Solar Irradiance in a nose-dive...

Now what would happen if we introduced a good sized volcanic eruption?
I am working on a phone through a slow connection and am unable to post graphics. But I suggest anyone worried about this "nosedive" to Google SORCE TSI and have a look at the long term data posted right next to the cherrypicked crap Billy Bob has found. There have been a dozen such "nosedives" in the 11 year life of the SORCE spacecraft, many of them several TIMES as deep as the current dip, they all recovered immediately and none had ANY effect on temperature
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I am working on a phone through a slow connection and am unable to post graphics. But I suggest anyone worried about this "nosedive" to Google SORCE TSI and have a look at the long term data posted right next to the cherrypicked crap Billy Bob has found. There have been a dozen such "nosedives" in the 11 year life of the SORCE spacecraft, many of them several TIMES as deep as the current dip, they all recovered immediately and none had ANY effect on temperature
Ahhhh... NO!

Funny you should note that SOURCE is just 11 years old. Other methods of TSI reconstruction have been in use for far longer..

Oh, You can keep laughing at yourself, its amusing to watch a fool be a fool.

Can you guess the last time we were at 1360W/m^2 and how long in duration it lasted? (You will also note the step down prior to the base cooling of the LIA. there were three steps down during the cooling phase. we have already had one in 1998 which is not yet represented in the reconstruct. Statistical averaging is not yet done in this region)

It coincides with the LIA and a 4 deg C drop in global average temperature.

The other item of note is strength of the solar cycle is now on the cooling side and has been for about 20 years in correlation with the pause and global cooling that is occurring today. (of course you all wouldn't know this due to the government and CAGW nutters falsifying the global temp records)
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Just when you thought it couldn't get stranger, Solar Irradiance has dropped to 1360.0 W/m^2. a full drop of 1.4 W/m^2 in just three days.


Confirmed with the SOURCE project that it is not a sensor malfunction and that it is a massive drop that is continuing to drop. The drop in TSI is substantial when you consider that just a 1.5W/m^2 will result in a 2 to 4 deg C drop on earth in rather short order.. They are hopeful that this is a short term drop and when the sun spots return to the face so will TSI.

These types of drops have been very rarely recorded with major sun spots and if they persist long enough it could result in an ice age.

This drop is different than previous ones, which were much smaller and were very short in duration...

Going to be watching this one with great interest... How low will it go and for how long..??

But but but but but depending on how and when and where you measure, the Arctic has "warmed" from -35 to -34.2!!!

Oh, the humanity!!!
So, it appears Billy is not going to explain why the earth didn't freeze or even stop warming during any of the many previous little blips like this. He's just doing that "deny the real evidence exists" thing which has earned Deniers their name.

Deniers have been predicting this imminent ice age for 40 years now. Instead, it just keeps warming strongly. But like all the other doomsday cults, the deniers persist. IceAgeJesus is returning soon, and the heretics will be sorry they doubted.
Context of where it's at..


Cycle 23 and 24 are still a dead-on for a Solar Minimum.. The monthly variations are higher near cycle peaks. So that TSI number is not as bad as it looks.

But we are near solar siesta time Amigos.. 'Bout to get a dose of climate reality -- I think.. The big Agriculture folks are starting to take this seriously.. Gonna see the Futures markets start to price this in...


This is getting a whole lot of attention from a whole lot of people. (its lost on the MSM) One of the folks from the French solar team was asking about what to do if they loose one month of growing season and what foods could they potentially produce. There is some real concern about what is occurring.

If this is a step down in solar output and a long term event it will most certainly be a rude awakening..for a lot of people.
So, it appears Billy is not going to explain why the earth didn't freeze or even stop warming during any of the many previous little blips like this. He's just doing that "deny the real evidence exists" thing which has earned Deniers their name.

Deniers have been predicting this imminent ice age for 40 years now. Instead, it just keeps warming strongly. But like all the other doomsday cults, the deniers persist. IceAgeJesus is returning soon, and the heretics will be sorry they doubted.

Where did you ever get the idea that "the Earth didn't stop warming during previous Solar Minimums"?? And exactly WHO is confusing a Solar Minimum to an Ice Age??

You're wasting time here Squidward..
Now what would happen if we introduced a good sized volcanic eruption?

You'll have about 22 years for that to contribute to the cooling. It's a shorter term effect. USUALLY !!
22 years is long enough to regen a bunch of Arctic ice AND suck some of that "hidden" GW out of Davy Jone's lockerroom..
But the sun doesn't have anything to do with the climate....the experts have told us and the science is settled.

How many times have we been below 1360? Well, by YOUR source, since 2004, a dozen times.
Had ol' Silly Billy been posting in Jan 04, he would have had to clean his pants. Clear down to 1357. And, since then, we have had 2005, 2010, 2014, 2015. My goodness, Silly Billy, how did that happen?

How many times have we been below 1360? Well, by YOUR source, since 2004, a dozen times.

Not surprisingly... Due to your Can'tReadaGraph syndrome, you picked the wrong time frame and context to see what the fuss is all about. Also probably need to switch variables and look at the radio astronomy and other direct activity measurements like sunspot counts.

But if THAT means something to you -- then Bless your Little Heart.. :coffee:

Clue --- you're not likely to see any real change in the TSI baseline until you are way INTO the event.. And nobody really knows if all the variance in TSI is even predictive of a solar minimum. We've not MEASURED one ever before..
Now Mr. Flacaltenn, are you stating that Silly Billy's cherry picked data is what you want to go with?

How many times have we been below 1360? Well, by YOUR source, since 2004, a dozen times.

Not surprisingly... Due to your Can'tReadaGraph syndrome, you picked the wrong time frame and context to see what the fuss is all about. Also probably need to switch variables and look at the radio astronomy and other direct activity measurements like sunspot counts.

But if THAT means something to you -- then Bless your Little Heart.. :coffee:

Clue --- you're not likely to see any real change in the TSI baseline until you are way INTO the event.. And nobody really knows if all the variance in TSI is even predictive of a solar minimum. We've not MEASURED one ever before..

You're a fucking idiot if you're joining up with this crew. Do YOU really think the sun is shutting down? Do YOU really think we're starting a snowball Earth RIGHT NOW? I suspect you're not that stupid. Then why pretend that you are? The data I posted came from the same source as the OP. They were right next to each other and display the exact same parametersh the only difference was the time scale. And since the OP and its denier entourage made claims about the behavior of those parameters over time, it's the perfect fucking response and YOU'RE the fucking graph idiot here.

LOL....the climate crusading crazies jump right out of their socks when somebody suggests the sun has an effect on the earths climate!!:coffee:Seen it in this forum many, many times. And notice.....its the same 2 or 3 people whose heads explode. talk about stoopid................that's extraordinary levels of duh.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

How the Sun Affects Climate: Solar and Milankovitch Cycles - Windows to the Universe

To the climate k00ks, the sun doesn't even exist. It cant. Acknowledging it decimates their narrative.:spinner:
Here is one of the most prominent experts in the world on climate change.........has asked to speak in front of Congress many times.........speaking here to the natural processes on climate change, which the climate religion does not want to acknowledge. They reject it totally.....and how fucking stoopid is that? Her point is......we have no idea "to what extent" human activity is causing climate change. To this point, there is zero proof of anything.........we need more data.............duh

This video is Ted Cruz make this guy look like a total jackass trying to defend the Sierra Club's position on global warming. When confronted about satellite data over the last 18 years, the man has NO ANSWER...........sits there with his thumb up his ass!!!

Where did you ever get the idea that "the Earth didn't stop warming during previous Solar Minimums"??

"Solar Minimums"? I thought we we talking about a little downward blip caused by a large sunspot rotating into an earth-facing position. Even the people at WUWT say that's what's happening.

And exactly WHO is confusing a Solar Minimum to an Ice Age?

Obviously you are, being you're the only one here confusing a short-term downward blip with a "solar minimum".

You're wasting time here Squidward..

Indeed. If you fail this hard at the basics, there's not much point in discussing it with you.

SORCE is going to show TSI back up next week, as the large sunspot rotates away from earth-facing. (Their current published data only goes up to Apr. 14.) Billy and the other deniers, after looking like morons, will simply pretend this episode of stupidity never happened, which will allow them to move on to some new stupidity.
Where did you ever get the idea that "the Earth didn't stop warming during previous Solar Minimums"??

"Solar Minimums"? I thought we we talking about a little downward blip caused by a large sunspot rotating into an earth-facing position. Even the people at WUWT say that's what's happening.

And exactly WHO is confusing a Solar Minimum to an Ice Age?

Obviously you are, being you're the only one here confusing a short-term downward blip with a "solar minimum".

You're wasting time here Squidward..

Indeed. If you fail this hard at the basics, there's not much point in discussing it with you.

SORCE is going to show TSI back up next week, as the large sunspot rotates away from earth-facing. (Their current published data only goes up to Apr. 14.) Billy and the other deniers, after looking like morons, will simply pretend this episode of stupidity never happened, which will allow them to move on to some new stupidity.

The twist is a dance first dubbed by a black singer in the 50's. Dam you guys do it well. I pointed out correlation and potential causation, but because you all are so invested in the AGW crap, you fail to see the forest through the trees...

Amazing you offer up no other evidence but are quick to personally attack.. Your desperation is well established.

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