some cigarettes that were on a display holder on the counter, and just left. The police told him if he comes back, give them a call and they will kick him out of the store.

He said when he got to this country and started working, he was amazed at the amount of theft here, but after he learned how we handle things like that, it was no surprise. His grandmother even said we have more theft in one week in our little suburb than the entire middle-east has in a year.

He said "where I'm from, if you get caught stealing anything, off comes your hand, and not in a hospital ether. If you get caught stealing again, off comes the other hand. There is no third time."

I'm not suggesting we have our police cutting people's hands of for stealing a pen and pencil set, just pointing out how every problem has a solution if you're willing to implement harsh penalties for committing crime.
No kidding.

Still no quote from Walmart to back up your statement.

The rare press release is linked in the article in the OP

" As we looked for solutions, it became even more clear that for these stores, there was nothing leaders could do to help get us to the point where they would be profitable." - ie dembot leadership would not undo their policies...
That said I never hear tell of the likes of Walmart and other stores raising hell with the city where the legal looting of their stores take place, nor bank rolling local political hopefuls that could help stop it.

They are a large International company. What are they going to do, make changes in every major city in the US and most small ones?

Naw, as a company they have always been rather apolitical. As they should be. And if things are hostile, then just leave there.

First Portland, now Chicago.
They are a large International company. What are they going to do, make changes in every major city in the US and most small ones?

Naw, as a company they have always been rather apolitical. As they should be. And if things are hostile, then just leave there.

First Portland, now Chicago.
you nailed it.
I'm not suggesting we have our police cutting people's hands of for stealing a pen and pencil set, just pointing out how every problem has a solution if you're willing to implement harsh penalties for committing crime.

And not even "harsh", just realistic.

This is not universal everywhere, but the largest cities tend to be in states that have gone "over the edge" into electing DAs that are soft on crime. And it is even worse if they are in a state that has also gone soft on crime. Hence, steal $950 and you get a ticket. Get caught 20 times stealing $950, and you still just get a ticket. Get caught stealing $950 for the 100th time, yet another ticket.

And in the end, attempting to "punish" most for "minor crimes" is basically no more effective than this.

And not even "harsh", just realistic.

This is not universal everywhere, but the largest cities tend to be in states that have gone "over the edge" into electing DAs that are soft on crime. And it is even worse if they are in a state that has also gone soft on crime. Hence, steal $950 and you get a ticket. Get caught 20 times stealing $950, and you still just get a ticket. Get caught stealing $950 for the 100th time, yet another ticket.

And in the end, attempting to "punish" most for "minor crimes" is basically no more effective than this.

It's not just stores like Wal-Mart...but companies like Tyson, McDonalds Corp offices, Caterpillar, and Boeing moving offices out of places like Chicago....they simply don't want to risk their employees lives living in demafascist run shit holes.

'City is in crisis': McDonald's CEO sounds the alarm over crime in Chicago​

Crime is "seeping into every corner of our city," Kempczinski said during an event at the Economic Club of Chicago Wednesday.

"Everywhere I go, I'm confronted by the same question these days - what's going on in Chicago? While it may wound our civic pride to hear it, there is a general sense out there that our city is in crisis."
The rare press release is linked in the article in the OP

" As we looked for solutions, it became even more clear that for these stores, there was nothing leaders could do to help get us to the point where they would be profitable." - ie dembot leadership would not undo their policies...
So nothing about crime, shoplifting or "dem bot" policies. You made all that up. I blame Jewish space lasers myself.
So nothing about crime, shoplifting or "dem bot" policies. You made all that up. I blame Jewish space lasers myself.
um...I quoted them saying it was dembot policies. Now they are kind enough not to call them dembots...but local leaders are dembots, and have been in Chicago for decades
um...I quoted them saying it was dembot policies. Now they are kind enough not to call them dembots...but local leaders are dembots, and have been in Chicago for decades

" As we looked for solutions, it became even more clear that for these stores, there was nothing leaders could do to help get us to the point where they would be profitable." Nothing about "dem bot" policies regarding crime. You lied.
It's not just stores like Wal-Mart...but companies like Tyson, McDonalds Corp offices, Caterpillar, and Boeing moving offices out of places like Chicago....they simply don't want to risk their employees lives living in demafascist run shit holes.

There are plenty of areas where crime is still taken seriously, even when Democrats run it. So obviously that is not the actual problem.

However, I do tend to believe the larger cities are more likely to have "drunk the kool-aid" and turned soft on crime, therefore enabling such behavior.

" As we looked for solutions, it became even more clear that for these stores, there was nothing leaders could do to help get us to the point where they would be profitable." Nothing about "dem bot" policies regarding crime. You lied.
um the leaders were dembots you idiot...who do you think has been running Chicago for decades?

yes, it became clear they were unwilling to do anything to help the Wal-mart had to bail. Congrats
um the leaders were dembots you idiot...who do you think has been running Chicago for decades?

yes, it became clear they were unwilling to do anything to help the Wal-mart had to bail. Congrats
Again...nothing about "crime" from Wal Mart. You're simply making shit up.

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